Exemple #1
// Hit Testing
bool RenderRegion::hitTestContents(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction action)
    if (!isValid() || action != HitTestForeground)
        return false;

    LayoutRect boundsRect = borderBoxRectInRegion(locationInContainer.region());
    if (visibleToHitTesting() && locationInContainer.intersects(boundsRect)) {
        if (m_flowThread->hitTestFlowThreadPortionInRegion(this, flowThreadPortionRect(), flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(), request, result,
            locationInContainer, LayoutPoint(accumulatedOffset.x() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), accumulatedOffset.y() + borderTop() + paddingTop())))
            return true;

    return false;
MouseRelatedEvent::MouseRelatedEvent(const AtomicString& eventType, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, EventTarget* relatedTarget,
    RawPtr<AbstractView> abstractView, int detail, const IntPoint& screenLocation,
    const IntPoint& rootFrameLocation, const IntPoint& movementDelta, PlatformEvent::Modifiers modifiers,
    double platformTimeStamp, PositionType positionType, InputDeviceCapabilities* sourceCapabilities)
    : UIEventWithKeyState(eventType, canBubble, cancelable, relatedTarget, abstractView, detail, modifiers, platformTimeStamp, sourceCapabilities)
    , m_screenLocation(screenLocation)
    , m_movementDelta(movementDelta)
    , m_positionType(positionType)
    LayoutPoint adjustedPageLocation;
    LayoutPoint scrollPosition;

    LocalFrame* frame = view() && view()->isLocalDOMWindow() ? toLocalDOMWindow(view())->frame() : nullptr;
    if (frame && hasPosition()) {
        if (FrameView* frameView = frame->view()) {
            scrollPosition = frameView->scrollPosition();
            adjustedPageLocation = frameView->rootFrameToContents(rootFrameLocation);
            float scaleFactor = 1 / frame->pageZoomFactor();
            if (scaleFactor != 1.0f) {
                adjustedPageLocation.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
                scrollPosition.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);

    m_clientLocation = adjustedPageLocation - toLayoutSize(scrollPosition);
    m_pageLocation = adjustedPageLocation;

    // Set up initial values for coordinates.
    // Correct values are computed lazily, see computeRelativePosition.
    m_layerLocation = m_pageLocation;
    m_offsetLocation = m_pageLocation;

    m_hasCachedRelativePosition = false;
Exemple #3
bool EllipsisBox::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineBottom)
    LayoutPoint adjustedLocation = accumulatedOffset + roundedLayoutPoint(topLeft());

    // Hit test the markup box.
    if (InlineBox* markupBox = this->markupBox()) {
        RenderStyle* style = m_renderer->style(isFirstLineStyle());
        LayoutUnit mtx = adjustedLocation.x() + m_logicalWidth - markupBox->x();
        LayoutUnit mty = adjustedLocation.y() + style->fontMetrics().ascent() - (markupBox->y() + markupBox->renderer()->style(isFirstLineStyle())->fontMetrics().ascent());
        if (markupBox->nodeAtPoint(request, result, locationInContainer, LayoutPoint(mtx, mty), lineTop, lineBottom)) {
            renderer()->updateHitTestResult(result, locationInContainer.point() - LayoutSize(mtx, mty));
            return true;

    LayoutRect boundsRect(adjustedLocation, LayoutSize(m_logicalWidth, m_height));
    if (visibleToHitTestRequest(request) && boundsRect.intersects(HitTestLocation::rectForPoint(locationInContainer.point(), 0, 0, 0, 0))) {
        renderer()->updateHitTestResult(result, locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(adjustedLocation));
        if (!result.addNodeToRectBasedTestResult(renderer()->node(), request, locationInContainer, boundsRect))
            return true;

    return false;
Exemple #4
RenderRegion* RenderFlowThread::mapFromFlowToRegion(TransformState& transformState) const
    if (!hasValidRegionInfo())
        return 0;

    LayoutRect boxRect = transformState.mappedQuad().enclosingBoundingBox();

    // FIXME: We need to refactor RenderObject::absoluteQuads to be able to split the quads across regions,
    // for now we just take the center of the mapped enclosing box and map it to a region.
    // Note: Using the center in order to avoid rounding errors.

    LayoutPoint center = boxRect.center();
    RenderRegion* renderRegion = regionAtBlockOffset(isHorizontalWritingMode() ? center.y() : center.x(), true);
    if (!renderRegion)
        return 0;

    LayoutRect flippedRegionRect(renderRegion->flowThreadPortionRect());

    transformState.move(renderRegion->contentBoxRect().location() - flippedRegionRect.location());

    return renderRegion;
VisiblePosition RenderSVGText::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& pointInContents, const RenderRegion* region)
    RootInlineBox* rootBox = firstRootBox();
    if (!rootBox)
        return createVisiblePosition(0, DOWNSTREAM);


    InlineBox* closestBox = downcast<SVGRootInlineBox>(*rootBox).closestLeafChildForPosition(pointInContents);
    if (!closestBox)
        return createVisiblePosition(0, DOWNSTREAM);

    return closestBox->renderer().positionForPoint(LayoutPoint(pointInContents.x(), closestBox->y()), region);
PositionWithAffinity RenderSVGText::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& pointInContents)
    RootInlineBox* rootBox = firstRootBox();
    if (!rootBox)
        return createPositionWithAffinity(0, DOWNSTREAM);


    InlineBox* closestBox = toSVGRootInlineBox(rootBox)->closestLeafChildForPosition(pointInContents);
    if (!closestBox)
        return createPositionWithAffinity(0, DOWNSTREAM);

    return closestBox->renderer().positionForPoint(LayoutPoint(pointInContents.x(), closestBox->y()));
Exemple #7
void SliderThumbElement::setPositionFromPoint(const LayoutPoint& point)
    HTMLInputElement* input = hostInput();

    if (!input->renderer() || !renderer())

    LayoutPoint offset = roundedLayoutPoint(input->renderer()->absoluteToLocal(point, false, true));
    bool isVertical = hasVerticalAppearance(input);
    LayoutUnit trackSize;
    LayoutUnit position;
    LayoutUnit currentPosition;
    // We need to calculate currentPosition from absolute points becaue the
    // renderer for this node is usually on a layer and renderBox()->x() and
    // y() are unusable.
    LayoutPoint absoluteThumbOrigin = renderBox()->absoluteBoundingBoxRect().location();
    LayoutPoint absoluteSliderContentOrigin = roundedLayoutPoint(input->renderer()->localToAbsolute());
    if (isVertical) {
        trackSize = input->renderBox()->contentHeight() - renderBox()->height();
        position = offset.y() - renderBox()->height() / 2;
        currentPosition = absoluteThumbOrigin.y() - absoluteSliderContentOrigin.y();
    } else {
        trackSize = input->renderBox()->contentWidth() - renderBox()->width();
        position = offset.x() - renderBox()->width() / 2;
        currentPosition = absoluteThumbOrigin.x() - absoluteSliderContentOrigin.x();
    position = max<LayoutUnit>(0, min(position, trackSize));
    if (position == currentPosition)

    StepRange range(input);
    double fraction = static_cast<double>(position) / trackSize;
    if (isVertical || !renderBox()->style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
        fraction = 1 - fraction;
    double value = range.clampValue(range.valueFromProportion(fraction));

    // FIXME: This is no longer being set from renderer. Consider updating the method name.
bool RenderLineBoxList::rangeIntersectsRect(RenderBoxModelObject* renderer, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit logicalBottom, const LayoutRect& rect, const LayoutPoint& offset) const
    RenderBox* block;
    if (renderer->isBox())
        block = toRenderBox(renderer);
        block = renderer->containingBlock();
    LayoutUnit physicalStart = block->flipForWritingMode(logicalTop);
    LayoutUnit physicalEnd = block->flipForWritingMode(logicalBottom);
    LayoutUnit physicalExtent = absoluteValue(physicalEnd - physicalStart);
    physicalStart = min(physicalStart, physicalEnd);
    if (renderer->style()->isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        physicalStart += offset.y();
        if (physicalStart >= rect.maxY() || physicalStart + physicalExtent <= rect.y())
            return false;
    } else {
        physicalStart += offset.x();
        if (physicalStart >= rect.maxX() || physicalStart + physicalExtent <= rect.x())
            return false;
    return true;
void RenderEmbeddedObject::paintSnapshotImage(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, Image* image)
    LayoutUnit cWidth = contentWidth();
    LayoutUnit cHeight = contentHeight();
    if (!cWidth || !cHeight)

    GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;
    LayoutSize contentSize(cWidth, cHeight);
    LayoutPoint contentLocation = location() + paintOffset;
    contentLocation.move(borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), borderTop() + paddingTop());

    LayoutRect rect(contentLocation, contentSize);
    IntRect alignedRect = snappedIntRect(rect);
    if (alignedRect.width() <= 0 || alignedRect.height() <= 0)

    bool useLowQualityScaling = shouldPaintAtLowQuality(context, image, image, alignedRect.size());
    ImageOrientationDescription orientationDescription(shouldRespectImageOrientation());
    context->drawImage(image, style().colorSpace(), alignedRect, ImagePaintingOptions(orientationDescription, useLowQualityScaling));
Exemple #10
void RenderFrameSet::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    if (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseForeground)
    RenderObject* child = firstChild();
    if (!child)

    LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintOffset + location();

    size_t rows = m_rows.m_sizes.size();
    size_t cols = m_cols.m_sizes.size();
    LayoutUnit borderThickness = frameSet()->border();
    LayoutUnit yPos = 0;
    for (size_t r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
        LayoutUnit xPos = 0;
        for (size_t c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
            child->paint(paintInfo, adjustedPaintOffset);
            xPos += m_cols.m_sizes[c];
            if (borderThickness && m_cols.m_allowBorder[c + 1]) {
                paintColumnBorder(paintInfo, pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + xPos, adjustedPaintOffset.y() + yPos, borderThickness, height())));
                xPos += borderThickness;
            child = child->nextSibling();
            if (!child)
        yPos += m_rows.m_sizes[r];
        if (borderThickness && m_rows.m_allowBorder[r + 1]) {
            paintRowBorder(paintInfo, pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y() + yPos, width(), borderThickness)));
            yPos += borderThickness;
bool LineBoxList::hitTest(LineLayoutBoxModel layoutObject, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction hitTestAction) const
    if (hitTestAction != HitTestForeground)
        return false;

    ASSERT(layoutObject.isLayoutBlock() || (layoutObject.isLayoutInline() && layoutObject.hasLayer())); // The only way an inline could hit test like this is if it has a layer.

    // If we have no lines then we have no work to do.
    if (!firstLineBox())
        return false;

    LayoutPoint point = locationInContainer.point();

    CullRect cullRect(firstLineBox()->isHorizontal() ?
        IntRect(point.x(), point.y() - locationInContainer.topPadding(), 1, locationInContainer.topPadding() + locationInContainer.bottomPadding() + 1) :
        IntRect(point.x() - locationInContainer.leftPadding(), point.y(), locationInContainer.rightPadding() + locationInContainer.leftPadding() + 1, 1));

    if (!anyLineIntersectsRect(layoutObject, cullRect, accumulatedOffset))
        return false;

    // See if our root lines contain the point.  If so, then we hit test
    // them further.  Note that boxes can easily overlap, so we can't make any assumptions
    // based off positions of our first line box or our last line box.
    for (InlineFlowBox* curr = lastLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->prevLineBox()) {
        RootInlineBox& root = curr->root();
        if (rangeIntersectsRect(layoutObject, curr->logicalTopVisualOverflow(root.lineTop()), curr->logicalBottomVisualOverflow(root.lineBottom()), cullRect, accumulatedOffset)) {
            bool inside = curr->nodeAtPoint(result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, root.lineTop(), root.lineBottom());
            if (inside) {
                layoutObject.updateHitTestResult(result, locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(accumulatedOffset));
                return true;

    return false;
Exemple #12
void RenderRegion::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    // Delegate painting of content in region to RenderFlowThread.
    if (!m_flowThread || !isValid())

    if (Frame* frame = this->frame()) {
        if (Page* page = frame->page())
            page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, paintInfo.rect);

    m_flowThread->paintIntoRegion(paintInfo, this, LayoutPoint(paintOffset.x() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), paintOffset.y() + borderTop() + paddingTop()));
Exemple #13
VisiblePosition RenderSVGText::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& pointInContents, const RenderRegion* region)
    RootInlineBox* rootBox = firstRootBox();
    if (!rootBox)
        return createVisiblePosition(0, DOWNSTREAM);


    InlineBox* closestBox = toSVGRootInlineBox(rootBox)->closestLeafChildForPosition(pointInContents);
    if (!closestBox)
        return createVisiblePosition(0, DOWNSTREAM);

    return closestBox->renderer().positionForPoint(LayoutPoint(pointInContents.x(), closestBox->y()), region);
Exemple #14
VisiblePosition RenderSVGText::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& pointInContents)
    RootInlineBox* rootBox = firstRootBox();
    if (!rootBox)
        return createVisiblePosition(0, DOWNSTREAM);


    InlineBox* closestBox = static_cast<SVGRootInlineBox*>(rootBox)->closestLeafChildForPosition(pointInContents);
    if (!closestBox)
        return createVisiblePosition(0, DOWNSTREAM);

    return closestBox->renderer()->positionForPoint(LayoutPoint(pointInContents.x(), closestBox->y()));
void LayoutSliderContainer::layout()
    HTMLInputElement* input = toHTMLInputElement(node()->shadowHost());
    bool isVertical = hasVerticalAppearance(input);
    mutableStyleRef().setFlexDirection(isVertical ? FlowColumn : FlowRow);
    TextDirection oldTextDirection = style()->direction();
    if (isVertical) {
        // FIXME: Work around rounding issues in RTL vertical sliders. We want them to
        // render identically to LTR vertical sliders. We can remove this work around when
        // subpixel rendering is enabled on all ports.

    Element* thumbElement = input->userAgentShadowRoot()->getElementById(ShadowElementNames::sliderThumb());
    Element* trackElement = input->userAgentShadowRoot()->getElementById(ShadowElementNames::sliderTrack());
    LayoutBox* thumb = thumbElement ? thumbElement->layoutBox() : 0;
    LayoutBox* track = trackElement ? trackElement->layoutBox() : 0;

    SubtreeLayoutScope layoutScope(*this);
    // Force a layout to reset the position of the thumb so the code below doesn't move the thumb to the wrong place.
    // FIXME: Make a custom layout class for the track and move the thumb positioning code there.
    if (track)


    // These should always exist, unless someone mutates the shadow DOM (e.g., in the inspector).
    if (!thumb || !track)

    double percentageOffset = sliderPosition(input).toDouble();
    LayoutUnit availableExtent = isVertical ? track->contentHeight() : track->contentWidth();
    availableExtent -= isVertical ? thumb->size().height() : thumb->size().width();
    LayoutUnit offset = percentageOffset * availableExtent;
    LayoutPoint thumbLocation = thumb->location();
    if (isVertical)
        thumbLocation.setY(thumbLocation.y() + track->contentHeight() - thumb->size().height() - offset);
    else if (style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
        thumbLocation.setX(thumbLocation.x() + offset);
        thumbLocation.setX(thumbLocation.x() - offset);

    // We need one-off invalidation code here because painting of the timeline element does not go through style.
    // Instead it has a custom implementation in C++ code.
    // Therefore the style system cannot understand when it needs to be paint invalidated.
LayoutPoint InlineBox::logicalPositionToPhysicalPoint(const LayoutPoint& point, const LayoutSize& size) const
    if (!UNLIKELY(lineLayoutItem().hasFlippedBlocksWritingMode()))
        return LayoutPoint(point.x(), point.y());

    LayoutBlockFlow& block = root().block();
    if (block.style()->isHorizontalWritingMode())
        return LayoutPoint(point.x(), block.size().height() - size.height() - point.y());

    return LayoutPoint(block.size().width() - size.width() - point.x(), point.y());
void distanceDataForNode(FocusType type, const FocusCandidate& current, FocusCandidate& candidate)
    if (areElementsOnSameLine(current, candidate)) {
        if ((type == FocusTypeUp && current.rect.y() > candidate.rect.y()) || (type == FocusTypeDown && candidate.rect.y() > current.rect.y())) {
            candidate.distance = 0;
            candidate.alignment = Full;

    LayoutRect nodeRect = candidate.rect;
    LayoutRect currentRect = current.rect;
    deflateIfOverlapped(currentRect, nodeRect);

    if (!isRectInDirection(type, currentRect, nodeRect))

    LayoutPoint exitPoint;
    LayoutPoint entryPoint;
    entryAndExitPointsForDirection(type, currentRect, nodeRect, exitPoint, entryPoint);

    LayoutUnit xAxis = exitPoint.x() - entryPoint.x();
    LayoutUnit yAxis = exitPoint.y() - entryPoint.y();

    LayoutUnit navigationAxisDistance;
    LayoutUnit orthogonalAxisDistance;

    switch (type) {
    case FocusTypeLeft:
    case FocusTypeRight:
        navigationAxisDistance = xAxis.abs();
        orthogonalAxisDistance = yAxis.abs();
    case FocusTypeUp:
    case FocusTypeDown:
        navigationAxisDistance = yAxis.abs();
        orthogonalAxisDistance = xAxis.abs();

    double euclidianDistancePow2 = (xAxis * xAxis + yAxis * yAxis).toDouble();
    LayoutRect intersectionRect = intersection(currentRect, nodeRect);
    double overlap = (intersectionRect.width() * intersectionRect.height()).toDouble();

    // Distance calculation is based on http://www.w3.org/TR/WICD/#focus-handling
    candidate.distance = sqrt(euclidianDistancePow2) + navigationAxisDistance+ orthogonalAxisDistance * 2 - sqrt(overlap);

    LayoutSize viewSize = candidate.visibleNode->document().page()->deprecatedLocalMainFrame()->view()->visibleContentRect().size();
    candidate.alignment = alignmentForRects(type, currentRect, nodeRect, viewSize);
Exemple #18
void RenderSVGRoot::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& adjustedPaintOffset)
    // An empty viewport disables rendering.
    if (borderBoxRect().isEmpty())

    // Don't paint, if the context explicitely disabled it.
    if (paintInfo.context->paintingDisabled())

    // Don't paint if we don't have kids, except if we have filters we should paint those.
    if (!firstChild()) {
        SVGResources* resources = SVGResourcesCache::cachedResourcesForRenderObject(this);
        if (!resources || !resources->filter())

    if (Frame* frame = this->frame()) {
        if (Page* page = frame->page())
            page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, paintInfo.rect);

    // Make a copy of the PaintInfo because applyTransform will modify the damage rect.
    PaintInfo childPaintInfo(paintInfo);

    // Apply initial viewport clip - not affected by overflow handling
    childPaintInfo.context->clip(overflowClipRect(adjustedPaintOffset, paintInfo.renderRegion));

    // Convert from container offsets (html renderers) to a relative transform (svg renderers).
    // Transform from our paint container's coordinate system to our local coords.
    childPaintInfo.applyTransform(AffineTransform::translation(adjustedPaintOffset.x() - x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y() - y()) * localToParentTransform());

    bool continueRendering = true;
    if (childPaintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
        continueRendering = SVGRenderSupport::prepareToRenderSVGContent(this, childPaintInfo);

    if (continueRendering)
        RenderBox::paint(childPaintInfo, LayoutPoint());

    if (childPaintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
        SVGRenderSupport::finishRenderSVGContent(this, childPaintInfo, paintInfo.context);

Exemple #19
void RenderRegion::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    // Delegate painting of content in region to RenderFlowThread.
    if (!m_flowThread || !isValid())

#ifndef NDEBUG
    m_insideRegionPaint = true;

    m_flowThread->paintIntoRegion(paintInfo, this, LayoutPoint(paintOffset.x() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), paintOffset.y() + borderTop() + paddingTop()));

#ifndef NDEBUG
    m_insideRegionPaint = false;
void ImagePainter::paintReplaced(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    LayoutUnit cWidth = m_layoutImage.contentWidth();
    LayoutUnit cHeight = m_layoutImage.contentHeight();

    GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;

    if (!m_layoutImage.imageResource()->hasImage()) {
        if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection)

        if (cWidth > 2 && cHeight > 2) {
            // Draw an outline rect where the image should be.
            IntRect paintRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(paintOffset.x() + m_layoutImage.borderLeft() + m_layoutImage.paddingLeft(), paintOffset.y() + m_layoutImage.borderTop() + m_layoutImage.paddingTop(), cWidth, cHeight));

            LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder drawingRecorder(*context, m_layoutImage, paintInfo.phase, paintRect);
            if (drawingRecorder.canUseCachedDrawing())
    } else if (cWidth > 0 && cHeight > 0) {
        LayoutRect contentRect = m_layoutImage.contentBoxRect();
        LayoutRect paintRect = m_layoutImage.replacedContentRect();

        LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder drawingRecorder(*context, m_layoutImage, paintInfo.phase, contentRect);
        if (drawingRecorder.canUseCachedDrawing())
        bool clip = !contentRect.contains(paintRect);
        if (clip) {

        paintIntoRect(context, paintRect);

        if (clip)
Exemple #21
PositionWithAffinity RenderReplaced::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& point)
    // FIXME: This code is buggy if the replaced element is relative positioned.
    InlineBox* box = inlineBoxWrapper();
    RootInlineBox* rootBox = box ? &box->root() : 0;

    LayoutUnit top = rootBox ? rootBox->selectionTop() : logicalTop();
    LayoutUnit bottom = rootBox ? rootBox->selectionBottom() : logicalBottom();

    LayoutUnit blockDirectionPosition = point.y() + y();

    if (blockDirectionPosition < top)
        return createPositionWithAffinity(caretMinOffset(), DOWNSTREAM); // coordinates are above

    if (blockDirectionPosition >= bottom)
        return createPositionWithAffinity(caretMaxOffset(), DOWNSTREAM); // coordinates are below

    return RenderBox::positionForPoint(point);
Exemple #22
// Hit Testing
bool RenderRegion::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const LayoutPoint& pointInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction action)
    if (!isValid())
        return false;

    LayoutPoint adjustedLocation = accumulatedOffset + location();

    // Check our bounds next. For this purpose always assume that we can only be hit in the
    // foreground phase (which is true for replaced elements like images).
    LayoutRect boundsRect(adjustedLocation, size());
    if (visibleToHitTesting() && action == HitTestForeground && boundsRect.intersects(result.rectForPoint(pointInContainer))) {
        // Check the contents of the RenderFlowThread.
        if (m_flowThread && m_flowThread->hitTestRegion(this, request, result, pointInContainer, LayoutPoint(adjustedLocation.x() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), adjustedLocation.y() + borderTop() + paddingTop())))
            return true;
        updateHitTestResult(result, pointInContainer - toLayoutSize(adjustedLocation));
        if (!result.addNodeToRectBasedTestResult(node(), pointInContainer, boundsRect))
            return true;

    return false;
Exemple #23
void ImagePainter::paintReplaced(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    LayoutUnit cWidth = m_layoutImage.contentWidth();
    LayoutUnit cHeight = m_layoutImage.contentHeight();

    GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;

    if (!m_layoutImage.imageResource()->hasImage()) {
        if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection)
        if (cWidth > 2 && cHeight > 2) {
            if (LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder::useCachedDrawingIfPossible(*context, m_layoutImage, paintInfo.phase, paintOffset))
            // Draw an outline rect where the image should be.
            IntRect paintRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(paintOffset.x() + m_layoutImage.borderLeft() + m_layoutImage.paddingLeft(), paintOffset.y() + m_layoutImage.borderTop() + m_layoutImage.paddingTop(), cWidth, cHeight));
            LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder drawingRecorder(*context, m_layoutImage, paintInfo.phase, paintRect, paintOffset);
    } else if (cWidth > 0 && cHeight > 0) {
        LayoutRect contentRect = m_layoutImage.contentBoxRect();
        LayoutRect paintRect = m_layoutImage.replacedContentRect();

        Optional<ClipRecorder> clipRecorder;
        if (!contentRect.contains(paintRect)) {
            // TODO(fmalita): can we get rid of this clip and adjust the image src/dst rect instead?
            clipRecorder.emplace(*context, m_layoutImage, paintInfo.displayItemTypeForClipping(), contentRect);

        if (LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder::useCachedDrawingIfPossible(*context, m_layoutImage, paintInfo.phase, paintOffset))

        LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder drawingRecorder(*context, m_layoutImage, paintInfo.phase, contentRect, paintOffset);
        paintIntoRect(context, paintRect);
void RenderSliderContainer::layout()
    auto& input = downcast<HTMLInputElement>(*element()->shadowHost());
    bool isVertical = hasVerticalAppearance(input);
    mutableStyle().setFlexDirection(isVertical ? FlowColumn : FlowRow);
    TextDirection oldTextDirection = style().direction();
    if (isVertical) {
        // FIXME: Work around rounding issues in RTL vertical sliders. We want them to
        // render identically to LTR vertical sliders. We can remove this work around when
        // subpixel rendering is enabled on all ports.

    RenderBox* thumb = input.sliderThumbElement() ? input.sliderThumbElement()->renderBox() : nullptr;
    RenderBox* track = input.sliderTrackElement() ? input.sliderTrackElement()->renderBox() : nullptr;
    // Force a layout to reset the position of the thumb so the code below doesn't move the thumb to the wrong place.
    // FIXME: Make a custom Render class for the track and move the thumb positioning code there.
    if (track)


    // These should always exist, unless someone mutates the shadow DOM (e.g., in the inspector).
    if (!thumb || !track)

    double percentageOffset = sliderPosition(input).toDouble();
    LayoutUnit availableExtent = isVertical ? track->contentHeight() : track->contentWidth();
    availableExtent -= isVertical ? thumb->height() : thumb->width();
    LayoutUnit offset = percentageOffset * availableExtent;
    LayoutPoint thumbLocation = thumb->location();
    if (isVertical)
        thumbLocation.setY(thumbLocation.y() + track->contentHeight() - thumb->height() - offset);
    else if (style().isLeftToRightDirection())
        thumbLocation.setX(thumbLocation.x() + offset);
        thumbLocation.setX(thumbLocation.x() - offset);
LayoutPoint RenderBoxModelObject::adjustedPositionRelativeToOffsetParent(const LayoutPoint& startPoint) const
    // If the element is the HTML body element or doesn't have a parent
    // return 0 and stop this algorithm.
    if (isBody() || !parent())
        return LayoutPoint();

    LayoutPoint referencePoint = startPoint;

    // If the offsetParent of the element is null, or is the HTML body element,
    // return the distance between the canvas origin and the left border edge
    // of the element and stop this algorithm.
    Element* element = offsetParent();
    if (!element)
        return referencePoint;

    if (const RenderBoxModelObject* offsetParent = element->renderBoxModelObject()) {
        if (offsetParent->isBox() && !offsetParent->isBody())
            referencePoint.move(-toRenderBox(offsetParent)->borderLeft(), -toRenderBox(offsetParent)->borderTop());
        if (!isOutOfFlowPositioned() || flowThreadContainingBlock()) {
            if (isRelPositioned())

            RenderObject* current;
            for (current = parent(); current != offsetParent && current->parent(); current = current->parent()) {
                // FIXME: What are we supposed to do inside SVG content?
                if (!isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
                    if (current->isBox() && !current->isTableRow())

            if (offsetParent->isBox() && offsetParent->isBody() && !offsetParent->isPositioned())

    return referencePoint;
void paintFlow(const RenderBlockFlow& flow, const Layout& layout, PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    if (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseForeground)

    RenderStyle& style = flow.style();
    if (style.visibility() != VISIBLE)

    bool debugBordersEnabled = flow.frame().settings().simpleLineLayoutDebugBordersEnabled();

    GraphicsContext& context = paintInfo.context();
    const FontCascade& font = style.fontCascade();
    TextPaintStyle textPaintStyle = computeTextPaintStyle(flow.frame(), style, paintInfo);
    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(context, textPaintStyle.strokeWidth > 0);

    updateGraphicsContext(context, textPaintStyle);
    LayoutRect paintRect = paintInfo.rect;

    auto resolver = runResolver(flow, layout);
    float strokeOverflow = ceilf(flow.style().textStrokeWidth());
    float deviceScaleFactor = flow.document().deviceScaleFactor();
    for (const auto& run : resolver.rangeForRect(paintRect)) {
        FloatRect rect = run.rect();
        if (!rect.intersects(paintRect) || run.start() == run.end())
        TextRun textRun(run.text());
        textRun.setTabSize(!style.collapseWhiteSpace(), style.tabSize());
        // x position indicates the line offset from the rootbox. It's always 0 in case of simple line layout.
        FloatPoint textOrigin = FloatPoint(rect.x() + paintOffset.x(), roundToDevicePixel(run.baselinePosition() + paintOffset.y(), deviceScaleFactor));
        context.drawText(font, textRun, textOrigin);
        if (debugBordersEnabled)
            paintDebugBorders(context, LayoutRect(run.rect()), paintOffset);
Exemple #27
LayoutRect RenderMathMLOperator::paintCharacter(PaintInfo& info, UChar character, const LayoutPoint& origin, CharacterPaintTrimming trim)
    GlyphData data = style()->font().glyphDataForCharacter(character, false);
    FloatRect glyphBounds = data.fontData->boundsForGlyph(data.glyph);

    LayoutRect glyphPaintRect(origin, LayoutSize(glyphBounds.x() + glyphBounds.width(), glyphBounds.height()));
    glyphPaintRect.setY(origin.y() + glyphBounds.y());

    // In order to have glyphs fit snugly with one another we snap the connecting edges to pixel boundaries
    // and trim off one pixel. The pixel trim is to account for fonts that have edge pixels that have less
    // than full coverage. These edge pixels can introduce small seams between connected glyphs
    FloatRect clipBounds = info.rect;
    switch (trim) {
    case TrimTop:
        glyphPaintRect.shiftYEdgeTo(glyphPaintRect.y().ceil() + 1);
    case TrimBottom:
        glyphPaintRect.shiftMaxYEdgeTo(glyphPaintRect.maxY().floor() - 1);
    case TrimTopAndBottom:
        LayoutUnit temp = glyphPaintRect.y() + 1;
        glyphPaintRect.shiftMaxYEdgeTo(glyphPaintRect.maxY().floor() - 1);

    // Clipping the enclosing IntRect avoids any potential issues at joined edges.
    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*info.context);

    info.context->drawText(style()->font(), TextRun(&character, 1), origin);

    return glyphPaintRect;
// Hit Testing
bool RenderRegion::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction action)
    if (!isValid())
        return false;

    LayoutPoint adjustedLocation = accumulatedOffset + location();

    // Check our bounds next. For this purpose always assume that we can only be hit in the
    // foreground phase (which is true for replaced elements like images).
    // FIXME: Once we support overflow, we need to intersect with that and not with the bounds rect.
    LayoutRect boundsRect = borderBoxRectInRegion(locationInContainer.region());
    if (visibleToHitTestRequest(request) && action == HitTestForeground && locationInContainer.intersects(boundsRect)) {
        // Check the contents of the RenderFlowThread.
        if (m_flowThread->hitTestFlowThreadPortionInRegion(this, flowThreadPortionRect(), flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(), request, result, locationInContainer, LayoutPoint(adjustedLocation.x() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), adjustedLocation.y() + borderTop() + paddingTop())))
            return true;
        updateHitTestResult(result, locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(adjustedLocation));
        if (!result.addNodeToRectBasedTestResult(generatingNode(), request, locationInContainer, boundsRect))
            return true;

    return false;
Exemple #29
void RenderMultiColumnSet::adjustRegionBoundsFromFlowThreadPortionRect(const LayoutPoint& layerOffset, LayoutRect& regionBounds)
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalTop = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layerOffset.y() : layerOffset.x();
    unsigned startColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalTop);
    LayoutUnit colGap = columnGap();
    LayoutUnit colLogicalWidth = computedColumnWidth();
    LayoutRect flowThreadPortion = flowThreadPortionRectAt(startColumn);
    LayoutPoint translationOffset;
    RenderBlockFlow* parentFlow = toRenderBlockFlow(parent());
    bool progressionReversed = parentFlow->multiColumnFlowThread()->progressionIsReversed();
    bool progressionIsInline = parentFlow->multiColumnFlowThread()->progressionIsInline();
    LayoutUnit initialBlockOffset = initialBlockOffsetForPainting();
    LayoutUnit inlineOffset = progressionIsInline ? startColumn * (colLogicalWidth + colGap) : LayoutUnit();
    bool leftToRight = style().isLeftToRightDirection() ^ progressionReversed;
    if (!leftToRight) {
        inlineOffset = -inlineOffset;
        if (progressionReversed)
            inlineOffset += contentLogicalWidth() - colLogicalWidth;
    LayoutUnit blockOffset = initialBlockOffset + (isHorizontalWritingMode() ? -flowThreadPortion.y() : -flowThreadPortion.x());
    if (!progressionIsInline) {
        if (!progressionReversed)
            blockOffset = startColumn * colGap;
            blockOffset -= startColumn * (computedColumnHeight() + colGap);
    if (isFlippedBlocksWritingMode(style().writingMode()))
        blockOffset = -blockOffset;
    if (!isHorizontalWritingMode())
        translationOffset = translationOffset.transposedPoint();

    // FIXME: The translation needs to include the multicolumn set's content offset within the
    // multicolumn block as well. This won't be an issue until we start creating multiple multicolumn sets.
Exemple #30
VisiblePosition RenderTextLineBoxes::positionForPoint(const RenderText& renderer, const LayoutPoint& point) const
    if (!m_first || !renderer.textLength())
        return renderer.createVisiblePosition(0, DOWNSTREAM);

    LayoutUnit pointLineDirection = m_first->isHorizontal() ? point.x() : point.y();
    LayoutUnit pointBlockDirection = m_first->isHorizontal() ? point.y() : point.x();
    bool blocksAreFlipped = renderer.style().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode();

    InlineTextBox* lastBox = nullptr;
    for (auto box = m_first; box; box = box->nextTextBox()) {
        if (box->isLineBreak() && !box->prevLeafChild() && box->nextLeafChild() && !box->nextLeafChild()->isLineBreak())
            box = box->nextTextBox();

        auto& rootBox = box->root();
        LayoutUnit top = std::min(rootBox.selectionTop(), rootBox.lineTop());
        if (pointBlockDirection > top || (!blocksAreFlipped && pointBlockDirection == top)) {
            LayoutUnit bottom = rootBox.selectionBottom();
            if (rootBox.nextRootBox())
                bottom = std::min(bottom, rootBox.nextRootBox()->lineTop());

            if (pointBlockDirection < bottom || (blocksAreFlipped && pointBlockDirection == bottom)) {
                ShouldAffinityBeDownstream shouldAffinityBeDownstream;
                if (pointLineDirection != box->logicalLeft() && point.x() < box->x() + box->logicalWidth()) {
                    int half = box->x() + box->logicalWidth() / 2;
                    EAffinity affinity = point.x() < half ? DOWNSTREAM : VP_UPSTREAM_IF_POSSIBLE;
                    return renderer.createVisiblePosition(box->offsetForPosition(pointLineDirection) + box->start(), affinity);
                if (lineDirectionPointFitsInBox(pointLineDirection, *box, shouldAffinityBeDownstream))
                    return createVisiblePositionAfterAdjustingOffsetForBiDi(*box, box->offsetForPosition(pointLineDirection), shouldAffinityBeDownstream);
        lastBox = box;

    if (lastBox) {
        ShouldAffinityBeDownstream shouldAffinityBeDownstream;
        lineDirectionPointFitsInBox(pointLineDirection, *lastBox, shouldAffinityBeDownstream);
        return createVisiblePositionAfterAdjustingOffsetForBiDi(*lastBox, lastBox->offsetForPosition(pointLineDirection) + lastBox->start(), shouldAffinityBeDownstream);
    return renderer.createVisiblePosition(0, DOWNSTREAM);