Exemple #1
 * @param side  Line side for which to determine covered opening status.
 * @return  @c true iff there is a "middle" material on @a side which
 * completely covers the open range.
 * @todo fixme: Should use the visual plane heights of sector clusters.
static bool middleMaterialCoversOpening(LineSide const &side)
    if(!side.hasSector()) return false; // Never.

    if(!side.hasSections()) return false;
    if(!side.middle().hasMaterial()) return false;

    // Stretched middles always cover the opening.
        return true;

    // Ensure we have up to date info about the material.
    MaterialSnapshot const &ms = side.middle().material().prepare(Rend_MapSurfaceMaterialSpec());

    if(ms.isOpaque() && !side.middle().blendMode() && side.middle().opacity() >= 1)
        if(side.leftHEdge()) // possibility of degenerate BSP leaf
            coord_t openRange, openBottom, openTop;
            openRange = visOpenRange(side, &openBottom, &openTop);
            if(ms.height() >= openRange)
                // Possibly; check the placement.
                WallEdge edge(WallSpec::fromMapSide(side, LineSide::Middle),
                              *side.leftHEdge(), Line::From);

                return (edge.isValid() && edge.top().z() > edge.bottom().z()
                        && edge.top().z() >= openTop && edge.bottom().z() <= openBottom);

    return false;
/// @todo fixme: Should use the visual plane heights of sector clusters.
static bool middleMaterialCoversOpening(LineSide const &side)
    if(!side.hasSector()) return false;  // Never.

    if(!side.hasSections()) return false;
    if(!side.middle().hasMaterial()) return false;

    MaterialAnimator &matAnimator = side.middle().material().getAnimator(Rend_MapSurfaceMaterialSpec());

    // Ensure we have up to date info about the material.

    // Might the material cover the opening?
    if(matAnimator.isOpaque() && !side.middle().blendMode() && side.middle().opacity() >= 1)
        // Stretched middles always cover the opening.
            return true;

        Sector const &frontSec = side.sector();
        Sector const *backSec  = side.back().sectorPtr();

        // Determine the opening between the visual sector planes at this edge.
        coord_t openBottom;
        if(backSec && backSec->floor().heightSmoothed() > frontSec.floor().heightSmoothed())
            openBottom = backSec->floor().heightSmoothed();
            openBottom = frontSec.floor().heightSmoothed();

        coord_t openTop;
        if(backSec && backSec->ceiling().heightSmoothed() < frontSec.ceiling().heightSmoothed())
            openTop = backSec->ceiling().heightSmoothed();
            openTop = frontSec.ceiling().heightSmoothed();

        if(matAnimator.dimensions().y >= openTop - openBottom)
            // Possibly; check the placement.
            if(side.leftHEdge()) // possibility of degenerate BSP leaf
                WallEdge edge(WallSpec::fromMapSide(side, LineSide::Middle),
                              *side.leftHEdge(), Line::From);
                return (edge.isValid() && edge.top().z() > edge.bottom().z()
                        && edge.top().z() >= openTop && edge.bottom().z() <= openBottom);

    return false;
Exemple #3
/// @todo fixme: Should use the visual plane heights of sector clusters.
bool R_SideBackClosed(LineSide const &side, bool ignoreOpacity)
    if(!side.hasSections()) return false;
    if(!side.hasSector()) return false;
    if(side.line().isSelfReferencing()) return false; // Never.

    if(side.considerOneSided()) return true;

    Sector const &frontSec = side.sector();
    Sector const &backSec  = side.back().sector();

    if(backSec.floor().heightSmoothed()   >= backSec.ceiling().heightSmoothed())  return true;
    if(backSec.ceiling().heightSmoothed() <= frontSec.floor().heightSmoothed())   return true;
    if(backSec.floor().heightSmoothed()   >= frontSec.ceiling().heightSmoothed()) return true;

    // Perhaps a middle material completely covers the opening?
        MaterialAnimator &matAnimator = side.middle().material().getAnimator(Rend_MapSurfaceMaterialSpec());

        // Ensure we have up to date info about the material.

        if(ignoreOpacity || (matAnimator.isOpaque() && !side.middle().blendMode() && side.middle().opacity() >= 1))
            // Stretched middles always cover the opening.
                return true;

            if(side.leftHEdge()) // possibility of degenerate BSP leaf
                coord_t openRange, openBottom, openTop;
                openRange = visOpenRange(side, &openBottom, &openTop);
                if(matAnimator.dimensions().y >= openRange)
                    // Possibly; check the placement.
                    WallEdge edge(WallSpec::fromMapSide(side, LineSide::Middle),
                                  *side.leftHEdge(), Line::From);

                    return (edge.isValid() && edge.top().z() > edge.bottom().z()
                            && edge.top().z() >= openTop && edge.bottom().z() <= openBottom);

    return false;
     * Find the neighbor surface for the edge which we will use to calculate the
     * "blend" properties (e.g., smoothed edge normal).
     * @todo: Use the half-edge rings instead of LineOwners.
    Surface *findBlendNeighbor(binangle_t &diff)
        diff = 0;

        // Are we not blending?
            return nullptr;

        LineSide const &lineSide = lineSideSegment().lineSide();

        // Polyobj lines have no owner rings.
            return nullptr;

        ClockDirection const direction = (edge? Anticlockwise : Clockwise);
        LineOwner const &farVertOwner  = *lineSide.line().vertexOwner(lineSide.sideId() ^ edge);
        Line *neighbor;
            neighbor = R_FindSolidLineNeighbor(lineSide.line(), farVertOwner, direction,
                                               lineSide.sectorPtr(), &diff);
            neighbor = R_FindLineNeighbor(lineSide.line(), farVertOwner, direction,
                                          lineSide.sectorPtr(), &diff);

        // No suitable line neighbor?
        if(!neighbor) return nullptr;

        // Choose the correct side of the neighbor (determined by which vertex is shared).
        LineSide *otherSide;
        if(&neighbor->vertex(edge ^ 1) == &lineSide.vertex(edge))
            otherSide = &neighbor->front();
            otherSide = &neighbor->back();

        // We can only blend if the neighbor has a surface.
        if(!otherSide->hasSections()) return nullptr;

        /// @todo Do not assume the neighbor is the middle section of @var otherSide.
        return &otherSide->middle();