Exemple #1
void foreach_cell_tmpl(MAP& map, FUNC func, unsigned int nbth)

	TraversorCell<MAP, ORBIT, OPT> trav(map);
	Cell<ORBIT> cell = trav.begin();

	std::mutex mutex_map;

	// launch threads
	std::thread** threads = new std::thread*[nbth];
	ThreadFunction<OPT,ORBIT,MAP,FUNC>** tfs = new ThreadFunction<OPT,ORBIT,MAP,FUNC>*[nbth];

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbth; ++i)
		std::thread::id& threadId = map.addEmptyThreadId();
		tfs[i] = new ThreadFunction<OPT,ORBIT,MAP,FUNC>(func, 1+i,threadId,mutex_map,trav,cell);
		threads[i] = new std::thread( std::ref( *(tfs[i]) ) );

	// wait for all theads to be finished
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbth; ++i)
		delete threads[i];
		delete tfs[i];

	delete[] tfs;
	delete[] threads;