Exemple #1
MStatus VoxelShape::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data ) {
	MStatus stat;

	// Check which output attribute we have been asked to compute.  If this 
	// node doesn't know how to compute it, we must return 
	// MS::kUnknownParameter.
	if( plug == outData )
		// Get a handle to the input attribute that we will need for the
		// computation.  If the value is being supplied via a connection 
		// in the dependency graph, then this call will cause all upstream  
		// connections to be evaluated so that the correct value is supplied.
		MDataHandle inputDataHandle = data.inputValue( voxelData, &stat );

		MObject inputDataObj = inputDataHandle.data();
		MFnPluginData fnDataCreator;
		MTypeId tmpid( VoxelPreviewDataWrapper::id );
		VoxelPreviewDataWrapper * newData = NULL;

		MDataHandle outHandle = data.outputValue( outData );	
		newData = (VoxelPreviewDataWrapper*)outHandle.asPluginData();

		if ( newData == NULL ) {
			// Create some output data
			fnDataCreator.create( tmpid, &stat );
			MCHECKERROR( stat, "compute : error creating VoxelPreviewDataWrapper")
				newData = (VoxelPreviewDataWrapper*)fnDataCreator.data( &stat );
			MCHECKERROR( stat, "compute : error getting proxy VoxelPreviewDataWrapper object")
Exemple #2
MStatus Trimmer::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
//	Description:
//		This method computes the value of the given output plug based
//		on the values of the input attributes.
//	Arguments:
//		plug - the plug to compute
//		data - object that provides access to the attributes for this node
    if ( plug == outputData ) {
        MStatus stat;

        MDataHandle inDataHandle = data.inputValue( Trimmer::inputData, &stat );
        MDataHandle outDataHandle = data.outputValue( Trimmer::outputData, &stat );

        GrowerData* growerData = static_cast< GrowerData* >( inDataHandle.asPluginData() );
        if ( growerData == NULL ) {
            cerr << "Trimmer: error retrieving data" << endl;
            return MS::kFailure;

        int maxDepth = GetMaxDepth( growerData->nodes );
        int length = (int)ceilf( (float)maxDepth * data.inputValue( Trimmer::maxLength ).asFloat() ) + 1;

        Trim( growerData->nodes, length );

        outDataHandle.setMPxData( growerData );
        data.setClean( plug );
        return MS::kSuccess;

    return MS::kUnknownParameter;
MStatus NuiMayaDeviceGrabber::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& datablock )
//	Description:
//		This method computes the value of the given output plug based
//		on the values of the input attributes.
//	Arguments:
//		plug - the plug to compute
//		data - object that provides access to the attributes for this node
		return MS::kFailure;

	MStatus returnStatus;
	/* Get time */
	MDataHandle timeData = datablock.inputValue( aTime, &returnStatus ); 
	MCHECKERROR(returnStatus, "Error getting time data handle\n")
	MTime time = timeData.asTime();
	//!< 30 frames per second
	int	  frame = (int)time.as( MTime::kNTSCFrame ) - 1;//Noted: The first frame in MAYA is 1;

		std::shared_ptr<NuiCompositeFrame> pFrame = m_pDevice->popFrame();

			if(m_pSLAM /*&& m_pSLAM->m_tracker.isThreadOn()*/)
				std::shared_ptr<NuiVisualFrame> pVisualFrame = std::make_shared<NuiVisualFrame>();

	std::shared_ptr<NuiCompositeFrame> pCurrentFrame = m_pCache->getLatestFrame();
	if ( plug == aOutputMappable )
		std::shared_ptr<NuiCLMappableData> clData(nullptr);
		MDataHandle outHandle = datablock.outputValue( aOutputMappable );
		NuiMayaMappableData* clmData = static_cast<NuiMayaMappableData*>(outHandle.asPluginData());
			// Create some user defined geometry data and access the
			// geometry so we can set it
			MFnPluginData fnDataCreator;
			MTypeId tmpid( NuiMayaMappableData::id );

			fnDataCreator.create( tmpid, &returnStatus );
			MCHECKERROR( returnStatus, "compute : error creating mappableData")

			clmData = (NuiMayaMappableData*)fnDataCreator.data( &returnStatus );
			MCHECKERROR( returnStatus, "compute : error gettin at proxy mappableData object")

			clData = std::shared_ptr<NuiCLMappableData>(new NuiCLMappableData());

			returnStatus = outHandle.set( clmData );
			MCHECKERROR( returnStatus, "compute : error gettin at proxy mappableData object")