Exemple #1
void	visualizeMeshNode::drawPoints( MItMeshVertex& vertIter, float fPointSize)

// Push the color settings
			glPushAttrib( GL_CURRENT_BIT | GL_POINT_BIT );
			glEnable ( GL_POINT_SMOOTH );  // Draw square "points"

			GLint	renderMode;
			glGetIntegerv( GL_RENDER_MODE, &renderMode );
			// cout<<renderMode<<endl ;
			//	cout<<view.selectMode()<<endl;
			if(renderMode == GL_SELECT)
				cout<<"Bin in SelectMode"<<endl;
			else if(renderMode == GL_RENDER)

			MColor tmpColor;
			double dTmp;		// hält das weight, cache

			//weights verwenden um Farbe zu skalieren
			uint numCVs = vertIter.count();
			for (uint i = 0; i < numCVs; i++, vertIter.next()) 

				dTmp = vtxWeightArray[i];

				glPointSize( (fPointSize * dTmp) + 3.0 );

				glBegin( GL_POINTS );	

			//	glPointSize( fPointSize );
				MPoint		point( vertIter.position() );

				tmpColor = getCalColor(vtxColor, vtxColor2, dTmp );
				glColor4f(tmpColor.r,tmpColor.g,tmpColor.b, dTmp );
				glVertex3f( (float)point.x, (float)point.y, (float)point.z);


// Selects objects within the user defined area, then process them
MStatus meshReorderTool::doRelease( MEvent & event )
	char buf[1024];

	// Perform the base actions
	MStatus stat = MPxSelectionContext::doRelease(event);

	// Get the list of selected items 
	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( fSelectionList );

	//  If there's nothing selected, don't worry about it, just return
	if( fSelectionList.length() != 1 )
		MGlobal::displayWarning( "Components must be selected one at a time" );
		return MS::kSuccess;

	//  Get the selection's details, we must have exactly one component selected
	MObject component;
	MDagPath path;

	MItSelectionList selectionIt (fSelectionList, MFn::kComponent);

	MStringArray	selections;
	selectionIt.getStrings( selections );
	if( selections.length() != 1 )
		MGlobal::displayError( "Must select exactly one vertex" );
		return MS::kSuccess;

	if (selectionIt.isDone ())
		MGlobal::displayError( "Selected item not a vertex" );
		return MS::kSuccess;

	if( selectionIt.getDagPath (path, component) != MStatus::kSuccess )
		MGlobal::displayError( "Must select a mesh or its vertex");
		return MS::kSuccess;

	if (!path.node().hasFn(MFn::kMesh) && !(path.node().hasFn(MFn::kTransform) && path.hasFn(MFn::kMesh)))
		MGlobal::displayError( "Must select a mesh or its transform" );
		return MS::kSuccess;

	MFnMesh	meshFn(path);
	MPlug	historyPlug = meshFn.findPlug("inMesh", true);
	if (historyPlug.isDestination())
		MGlobal::displayError( "Mesh has history. Its geometry cannot be modified" );
		return MS::kSuccess;

	MItMeshVertex fIt ( path, component, &stat );
	if( stat != MStatus::kSuccess )
		MGlobal::displayError( "MItMeshVertex failed");
		return MStatus::kFailure;

	if (fIt.count() != 1 )
		sprintf(buf, " Invalid selection '%s'. Vertices must be picked one at a time.", selections[0].asChar() );
		MGlobal::displayError( buf );
		return MS::kSuccess;
		sprintf(buf, "Accepting vertex '%s'", selections[0].asChar() );
		MGlobal::displayInfo(  buf );

	// Now that we know it's valid, process the selection

	fSelectedPathSrc.append( path );
	fSelectedComponentSrc.append( component );

	//  When each of the mesh defined, process it. An error/invalid selection will restart the selection for
	//  that particular mesh.
	if( fNumSelectedPoints == 2 )
		if( ( stat = meshMapUtils::validateFaceSelection( fSelectedPathSrc, fSelectedComponentSrc, &fSelectedFaceSrc, &fSelectVtxSrc ) ) != MStatus::kSuccess )
			MGlobal::displayError("Must select vertices from the same face of a mesh");
			return stat;

		char cmdString[200];
		sprintf(cmdString, "meshReorder %s.vtx[%d] %s.vtx[%d] %s.vtx[%d]", 
		                    fSelectedPathSrc[0].partialPathName().asChar(), fSelectVtxSrc[0],
		                    fSelectedPathSrc[1].partialPathName().asChar(), fSelectVtxSrc[1],
		                    fSelectedPathSrc[2].partialPathName().asChar(), fSelectVtxSrc[2]);

		stat = MGlobal::executeCommand(cmdString, true, true);
		if (stat)
			MGlobal::displayInfo( "Mesh reordering complete" );

		// Empty the selection list since the reodering may move the user's current selection on screen
		MSelectionList empty;
		MGlobal::setActiveSelectionList( empty );

		// Start again, get new meshes
		// We don't have all the details yet, just move to the next item

	helpStateHasChanged( event );

	return stat;
Exemple #3
// Selects objects within the user defined area, then process them
MStatus meshRemapTool::doRelease( MEvent & event )
	char buf[1024];

	// Perform the base actions
	MStatus stat = MPxSelectionContext::doRelease(event);

	// Get the list of selected items 
	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( fSelectionList );

	//  Get the selection's details, we must have exactly one component selected
	MObject component;
	MDagPath path;

	MItSelectionList selectionIt (fSelectionList, MFn::kComponent);

	MStringArray	selections;
	selectionIt.getStrings( selections );
	// There are valid cases where only the meshes are selected.
	if( selections.length() == 0 )
		// Handling the case where the user's workflow is
		// 1) select src mesh, select vtx1, vtx2, vtx3 (i.e. fNumSelectedPoints == 0)
		// 2) select dst mesh, select vtx1, vtx2, vtx3 (i.e. fNumSelectedPoints == 3)
		if( fNumSelectedPoints == 0 || fNumSelectedPoints == 3 )
			MItSelectionList selectionDag (fSelectionList, MFn::kDagNode);
			if (!selectionDag.isDone() && selectionDag.getDagPath(path) == MS::kSuccess)
				// return true there is exactly one mesh selected
				if (path.hasFn(MFn::kMesh))
					if (selectionDag.isDone())
						//	If this is the destination mesh, make sure that
						//	it doesn't have history.
						if (fNumSelectedPoints == 3)
							return checkForHistory(path);

						return MS::kSuccess;

		// Handling the case where the user is doing the auto remap, i.e.
		// select src mesh, and then dst mesh when fNumSelectedPoints == 0.
		if( fNumSelectedPoints == 0 )
			MItSelectionList selectionDag (fSelectionList, MFn::kDagNode);
			if (!selectionDag.isDone() && selectionDag.getDagPath(path) == MS::kSuccess)
				// Confirm first selection is a mesh
				if (path.hasFn(MFn::kMesh))
					if (!selectionDag.isDone() &&
					    selectionDag.getDagPath(path) == MS::kSuccess)
						// Confirm second selection is a mesh
						if (path.hasFn(MFn::kMesh))
							// Confirm there are exactly 2 selections
							if (selectionDag.isDone())
								//	Make sure that the destination mesh
								//	doesn't have history.
								return checkForHistory(path);

	if( selections.length() != 1 )
		MGlobal::displayError( "Must select exactly one vertex" );
		return MS::kSuccess;

	if (selectionIt.isDone ())
		MGlobal::displayError( "Selected item not a vertex" );
		return MS::kSuccess;

	if( selectionIt.getDagPath (path, component) != MStatus::kSuccess )
		MGlobal::displayError( "Must select a mesh or its vertex" );
		return MS::kSuccess;

	if (!path.node().hasFn(MFn::kMesh) && !(path.node().hasFn(MFn::kTransform) && path.hasFn(MFn::kMesh)))
		MGlobal::displayError( "Must select a mesh or its transform" );
		return MS::kSuccess;

	//	If this is the first vertex of the destination mesh, make sure that
	//	it doesn't have history.
	if ((fNumSelectedPoints == 3) && (checkForHistory(path) != MS::kSuccess))
		return MS::kSuccess;

	MItMeshVertex fIt ( path, component, &stat );
	if( stat != MStatus::kSuccess )
		MGlobal::displayError( "MItMeshVertex failed");
		return MStatus::kFailure;

	if (fIt.count() != 1 )
		sprintf(buf, "Invalid selection '%s'. Vertices must be picked one at a time.", selections[0].asChar() );
		MGlobal::displayError( buf );
		return MS::kSuccess;
		sprintf(buf, "Accepting vertex '%s'", selections[0].asChar() );
		MGlobal::displayInfo(  buf );

	// Now that we know it's valid, process the selection, the first 3 items are the source, the second
	// 3 define the target

	if( fNumSelectedPoints < 3 )
		fSelectedPathSrc.append( path );
		fSelectedComponentSrc.append( component );
		fSelectedPathDst.append( path );
		fSelectedComponentDst.append( component );

	//  When each of the source/target are defined, process them. An error/invalid selection will restart the selection for
	//  that particular mesh.
	if( fNumSelectedPoints == 2 )
		if( ( stat = meshMapUtils::validateFaceSelection( fSelectedPathSrc, fSelectedComponentSrc, &fSelectedFaceSrc, &fSelectVtxSrc ) ) != MStatus::kSuccess )
			MGlobal::displayError("Selected vertices don't define a unique face on source mesh");
			return stat;

	// Once the target is defined, invoke the command
	if( fNumSelectedPoints == 5 )
		if( ( stat = meshMapUtils::validateFaceSelection( fSelectedPathDst, fSelectedComponentDst, &fSelectedFaceDst, &fSelectVtxDst ) ) != MStatus::kSuccess )
			MGlobal::displayError("Selected vertices don't define a unique face on destination mesh");
			return stat;

		// We don't have all the details yet, just move to the next item


	return stat;
Exemple #4
// Selects objects within the user defined area, then process them
MStatus meshRemapTool::doRelease( MEvent & event )
	char buf[1024];

	// Perform the base actions
	MStatus stat = MPxSelectionContext::doRelease(event);

	// Get the list of selected items 
	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( fSelectionList );

	//  If there's nothing selected, don't worry about it, just return
	if( fSelectionList.length() != 1 )
		MGlobal::displayWarning( "Components must be selected one at a time" );
		return MS::kSuccess;

	//  Get the selection's details, we must have exactly one component selected
	MObject component;
	MDagPath path;

	MItSelectionList selectionIt (fSelectionList, MFn::kComponent);

	MStringArray	selections;
	selectionIt.getStrings( selections );
	if( selections.length() != 1 )
		MGlobal::displayError( "Components must be selected one at a time" );
		return MS::kSuccess;

	if (selectionIt.isDone ())
		MGlobal::displayError( "Selected Item not a component" );
		return MS::kSuccess;

	if( selectionIt.getDagPath (path, component) != MStatus::kSuccess )
		MGlobal::displayError( "Can't get path for selection");
		return MS::kSuccess;

	if (!path.node().hasFn(MFn::kMesh) && !(path.node().hasFn(MFn::kTransform) && path.hasFn(MFn::kMesh)))
		MGlobal::displayError( " Invalid type! Only a mesh or its transform can be specified." );
		return MS::kSuccess;

	MItMeshVertex fIt ( path, component, &stat );
	if( stat != MStatus::kSuccess )
		MGlobal::displayError( " MItMeshVertex failed");
		return MStatus::kFailure;

	if (fIt.count() != 1 )
		sprintf(buf, " Invalid selection '%s'. Vertices must be picked one at a time.", selections[0].asChar() );
		MGlobal::displayError( buf );
		return MS::kSuccess;
		sprintf(buf, "Accepting vertex '%s'", selections[0].asChar() );
		MGlobal::displayInfo(  buf );

	// Now that we know it's valid, process the selection, the first 3 items are the source, the second
	// 3 define the target

	if( fNumSelectedPoints < 3 )
		fSelectedPathSrc.append( path );
		fSelectedComponentSrc.append( component );
		fSelectedPathDst.append( path );
		fSelectedComponentDst.append( component );

	//  When each of the source/target are defined, process them. An error/invalid selection will restart the selection for
	//  that particular mesh.
	if( fNumSelectedPoints == 2 )
		if( ( stat = meshMapUtils::validateFaceSelection( fSelectedPathSrc, fSelectedComponentSrc, &fSelectedFaceSrc, &fSelectVtxSrc ) ) != MStatus::kSuccess )
			MGlobal::displayError("Selected vertices don't define a unique face on source mesh");
			return stat;

	// Once the target is defined, invoke the command
	if( fNumSelectedPoints == 5 )
		if( ( stat = meshMapUtils::validateFaceSelection( fSelectedPathDst, fSelectedComponentDst, &fSelectedFaceDst, &fSelectVtxDst ) ) != MStatus::kSuccess )
			MGlobal::displayError("Selected vertices don't define a unique face on source mesh");
			return stat;

		fCmd = new meshRemapCommand;
		fCmd->setSeedInfo( true, fSelectedPathSrc[0], fSelectedFaceSrc, fSelectVtxSrc[0], fSelectVtxSrc[1] );
		fCmd->setSeedInfo( false, fSelectedPathDst[0], fSelectedFaceDst, fSelectVtxDst[0], fSelectVtxDst[1] );

		// Empty the selection list since the reodering may move the user's current selection on screen
		MSelectionList empty;
		MGlobal::setActiveSelectionList( empty );

		MGlobal::displayInfo( "Mesh remapping complete" );

		// Start again, get new meshes
		// We don't have all the details yet, just move to the next item


	return stat;