Exemple #1
MM_MemoryManager::decommitMemory(MM_MemoryHandle* handle, void* address, uintptr_t size, void* lowValidAddress, void* highValidAddress)
	Assert_MM_true(NULL != handle);
	MM_VirtualMemory* memory = handle->getVirtualMemory();
	Assert_MM_true(NULL != memory);
	return memory->decommitMemory(address, size, lowValidAddress, highValidAddress);
Exemple #2
MM_MemoryManager::commitMemory(MM_MemoryHandle* handle, void* address, uintptr_t size)
	Assert_MM_true(NULL != handle);
	MM_VirtualMemory* memory = handle->getVirtualMemory();
	Assert_MM_true(NULL != memory);
	return memory->commitMemory(address, size);
Exemple #3
MM_VirtualMemory::newInstance(MM_EnvironmentBase* env, uintptr_t heapAlignment, uintptr_t size, uintptr_t pageSize, uintptr_t pageFlags, uintptr_t tailPadding, void* preferredAddress, void* ceiling, uintptr_t mode, uintptr_t options, uint32_t memoryCategory)
	MM_VirtualMemory* vmem = (MM_VirtualMemory*)env->getForge()->allocate(sizeof(MM_VirtualMemory), MM_AllocationCategory::FIXED, OMR_GET_CALLSITE());

	if (vmem) {
		new (vmem) MM_VirtualMemory(env, heapAlignment, pageSize, pageFlags, tailPadding, mode);
		if (!vmem->initialize(env, size, preferredAddress, ceiling, options, memoryCategory)) {
			vmem = NULL;

	return vmem;
Exemple #4
MM_MemoryManager::createVirtualMemoryForHeap(MM_EnvironmentBase* env, MM_MemoryHandle* handle, uintptr_t heapAlignment, uintptr_t size, uintptr_t tailPadding, void* preferredAddress, void* ceiling)
	Assert_MM_true(NULL != handle);
	MM_GCExtensionsBase* extensions = env->getExtensions();

	MM_VirtualMemory* instance = NULL;
	uintptr_t options = 0;
	uint32_t memoryCategory = OMRMEM_CATEGORY_MM_RUNTIME_HEAP;

	uintptr_t pageSize = extensions->requestedPageSize;
	uintptr_t pageFlags = extensions->requestedPageFlags;
	Assert_MM_true(0 != pageSize);

	uintptr_t allocateSize = size;

	uintptr_t concurrentScavengerPageSize = 0;
	if (extensions->isConcurrentScavengerEnabled()) {
		 * Allocate extra memory to guarantee proper alignment regardless start address location
		 * Minimum size of over-allocation should be (Concurrent_Scavenger_page_size - section size) however
		 * Virtual Memory can return heap size shorter by a region (and here region size == section size)
		 * So to guarantee desired heap size over-allocate it by full Concurrent_Scavenger_page_size
		concurrentScavengerPageSize = extensions->getConcurrentScavengerPageSectionSize() * CONCURRENT_SCAVENGER_PAGE_SECTIONS;
		allocateSize += concurrentScavengerPageSize;
		if (extensions->isDebugConcurrentScavengerPageAlignment()) {
			omrtty_printf("Requested heap size 0x%zx has been extended to 0x%zx for guaranteed alignment\n", size, allocateSize);
	} else {
		if (heapAlignment > pageSize) {
			allocateSize += (heapAlignment - pageSize);

	if (extensions->enableSplitHeap) {
		/* currently (ceiling != NULL) is using to recognize CompressedRefs so must be NULL for 32 bit platforms */
		Assert_MM_true(NULL == ceiling);

		switch(extensions->splitHeapSection) {
			/* trying to get Tenure at the bottom of virtual memory */
			/* trying to get Nursery at the top of virtual memory */
#endif /* defined(OMR_GC_MODRON_SCAVENGER) */

	if (NULL == ceiling) {
		instance = MM_VirtualMemory::newInstance(env, heapAlignment, allocateSize, pageSize, pageFlags, tailPadding, preferredAddress,
												 ceiling, mode, options, memoryCategory);
	} else {
		 * This function is used for Compressed References platforms only
		 * The ceiling for such platforms is set maximum memory value be supported (32G for 3-bit shift)
		 * The ceiling it is 0 for all other platforms
		/* NON_SCALING_LOW_MEMORY_HEAP_CEILING is set to 4G for 64-bit platforms only, 0 for 32-bit platforms */
		 * Usually the suballocator memory should be allocated first (before heap) however
		 * in case when preferred address is specified we will try to allocate heap first
		 * to avoid possible interference with requested heap location
		bool shouldHeapBeAllocatedFirst = (NULL != preferredAddress);
		void* startAllocationAddress = preferredAddress;

		/* Set the commit size for the sub allocator. This needs to be completed before the call to omrmem_ensure_capacity32 */
		omrport_control(OMRPORT_CTLDATA_ALLOCATE32_COMMIT_SIZE, extensions->suballocatorCommitSize);

		if (!shouldHeapBeAllocatedFirst) {
			if (OMRPORT_ENSURE_CAPACITY_FAILED == omrmem_ensure_capacity32(extensions->suballocatorInitialSize)) {
				extensions->heapInitializationFailureReason = MM_GCExtensionsBase::HEAP_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE_REASON_CAN_NOT_ALLOCATE_LOW_MEMORY_RESERVE;
				return false;


#if defined(J9ZOS39064)
		/* 2TO32G area is extended to 64G */

		 * On ZOS an address space below 2G can not be taken for virtual memory
#define TWO_GB_ADDRESS ((void*)((uintptr_t)2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024))
		if (NULL == preferredAddress) {
			startAllocationAddress = TWO_GB_ADDRESS;
#endif /* defined(J9ZOS39064) */

		void* requestedTopAddress = (void*)((uintptr_t)startAllocationAddress + allocateSize + tailPadding);

		if (extensions->isConcurrentScavengerEnabled()) {
			void * ceilingToRequest = ceiling;
			/* Requested top address might be higher then ceiling because of added chunk */
			if ((requestedTopAddress > ceiling) && ((void *)((uintptr_t)requestedTopAddress - concurrentScavengerPageSize) <= ceiling)) {
				/* ZOS 2_TO_64/2_TO_32 options would not allow memory request larger then 64G/32G so total requested size including tail padding should not exceed it */
				allocateSize = (uintptr_t)ceiling - (uintptr_t)startAllocationAddress - tailPadding;

				if (extensions->isDebugConcurrentScavengerPageAlignment()) {
					omrtty_printf("Total allocate size exceeds ceiling %p, reduce allocate size to 0x%zx\n", ceiling, allocateSize);
				 * There is no way that Nursery will be pushed above ceiling for valid memory options however we have
				 * no idea about start address. So to guarantee an allocation up to the ceiling we need to request extended chunk of memory. 
				 * Set ceiling to NULL to disable ceiling control. This required bottom-up direction for allocation.
				ceilingToRequest = NULL;


			/* An attempt to allocate memory chunk for heap for Concurrent Scavenger */
			instance = MM_VirtualMemory::newInstance(env, heapAlignment, allocateSize, pageSize, pageFlags, tailPadding, preferredAddress, ceilingToRequest, mode, options, memoryCategory);
		} else {
			if (requestedTopAddress <= ceiling) {
				bool allocationTopDown = true;
				/* define the scan direction when reserving the GC heap in the range of (4G, 32G) */
#if defined(S390) || defined(J9ZOS390)
				/* s390 benefits from smaller shift values so allocate direction is bottom up */
				allocationTopDown = false;
#endif /* defined(S390) || defined(J9ZOS390) */

				if (allocationTopDown && extensions->shouldForceSpecifiedShiftingCompression) {
					/* force to allocate heap top-down from correspondent to shift address */
					void* maxAddress = (void *)(((uintptr_t)1 << 32) << extensions->forcedShiftingCompressionAmount);

					instance = MM_VirtualMemory::newInstance(env, heapAlignment, allocateSize, pageSize, pageFlags, tailPadding, preferredAddress,
							maxAddress, mode, options, memoryCategory);
				} else {
					if (requestedTopAddress < (void*)NON_SCALING_LOW_MEMORY_HEAP_CEILING) {
						 * Attempt to allocate heap below 4G
						instance = MM_VirtualMemory::newInstance(env, heapAlignment, allocateSize, pageSize, pageFlags, tailPadding, preferredAddress,
																 (void*)OMR_MIN(NON_SCALING_LOW_MEMORY_HEAP_CEILING, (uintptr_t)ceiling), mode, options, memoryCategory);

					if ((NULL == instance) && (ceiling > (void*)NON_SCALING_LOW_MEMORY_HEAP_CEILING)) {

#define THIRTY_TWO_GB_ADDRESS ((uintptr_t)32 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)
						if (requestedTopAddress <= (void *)THIRTY_TWO_GB_ADDRESS) {
							 * If requested object heap size is in range 28G-32G its allocation with 3-bit shift might compromise amount of low memory below 4G
							 * To prevent this go straight to 4-bit shift if it possible.
							 * Set of logical conditions to skip allocation attempt below 32G
							 *  - 4-bit shift is available option
							 *  - requested size is larger then 28G (32 minus 4)
							 *  - allocation direction is top-down, otherwise it does not make sense
							bool skipAllocationBelow32G = (ceiling > (void*)THIRTY_TWO_GB_ADDRESS)
								 && (requestedTopAddress > (void*)(THIRTY_TWO_GB_ADDRESS - NON_SCALING_LOW_MEMORY_HEAP_CEILING))
								 && allocationTopDown;

							if (!skipAllocationBelow32G) {
								 * Attempt to allocate heap below 32G
								instance = MM_VirtualMemory::newInstance(env, heapAlignment, allocateSize, pageSize, pageFlags, tailPadding, preferredAddress,
																		 (void*)OMR_MIN((uintptr_t)THIRTY_TWO_GB_ADDRESS, (uintptr_t)ceiling), mode, options, memoryCategory);

						 * Attempt to allocate above 32G
						if ((NULL == instance) && (ceiling > (void *)THIRTY_TWO_GB_ADDRESS)) {
							instance = MM_VirtualMemory::newInstance(env, heapAlignment, allocateSize, pageSize, pageFlags, tailPadding, preferredAddress,
																	 ceiling, mode, options, memoryCategory);

		 * If preferredAddress is requested check is it really taken: if not - release memory
		 * for backward compatibility this check should be done for compressedrefs platforms only
		if ((NULL != preferredAddress) && (NULL != instance) && (instance->getHeapBase() != preferredAddress)) {
			extensions->heapInitializationFailureReason = MM_GCExtensionsBase::HEAP_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE_REASON_CAN_NOT_INSTANTIATE_HEAP;
			instance = NULL;
			return false;

		if ((NULL != instance) && shouldHeapBeAllocatedFirst) {
			if (OMRPORT_ENSURE_CAPACITY_FAILED == omrmem_ensure_capacity32(extensions->suballocatorInitialSize)) {
				extensions->heapInitializationFailureReason = MM_GCExtensionsBase::HEAP_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE_REASON_CAN_NOT_ALLOCATE_LOW_MEMORY_RESERVE;
				instance = NULL;
				return false;
#else /* defined(OMR_GC_COMPRESSED_POINTERS) */

		 * Code above might be used for non-compressedrefs platforms but need a few adjustments on it for this:
		 *  - OMRPORT_VMEM_ZOS_USE2TO32G_AREA flag for ZOS is expected to be used for compressedrefs heap allocation only

#endif /* defined(OMR_GC_COMPRESSED_POINTERS) */

	if((NULL != instance) && extensions->largePageFailOnError && (instance->getPageSize() != extensions->requestedPageSize)) {
		extensions->heapInitializationFailureReason = MM_GCExtensionsBase::HEAP_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE_REASON_CAN_NOT_SATISFY_REQUESTED_PAGE_SIZE;
		instance = NULL;
		return false;

	if (NULL != instance) {

		 * Aligning Nursery location to Concurrent Scavenger Page and calculate Concurrent Scavenger Page start address
		 * There are two possible cases here:
		 * - Nursery fits Concurrent Scavenger Page already = no extra alignment required
		 * - current Nursery location has crossed Concurrent Scavenger Page boundary so it needs to be pushed higher to
		 *   have Nursery low address to be aligned to Concurrent Scavenger Page
		if (extensions->isConcurrentScavengerEnabled()) {
			/* projected Nursery base and top */
			/* assumed Nursery location in high addresses of the heap */
			uintptr_t heapBase = (uintptr_t)handle->getMemoryBase();
			uintptr_t nurseryTop = heapBase + size;
			uintptr_t nurseryBase = nurseryTop - extensions->maxNewSpaceSize;

			if (extensions->isDebugConcurrentScavengerPageAlignment()) {
				omrtty_printf("Allocated memory for heap: [%p,%p]\n", handle->getMemoryBase(), handle->getMemoryTop());

			uintptr_t baseAligned = MM_Math::roundToCeiling(concurrentScavengerPageSize, nurseryBase + 1);
			uintptr_t topAligned = MM_Math::roundToCeiling(concurrentScavengerPageSize, nurseryTop);

			if (baseAligned == topAligned) {
				/* Nursery fits Concurrent Scavenger Page already */
				extensions->setConcurrentScavengerPageStartAddress((void *)(baseAligned - concurrentScavengerPageSize));

				if (extensions->isDebugConcurrentScavengerPageAlignment()) {
					omrtty_printf("Expected Nursery start address 0x%zx\n", nurseryBase);
			} else {
				/* Nursery location should be adjusted */
				extensions->setConcurrentScavengerPageStartAddress((void *)baseAligned);

				if (extensions->isDebugConcurrentScavengerPageAlignment()) {
					omrtty_printf("Expected Nursery start address adjusted to 0x%zx\n", baseAligned);

				/* Move up entire heap for proper Nursery adjustment */
				heapBase += (baseAligned - nurseryBase);
				handle->setMemoryBase((void *)heapBase);

				/* top of adjusted Nursery should fit reserved memory */
				Assert_GC_true_with_message3(env, ((heapBase + size) <= (uintptr_t)handle->getMemoryTop()),
						"End of projected heap (base 0x%zx + size 0x%zx) is larger then Top allocated %p\n",
						heapBase, size, handle->getMemoryTop());

			/* adjust heap top to lowest possible address */
			handle->setMemoryTop((void *)(heapBase + size));

			if (extensions->isDebugConcurrentScavengerPageAlignment()) {
				omrtty_printf("Adjusted heap location: [%p,%p], Concurrent Scavenger Page start address %p, Concurrent Scavenger Page size 0x%zx\n",
						handle->getMemoryBase(), handle->getMemoryTop(), extensions->getConcurrentScavengerPageStartAddress(), concurrentScavengerPageSize);

			 * Concurrent Scavenger Page location might be aligned out of Compressed References supported memory range
			 * Fail to initialize in this case
			if ((NULL != ceiling) && (handle->getMemoryTop() > ceiling)) {
				extensions->heapInitializationFailureReason = MM_GCExtensionsBase::HEAP_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE_REASON_CAN_NOT_INSTANTIATE_HEAP;
				destroyVirtualMemory(env, handle);
				instance = NULL;

	//Use handle's Memory Base to refer valgrind memory pool
	valgrindCreateMempool(extensions, env, (uintptr_t)handle->getMemoryBase());
#endif /* defined(OMR_VALGRIND_MEMCHECK) */

	return NULL != instance;
Exemple #5
MM_MemoryManager::createVirtualMemoryForMetadata(MM_EnvironmentBase* env, MM_MemoryHandle* handle, uintptr_t alignment, uintptr_t size)
	Assert_MM_true(NULL != handle);
	Assert_MM_true(NULL == handle->getVirtualMemory());
	MM_GCExtensionsBase* extensions = env->getExtensions();

	 * Can we take already preallocated memory?
	if (NULL != _preAllocated.getVirtualMemory()) {
		/* base might be not aligned */
		void* base = (void*)MM_Math::roundToCeiling(alignment, (uintptr_t)_preAllocated.getMemoryBase());
		void* top = (void*)((uintptr_t)base + MM_Math::roundToCeiling(alignment, size));
		if (top <= _preAllocated.getMemoryTop()) {
			/* it is enough room in preallocated memory - take chunk of it */
			MM_VirtualMemory* instance = _preAllocated.getVirtualMemory();
			/* Add one more consumer to Virtual Memory instance */

			/* set Virtual Memory parameters to the provided handle */

			/* If it is not all preallocated memory is consumed make correct settings for rest of it, clean otherwise */
			if (top < _preAllocated.getMemoryTop()) {
				/* something left in preallocated */
			} else {
				/* nothing left in preallocated */

	 * Make real memory allocation if necessary
	if (NULL == handle->getVirtualMemory()) {
		uint32_t memoryCategory = OMRMEM_CATEGORY_MM;
		MM_VirtualMemory* instance = NULL;
		bool isOverAllocationRequested = false;

		/* memory consumer might expect memory to be aligned so allocate a little bit more */
		uintptr_t allocateSize = size + ((2 * alignment) - 1);

		if (isMetadataAllocatedInVirtualMemory(env)) {
			uintptr_t tailPadding = 0;
			void* preferredAddress = NULL;
			void* ceiling = NULL;
			uintptr_t options = 0;

			uintptr_t pageSize = extensions->gcmetadataPageSize;
			uintptr_t pageFlags = extensions->gcmetadataPageFlags;
			Assert_MM_true(0 != pageSize);

			 * Preallocation is enabled for all platforms where metadata can be allocated in virtual memory
			 * Segmentation is enabled for AIX-64 only, so physical page size is used as a segment size for other platforms
			 * To get advantage of preallocation this memory should be allocated in large pages
			if (isLargePage(env, pageSize)) {

				uintptr_t minimumAllocationUnit = getSegmentSize();
				if (0 == minimumAllocationUnit) {
					 * Memory is not segmented on this platform, so minimum unit is limited by page size only
					minimumAllocationUnit = pageSize;

				 * Round up allocation size to the minimum allocation unit (large page or segment)
				 * Reminder can be used as a preallocated memory
				allocateSize = MM_Math::roundToCeiling(minimumAllocationUnit, allocateSize);
				isOverAllocationRequested = true;

			 * Create Virtual Memory instance
			instance = MM_VirtualMemory::newInstance(env, alignment, allocateSize, pageSize, pageFlags, tailPadding, preferredAddress, ceiling, mode, options, memoryCategory);
		} else {
			 * Allocate memory using malloc (create NonVirtual Memory instance)
			instance = MM_NonVirtualMemory::newInstance(env, alignment, allocateSize, memoryCategory);

		if (NULL != instance) {
			/* Add one more consumer to Virtual Memory instance */

			/* set Virtual Memory parameters to the provided handle */
			handle->setMemoryTop((void*)((uintptr_t)instance->getHeapBase() + size));

			 * Setup preallocated memory if over-allocation has been requested
			if (isOverAllocationRequested) {
				/* base might be not rounded here - will be when memory is going to be taken */

	return NULL != handle->getVirtualMemory();