Exemple #1
template<class T> inline static Matrix<T> min (const Matrix<T>& M, const size_t& dim = 0) {
    Vector<size_t> dims = size(M);
    size_t m = dims[0];
    size_t n = numel(M)/m;
    dims[dim] = 1;
    Matrix<T> ret(dims);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        ret[i] = *std::min_element(M.Begin()+i*m,M.Begin()+(i+1)*m);
    return ret;
Exemple #2
 * @brief           Create new vector
 *                  and copy the data into the new vector. If the target
 *                  is bigger, the remaining space is set 0. If it is
 *                  smaller data is truncted.
 * @param   M       The matrix to resize
 * @param   sz      New length
 * @return          Resized vector
template <class T> inline static  Matrix<T> resize (const Matrix<T>& M, size_t sz) {

    Matrix<T> res (sz,1);
    size_t copysz = std::min(numel(M), sz);

    typename Vector<T>::      iterator rb = res.Begin ();
    typename Vector<T>::const_iterator mb =   M.Begin ();

    std::copy (mb, mb+copysz, rb);

    return res;

Exemple #3
     * @brief           Unary minus (additive inverse)
     * @return          Negation
    inline Matrix<T,P>
    operator-           () const {

        Matrix<T,P> res (_dim);

#if defined USE_VALARRAY
        res = -_M;        
#ifdef EW_OMP
     #pragma omp parallel for
        for (size_t i = 0; i < Size(); ++i)
			res[i] = -_M[i];
        std::transform (_M.begin(), _M.end(), res.Begin(), std::negate<T>());
        return res;

Exemple #4
 * @brief     Product along a dimension
 * Usage:
 * @code
 *   Matrix<cxfl> m   = rand<double> (8,7,6);
 *   m = prod (m,0); // dims (7,6);
 * @endcode
 * @param  M  Matrix
 * @param  d  Dimension
 * @return    Sum of M along dimension d
template <class T> inline static Matrix<T> prod (const Matrix<T>& M, size_t d) {

    Matrix<size_t> sz = size(M);
    size_t        dim = sz[d];
    Matrix<T>     res;

    assert (d < M.NDim());

    // No meaningful sum over particular dimension
    if (dim == 1)
        return res;

    // Empty? allocation
    if (isempty(M))
        return res;

    // Inner and outer sizes
    Vector<size_t>::const_iterator ci = sz.Begin();
    size_t insize = std::accumulate (ci, ci+d, 1, c_multiply<size_t>);
    size_t outsize = std::accumulate (ci+d+1, ci+d+std::min(M.NDim(),sz.Size()), 1, c_multiply<size_t>);

    // Adjust size vector and allocate
    sz [d] = 1;
    res = Matrix<T>(sz);

    // Sum
    #pragma omp parallel default (shared)
        #pragma omp for
        for (size_t i = 0; i < outsize; ++i)
            for (size_t j = 0; j < insize; ++j) {
                res[i*insize + j] = T(0);
                for (size_t k = 0; k < dim; ++k)
                    res[i*insize + j] += M[i*insize*dim + j + k*insize];

    return res;

Exemple #5
 * @brief      Ones matrix
 * @param  col  Column
 * @param  lin  Rows
 * @param  cha  Dimension
 * @param  set  Dimension
 * @param  eco  Dimension
 * @param  phs  Dimension
 * @param  rep  Dimension
 * @param  seg  Dimension
 * @param  par  Dimension
 * @param  slc  Dimension
 * @param  ida  Dimension
 * @param  idb  Dimension
 * @param  idc  Dimension
 * @param  idd  Dimension
 * @param  ide  Dimension
 * @param  ave  Dimension
 * @return      Ones matrix
template <class T> inline static Matrix<T> 
ones            (const size_t& col, 
				 const size_t& lin,
				 const size_t& cha = 1,
				 const size_t& set = 1,
				 const size_t& eco = 1,
				 const size_t& phs = 1,
				 const size_t& rep = 1,
				 const size_t& seg = 1,
				 const size_t& par = 1,
				 const size_t& slc = 1,
				 const size_t& ida = 1,
				 const size_t& idb = 1,
				 const size_t& idc = 1,
				 const size_t& idd = 1,
				 const size_t& ide = 1,
				 const size_t& ave = 1) {

 	 Matrix<T> res (col, lin, cha, set, eco, phs, rep, seg, par, slc, ida, idb, idc, idd, ide, ave);
     std::fill (res.Begin(), res.End(), T(1));

	 return res;

Exemple #6
 * @brief     Product of all elements
 * Usage:
 * @code
 *   Matrix<cxfl> m   = rand<double> (8,7,6);
 *   m = prod (m);
 * @endcode
 * @param  M  Matrix
 * @return    Sum of M along dimension d
template <class T> inline static T prod (const Matrix<T>& M) {
    return std::accumulate(M.Begin(), M.End(), T(1), c_multiply<T>);
Exemple #7
template <class T> inline static T sum2 (const Matrix<T>& M) {
    return std::accumulate (M.Begin(), M.End(), (T)1, std::plus<T>());
Exemple #8
template<class T> inline static T mmin (const Matrix<T>& M) {
    return *std::min_element(M.Begin(), M.End());