Exemple #1
MetaBundle::operator==( const MetaBundle& bundle )
    return m_artist     == bundle.artist() &&
           m_title      == bundle.title() &&
           m_album      == bundle.album() &&
           m_year       == bundle.year() &&
           m_comment    == bundle.comment() &&
           m_genre      == bundle.genre() &&
           m_track      == bundle.track() &&
           m_bitrate    == bundle.bitrate() &&
           m_sampleRate == bundle.sampleRate();
Exemple #2
    //Check which fields are the same for all selected tracks
    const KURL::List::ConstIterator end = m_urlList.end();
    KURL::List::ConstIterator it = m_urlList.begin();

    m_bundle = MetaBundle();

    MetaBundle first = bundleForURL( *it );
    uint scoreFirst = CollectionDB::instance()->getSongPercentage( first.url().path() );

    bool artist=true, album=true, genre=true, comment=true,
         year=true, score=true, composer=true, discNumber=true;
    for ( ; it != end; ++it ) {
        MetaBundle mb = bundleForURL( *it );

        if( !mb.url().isLocalFile() ) {
            // If we have a non local file, don't even lose more time comparing, just leave
            artist = album = genre = comment = year = score = composer = discNumber = false;
        if ( artist && mb.artist()!=first.artist() ) { artist=false; };
        if ( album && mb.album()!=first.album() ) { album=false; };
        if ( genre && mb.genre()!=first.genre() ) { genre=false; };
        if ( comment && mb.comment()!=first.comment() ) { comment=false; };
        if ( year && mb.year()!=first.year() ) { year=false; };
        if ( composer && mb.composer()!=first.composer() ) { composer=false; };
        if ( discNumber && mb.discNumber()!=first.discNumber() ) { discNumber=false; };

        uint scoreCurrent = CollectionDB::instance()->getSongPercentage( mb.url().path() );
        if ( score && scoreFirst != scoreCurrent )
            score = false;

        if (!artist && !album && !genre && !comment && !year && !score && !composer && !discNumber)
    // Set them in the dialog and in m_bundle ( so we don't break hasChanged() )
    if (artist) {
        m_bundle.setArtist( first.artist() );
        kComboBox_artist->setCurrentText( first.artist() );
    if (album) {
        m_bundle.setAlbum( first.album() );
        kComboBox_album->setCurrentText( first.album() );
    if (genre) {
        m_bundle.setGenre( first.genre() );
        kComboBox_genre->setCurrentText( first.genre() );
    if (comment) {
        m_bundle.setComment( first.comment() );
        kTextEdit_comment->setText( first.comment() );
    if (composer) {
        m_bundle.setComposer( first.composer() );
        kComboBox_composer->setCurrentText( first.composer() );
    if (year) {
        m_bundle.setYear( first.year() );
        kIntSpinBox_year->setValue( first.year() );
    if (discNumber) {
        m_bundle.setDiscNumber( first.discNumber() );
        kIntSpinBox_discNumber->setValue( first.discNumber() );
    if (score) {
        m_score = scoreFirst;
        kIntSpinBox_score->setValue( scoreFirst );

    m_currentURL = m_urlList.begin();
Exemple #3
    const KURL::List::ConstIterator end = m_urlList.end();
    for ( KURL::List::ConstIterator it = m_urlList.begin(); it != end; ++it ) {

        /* we have to update the values if they changed, so:
           1) !kLineEdit_field->text().isEmpty() && kLineEdit_field->text() != mb.field
           i.e.: The user wrote something on the field, and it's different from
           what we have in the tag.
           2) !m_bundle.field().isEmpty() && kLineEdit_field->text().isEmpty()
           i.e.: The user was shown some value for the field (it was the same
           for all selected tracks), and he deliberately emptied it.
           TODO: All this mess is because the dialog uses "" to represent what the user
                 doesn't want to change, maybe we can think of something better?

        MetaBundle mb = bundleForURL( *it );

        int changed = 0;
        if( !kComboBox_artist->currentText().isEmpty() && kComboBox_artist->currentText() != mb.artist() ||
                kComboBox_artist->currentText().isEmpty() && !m_bundle.artist().isEmpty() ) {
            mb.setArtist( kComboBox_artist->currentText() );
            changed |= TagDialog::TAGSCHANGED;

        if( !kComboBox_album->currentText().isEmpty() && kComboBox_album->currentText() != mb.album() ||
                kComboBox_album->currentText().isEmpty() && !m_bundle.album().isEmpty() ) {
            mb.setAlbum( kComboBox_album->currentText() );
            changed |= TagDialog::TAGSCHANGED;
        if( !kComboBox_genre->currentText().isEmpty() && kComboBox_genre->currentText() != mb.genre() ||
                kComboBox_genre->currentText().isEmpty() && !m_bundle.genre().isEmpty() ) {
            mb.setGenre( kComboBox_genre->currentText() );
            changed |= TagDialog::TAGSCHANGED;
        if( !kTextEdit_comment->text().isEmpty() && kTextEdit_comment->text() != mb.comment() ||
                kTextEdit_comment->text().isEmpty() && !m_bundle.comment().isEmpty() ) {
            mb.setComment( kTextEdit_comment->text() );
            changed |= TagDialog::TAGSCHANGED;
        if( !kComboBox_composer->currentText().isEmpty() && kComboBox_composer->currentText() != mb.composer() ||
             kComboBox_composer->currentText().isEmpty() && !m_bundle.composer().isEmpty() ) {
            mb.setComposer( kComboBox_composer->currentText() );
            changed |= TagDialog::TAGSCHANGED;

        if( kIntSpinBox_year->value() && kIntSpinBox_year->value() != mb.year() ||
                !kIntSpinBox_year->value() && m_bundle.year() ) {
            mb.setYear( kIntSpinBox_year->value() );
            changed |= TagDialog::TAGSCHANGED;
        if( kIntSpinBox_discNumber->value() && kIntSpinBox_discNumber->value() != mb.discNumber() ||
                !kIntSpinBox_discNumber->value() && m_bundle.discNumber() ) {
            mb.setDiscNumber( kIntSpinBox_discNumber->value() );
            changed |= TagDialog::TAGSCHANGED;

        if( kIntSpinBox_score->value() && kIntSpinBox_score->value() != m_score ||
                !kIntSpinBox_score->value() && m_score )
            m_score = kIntSpinBox_score->value();
            changed |= TagDialog::SCORECHANGED;

        storeTags( *it, changed, mb, m_score );