/// \brief Analyze metrics for a problem based on a range of tolerances
  /// @param metricsPlist parameter list defining tolerances
  /// @param problem the problem whose metrics are to be analyzed
  /// @param[out] msg_stream a std::ostringstream stream to return information from the analysis
  /// @return returns a boolean value indicated pass/failure.
  static bool analyzeMetrics( const RCP<const Zoltan2::EvaluatePartition <basic_id_t> > &metricObject, const ParameterList &metricsParameters, std::ostringstream & msg_stream )
    if (metricsParameters.numParams() == 0) {
      return true; // specification is that we do nothing - we may just be testing our status

    bool bAllPassed = true;

    std::vector<MetricAnalyzerInfo> metricInfoSet;
    LoadMetricInfo(metricInfoSet, metricObject, metricsParameters);

    int countFailedMetricChecks = 0;
    for (auto metricInfo = metricInfoSet.begin(); metricInfo != metricInfoSet.end(); ++metricInfo) {
      if (!MetricAnalyzer::executeMetricCheck(*metricInfo, msg_stream)) {

    // this code prints a summary of all metric checks and indicates how many failed, if any did fail
    if(countFailedMetricChecks == 0) {
      msg_stream << metricsParameters.numParams() << " out of " << metricsParameters.numParams() << " metric checks"  << " PASSED." << std::endl;
    else {
      msg_stream << countFailedMetricChecks << " out of " << metricsParameters.numParams() << " metric checks " << " FAILED." << std::endl;
      bAllPassed = false;
    msg_stream << std::endl; // cosmetic spacer
    return bAllPassed;
Exemple #2
  void ParameterListInterpreter<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps>::SetEasyParameterList(const Teuchos::ParameterList& constParamList) {
    // Create a non const copy of the parameter list
    // Working with a modifiable list is much much easier than with original one
    ParameterList paramList = constParamList;

    // Translate cycle type parameter
    if (paramList.isParameter("cycle type")) {
      std::map<std::string,CycleType> cycleMap;
      cycleMap["V"] = VCYCLE;
      cycleMap["W"] = WCYCLE;

      std::string cycleType = paramList.get<std::string>("cycle type");
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(cycleMap.count(cycleType) == 0, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "Invalid cycle type: \"" << cycleType << "\"");
      Cycle_ = cycleMap[cycleType];

    this->maxCoarseSize_    = paramList.get<int> ("coarse: max size",    Hierarchy::GetDefaultMaxCoarseSize());
    this->numDesiredLevel_  = paramList.get<int> ("max levels",          Hierarchy::GetDefaultMaxLevels());
    this->graphOutputLevel_ = paramList.get<int> ("debug: graph level", -1);
    blockSize_              = paramList.get<int> ("number of equations", 1);

    // Save level data
    if (paramList.isSublist("print")) {
      ParameterList printList = paramList.sublist("print");

      if (printList.isParameter("A"))
        this->matricesToPrint_     = Teuchos::getArrayFromStringParameter<int>(printList, "A");
      if (printList.isParameter("P"))
        this->prolongatorsToPrint_ = Teuchos::getArrayFromStringParameter<int>(printList, "P");
      if (printList.isParameter("R"))
        this->restrictorsToPrint_  = Teuchos::getArrayFromStringParameter<int>(printList, "R");

    // Translate verbosity parameter
    this->verbosity_ = static_cast<MsgType>(Hierarchy::GetDefaultVerbLevel());      // cast int to enum
    if (paramList.isParameter("verbosity")) {
      std::map<std::string,MsgType> verbMap;
      verbMap["none"]    = None;
      verbMap["low"]     = Low;
      verbMap["medium"]  = Medium;
      verbMap["high"]    = High;
      verbMap["extreme"] = Extreme;
      verbMap["test"]    = Test;

      std::string verbosityLevel = paramList.get<std::string>("verbosity");
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(verbMap.count(verbosityLevel) == 0, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "Invalid verbosity level: \"" << verbosityLevel << "\"");
      this->verbosity_ = verbMap[verbosityLevel];

    // Detect if we need to transfer coordinates to coarse levels. We do that iff
    //  - we use "laplacian" dropping on some level, or
    //  - we use repartitioning on some level
    // This is not ideal, as we may have "repartition: enable" turned on by default
    // and not present in the list, but it is better than nothing.
    useCoordinates_ = false;
    if ((paramList.isParameter("repartition: enable")      && paramList.get<bool>("repartition: enable")             == true) ||
        (paramList.isParameter("aggregation: drop scheme") && paramList.get<std::string>("aggregation: drop scheme") == "laplacian")) {
      useCoordinates_ = true;

    } else {
      for (int levelID = 0; levelID < this->numDesiredLevel_; levelID++) {
        std::string levelStr = "level" + toString(levelID);

        if (paramList.isSublist(levelStr)) {
          const ParameterList& levelList = paramList.sublist(levelStr);

          if ((levelList.isParameter("repartition: enable")      && levelList.get<bool>("repartition: enable")             == true) ||
              (levelList.isParameter("aggregation: drop scheme") && levelList.get<std::string>("aggregation: drop scheme") == "laplacian")) {
            useCoordinates_ = true;

    // Detect if we do implicit P and R rebalance
    if (paramList.isParameter("repartition: enable") && paramList.get<bool>("repartition: enable") == true)
      this->doPRrebalance_ = paramList.get<bool>("repartition: rebalance P and R", Hierarchy::GetDefaultPRrebalance());

    this->implicitTranspose_ = paramList.get<bool>("transpose: use implicit", Hierarchy::GetDefaultImplicitTranspose());

    // Create default manager
    RCP<FactoryManager> defaultManager = rcp(new FactoryManager());
    UpdateFactoryManager(paramList, ParameterList(), *defaultManager);

    for (int levelID = 0; levelID < this->numDesiredLevel_; levelID++) {
      RCP<FactoryManager> levelManager;

      if (paramList.isSublist("level " + toString(levelID))) {
        // Some level specific parameters, update default manager
        bool mustAlreadyExist = true;
        ParameterList& levelList = paramList.sublist("level " + toString(levelID), mustAlreadyExist);

        levelManager = rcp(new FactoryManager(*defaultManager));

        UpdateFactoryManager(levelList, paramList, *levelManager);

      } else {
        // No level specific parameter, use default manager
        levelManager = defaultManager;

      this->AddFactoryManager(levelID, 1, levelManager);

    if (paramList.isParameter("strict parameter checking") &&
        paramList.get<bool>  ("strict parameter checking")) {
      ParameterList unusedParamList;

      // Check for unused parameters that aren't lists
      for (ParameterList::ConstIterator itr = paramList.begin(); itr != paramList.end(); ++itr) {
        const ParameterEntry& entry = paramList.entry(itr);

        if (!entry.isList() && !entry.isUsed())
          unusedParamList.setEntry(paramList.name(itr), entry);
#if 0
      // Check for unused parameters in level-specific sublists
      for (int levelID = 0; levelID < this->numDesiredLevel_; levelID++) {
        std::string levelStr = "level" + toString(levelID);

        if (paramList.isSublist(levelStr)) {
          const ParameterList& levelList = paramList.sublist(levelStr);

          for (ParameterList::ConstIterator itr = levelList.begin(); itr != levelList.end(); ++itr) {
            const ParameterEntry& entry = levelList.entry(itr);

            if (!entry.isList() && !entry.isUsed())
              unusedParamList.sublist(levelStr).setEntry(levelList.name(itr), entry);
      if (unusedParamList.numParams() > 0) {
        std::ostringstream unusedParamsStream;
        int indent = 4;
        unusedParamList.print(unusedParamsStream, indent);

        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION_PURE_MSG(true, Teuchos::Exceptions::InvalidParameter,
                                            "WARNING: Unused parameters were detected. Please check spelling and type." << std::endl << unusedParamsStream.str());

    // FIXME: parameters passed to packages, like Ifpack2, are not touched by us, resulting in "[unused]" flag
    // being displayed. On the other hand, we don't want to simply iterate through them touching. I don't know
    // what a good solution looks like
    this->GetOStream(static_cast<MsgType>(Runtime1 | Test), 0) << paramList << std::endl;