Exemple #1
Platform::DebugProcess (ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info, 
                        Debugger &debugger,
                        Target *target,       // Can be NULL, if NULL create a new target, else use existing one
                        Listener &listener,
                        Error &error)
    ProcessSP process_sp;
    // Make sure we stop at the entry point
    launch_info.GetFlags ().Set (eLaunchFlagDebug);
    // We always launch the process we are going to debug in a separate process
    // group, since then we can handle ^C interrupts ourselves w/o having to worry
    // about the target getting them as well.
    error = LaunchProcess (launch_info);
    if (error.Success())
        if (launch_info.GetProcessID() != LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID)
            ProcessAttachInfo attach_info (launch_info);
            process_sp = Attach (attach_info, debugger, target, listener, error);
            if (process_sp)
                // Since we attached to the process, it will think it needs to detach
                // if the process object just goes away without an explicit call to
                // Process::Kill() or Process::Detach(), so let it know to kill the 
                // process if this happens.
                process_sp->SetShouldDetach (false);
                // If we didn't have any file actions, the pseudo terminal might
                // have been used where the slave side was given as the file to
                // open for stdin/out/err after we have already opened the master
                // so we can read/write stdin/out/err.
                int pty_fd = launch_info.GetPTY().ReleaseMasterFileDescriptor();
                if (pty_fd != lldb_utility::PseudoTerminal::invalid_fd)
    return process_sp;
ProcessSP PlatformWindows::DebugProcess(ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info,
                                        Debugger &debugger, Target *target,
                                        Error &error) {
  // Windows has special considerations that must be followed when launching or
  // attaching to a process.  The
  // key requirement is that when launching or attaching to a process, you must
  // do it from the same the thread
  // that will go into a permanent loop which will then receive debug events
  // from the process.  In particular,
  // this means we can't use any of LLDB's generic mechanisms to do it for us,
  // because it doesn't have the
  // special knowledge required for setting up the background thread or passing
  // the right flags.
  // Another problem is that that LLDB's standard model for debugging a process
  // is to first launch it, have
  // it stop at the entry point, and then attach to it.  In Windows this doesn't
  // quite work, you have to
  // specify as an argument to CreateProcess() that you're going to debug the
  // process.  So we override DebugProcess
  // here to handle this.  Launch operations go directly to the process plugin,
  // and attach operations almost go
  // directly to the process plugin (but we hijack the events first).  In
  // essence, we encapsulate all the logic
  // of Launching and Attaching in the process plugin, and
  // PlatformWindows::DebugProcess is just a pass-through
  // to get to the process plugin.

  if (launch_info.GetProcessID() != LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID) {
    // This is a process attach.  Don't need to launch anything.
    ProcessAttachInfo attach_info(launch_info);
    return Attach(attach_info, debugger, target, error);
  } else {
    ProcessSP process_sp =
                              launch_info.GetProcessPluginName(), nullptr);

    // We need to launch and attach to the process.
    if (process_sp)
      error = process_sp->Launch(launch_info);

    return process_sp;
GDBRemoteCommunication::StartDebugserverProcess (const char *hostname,
                                                 uint16_t in_port,
                                                 ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info,
                                                 uint16_t &out_port)
    Log *log (ProcessGDBRemoteLog::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (GDBR_LOG_PROCESS));
    if (log)
        log->Printf ("GDBRemoteCommunication::%s(hostname=%s, in_port=%" PRIu16 ", out_port=%" PRIu16, __FUNCTION__, hostname ? hostname : "<empty>", in_port, out_port);

    out_port = in_port;
    Error error;
    // If we locate debugserver, keep that located version around
    static FileSpec g_debugserver_file_spec;
    char debugserver_path[PATH_MAX];
    FileSpec &debugserver_file_spec = launch_info.GetExecutableFile();
    // Always check to see if we have an environment override for the path
    // to the debugserver to use and use it if we do.
    const char *env_debugserver_path = getenv("LLDB_DEBUGSERVER_PATH");
    if (env_debugserver_path)
        debugserver_file_spec.SetFile (env_debugserver_path, false);
        if (log)
            log->Printf ("GDBRemoteCommunication::%s() gdb-remote stub exe path set from environment variable: %s", __FUNCTION__, env_debugserver_path);
        debugserver_file_spec = g_debugserver_file_spec;
    bool debugserver_exists = debugserver_file_spec.Exists();
    if (!debugserver_exists)
        // The debugserver binary is in the LLDB.framework/Resources
        // directory.
        if (HostInfo::GetLLDBPath(ePathTypeSupportExecutableDir, debugserver_file_spec))
            debugserver_file_spec.AppendPathComponent (DEBUGSERVER_BASENAME);
            debugserver_exists = debugserver_file_spec.Exists();
            if (debugserver_exists)
                if (log)
                    log->Printf ("GDBRemoteCommunication::%s() found gdb-remote stub exe '%s'", __FUNCTION__, debugserver_file_spec.GetPath ().c_str ());

                g_debugserver_file_spec = debugserver_file_spec;
                if (log)
                    log->Printf ("GDBRemoteCommunication::%s() could not find gdb-remote stub exe '%s'", __FUNCTION__, debugserver_file_spec.GetPath ().c_str ());

    if (debugserver_exists)
        debugserver_file_spec.GetPath (debugserver_path, sizeof(debugserver_path));

        Args &debugserver_args = launch_info.GetArguments();
        char arg_cstr[PATH_MAX];

        // Start args with "debugserver /file/path -r --"

#if !defined(__APPLE__)
        // First argument to lldb-server must be mode in which to run.

        // If a host and port is supplied then use it
        char host_and_port[128];
        if (hostname)
            snprintf (host_and_port, sizeof(host_and_port), "%s:%u", hostname, in_port);
            host_and_port[0] = '\0';

        // use native registers, not the GDB registers

        if (launch_info.GetLaunchInSeparateProcessGroup())

        llvm::SmallString<PATH_MAX> named_pipe_path;
        Pipe port_pipe;

        bool listen = false;
        if (host_and_port[0])
            // Create a temporary file to get the stdout/stderr and redirect the
            // output of the command into this file. We will later read this file
            // if all goes well and fill the data into "command_output_ptr"

            if (in_port == 0)
                // Binding to port zero, we need to figure out what port it ends up
                // using using a named pipe...
                error = port_pipe.CreateWithUniqueName("debugserver-named-pipe", false, named_pipe_path);
                if (error.Success())
                    if (log)
                        log->Printf("GDBRemoteCommunication::%s() "
                                "named pipe creation failed: %s",
                                __FUNCTION__, error.AsCString());
                    // let's try an unnamed pipe
                    error = port_pipe.CreateNew(true);
                    if (error.Fail())
                        if (log)
                            log->Printf("GDBRemoteCommunication::%s() "
                                    "unnamed pipe creation failed: %s",
                                    __FUNCTION__, error.AsCString());
                        return error;
                    int write_fd = port_pipe.GetWriteFileDescriptor();
                listen = true;
            // No host and port given, so lets listen on our end and make the debugserver
            // connect to us..
            error = StartListenThread ("", 0);
            if (error.Fail())
                return error;

            ConnectionFileDescriptor *connection = (ConnectionFileDescriptor *)GetConnection ();
            // Wait for 10 seconds to resolve the bound port
            out_port = connection->GetListeningPort(10);
            if (out_port > 0)
                char port_cstr[32];
                snprintf(port_cstr, sizeof(port_cstr), "", out_port);
                // Send the host and port down that debugserver and specify an option
                // so that it connects back to the port we are listening to in this process
                error.SetErrorString ("failed to bind to port 0 on");
                return error;
        const char *env_debugserver_log_file = getenv("LLDB_DEBUGSERVER_LOG_FILE");
        if (env_debugserver_log_file)
            ::snprintf (arg_cstr, sizeof(arg_cstr), "--log-file=%s", env_debugserver_log_file);
        const char *env_debugserver_log_flags = getenv("LLDB_DEBUGSERVER_LOG_FLAGS");
        if (env_debugserver_log_flags)
            ::snprintf (arg_cstr, sizeof(arg_cstr), "--log-flags=%s", env_debugserver_log_flags);

        // Add additional args, starting with LLDB_DEBUGSERVER_EXTRA_ARG_1 until an env var doesn't come back.
        uint32_t env_var_index = 1;
        bool has_env_var;
            char env_var_name[64];
            snprintf (env_var_name, sizeof (env_var_name), "LLDB_DEBUGSERVER_EXTRA_ARG_%" PRIu32, env_var_index++);
            const char *extra_arg = getenv(env_var_name);
            has_env_var = extra_arg != nullptr;

            if (has_env_var)
                debugserver_args.AppendArgument (extra_arg);
                if (log)
                    log->Printf ("GDBRemoteCommunication::%s adding env var %s contents to stub command line (%s)", __FUNCTION__, env_var_name, extra_arg);
        } while (has_env_var);

        // Close STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR.
        launch_info.AppendCloseFileAction (STDIN_FILENO);
        launch_info.AppendCloseFileAction (STDOUT_FILENO);
        launch_info.AppendCloseFileAction (STDERR_FILENO);

        // Redirect STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR to "/dev/null".
        launch_info.AppendSuppressFileAction (STDIN_FILENO, true, false);
        launch_info.AppendSuppressFileAction (STDOUT_FILENO, false, true);
        launch_info.AppendSuppressFileAction (STDERR_FILENO, false, true);
        error = Host::LaunchProcess(launch_info);
        if (error.Success() && launch_info.GetProcessID() != LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID)
            if (named_pipe_path.size() > 0)
                error = port_pipe.OpenAsReader(named_pipe_path, false);
                if (error.Fail())
                    if (log)
                        log->Printf("GDBRemoteCommunication::%s() "
                                "failed to open named pipe %s for reading: %s",
                                __FUNCTION__, named_pipe_path.c_str(), error.AsCString());

            if (port_pipe.CanWrite())
            if (port_pipe.CanRead())
                char port_cstr[256];
                port_cstr[0] = '\0';
                size_t num_bytes = sizeof(port_cstr);
                // Read port from pipe with 10 second timeout.
                error = port_pipe.ReadWithTimeout(port_cstr, num_bytes,
                        std::chrono::seconds{10}, num_bytes);
                if (error.Success())
                    assert(num_bytes > 0 && port_cstr[num_bytes-1] == '\0');
                    out_port = StringConvert::ToUInt32(port_cstr, 0);
                    if (log)
                        log->Printf("GDBRemoteCommunication::%s() "
                                "debugserver listens %u port",
                                __FUNCTION__, out_port);
                    if (log)
                        log->Printf("GDBRemoteCommunication::%s() "
                                "failed to read a port value from pipe %s: %s",
                                __FUNCTION__, named_pipe_path.c_str(), error.AsCString());


            if (named_pipe_path.size() > 0)
                const auto err = port_pipe.Delete(named_pipe_path);
                if (err.Fail())
                    if (log)
                        log->Printf ("GDBRemoteCommunication::%s failed to delete pipe %s: %s",
                                __FUNCTION__, named_pipe_path.c_str(), err.AsCString());

            // Make sure we actually connect with the debugserver...
        error.SetErrorStringWithFormat ("unable to locate " DEBUGSERVER_BASENAME );
    return error;