int __cdecl main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    // parse cmd line parameters
    struct Synchronization synch;        //sychronization structure
    synch.ulStructSize = sizeof(synch);
    synch.hStopEvent = NULL;
    synch.hStartEvent = NULL;

    CmdLineParser cmdLineParser;
    Profile profile;
    if (!cmdLineParser.ParseCmdLine(argc, argv, &profile, &synch))
        return ERROR_PARSE_CMD_LINE;

    synch.pfnCallbackTestStarted = TestStarted;
    synch.pfnCallbackTestFinished = TestFinished;

    // create abort event if stop event is not explicitly provided by the user (otherwise use the stop event)

    if (NULL == synch.hStopEvent)
        synch.hStopEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
        if( NULL == synch.hStopEvent )
            fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create an abort event for CTRL+C\n");
            //FUTURE EXTENSION: change error code
            return 1;
    g_hAbortEvent = synch.hStopEvent;   // set abort event to either stop event provided by user or the just created event

    // capture ctrl+c
    if( !SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ctrlCRoutine, TRUE) )
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set CTRL+C routine\n");
        //FUTURE EXTENSION: change error code
        return 1;

    // call IO request generator
    ResultParser resultParser;
    XmlResultParser xmlResultParser;
    IResultParser *pResultParser = nullptr;
    if (profile.GetResultsFormat() == ResultsFormat::Xml)
        pResultParser = &xmlResultParser;
        pResultParser = &resultParser;

    IORequestGenerator ioGenerator;
    if (!ioGenerator.GenerateRequests(profile, *pResultParser, (PRINTF)PrintOut, (PRINTF)PrintError, (PRINTF)PrintOut, &synch))
        fprintf(stderr, "Error generating I/O requests\n");
        return 1;

    if( NULL != synch.hStartEvent )
    if( NULL != synch.hStopEvent )
    if( g_hEventStarted )
    if( NULL != g_hEventFinished )

    return 0;