Exemple #1
uint QGLContext::colorIndex( const QColor& c ) const
    if ( isValid() ) {
	if ( format().plane()
	     && c.pixel() == overlayTransparentColor().pixel() )
	    return c.pixel();			// Special; don't look-up
	if ( ((XVisualInfo*)vi)->visualid == 
	     XVisualIDFromVisual( (Visual*)QPaintDevice::x11AppVisual() ) )
	    return c.pixel();		// We're using QColor's cmap

	CMapEntry *x = cmap_dict->find( (long)((XVisualInfo*)vi)->visualid );
	if ( x && !x->alloc) {		// It's a standard colormap
	    int rf = (int)(((float)c.red() * (x->scmap.red_max+1))/256.0);
	    int gf = (int)(((float)c.green() * (x->scmap.green_max+1))/256.0);
	    int bf = (int)(((float)c.blue() * (x->scmap.blue_max+1))/256.0);
	    uint p = x->scmap.base_pixel 
		     + ( rf * x->scmap.red_mult )
		     + ( gf * x->scmap.green_mult )
		     + ( bf * x->scmap.blue_mult );
	    return p;
	    return c.pixel(); // ### wrong; should really ask QColor to alloc
    return 0;
Exemple #2
uint QGLContext::colorIndex( const QColor& c ) const
    int screen = ((XVisualInfo *)vi)->screen;
    if ( isValid() ) {
	if ( format().plane()
	     && c.pixel( screen ) == overlayTransparentColor().pixel( screen ) )
	    return c.pixel( screen );		// Special; don't look-up
	if ( ((XVisualInfo*)vi)->visualid ==
	     XVisualIDFromVisual( (Visual*)QPaintDevice::x11AppVisual( screen ) ) )
	    return c.pixel( screen );		// We're using QColor's cmap

	XVisualInfo *info = (XVisualInfo *) vi;
	CMapEntry *x = cmap_dict->find( (long) info->visualid + ( info->screen * 256 ) );
	if ( x && !x->alloc) {		// It's a standard colormap
	    int rf = (int)(((float)c.red() * (x->scmap.red_max+1))/256.0);
	    int gf = (int)(((float)c.green() * (x->scmap.green_max+1))/256.0);
	    int bf = (int)(((float)c.blue() * (x->scmap.blue_max+1))/256.0);
	    uint p = x->scmap.base_pixel
		     + ( rf * x->scmap.red_mult )
		     + ( gf * x->scmap.green_mult )
		     + ( bf * x->scmap.blue_mult );
	    return p;
	} else {
	    if (!qglcmap_dict) {
		qglcmap_dict = new QIntDict< QMap<int, QRgb> >;
	    QMap<int, QRgb> *cmap;
	    if ((cmap = qglcmap_dict->find((long) info->visualid)) == 0) {
		cmap = new QMap<int, QRgb>;
		qglcmap_dict->insert((long) info->visualid, cmap);

	    // already in the map?
	    QRgb target = c.rgb();
	    QMap<int, QRgb>::Iterator it = cmap->begin();
	    for (; it != cmap->end(); ++it) {
		if ((*it) == target)
		    return it.key();

	    // need to alloc color
	    unsigned long plane_mask[2];
	    unsigned long color_map_entry;
	    if (!XAllocColorCells (QPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay(), x->cmap, TRUE, plane_mask, 0,
				   &color_map_entry, 1))
		return c.pixel(screen);

	    XColor col;
	    col.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
	    col.pixel = color_map_entry;
	    col.red   = (ushort)((qRed(c.rgb()) / 255.0) * 65535.0 + 0.5);
	    col.green = (ushort)((qGreen(c.rgb()) / 255.0) * 65535.0 + 0.5);
	    col.blue  = (ushort)((qBlue(c.rgb()) / 255.0) * 65535.0 + 0.5);
	    XStoreColor(QPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay(), x->cmap, &col);

	    cmap->insert(color_map_entry, target);
	    return color_map_entry;
    return 0;
Exemple #3
// taken from qt/x11 (doing this sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks)
void reparent_good(QWidget *that, Qt::WindowFlags f, bool showIt)
	extern void qPRCreate( const QWidget *, Window );
	extern void qt_XDestroyWindow( const QWidget *destroyer, Display *display, Window window );
	extern bool qt_dnd_enable( QWidget* w, bool on );

	QWidget *parent = 0;
	Display *dpy = that->x11Display();
	QCursor oldcurs;
	bool setcurs = that->windowState(Qt::WState_OwnCursor);
	if ( setcurs ) {
	oldcurs = that->cursor();

	// dnd unregister (we will register again below)
	bool accept_drops = that->acceptDrops();
	that->setAcceptDrops( false );

	// clear mouse tracking, re-enabled below
	bool mouse_tracking = that->hasMouseTracking();

	QWidget* oldtlw = that->window();
	QWidget *oldparent = that->parentWidget();
	WId old_winid = that->winid;
	if ( that->windowFlags(Qt::WType_Desktop) )
	old_winid = 0;
	that->setWinId( 0 );

	// hide and reparent our own window away. Otherwise we might get
	// destroyed when emitting the child remove event below. See QWorkspace.
	XUnmapWindow( that->x11Display(), old_winid );
	XReparentWindow( that->x11Display(), old_winid,
			 RootWindow( that->x11Display(), that->x11Screen() ), 0, 0 );

	if ( that->isTopLevel() ) {
		// input contexts are associated with toplevel widgets, so we need
		// destroy the context here.  if we are reparenting back to toplevel,
		// then we will have another context created, otherwise we will
		// use our new toplevel's context

	if ( that->isTopLevel() || !parent ) // we are toplevel, or reparenting to toplevel
		that->topData()->parentWinId = 0;

	if ( parent != that->parentObj ) {
	if ( that->parentObj )				// remove from parent
		that->parentObj->removeChild( that );
	if ( parent )				// insert into new parent
		parent->insertChild( that );
	bool     enable = that->isEnabled();		// remember status
	Qt::FocusPolicy fp = that->focusPolicy();
	QSize    s	    = that->size();
	QPixmap *bgp    = (QPixmap *)that->backgroundPixmap();
	QColor   bgc    = that->bg_col;			// save colors
	QString capt= that->caption();
	that->widget_flags = f;
	that->clearWState( Qt::WState_Created | Qt::WState_Visible | Qt::WState_ForceHide );
	if ( that->isTopLevel() || (!parent || parent->isVisible() ) )
	that->setWState( Qt::WState_ForceHide );	// new widgets do not show up in already visible parents

	const QObjectList *chlist = that->children();
	if ( chlist ) {				// reparent children
	QObjectListIt it( *chlist );
	QObject *obj;
	while ( (obj=it.current()) ) {
		if ( obj->isWidgetType() ) {
		QWidget *w = (QWidget *)obj;
		if ( !w->isTopLevel() ) {
			XReparentWindow( that->x11Display(), w->winId(), that->winId(),
					 w->geometry().x(), w->geometry().y() );
		} else if ( w->isPopup()
				|| w->windowFlags(Qt::WStyle_DialogBorder)
				|| w->windowFlags(Qt::WType_Dialog)
				|| w->windowFlags(Qt::WStyle_Tool) ) {
			XSetTransientForHint( that->x11Display(), w->winId(), that->winId() );
	qPRCreate( that, old_winid );
	if ( bgp )
	XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap( dpy, that->winid, bgp->handle() );
	XSetWindowBackground( dpy, that->winid, bgc.pixel(that->x11Screen()) );

	// all this just to do a stupid resize instead of setGeometry
	//setGeometry( p.x(), p.y(), s.width(), s.height() );
	that->resize(s.width(), s.height());

	that->setEnabled( enable );
	that->setFocusPolicy( fp );
	if ( !capt.isNull() ) {
	that->extra->topextra->caption = QString::null;
	that->setWindowTitle( capt );
	if ( showIt )
	if ( old_winid )
	qt_XDestroyWindow( that, dpy, old_winid );
	if ( setcurs )

	that->reparentFocusWidgets( oldtlw );

	// re-register dnd
	if (oldparent)

	if ( accept_drops )
	that->setAcceptDrops( true );
	else {
	that->topData()->dnd = 0;
	qt_dnd_enable(that, (that->extra && that->extra->children_use_dnd));

	// re-enable mouse tracking
	if (mouse_tracking)