Exemple #1
static SendCoinsRecipient handleRequest(PaymentServer* server, std::vector<unsigned char>& data)
    RecipientCatcher sigCatcher;
    QObject::connect(server, SIGNAL(receivedPaymentRequest(SendCoinsRecipient)),
        &sigCatcher, SLOT(getRecipient(SendCoinsRecipient)));

    // Write data to a temp file:
    QTemporaryFile f;
    f.write((const char*)data.data(), data.size());

    // Create a QObject, install event filter from PaymentServer
    // and send a file open event to the object
    QObject object;
    QFileOpenEvent event(f.fileName());
    // If sending the event fails, this will cause sigCatcher to be empty,
    // which will lead to a test failure anyway.
    QCoreApplication::sendEvent(&object, &event);

    QObject::disconnect(server, SIGNAL(receivedPaymentRequest(SendCoinsRecipient)),
        &sigCatcher, SLOT(getRecipient(SendCoinsRecipient)));

    // Return results from sigCatcher
    return sigCatcher.recipient;
Exemple #2
void QDesignerToolBar::installEventFilters( QWidget *w )
    if ( !w )
    QObjectList *l = w->queryList( "QWidget" );
    for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() )
	o->installEventFilter( this );
    delete l;
Exemple #3
void ItemBackground::setTargetItem(QGraphicsItem *target)
    if (d->target && d->target != target) {
        QObject *obj = 0;
        if (d->target->isWidget()) {
            obj = static_cast<QGraphicsWidget*>(d->target);
        } else {
            obj = dynamic_cast<QObject *>(d->target);

        if (obj) {
            disconnect(obj, 0, this, 0);

    if (!target) {

    bool newTarget = (d->target != target);
    d->target = target;
    if (target) {
        setZValue(target->zValue() - 1);
        if (parentItem() != target->parentItem()) {
            QTransform t = transform();
            QRectF geom = mapToScene(geometry()).boundingRect();

        QRectF rect = target->boundingRect();
        rect.moveTopLeft(mapToParent(mapFromScene(target->mapToScene(QPointF(0, 0)))));


        if (newTarget) {
            QObject *obj = 0;
            if (target->isWidget()) {
                obj = static_cast<QGraphicsWidget*>(target);
            } else {
                obj = dynamic_cast<QObject *>(target);

            if (obj) {
                connect(obj, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(targetDestroyed(QObject*)));
co::int64 EventHub::installEventHandler( const qt::Object& watched, qt::IEventHandler* handler )
    QObject* obj = watched.get();
    if( !isObjectFiltered( obj ) )
        obj->installEventFilter( this );

    // sets/replaces event handler for the object
    _filteredObjects[obj] = handler;

    return reinterpret_cast<co::int64>( obj );

PreviewWidget::PreviewWidget( QWidget *parent, const char *name )
    : PreviewWidgetBase( parent, name )
    // install event filter on child widgets
    QObjectList l = queryList("QWidget");
    for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); ++i) {
        QObject * obj = l.at(i);
Exemple #6
void TabView::installFocusFilters()
    QObjectList *l = queryList("QWidget");
    QObjectListIt it( *l );
    QObject *obj;

    while ( (obj = it.current()) != 0 ) {
	if ( ((QWidget*)obj)->isFocusEnabled() )
    delete l;
Exemple #7
PreviewWidget::PreviewWidget( QWidget *parent, const char *name )
    : PreviewWidgetBase( parent, name )
    // install event filter on child widgets
    QObjectList *l = queryList("QWidget");
    QObjectListIt it(*l);
    QObject * obj;
    while ((obj = it.current()) != 0) {
Exemple #8
WndCancel::WndCancel(QWidget *_w)
        : QObject(_w, "cancel")
    w = _w;

    QObjectList *l = w->queryList("QWidget");
    QObjectListIt it( *l );
    QObject *obj;
    while ( (obj = it.current()) != 0 ) {
    delete l;
Exemple #9
void PropertiesPalette_XYZ::installSniffer(ScrSpinBox *spinBox)
	const QList<QObject*> list = spinBox->children();
	if (!list.isEmpty())
		QListIterator<QObject*> it(list);
		QObject *obj;
		while (it.hasNext())
			obj = it.next();
void KisInputManager::Private::CanvasSwitcher::addCanvas(KisCanvas2 *canvas)
    QObject *canvasWidget = canvas->canvasWidget();

    if (!canvasResolver.contains(canvasWidget)) {
        canvasResolver.insert(canvasWidget, canvas);

        d->canvas = canvas;
        d->toolProxy = dynamic_cast<KisToolProxy*>(canvas->toolProxy());
    } else {
        KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(d->canvas == canvas);
  \brief En/disable the magnifier

  When enabled is true an event filter is installed for
  the observed widget, otherwise the event filter is removed.

  \param on true or false
  \sa isEnabled(), eventFilter()
void QwtMagnifier::setEnabled( bool on )
    if ( d_data->isEnabled != on )
        d_data->isEnabled = on;

        QObject *o = parent();
        if ( o )
            if ( d_data->isEnabled )
                o->installEventFilter( this );
                o->removeEventFilter( this );
void medViewEventFilter::installOnView( medAbstractView * view )
    if ( !view ) {
        dtkWarn() << "medViewEventFilter::installOnView : View is NULL";

    if (m_views.contains(view)) {
        dtkWarn() << "Installing View when it has already been installed";

    QObject * filterObj = medViewEventFilter::objectToFilter(view);

    m_filterObjToView[filterObj] = view;

    filterObj->installEventFilter( this );

    connect(view, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(onViewDestroyed(QObject*)));
RKFunctionArgHinter::RKFunctionArgHinter (RKScriptContextProvider *provider, Kate::View* view) {

	RKFunctionArgHinter::provider = provider;
	RKFunctionArgHinter::view = view;

	const QObjectList *children = view->children ();
	QObjectListIt it (*children);
	QObject *obj;
	while ((obj = it.current()) != 0) {
		obj->installEventFilter (this);

	arghints_popup = new QVBox (0, 0, WType_Popup);
	arghints_popup->setFrameStyle (QFrame::Box | QFrame::Plain);
	arghints_popup->setLineWidth (1);
	arghints_popup_text = new QLabel (arghints_popup);
	arghints_popup->hide ();
	arghints_popup->setFocusProxy (view);
Exemple #14
/* Overloading the AbstractController one, because we don't manage the
   Spacing items in the same ways */
void DroppingController::createAndAddWidget( QBoxLayout *newControlLayout,
                                             int i_index,
                                             buttonType_e i_type,
                                             int i_option )
    /* Special case for SPACERS, who aren't QWidgets */
    if( i_type == WIDGET_SPACER || i_type == WIDGET_SPACER_EXTEND )
        QLabel *label = new QLabel( this );
        label->setPixmap( ImageHelper::loadSvgToPixmap( ":/toolbar/space.svg", height(), height() ) );
        if( i_type == WIDGET_SPACER_EXTEND )
            label->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,
                    QSizePolicy::Preferred );

            /* Create a box around it */
            label->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken );
            label->setLineWidth ( 1 );
            label->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
            label->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Fixed,
                    QSizePolicy::Preferred );

        /* Install event Filter for drag'n drop */
        label->installEventFilter( this );
        newControlLayout->insertWidget( i_index, label );

    /* Normal Widgets */
        QWidget *widg = createWidget( i_type, i_option );
        if( !widg ) return;

        /* Install the Event Filter in order to catch the drag */
        widg->setParent( this );
        widg->installEventFilter( this );

        /* We are in a complex widget, we need to stop events on children too */
        if( i_type >= TIME_LABEL && i_type < SPECIAL_MAX )
            QList<QObject *>children = widg->children();

            QObject *child;
            foreach( child, children )
                QWidget *childWidg;
                if( ( childWidg = qobject_cast<QWidget *>( child ) ) )
                    child->installEventFilter( this );
                    childWidg->setEnabled( true );

            /* Decorating the frames when possible */
            QFrame *frame;
            if( (i_type >= MENU_BUTTONS || i_type == TIME_LABEL) /* Don't bother to check for volume */
                && ( frame = qobject_cast<QFrame *>( widg ) ) != NULL )
                frame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Raised );
                frame->setLineWidth ( 1 );
RKConsole::RKConsole () : QWidget (0) {

	QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout (this);

	// create a Kate-part as command-editor
#if !KDE_IS_VERSION (3, 2, 0)
	doc = static_cast<Kate::Document *> (KTextEditor::createDocument ("libkatepart", this, "Kate::Document"));
	view = static_cast<Kate::View *> (doc->createView (this));
# else
	doc = Kate::document (KTextEditor::createDocument ("libkatepart", this, "Kate::Document"));
	RK_ASSERT (doc);
	view = Kate::view (doc->createView (this));
	RK_ASSERT (view);
	layout->addWidget (view);

	view->setDynWordWrap (false);

	setFocusProxy (view);
	setFocusPolicy (QWidget::StrongFocus);
	/* We need to unplug kactions that were pluged to the KateViewInternal in kateview.cpp.
	These actions incluse Key_Up, Key_Down, etc.
	It's a bit boring to do, but there is no way to do that another way yet.
	Apparently, things will be different in KDE 4.*/
	const QObjectList *list = view->children ();
	QObjectListIt it (*list);
	QObject *obj;
	KActionCollection* ac=0;
	QWidget* Kvi=0; //here we store the KateViewInternal of the view, so we can uplug actions from it
	while ((obj = it.current()) != 0) {
		obj->installEventFilter (this);
		if (obj->inherits("KActionCollection")) {
			ac= (KActionCollection*) obj;
		} else if(obj->inherits("KateViewInternal")) {
			Kvi= (QWidget*) obj;

	if (ac) {
		unplugAction("move_line_up", ac);
		unplugAction("move_line_down", ac);
		unplugAction("move_cusor_left", ac);
		unplugAction("beginning_of_line", ac);
		unplugAction("backspace", ac);
		unplugAction("delete_next_character", ac);
		unplugAction("beginning_of_document", ac);
		unplugAction("select_beginning_of_line", ac);
		unplugAction("select_char_left", ac);
		unplugAction("word_left", ac); //TODO deal with that one
		unplugAction("select_word_left", ac); //TODO deal with that one
		unplugAction("select_beginning_of_document", ac);
		unplugAction("select_end_of_document", ac);
		unplugAction("select_line_up", ac);
		unplugAction("select_line_down", ac);
		unplugAction("select_page_up", ac);
		unplugAction("move_top_of_view", ac);
		unplugAction("select_top_of_view", ac);
		unplugAction("select_page_down", ac);
		unplugAction("move_bottom_of_view", ac);
		unplugAction("select_bottom_of_view", ac);
		unplugAction("to_matching_bracket", ac);
		unplugAction("select_matching_bracket", ac);
		unplugAction("paste", ac);
	} else {
		RK_DO (qDebug ("Could not retrieve the view's action collection"), APP, DL_WARNING);


	doc->setModified (false);

	hinter = new RKFunctionArgHinter (this, view);
	setCaption (i18n ("R Console"));
	part = new RKConsolePart (this);
	initializeActions (part->actionCollection ());

	nprefix = "> ";
	iprefix = "+ ";
	prefix = nprefix;
	command_incomplete = false;
	output_continuation = false;
	doc->setUndoSteps (0);
	clear ();
	setRHighlighting ();

	commands_history = RKSettingsModuleConsole::loadCommandHistory ();
	commands_history_position = commands_history.constEnd ();

	current_command = 0;
	tab_key_pressed_before = false;