void MyMoneyForecast::addScheduledTransactions (void)
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();

  // now process all the schedules that may have an impact
  QValueList<MyMoneySchedule> schedule;

  schedule = file->scheduleList("", MyMoneySchedule::TYPE_ANY, MyMoneySchedule::OCCUR_ANY, MyMoneySchedule::STYPE_ANY,
                                QDate(), forecastEndDate());
  if(schedule.count() > 0) {
    QValueList<MyMoneySchedule>::Iterator it;
    do {
      it = schedule.begin();
      if(it == schedule.end())

      if((*it).isFinished()) {

      QDate date = (*it).nextPayment((*it).lastPayment());
      if(!date.isValid()) {

      QDate nextDate =
      if (nextDate > forecastEndDate()) {
        // We're done with this schedule, let's move on to the next

      // found the next schedule. process it

      MyMoneyAccount acc = (*it).account();

      if(!acc.id().isEmpty()) {
        try {
          if(acc.accountType() != MyMoneyAccount::Investment) {
            MyMoneyTransaction t = (*it).transaction();

            // only process the entry, if it is still active
            if(!(*it).isFinished() && nextDate != QDate()) {
              // make sure we have all 'starting balances' so that the autocalc works
              QValueList<MyMoneySplit>::const_iterator it_s;
              QMap<QString, MyMoneyMoney> balanceMap;

              for(it_s = t.splits().begin(); it_s != t.splits().end(); ++it_s ) {
                MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account((*it_s).accountId());
                if(isForecastAccount(acc)) {
                  // collect all overdues on the first day
                  QDate forecastDate = nextDate;
                  if(QDate::currentDate() >= nextDate)
                    forecastDate = QDate::currentDate().addDays(1);

                  dailyBalances balance;
                  balance = m_accountList[acc.id()];
                  for(QDate f_day = QDate::currentDate(); f_day < forecastDate; ) {
                    balanceMap[acc.id()] += m_accountList[acc.id()][f_day];
                    f_day = f_day.addDays(1);

              // take care of the autoCalc stuff
              calculateAutoLoan(*it, t, balanceMap);

              // now add the splits to the balances
              for(it_s = t.splits().begin(); it_s != t.splits().end(); ++it_s ) {
                MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account((*it_s).accountId());
                if(isForecastAccount(acc)) {
                  dailyBalances balance;
                  balance = m_accountList[acc.id()];
                  //int offset = QDate::currentDate().daysTo(nextDate);
                  //if(offset <= 0) {  // collect all overdues on the first day
                  //  offset = 1;
                  // collect all overdues on the first day
                  QDate forecastDate = nextDate;
                  if(QDate::currentDate() >= nextDate)
                    forecastDate = QDate::currentDate().addDays(1);

                  if(acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Income) {
                    balance[forecastDate] += ((*it_s).shares() * MyMoneyMoney(-1, 1));
                  } else {
                    balance[forecastDate] += (*it_s).shares();
                  m_accountList[acc.id()] = balance;

        } catch(MyMoneyException* e) {
          kdDebug(2) << __func__ << " Schedule " << (*it).id() << " (" << (*it).name() << "): " << e->what() << endl;

          delete e;
      } else {
        // remove schedule from list

#if 0
  s << "\n\nAdded scheduled transactions\n";
  QMap<QString, dailyBalances>::Iterator it_a;
  QMap<QString, QString>::ConstIterator it_n;
  for(it_n = m_nameIdx.begin(); it_n != m_nameIdx.end(); ++it_n) {
  MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account(*it_n);
  it_a = m_accountList.find(*it_n);
  s << "\"" << acc.name() << "\",";
  for(int i = 0; i < 90; ++i) {
    s << "\"" << (*it_a)[i].formatMoney("") << "\",";
  s << "\n";