Exemple #1
ImageTilesState::getMinimalRectsToRenderFromTilesState(const RectI& roi, const TileStateHeader& stateMap, std::list<RectI>* rectsToRender)
    if (stateMap.state->tiles.empty()) {

    RectI roiRoundedToTileSize = roi;
    roiRoundedToTileSize.roundToTileSize(stateMap.tileSizeX, stateMap.tileSizeY);

    RectI bboxM = getMinimalBboxToRenderFromTilesState(roi, stateMap);
    if (bboxM.isNull()) {

    bboxM.roundToTileSize(stateMap.tileSizeX, stateMap.tileSizeY);

    // optimization by Fred, Jan 31, 2014
    // Now that we have the smallest enclosing bounding box,
    // let's try to find rectangles for the bottom, the top,
    // the left and the right part.
    // This happens quite often, for example when zooming out
    // (in this case the area to compute is formed of A, B, C and D,
    // and X is already rendered), or when panning (in this case the area
    // is just two rectangles, e.g. A and C, and the rectangles B, D and
    // X are already rendered).
    // The rectangles A, B, C and D from the following drawing are just
    // zeroes, and X contains zeroes and ones.

    // First, find if there's an "A" rectangle, and push it to the result
    //find bottom
    RectI bboxX = bboxM;
    RectI bboxA = bboxX;
    bboxA.y2 = bboxA.y1;
    for (int y = bboxX.y1; y < bboxX.y2; y += stateMap.tileSizeY) {
        bool hasRenderedTileOnLine = false;
        for (int x = bboxX.x1; x < bboxX.x2; x += stateMap.tileSizeX) {
            const TileState* tile = stateMap.getTileAt(x, y);
            if (tile->status != eTileStatusNotRendered) {
                hasRenderedTileOnLine = true;
        if (hasRenderedTileOnLine) {
        } else {
            bboxX.y1 += stateMap.tileSizeY;
            bboxA.y2 = bboxX.y1;
    if ( !bboxA.isNull() ) { // empty boxes should not be pushed
        // Ensure the bbox lies in the RoI since we rounded to tile size earlier
        RectI bboxAIntersected;
        bboxA.intersect(roi, &bboxAIntersected);

    // Now, find the "B" rectangle
    //find top
    RectI bboxB = bboxX;
    bboxB.y1 = bboxB.y2;

    for (int y = bboxX.y2 - stateMap.tileSizeY; y >= bboxX.y1; y -= stateMap.tileSizeY) {
        bool hasRenderedTileOnLine = false;
        for (int x = bboxX.x1; x < bboxX.x2; x += stateMap.tileSizeX) {
            const TileState* tile = stateMap.getTileAt(x, y);
            if (tile->status != eTileStatusNotRendered) {
                hasRenderedTileOnLine = true;
        if (hasRenderedTileOnLine) {
        } else {
            bboxX.y2 -= stateMap.tileSizeY;
            bboxB.y1 = bboxX.y2;

    if ( !bboxB.isNull() ) { // empty boxes should not be pushed
        // Ensure the bbox lies in the RoI since we rounded to tile size earlier
        RectI bboxBIntersected;
        bboxB.intersect(roi, &bboxBIntersected);

    //find left
    RectI bboxC = bboxX;
    bboxC.x2 = bboxC.x1;
    if ( bboxX.y1 < bboxX.y2 ) {
        for (int x = bboxX.x1; x < bboxX.x2; x += stateMap.tileSizeX) {
            bool hasRenderedTileOnCol = false;
            for (int y = bboxX.y1; y < bboxX.y2; y += stateMap.tileSizeY) {
                const TileState* tile = stateMap.getTileAt(x, y);
                if (tile->status != eTileStatusNotRendered) {
                    hasRenderedTileOnCol = true;

            if (hasRenderedTileOnCol) {
            } else {
                bboxX.x1 += stateMap.tileSizeX;
                bboxC.x2 = bboxX.x1;
    if ( !bboxC.isNull() ) { // empty boxes should not be pushed
        // Ensure the bbox lies in the RoI since we rounded to tile size earlier
        RectI bboxCIntersected;
        bboxC.intersect(roi, &bboxCIntersected);

    //find right
    RectI bboxD = bboxX;
    bboxD.x1 = bboxD.x2;
    if ( bboxX.y1 < bboxX.y2 ) {
        for (int x = bboxX.x2 - stateMap.tileSizeX; x >= bboxX.x1; x -= stateMap.tileSizeX) {
            bool hasRenderedTileOnCol = false;
            for (int y = bboxX.y1; y < bboxX.y2; y += stateMap.tileSizeY) {
                const TileState* tile = stateMap.getTileAt(x, y);
                if (tile->status != eTileStatusNotRendered) {
                    hasRenderedTileOnCol = true;
            if (hasRenderedTileOnCol) {
            } else {
                bboxX.x2 -= stateMap.tileSizeX;
                bboxD.x1 = bboxX.x2;
    if ( !bboxD.isNull() ) { // empty boxes should not be pushed
        // Ensure the bbox lies in the RoI since we rounded to tile size earlier
        RectI bboxDIntersected;
        bboxD.intersect(roi, &bboxDIntersected);

    assert( bboxA.bottom() == bboxM.bottom() );
    assert( bboxA.left() == bboxM.left() );
    assert( bboxA.right() == bboxM.right() );
    assert( bboxA.top() == bboxX.bottom() );

    assert( bboxB.top() == bboxM.top() );
    assert( bboxB.left() == bboxM.left() );
    assert( bboxB.right() == bboxM.right() );
    assert( bboxB.bottom() == bboxX.top() );

    assert( bboxC.top() == bboxX.top() );
    assert( bboxC.left() == bboxM.left() );
    assert( bboxC.right() == bboxX.left() );
    assert( bboxC.bottom() == bboxX.bottom() );

    assert( bboxD.top() == bboxX.top() );
    assert( bboxD.left() == bboxX.right() );
    assert( bboxD.right() == bboxM.right() );
    assert( bboxD.bottom() == bboxX.bottom() );

    // get the bounding box of what's left (the X rectangle in the drawing above)
    bboxX = getMinimalBboxToRenderFromTilesState(bboxX, stateMap);

    if ( !bboxX.isNull() ) { // empty boxes should not be pushed
        // Ensure the bbox lies in the RoI since we rounded to tile size earlier
        RectI bboxXIntersected;
        bboxX.intersect(roi, &bboxXIntersected);
} // getMinimalRectsToRenderFromTilesState
Exemple #2
ImageTilesState::getMinimalBboxToRenderFromTilesState(const RectI& roi, const TileStateHeader& stateMap)

    if (stateMap.state->tiles.empty()) {
        return RectI();

    const RectI& imageBoundsRoundedToTileSize = stateMap.state->boundsRoundedToTileSize;
    const RectI& imageBoundsNotRounded = stateMap.state->bounds;


    RectI roiRoundedToTileSize = roi;
    roiRoundedToTileSize.roundToTileSize(stateMap.tileSizeX, stateMap.tileSizeY);

    // Search for rendered lines from bottom to top
    for (int y = roiRoundedToTileSize.y1; y < roiRoundedToTileSize.y2; y += stateMap.tileSizeY) {

        bool hasTileUnrenderedOnLine = false;
        for (int x = roiRoundedToTileSize.x1; x < roiRoundedToTileSize.x2; x += stateMap.tileSizeX) {

            const TileState* tile = stateMap.getTileAt(x, y);
            if (tile->status == eTileStatusNotRendered) {
                hasTileUnrenderedOnLine = true;
        if (!hasTileUnrenderedOnLine) {
            roiRoundedToTileSize.y1 += stateMap.tileSizeY;
        } else {

    // Search for rendered lines from top to bottom
    for (int y = roiRoundedToTileSize.y2 - stateMap.tileSizeY; y >= roiRoundedToTileSize.y1; y -= stateMap.tileSizeY) {

        bool hasTileUnrenderedOnLine = false;
        for (int x = roiRoundedToTileSize.x1; x < roiRoundedToTileSize.x2; x += stateMap.tileSizeX) {

            const TileState* tile = stateMap.getTileAt(x, y);
            if (tile->status == eTileStatusNotRendered) {
                hasTileUnrenderedOnLine = true;
        if (!hasTileUnrenderedOnLine) {
            roiRoundedToTileSize.y2 -= stateMap.tileSizeY;
        } else {

    // Avoid making roiRoundedToTileSize.width() iterations for nothing
    if (roiRoundedToTileSize.isNull()) {
        return roiRoundedToTileSize;

    // Search for rendered columns from left to right
    for (int x = roiRoundedToTileSize.x1; x < roiRoundedToTileSize.x2; x += stateMap.tileSizeX) {

        bool hasTileUnrenderedOnCol = false;
        for (int y = roiRoundedToTileSize.y1; y < roiRoundedToTileSize.y2; y += stateMap.tileSizeY) {

            const TileState* tile = stateMap.getTileAt(x, y);
            if (tile->status == eTileStatusNotRendered) {
                hasTileUnrenderedOnCol = true;
        if (!hasTileUnrenderedOnCol) {
            roiRoundedToTileSize.x1 += stateMap.tileSizeX;
        } else {

    // Avoid making roiRoundedToTileSize.width() iterations for nothing
    if (roiRoundedToTileSize.isNull()) {
        return roiRoundedToTileSize;

    // Search for rendered columns from right to left
    for (int x = roiRoundedToTileSize.x2 - stateMap.tileSizeX; x >= roiRoundedToTileSize.x1; x -= stateMap.tileSizeX) {

        bool hasTileUnrenderedOnCol = false;
        for (int y = roiRoundedToTileSize.y1; y < roiRoundedToTileSize.y2; y += stateMap.tileSizeY) {

            const TileState* tile = stateMap.getTileAt(x, y);
            if (tile->status == eTileStatusNotRendered) {
                hasTileUnrenderedOnCol = true;
        if (!hasTileUnrenderedOnCol) {
            roiRoundedToTileSize.x2 -= stateMap.tileSizeX;
        } else {

    // Intersect the result to the actual image bounds (because the tiles are rounded to tile size)
    RectI ret;
    roiRoundedToTileSize.intersect(imageBoundsNotRounded, &ret);
    return ret;

} // getMinimalBboxToRenderFromTilesState