void CpuClipmapRenderer::createBlockIndices( GeometryClipmapLevel& level, const Rectangle2i& blockRect, int levelSampleCount, IndexList& indices )
    // todo: this needs rework..
    if( blockRect.isEmpty() )

    assert( blockRect._x0 >= 0 );
    assert( blockRect._y0 >= 0 );
    assert( blockRect._x1 > blockRect._x0 );
    assert( blockRect._y1 > blockRect._y0 );
    assert( blockRect._x0 < levelSampleCount );
    assert( blockRect._y0 < levelSampleCount );
    assert( blockRect._x1 < levelSampleCount );
    assert( blockRect._y1 < levelSampleCount );

    for( int y = blockRect._y0; y < blockRect._y1; ++y )
        assert( y + 1 < levelSampleCount );
        const int row0 = ( level.blockOrigin[ 1 ] + y ) % levelSampleCount;
        const int row1 = ( level.blockOrigin[ 1 ] + y + 1 ) % levelSampleCount;

        for( int x = blockRect._x0; x < blockRect._x1; ++x )
            assert( x + 1 < levelSampleCount );
            const int col0 = ( level.blockOrigin[ 0 ] + x ) % levelSampleCount;
            const int col1 = ( level.blockOrigin[ 0 ] + x + 1 ) % levelSampleCount;

            const int idx0 = row0 * levelSampleCount + col0;
            const int idx1 = row0 * levelSampleCount + col1;
            const int idx2 = row1 * levelSampleCount + col0;
            const int idx3 = row1 * levelSampleCount + col1;

            assert( idx0 < 65536 );
            assert( idx1 < 65536 );
            assert( idx2 < 65536 );
            assert( idx3 < 65536 );

            indices.push_back( idx0 );
            indices.push_back( idx2 );
            indices.push_back( idx1 );

            indices.push_back( idx1 );
            indices.push_back( idx2 );
            indices.push_back( idx3 );
int GeometryClipmaps::updateBigLevelBlock( GeometryClipmapLevel& level, const GeometryClipmapLevel* parentLevel, const Rectangle2i& targetRect )
    if( targetRect.isEmpty() )
        return 0;
    const int levelSampleCount = level.heightmap.size;
    // split the rect into up to 4 subrects and update them individually:
    Rectangle2i subRects[ 4 ];
    int subRectCount = 0;
#if 0
    int midY = 0;
    int maxY = 0;
    int midX = 0;
    int maxX = 0;
    subRects[ 0 ] = targetRect;
    if( targetRect._x1 < targetRect._x0 )
        // split in X:              
        subRects[ 0 ]._x1 = levelSampleCount;
        subRects[ 1 ] = targetRect;
        subRects[ 1 ]._x0 = 0;
    else if( targetRect._x1 > levelSampleCount )
        // split in X:              
        subRects[ 0 ]._x1 = levelSampleCount;
        subRects[ 1 ] = targetRect;
        subRects[ 1 ]._x0 = 0;
        subRects[ 1 ]._x1 -= levelSampleCount;
    // ok.. we have 1 or 2 subRects already: split them on the Y axis:
    if( targetRect._y1 < targetRect._y0 )
        // patch the existing ones:
        for( int i = 0; i < subRectCount; ++i )
            subRects[ subRectCount + i ] = subRects[ i ];
            subRects[ subRectCount + i ]._y0 = 0;
            subRects[ i ]._y1 = levelSampleCount;
        subRectCount += subRectCount;
    else if( targetRect._y1 > levelSampleCount )
        // patch the existing ones:
        for( int i = 0; i < subRectCount; ++i )
            subRects[ subRectCount + i ] = subRects[ i ];
            subRects[ subRectCount + i ]._y0 = 0;
            subRects[ subRectCount + i ]._y1 -= levelSampleCount;
            subRects[ i ]._y1 = levelSampleCount;
        subRectCount += subRectCount;
    int sampleUpdateCount = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < subRectCount; ++i )
        sampleUpdateCount += updateLevelBlock( level, parentLevel, subRects[ i ] );
    return sampleUpdateCount;