Exemple #1
RenderObject* RenderFieldset::layoutSpecialExcludedChild(bool relayoutChildren)
    RenderBox* legend = findLegend();
    if (legend) {
        if (relayoutChildren)

        LayoutUnit logicalLeft;
        if (style()->isLeftToRightDirection()) {
            switch (legend->style()->textAlign()) {
            case CENTER:
                logicalLeft = (logicalWidth() - logicalWidthForChild(legend)) / 2;
            case RIGHT:
                logicalLeft = logicalWidth() - borderEnd() - paddingEnd() - logicalWidthForChild(legend);
                logicalLeft = borderStart() + paddingStart() + marginStartForChild(legend);
        } else {
            switch (legend->style()->textAlign()) {
            case LEFT:
                logicalLeft = borderStart() + paddingStart();
            case CENTER: {
                // Make sure that the extra pixel goes to the end side in RTL (since it went to the end side
                // in LTR).
                LayoutUnit centeredWidth = logicalWidth() - logicalWidthForChild(legend);
                logicalLeft = centeredWidth - centeredWidth / 2;
                logicalLeft = logicalWidth() - borderStart() - paddingStart() - marginStartForChild(legend) - logicalWidthForChild(legend);

        setLogicalLeftForChild(legend, logicalLeft);

        LayoutUnit b = borderBefore();
        LayoutUnit h = logicalHeightForChild(legend);
        setLogicalTopForChild(legend, max<LayoutUnit>((b - h) / 2, 0));
        setLogicalHeight(max(b, h) + paddingBefore());
    return legend;
Exemple #2
LayoutUnit RenderReplaced::computeReplacedLogicalHeight() const
    // 10.5 Content height: the 'height' property: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#propdef-height
    if (hasReplacedLogicalHeight())
        return computeReplacedLogicalHeightRespectingMinMaxHeight(computeReplacedLogicalHeightUsing(style()->logicalHeight()));

    RenderBox* contentRenderer = embeddedContentBox();

    // 10.6.2 Inline, replaced elements: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#inline-replaced-height
    bool isPercentageIntrinsicSize = false;
    double intrinsicRatio = 0;
    FloatSize intrinsicSize;
    if (contentRenderer)
        contentRenderer->computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(intrinsicSize, intrinsicRatio, isPercentageIntrinsicSize);
        computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(intrinsicSize, intrinsicRatio, isPercentageIntrinsicSize);

    if (intrinsicRatio && !isHorizontalWritingMode())
        intrinsicRatio = 1 / intrinsicRatio;

    bool widthIsAuto = style()->logicalWidth().isAuto();
    bool hasIntrinsicHeight = m_hasIntrinsicSize || (!isPercentageIntrinsicSize && intrinsicSize.height() > 0);

    // If 'height' and 'width' both have computed values of 'auto' and the element also has an intrinsic height, then that intrinsic height is the used value of 'height'.
    if (widthIsAuto && hasIntrinsicHeight) {
        if (m_hasIntrinsicSize)
            return computeReplacedLogicalHeightRespectingMinMaxHeight(calcAspectRatioLogicalHeight());
        return static_cast<LayoutUnit>(intrinsicSize.height() * style()->effectiveZoom());

    // Otherwise, if 'height' has a computed value of 'auto', and the element has an intrinsic ratio then the used value of 'height' is:
    // (used width) / (intrinsic ratio)
    if (intrinsicRatio && !isPercentageIntrinsicSize) {
        // FIXME: Remove unnecessary rounding when layout is off ints: webkit.org/b/63656
        return computeReplacedLogicalHeightRespectingMinMaxHeight(round(availableLogicalWidth() / intrinsicRatio));

    // Otherwise, if 'height' has a computed value of 'auto', and the element has an intrinsic height, then that intrinsic height is the used value of 'height'.
    if (hasIntrinsicHeight) {
        if (m_hasIntrinsicSize)
            return computeReplacedLogicalHeightRespectingMinMaxHeight(calcAspectRatioLogicalHeight());
        return static_cast<LayoutUnit>(intrinsicSize.height() * style()->effectiveZoom());

    // Otherwise, if 'height' has a computed value of 'auto', but none of the conditions above are met, then the used value of 'height' must be set to the height
    // of the largest rectangle that has a 2:1 ratio, has a height not greater than 150px, and has a width not greater than the device width.
    return computeReplacedLogicalHeightRespectingMinMaxHeight(cDefaultHeight);
static inline LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingBeforeInWritingMode(const RenderBox& renderer, WritingMode writingMode)
    switch (writingMode) {
    case TopToBottomWritingMode: return renderer.borderTop() + renderer.paddingTop();
    case BottomToTopWritingMode: return renderer.borderBottom() + renderer.paddingBottom();
    case LeftToRightWritingMode: return renderer.borderLeft() + renderer.paddingLeft();
    case RightToLeftWritingMode: return renderer.borderRight() + renderer.paddingRight();

    return renderer.borderAndPaddingBefore();
void RenderMediaVolumeSliderContainer::layout()

    if (style()->display() == NONE || !nextSibling() || !nextSibling()->isBox())

    RenderBox* buttonBox = toRenderBox(nextSibling());
    int absoluteOffsetTop = buttonBox->localToAbsolute(FloatPoint(0, -size().height())).y();

    LayoutStateDisabler layoutStateDisabler(view());

    // If the slider would be rendered outside the page, it should be moved below the controls.
    if (UNLIKELY(absoluteOffsetTop < 0))
        setY(buttonBox->offsetTop() + theme()->volumeSliderOffsetFromMuteButton(buttonBox, pixelSnappedSize()).y());
Exemple #5
std::unique_ptr<FloatingObject> FloatingObject::create(RenderBox& renderer)
    auto object = std::make_unique<FloatingObject>(renderer);
    object->setShouldPaint(!renderer.hasSelfPaintingLayer()); // If a layer exists, the float will paint itself. Otherwise someone else will.
    return object;
Exemple #6
int RenderView::docHeight() const
    int h = lowestPosition();

    // FIXME: This doesn't do any margin collapsing.
    // Instead of this dh computation we should keep the result
    // when we call RenderBlock::layout.
    int dh = 0;
    for (RenderBox* c = firstChildBox(); c; c = c->nextSiblingBox())
        dh += c->height() + c->marginTop() + c->marginBottom();

    if (dh > h)
        h = dh;

    return h;
Exemple #7
void RenderGrid::resolveContentBasedTrackSizingFunctionsForItems(TrackSizingDirection direction, Vector<GridTrack>& columnTracks, Vector<GridTrack>& rowTracks, size_t i, SizingFunction sizingFunction, AccumulatorGetter trackGetter, AccumulatorGrowFunction trackGrowthFunction)
    GridTrack& track = (direction == ForColumns) ? columnTracks[i] : rowTracks[i];
    for (RenderBox* child = firstChildBox(); child; child = child->nextSiblingBox()) {
        size_t cellIndex = resolveGridPosition(direction, child);
        if (cellIndex != i)

        LayoutUnit contentSize = (this->*sizingFunction)(child, direction, columnTracks);
        LayoutUnit additionalBreadthSpace = contentSize - (track.*trackGetter)();
        Vector<GridTrack*> tracks;
        // FIXME: We should pass different values for |tracksForGrowthAboveMaxBreadth|.
        distributeSpaceToTracks(tracks, &tracks, trackGetter, trackGrowthFunction, additionalBreadthSpace);
void RenderTheme::updateControlStatesForRenderer(const RenderBox& box, ControlStates& controlStates) const
    ControlStates newStates = extractControlStatesForRenderer(box);
    if (isFocused(box))
PassOwnPtr<GridSpan> GridResolvedPosition::resolveGridPositionsFromStyle(const RenderStyle& gridContainerStyle, const RenderBox& gridItem, GridTrackSizingDirection direction)
    GridPosition initialPosition = (direction == ForColumns) ? gridItem.style()->gridColumnStart() : gridItem.style()->gridRowStart();
    const GridPositionSide initialPositionSide = (direction == ForColumns) ? ColumnStartSide : RowStartSide;
    GridPosition finalPosition = (direction == ForColumns) ? gridItem.style()->gridColumnEnd() : gridItem.style()->gridRowEnd();
    const GridPositionSide finalPositionSide = (direction == ForColumns) ? ColumnEndSide : RowEndSide;

    // We must handle the placement error handling code here instead of in the StyleAdjuster because we don't want to
    // overwrite the specified values.
    if (initialPosition.isSpan() && finalPosition.isSpan())

    if (initialPosition.isNamedGridArea() && !gridContainerStyle.namedGridArea().contains(initialPosition.namedGridLine()))

    if (finalPosition.isNamedGridArea() && !gridContainerStyle.namedGridArea().contains(finalPosition.namedGridLine()))

    if (initialPosition.shouldBeResolvedAgainstOppositePosition() && finalPosition.shouldBeResolvedAgainstOppositePosition()) {
        if (gridContainerStyle.gridAutoFlow() == AutoFlowNone)
            return adoptPtr(new GridSpan(0, 0));

        // We can't get our grid positions without running the auto placement algorithm.
        return nullptr;

    if (initialPosition.shouldBeResolvedAgainstOppositePosition()) {
        // Infer the position from the final position ('auto / 1' or 'span 2 / 3' case).
        GridResolvedPosition finalResolvedPosition = resolveGridPositionFromStyle(gridContainerStyle, finalPosition, finalPositionSide);
        return resolveGridPositionAgainstOppositePosition(gridContainerStyle, finalResolvedPosition, initialPosition, initialPositionSide);

    if (finalPosition.shouldBeResolvedAgainstOppositePosition()) {
        // Infer our position from the initial position ('1 / auto' or '3 / span 2' case).
        GridResolvedPosition initialResolvedPosition = resolveGridPositionFromStyle(gridContainerStyle, initialPosition, initialPositionSide);
        return resolveGridPositionAgainstOppositePosition(gridContainerStyle, initialResolvedPosition, finalPosition, finalPositionSide);

    GridResolvedPosition resolvedInitialPosition = resolveGridPositionFromStyle(gridContainerStyle, initialPosition, initialPositionSide);
    GridResolvedPosition resolvedFinalPosition = resolveGridPositionFromStyle(gridContainerStyle, finalPosition, finalPositionSide);

    // If 'grid-after' specifies a line at or before that specified by 'grid-before', it computes to 'span 1'.
    if (resolvedFinalPosition < resolvedInitialPosition)
        resolvedFinalPosition = resolvedInitialPosition;

    return adoptPtr(new GridSpan(resolvedInitialPosition, resolvedFinalPosition));
Exemple #10
bool ContainerNode::getLowerRightCorner(FloatPoint& point) const
    if (!renderer())
        return false;

    RenderObject* o = renderer();
    if (!o->isInline() || o->isReplaced()) {
        RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(o);
        point = o->localToAbsolute(LayoutPoint(box->size()), UseTransforms);
        return true;

    // find the last text/image child, to get a position
    while (o) {
        if (o->lastChild())
            o = o->lastChild();
        else if (o->previousSibling())
            o = o->previousSibling();
        else {
            RenderObject* prev = 0;
            while (!prev) {
                o = o->parent();
                if (!o)
                    return false;
                prev = o->previousSibling();
            o = prev;
        if (o->isText() || o->isReplaced()) {
            point = FloatPoint();
            if (o->isText()) {
                RenderText* text = toRenderText(o);
                IntRect linesBox = text->linesBoundingBox();
                if (!linesBox.maxX() && !linesBox.maxY())
            } else {
                RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(o);
            point = o->container()->localToAbsolute(point, UseTransforms);
            return true;
    return true;
bool ShapeOutsideInfo::isEnabledFor(const RenderBox& box)
    ShapeValue* shapeValue = box.style()->shapeOutside();
    if (!box.isFloating() || !shapeValue)
        return false;

    switch (shapeValue->type()) {
    case ShapeValue::Shape:
        return shapeValue->shape();
    case ShapeValue::Image:
        return shapeValue->isImageValid() && checkShapeImageOrigin(box.document(), *(shapeValue->image()));
    case ShapeValue::Box:
        return true;

    return false;
void RenderThemeSymbian::paintButtonDecorations(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r)
    RenderBox* b = static_cast<RenderBox*>(o);
    int my = max(r.y(), i.rect.y());
    int mh;
    if (r.y() < i.rect.y())
        mh = max(0, r.height() - (i.rect.y() - r.y()));
        mh = std::min(i.rect.height(), r.height());

    if (o->style()->hasBackground()) {
        b->paintBackgroundExtended(i.context, o->style()->backgroundColor(), o->style()->backgroundLayers(), my, mh, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height());
    if (o->style()->hasBorder()) {
        b->paintBorder(i.context, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), o->style());
void RenderFieldset::paintMask(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty)
    if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE || paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseMask)

    int w = width();
    int h = height();
    RenderBox* legend = findLegend();
    if (!legend)
        return RenderBlock::paintMask(paintInfo, tx, ty);

    int yOff = (legend->y() > 0) ? 0 : (legend->height() - borderTop()) / 2;
    h -= yOff;
    ty += yOff;

    paintMaskImages(paintInfo, tx, ty, w, h);
static bool isElementLargeEnoughForMainContent(const HTMLMediaElement& element)
    static const double elementMainContentAreaMinimum = 400 * 300;
    static const double maximumAspectRatio = 1.8; // Slightly larger than 16:9.
    static const double minimumAspectRatio = .5; // Slightly smaller than 16:9.

    // Elements which have not yet been laid out, or which are not yet in the DOM, cannot be main content.
    RenderBox* renderer = downcast<RenderBox>(element.renderer());
    if (!renderer)
        return false;

    double width = renderer->clientWidth();
    double height = renderer->clientHeight();
    double area = width * height;
    double aspectRatio = width / height;
    return area >= elementMainContentAreaMinimum && aspectRatio >= minimumAspectRatio && aspectRatio <= maximumAspectRatio;
Exemple #15
bool GraphicsContext3DInternal::lockFrontBuffer(T& image, SkRect& rect)
    MutexLocker lock(m_fboMutex);
    FBO* fbo = m_frontFBO;

    if (!fbo || !fbo->image()) {
        LOGWEBGL("-GraphicsContext3DInternal::lockFrontBuffer(), fbo = %p", fbo);
        return false;

    image = (T)(fbo->image());

    RenderObject* renderer = m_canvas->renderer();
    if (renderer && renderer->isBox()) {
        RenderBox* box = (RenderBox*)renderer;
        rect.setXYWH(box->borderLeft() + box->paddingLeft(),
                     box->borderTop() + box->paddingTop(),

    return true;
Exemple #16
float SVGLength::PercentageOfViewport(float value, const SVGElement* context, SVGLengthMode mode)

    float width = 0.0f, height = 0.0f;
    SVGElement* viewportElement = context->viewportElement();

    // PercentageOfViewport() is used to resolve all relative-positioned values within a SVG document (fragment)
    Document* doc = context->document();
    if (doc->documentElement() == context) {
        // Resolve value against outermost <svg> element
        if (RenderView* view = toRenderView(doc->renderer())) {
            width = view->viewWidth();
            height = view->viewHeight();
    } else if (viewportElement && viewportElement->isSVG()) {
        // Resolve value against nearest viewport element (common case: inner <svg> elements)
        const SVGSVGElement* svg = static_cast<const SVGSVGElement*>(viewportElement);
        if (svg->hasAttribute(SVGNames::viewBoxAttr)) {
            width = svg->viewBox().width();
            height = svg->viewBox().height();
        } else {
            width = svg->width().value(svg);
            height = svg->height().value(svg);
    } else if (context->parent() && !context->parent()->isSVGElement()) {
        // Resolve value against enclosing non-SVG RenderBox
        if (RenderObject* renderer = context->renderer()) {
            if (renderer->isBox()) {
                RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(renderer);
                width = box->width();
                height = box->height();

    if (mode == LengthModeWidth)
        return value * width;
    else if (mode == LengthModeHeight)
        return value * height;
    else if (mode == LengthModeOther)
        return value * sqrtf(powf(width, 2) + powf(height, 2)) / sqrtf(2.0f);

    return 0.0f;
void RenderMedia::layout()
    IntSize oldSize = contentBoxRect().size();


    RenderBox* controlsRenderer = m_controls->renderBox();
    if (!controlsRenderer)
    IntSize newSize = contentBoxRect().size();
    if (newSize == oldSize && !controlsRenderer->needsLayout())

    // When calling layout() on a child node, a parent must either push a LayoutStateMaintainter, or 
    // call view()->disableLayoutState().  Since using a LayoutStateMaintainer is slightly more efficient,
    // and this method will be called many times per second during playback, use a LayoutStateMaintainer:
    LayoutStateMaintainer statePusher(view(), this, IntSize(x(), y()), hasTransform() || hasReflection() || style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode());

    controlsRenderer->setLocation(borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), borderTop() + paddingTop());
    controlsRenderer->style()->setHeight(Length(newSize.height(), Fixed));
    controlsRenderer->style()->setWidth(Length(newSize.width(), Fixed));
    controlsRenderer->setNeedsLayout(true, false);

Exemple #18
bool SVGLength::determineViewport(const SVGElement* context, float& width, float& height) const
    if (!context)
        return false;

    // Take size from outermost <svg> element.
    Document* document = context->document();
    if (document->documentElement() == context) {
        if (RenderView* view = toRenderView(document->renderer())) {
            width = view->viewWidth();
            height = view->viewHeight();
            return true;

        return false;

    // Resolve value against nearest viewport element (common case: inner <svg> elements)
    SVGElement* viewportElement = context->viewportElement();
    if (viewportElement && viewportElement->isSVG()) {
        const SVGSVGElement* svg = static_cast<const SVGSVGElement*>(viewportElement);
        if (svg->hasAttribute(SVGNames::viewBoxAttr)) {
            width = svg->viewBox().width();
            height = svg->viewBox().height();
        } else {
            width = svg->width().value(svg);
            height = svg->height().value(svg);

        return true;
    // Resolve value against enclosing non-SVG RenderBox
    if (!context->parentNode() || context->parentNode()->isSVGElement())
        return false;

    RenderObject* renderer = context->renderer();
    if (!renderer || !renderer->isBox())
        return false;

    RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(renderer);
    width = box->width();
    height = box->height();
    return true;
Exemple #19
static inline void appendZoomableSubtargets(Node* node, SubtargetGeometryList& subtargets)
    RenderBox* renderer = toRenderBox(node->renderer());

    Vector<FloatQuad> quads;
    FloatRect borderBoxRect = renderer->borderBoxRect();
    FloatRect contentBoxRect = renderer->contentBoxRect();
    if (borderBoxRect != contentBoxRect)
    // FIXME: For RenderBlocks, add column boxes and content boxes cleared for floats.

    Vector<FloatQuad>::const_iterator it = quads.begin();
    const Vector<FloatQuad>::const_iterator end = quads.end();
    for (; it != end; ++it)
        subtargets.append(SubtargetGeometry(node, *it));
void RenderInline::absoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>& rects, int tx, int ty, bool topLevel)
    for (InlineRunBox* curr = firstLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox())
        rects.append(IntRect(tx + curr->xPos(), ty + curr->yPos(), curr->width(), curr->height()));

    for (RenderObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
        if (curr->isBox()) {
            RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(curr);
            curr->absoluteRects(rects, tx + box->x(), ty + box->y(), false);

    if (continuation() && topLevel)
                                      tx - containingBlock()->x() + continuation()->x(),
                                      ty - containingBlock()->y() + continuation()->y(),
int HTMLBodyElement::scrollTop()
    Document& document = this->document();

    if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::scrollTopLeftInteropEnabled()) {
        RenderBox* render = renderBox();
        if (!render)
            return 0;
        if (render->hasOverflowClip())
            return adjustForAbsoluteZoom(render->scrollTop(), render);
        if (!document.inQuirksMode())
            return 0;

    FrameView* view = document.view();
    return view ? adjustForZoom(view->scrollY(), &document) : 0;
void RenderMediaVolumeSliderContainer::layout()
    if (style()->display() == NONE || !previousSibling() || !previousSibling()->isBox())

    RenderBox* buttonBox = toRenderBox(previousSibling());

    if (view())

    IntPoint offset = theme()->volumeSliderOffsetFromMuteButton(buttonBox, IntSize(width(), height()));
    setX(offset.x() + buttonBox->offsetLeft());
    setY(offset.y() + buttonBox->offsetTop());

    if (view())
void RenderSVGInline::absoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>& quads)
    InlineRunBox* firstBox = firstLineBox();

    SVGRootInlineBox* rootBox = firstBox ? static_cast<SVGInlineTextBox*>(firstBox)->svgRootInlineBox() : 0;
    RenderBox* object = rootBox ? rootBox->block() : 0;

    if (!object)

    int xRef = object->x();
    int yRef = object->y();

    for (InlineRunBox* curr = firstBox; curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox()) {
        FloatRect rect(xRef + curr->x(), yRef + curr->y(), curr->width(), curr->height());
Exemple #24
// Return a set of rectangles that should not be overdrawn by the
// plugin ("cutouts").  This helps implement the "iframe shim"
// technique of overlaying a windowed plugin with content from the
// page.  In a nutshell, iframe elements should occlude plugins when
// they occur higher in the stacking order.
void getPluginOcclusions(Element* element, Widget* parentWidget, const IntRect& frameRect, Vector<IntRect>& occlusions)
    RenderObject* pluginNode = element->renderer();
    if (!pluginNode->style())
    Vector<const RenderObject*> pluginZstack;
    Vector<const RenderObject*> iframeZstack;
    getObjectStack(pluginNode, &pluginZstack);

    if (!parentWidget->isFrameView())

    FrameView* parentFrameView = static_cast<FrameView*>(parentWidget);

    const HashSet<RefPtr<Widget> >* children = parentFrameView->children();
    for (HashSet<RefPtr<Widget> >::const_iterator it = children->begin(); it != children->end(); ++it) {
        // We only care about FrameView's because iframes show up as FrameViews.
        if (!(*it)->isFrameView())

        const FrameView* frameView = static_cast<const FrameView*>((*it).get());
        // Check to make sure we can get both the element and the RenderObject
        // for this FrameView, if we can't just move on to the next object.
        if (!frameView->frame() || !frameView->frame()->ownerElement()
            || !frameView->frame()->ownerElement()->renderer())

        HTMLElement* element = frameView->frame()->ownerElement();
        RenderObject* iframeRenderer = element->renderer();

        if (element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::iframeTag)
            && iframeRenderer->absoluteBoundingBoxRect().intersects(frameRect)
            && (!iframeRenderer->style() || iframeRenderer->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE)) {
            getObjectStack(iframeRenderer, &iframeZstack);
            if (iframeIsAbovePlugin(iframeZstack, pluginZstack)) {
                IntPoint point = roundedIntPoint(iframeRenderer->localToAbsolute());
                RenderBox* rbox = toRenderBox(iframeRenderer);
                IntSize size(rbox->width(), rbox->height());
                occlusions.append(IntRect(point, size));
Exemple #25
void RenderMathMLFraction::paint(PaintInfo& info, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    RenderMathMLBlock::paint(info, paintOffset);
    if (info.context().paintingDisabled() || info.phase != PaintPhaseForeground || style().visibility() != VISIBLE)
    RenderBox* denominatorWrapper = lastChildBox();
    if (!denominatorWrapper || !m_lineThickness)

    IntPoint adjustedPaintOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintOffset + location() + denominatorWrapper->location() + LayoutPoint(0, m_lineThickness / 2));
    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(info.context());
    info.context().drawLine(adjustedPaintOffset, roundedIntPoint(LayoutPoint(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + denominatorWrapper->offsetWidth(), adjustedPaintOffset.y())));
Exemple #26
void RenderImage::computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(FloatSize& intrinsicSize, double& intrinsicRatio, bool& isPercentageIntrinsicSize) const
    RenderReplaced::computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(intrinsicSize, intrinsicRatio, isPercentageIntrinsicSize);

    // Our intrinsicSize is empty if we're rendering generated images with relative width/height. Figure out the right intrinsic size to use.
    if (intrinsicSize.isEmpty() && (m_imageResource->imageHasRelativeWidth() || m_imageResource->imageHasRelativeHeight())) {
        RenderObject* containingBlock = isOutOfFlowPositioned() ? container() : this->containingBlock();
        if (containingBlock->isBox()) {
            RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(containingBlock);
    // Don't compute an intrinsic ratio to preserve historical WebKit behavior if we're painting alt text and/or a broken image.
    if (m_imageResource && m_imageResource->errorOccurred()) {
        intrinsicRatio = 1;
float SVGLength::PercentageOfViewport(float value, const SVGElement* context, SVGLengthMode mode)

    float width = 0.0f, height = 0.0f;
    SVGElement* viewportElement = context->viewportElement();

    Document* doc = context->document();
    if (doc->documentElement() == context) {
        // We have to ask the canvas for the full "canvas size"...
        RenderView* view = toRenderView(doc->renderer());
        if (view && view->frameView()) {
            width = view->frameView()->visibleWidth(); // TODO: recheck!
            height = view->frameView()->visibleHeight(); // TODO: recheck!
    } else if (viewportElement && viewportElement->isSVG()) {
        const SVGSVGElement* svg = static_cast<const SVGSVGElement*>(viewportElement);
        if (svg->hasAttribute(SVGNames::viewBoxAttr)) {
            width = svg->viewBox().width();
            height = svg->viewBox().height();
        } else {
            width = svg->width().value(svg);
            height = svg->height().value(svg);
    } else if (context->parent() && !context->parent()->isSVGElement()) {
        if (RenderObject* renderer = context->renderer()) {
            if (renderer->isBox()) {
                RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(renderer);
                width = box->width();
                height = box->height();

    if (mode == LengthModeWidth)
        return value * width;
    else if (mode == LengthModeHeight)
        return value * height;
    else if (mode == LengthModeOther)
        return value * sqrtf(powf(width, 2) + powf(height, 2)) / sqrtf(2.0f);

    return 0.0f;
Exemple #28
bool RenderInputSpeech::paintInputFieldSpeechButton(RenderObject* object, const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& rect)
    Element* element = object->node()->isElementNode() ? toElement(object->node()) : 0;
    if (!element || !element->isInputFieldSpeechButtonElement())
        return false;

    // Get the renderer of <input> element.
    Node* input = object->node()->shadowHost();
    if (!input->renderer()->isBox())
        return false;
    RenderBox* inputRenderBox = toRenderBox(input->renderer());
    LayoutRect inputContentBox = inputRenderBox->contentBoxRect();

    // Make sure the scaled button stays square and will fit in its parent's box.
    LayoutUnit buttonSize = std::min(inputContentBox.width(), std::min<LayoutUnit>(inputContentBox.height(), rect.height()));
    // Calculate button's coordinates relative to the input element.
    // Center the button vertically.  Round up though, so if it has to be one pixel off-center, it will
    // be one pixel closer to the bottom of the field.  This tends to look better with the text.
    LayoutRect buttonRect(object->offsetFromAncestorContainer(inputRenderBox).width(),
                          inputContentBox.y() + (inputContentBox.height() - buttonSize + 1) / 2,
                          buttonSize, buttonSize);

    // Compute an offset between the part renderer and the input renderer.
    LayoutSize offsetFromInputRenderer = -(object->offsetFromAncestorContainer(inputRenderBox));
    // Move the rect into partRenderer's coords.
    // Account for the local drawing offset.

    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(RefPtr<Image>, imageStateNormal, (Image::loadPlatformResource("inputSpeech")));
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(RefPtr<Image>, imageStateRecording, (Image::loadPlatformResource("inputSpeechRecording")));
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(RefPtr<Image>, imageStateWaiting, (Image::loadPlatformResource("inputSpeechWaiting")));

    InputFieldSpeechButtonElement* speechButton = toInputFieldSpeechButtonElement(element);
    Image* image = imageStateNormal.get();
    if (speechButton->state() == InputFieldSpeechButtonElement::Recording)
        image = imageStateRecording.get();
    else if (speechButton->state() == InputFieldSpeechButtonElement::Recognizing)
        image = imageStateWaiting.get();
    paintInfo.context->drawImage(image, object->style()->colorSpace(), pixelSnappedIntRect(buttonRect));

    return false;
static void getShapeImageAndRect(const ShapeValue& shapeValue, const RenderBox& renderBox, const LayoutSize& referenceBoxSize, Image*& image, LayoutRect& rect)
    StyleImage* styleImage = shapeValue.image();

    const LayoutSize& imageSize = renderBox.calculateImageIntrinsicDimensions(styleImage, roundedIntSize(referenceBoxSize), RenderImage::ScaleByEffectiveZoom);
    styleImage->setContainerSizeForRenderer(&renderBox, imageSize, renderBox.style().effectiveZoom());

    image = nullptr;
    if (styleImage->isCachedImage() || styleImage->isCachedImageSet())
        image = styleImage->cachedImage()->imageForRenderer(&renderBox);
    else if (styleImage->isGeneratedImage())
        image = styleImage->image(const_cast<RenderBox*>(&renderBox), imageSize).get();

    if (renderBox.isRenderImage())
        rect = toRenderImage(&renderBox)->replacedContentRect(renderBox.intrinsicSize());
        rect = LayoutRect(LayoutPoint(), imageSize);
Exemple #30
double HTMLBodyElement::scrollTop()
    Document& document = this->document();

    if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::scrollTopLeftInteropEnabled()) {
        RenderBox* render = renderBox();
        if (!render)
            return 0;
        if (render->hasOverflowClip())
            return adjustLayoutUnitForAbsoluteZoom(render->scrollTop(), *render);
        if (!document.inQuirksMode())
            return 0;

    if (FrameView* view = document.view())
        return adjustScrollForAbsoluteZoom(view->scrollY(), document.frame()->pageZoomFactor());
    return 0;