// Build a sample popup menu.
SVMenuNode* SVPaint::BuildPopupMenu() {
  SVMenuNode* root = new SVMenuNode();  // Empty root node
  // Initial color is white, so we  all values to 255.
  root->AddChild("R",                   // Shown caption.
                  1,                    // assoc. command_id.
                 "255",                 // initial value.
                 "Red Color Value?");  // Shown description.
  root->AddChild("G", 2, "255", "Green Color Value?");
  root->AddChild("B", 3, "255", "Blue Color Value?");
  return root;
Exemple #2
// Integrate the parameters editor as popupmenu into the existing scrollview
// window (usually the pg editor). If sv == null, create a new empty
// empty window and attach the parameters editor to that window (ugly).
ParamsEditor::ParamsEditor(tesseract::Tesseract* tess,
                                 ScrollView* sv) {
  if (sv == NULL) {
    const char* name = "ParamEditorMAIN";
    sv = new ScrollView(name, 1, 1, 200, 200, 300, 200);

  sv_window_ = sv;

  //Only one event handler per window.
  //sv->AddEventHandler((SVEventHandler*) this);

  SVMenuNode* svMenuRoot = BuildListOfAllLeaves(tess);

  STRING paramfile;
  paramfile = tess->datadir;
  paramfile += VARDIR;             // parameters dir
  paramfile += "edited";           // actual name

  SVMenuNode* std_menu = svMenuRoot->AddChild ("Build Config File");

  writeCommands[0] = nrParams+1;
  std_menu->AddChild("All Parameters", writeCommands[0],
                     paramfile.string(), "Config file name?");

  writeCommands[1] = nrParams+2;
  std_menu->AddChild ("changed_ Parameters Only", writeCommands[1],
                      paramfile.string(), "Config file name?");

  svMenuRoot->BuildMenu(sv, false);
// Build a sample menu bar.
SVMenuNode* SVPaint::BuildMenuBar() {
  SVMenuNode* root = new SVMenuNode();  // Empty root node

  // Create some submenus and add them to the root.
  SVMenuNode* click = root->AddChild("Clicking");
  SVMenuNode* drag = root->AddChild("Dragging");
  // Put some nodes into the submenus.
  click->AddChild("Point to Point Drawing",  // Caption.
                  1);                       // command_id.
  click->AddChild("Point Drawing", 2);
  click->AddChild("Text Drawing", 3);
  drag->AddChild("Line Drawing", 4);
  drag->AddChild("Rectangle Drawing", 5);
  drag->AddChild("Ellipse Drawing", 6);
  return root;
Exemple #4
// Find all editable parameters used within tesseract and create a
// SVMenuNode tree from it.
// TODO (wanke): This is actually sort of hackish.
SVMenuNode* ParamsEditor::BuildListOfAllLeaves(tesseract::Tesseract *tess) {
  SVMenuNode* mr = new SVMenuNode();
  ParamContent_LIST vclist;
  ParamContent_IT vc_it(&vclist);
  // Amount counts the number of entries for a specific char*.
  // TODO(rays) get rid of the use of std::map.
  std::map<const char*, int> amount;

  // Add all parameters to a list.
  int v, i;
  int num_iterations = (tess->params() == NULL) ? 1 : 2;
  for (v = 0; v < num_iterations; ++v) {
    tesseract::ParamsVectors *vec = (v == 0) ? GlobalParams() : tess->params();
    for (i = 0; i < vec->int_params.size(); ++i) {
      vc_it.add_after_then_move(new ParamContent(vec->int_params[i]));
    for (i = 0; i < vec->bool_params.size(); ++i) {
      vc_it.add_after_then_move(new ParamContent(vec->bool_params[i]));
    for (i = 0; i < vec->string_params.size(); ++i) {
      vc_it.add_after_then_move(new ParamContent(vec->string_params[i]));
    for (i = 0; i < vec->double_params.size(); ++i) {
      vc_it.add_after_then_move(new ParamContent(vec->double_params[i]));

  // Count the # of entries starting with a specific prefix.
  for (vc_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !vc_it.cycled_list(); vc_it.forward()) {
    ParamContent* vc = vc_it.data();
    STRING tag;
    STRING tag2;
    STRING tag3;

    GetPrefixes(vc->GetName(), &tag, &tag2, &tag3);

  vclist.sort(ParamContent::Compare);  // Sort the list alphabetically.

  SVMenuNode* other = mr->AddChild("OTHER");

  // go through the list again and this time create the menu structure.
  for (vc_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !vc_it.cycled_list(); vc_it.forward()) {
    ParamContent* vc = vc_it.data();
    STRING tag;
    STRING tag2;
    STRING tag3;
    GetPrefixes(vc->GetName(), &tag, &tag2, &tag3);

    if (amount[tag.string()] == 1) {
      other->AddChild(vc->GetName(), vc->GetId(), vc->GetValue().string(),
    } else {  // More than one would use this submenu -> create submenu.
      SVMenuNode* sv = mr->AddChild(tag.string());
      if ((amount[tag.string()] <= MAX_ITEMS_IN_SUBMENU) ||
          (amount[tag2.string()] <= 1)) {
        sv->AddChild(vc->GetName(), vc->GetId(),
                     vc->GetValue().string(), vc->GetDescription());
      } else {  // Make subsubmenus.
        SVMenuNode* sv2 = sv->AddChild(tag2.string());
        sv2->AddChild(vc->GetName(), vc->GetId(),
                      vc->GetValue().string(), vc->GetDescription());
  return mr;