Exemple #1
void GMStandard::multiply ( const SetType & rowSet, const SetType & columnSet, NICE::Vector & y, const NICE::Vector & x) const
  if ( x.size() != columnSet.size() ) 
    fthrow(Exception, "Size of the column set is different from the size of the given input vector: " << columnSet.size() << " vs " << x.size());
  y.resize( rowSet.size() );

  // memory inefficient
  Matrix Asub ( rowSet.size(), columnSet.size() );

  int ii = 0;
  for ( SetType::const_iterator i = rowSet.begin(); i != rowSet.end(); i++,ii++ )
    int jj = 0;
    for ( SetType::const_iterator j = columnSet.begin(); j != columnSet.end(); j++,jj++ )
      Asub ( ii, jj ) = A( *i, *j ); 

  y.multiply ( Asub, x );
  void process_commands(std::string preface) {
    for (;;) try {
      std::string command = menu_prompt(preface);

      if (command == "i") {
        std::string e = ics::prompt_string(preface+"  Enter element to add");
        std::cout << preface+"  insert = " << s.insert(e) << std::endl;

      else if (command == "I") {
        SetType s2(prompt_set(preface));
        std::cout << "  insert = " << s.insert(s2.abegin(),s2.aend()) << std::endl;;

      else if (command == "e") {
        std::string e = ics::prompt_string(preface+"  Enter element to erase");
        std::cout << preface+"  erase = " << s.erase(e) << std::endl;

      else if (command == "E") {
        SetType s2(prompt_set(preface));
        std::cout << "  erase = " << s.erase(s2.abegin(),s2.aend()) << std::endl;;

      else if (command == "x")

      else if (command == "R") {
        SetType s2(prompt_set(preface));
        std::cout << "  retain = " << s.retain(s2.abegin(),s2.aend()) << std::endl;

      else if (command == "=") {
        SetType s2(prompt_set(preface));
        s = s2;
        std::cout << "  s now = " << s << std::endl;

      else if (command == "m")
        std::cout << preface+"  empty = " << s.empty();

      else if (command == "s")
        std::cout << preface+"  size = " << s.size() << std::endl;

      else if (command == "c") {
        std::string e = ics::prompt_string(preface+"  Enter element to erase");
        std::cout << preface+"  contains = " << s.contains(e) << std::endl;

      else if (command == "C") {
        SetType s2(prompt_set(preface));
        std::cout << "  contains = " << s.contains(s2.abegin(),s2.aend()) << std::endl;

      else if (command == "<")
        std::cout << preface+"  << = " << s.str() << std::endl;

      else if (command == "r") {
        std::cout << preface+"  s == s = " << (s == s) << std::endl;
        std::cout << preface+"  s != s = " << (s != s) << std::endl;
        std::cout << preface+"  s <= s = " << (s <= s) << std::endl;
        std::cout << preface+"  s <  s = " << (s <  s) << std::endl;
        std::cout << preface+"  s >  s = " << (s >  s) << std::endl;
        std::cout << preface+"  s >= s = " << (s >= s) << std::endl;

        SetType s2(prompt_set(preface));
        std::cout << preface+"  s = " << s << " ?? s2 = " << s2 << std::endl;
        std::cout << preface+"  s == s2 = " << (s == s2) << std::endl;
        std::cout << preface+"  s != s2 = " << (s != s2) << std::endl;
        std::cout << preface+"  s <= s2 = " << (s <= s2) << std::endl;
        std::cout << preface+"  s <  s2 = " << (s <  s2) << std::endl;
        std::cout << preface+"  s >  s2 = " << (s >  s2) << std::endl;
        std::cout << preface+"  s >= s2 = " << (s >= s2) << std::endl;

      else if (command == "l") {
        std::ifstream in_set;
        ics::safe_open(in_set,preface+"  Enter file name to read", "load.txt");
        std::string e;
        while (getline(in_set,e))

      else if (command == "it")
        process_iterator_commands(s, "it:  "+preface);

      else if (command == "q")

        std::cout << preface+"\""+command+"\" is unknown command" << std::endl;

    } catch (ics::IcsError& e) {
      std::cout << preface+"  " << e.what() << std::endl;
