TAO_MonitorSupplierAdmin::~TAO_MonitorSupplierAdmin (void)
  // First, make sure we can get down to the real ec type
  TAO_MonitorEventChannel* ec =
    dynamic_cast<TAO_MonitorEventChannel*> (this->ec_.get ());
  if (ec != 0)
      ec->remove_supplieradmin (this->id ());
      TAO_Control_Registry* cinstance = TAO_Control_Registry::instance ();
      cinstance->remove (this->control_name_);
TAO_MonitorConsumerAdmin::remove (void)
  // First, make sure we can get down to the real ec type
  TAO_MonitorEventChannel* ec =
    dynamic_cast<TAO_MonitorEventChannel*> (this->ec_.get ());
  if (ec != 0)
      ec->unregister_statistic (this->queue_size_stat_name_);
      ec->unregister_statistic (this->overflow_stat_name_);
      ec->unregister_statistic (this->stat_name_);
      ec->remove_consumeradmin (this->id ());
      TAO_Control_Registry* cinstance = TAO_Control_Registry::instance ();
      cinstance->remove (this->control_name_);

  // We don't own queue_size_, so we must not delete it