TBool CCmdRemark::Recognize( const TDesC& aCommand  )
// Obey the command family's step over mode.

// Check if is empty or begins with # character.
TPtrC cmd = TfrLex::Trim(aCommand);

//	look for empty, # or //
return ((cmd.Length() == 0) || (cmd.Match( _L("#*")) == 0) || (cmd.Match(_L("//*")) == 0 ));
TBool CCmdListAll::Recognize( const TDesC& aCommand  )
// Check if is empty or begins with # character.
TPtrC cmd = TfrLex::Trim(aCommand);

return (cmd.Match( _L("?")) == 0);
TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetCommandStringParameterL(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, TPtrC& aResult)
	TBool	ret=EFalse;

	if ( aSectName.Length()!=0 )
		ret=CDataWrapper::GetStringFromConfig(aSectName, aKeyName, aResult);

		for ( TInt index=iInclude.Count(); (index>0) && (!ret); )
			ret=iInclude[--index]->FindVar(aSectName, aKeyName, aResult);

	if ( ret )
		if ( aResult.Match(KMatch)!=KErrNotFound )
			//	We have an entry of the format
			//	entry =*{section,entry}*
			//	where * is one or more characters
			//	We need to construct this from other data in the ini file replacing {*,*}
			//	with the data from
			//	[section]
			//	entry =some_value
			HBufC*	buffer=HBufC::NewLC(aResult.Length());

			TInt	startLength=KStart().Length();
			TInt	sparatorLength=KSeparator().Length();
			TInt	endLength=KEnd().Length();
			TInt	bufferLength;
			TInt	start;
			TInt	sparator;
			TInt	end;
			TPtrC	remaining;
			TLex	lex;

				sparator += (start + startLength);

				end=remaining.Find(KEnd) + sparator + sparatorLength;

				TPtrC	sectionName(buffer->Ptr()+start+startLength, sparator-start-startLength);
				TPtrC	keyName(buffer->Ptr()+sparator+sparatorLength, end-sparator-sparatorLength);

				TInt	entrySize=0;
				TPtrC	entryData;
				TBool	found=CDataWrapper::GetStringFromConfig(sectionName, keyName, entryData);
				for ( TInt index=iInclude.Count(); (index>0) && (!found);  )
					found=iInclude[--index]->FindVar(sectionName, keyName, entryData);
				if ( found )

				TInt	newLength=start + bufferLength - end - endLength + entrySize;
				HBufC*	bufferNew=HBufC::NewLC(newLength);
				bufferNew->Des().Copy(buffer->Ptr(), start);
				if ( entrySize>0 )
				bufferNew->Des().Append(buffer->Ptr() + end + endLength, bufferLength - end - endLength);
			while ( buffer->Match(KMatch)!=KErrNotFound );
			INFO_PRINTF4(KDataRead, &aSectName, &aKeyName , &aResult);

	return ret;
Search fixed start URLs, i.e. URLs without schema (www., wap.).
Also finds IPv4 addresses (*.*.*.*).
As a special case, supports deprecated hardcoded schematic addresses finding 
(http://, https://, rtsp://) to make sure deprecated search cases work 
as they did previously.

@param aText Text that will be parsed
@param aFindFixedSchemas If true, will find old fixed schematic URLs also
@return ETrue if any URL are found else returns EFalse
@leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
@panic ETulPanicDescriptorLength in debug build if item's position and/or length is out of the document's range.
TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SearchUrlL( const TDesC& aText, const TBool aFindFixedSchemas )
    TLex text = aText;
    while ( !text.Eos() )
        while( !(text.Eos()) && !IsValidUrlChar( text.Peek() ) )

        while( !(text.Eos()) && IsValidUrlChar( text.Peek() ) )

        TPtrC tokenPtr = text.MarkedToken();
        TBool wasValidUrl = EFalse;

        if ( aFindFixedSchemas )	// Search for http://
            wasValidUrl = ParseUrlL( KHttpUrlAddress, tokenPtr, text.Offset() );
        if (aFindFixedSchemas && !wasValidUrl)	// Search for https://
            wasValidUrl = ParseUrlL( KHttpsUrlAddress, tokenPtr, text.Offset() );

        if (aFindFixedSchemas && !wasValidUrl) // Search for rtsp://
            wasValidUrl = ParseUrlL( KRtspUrlAddress, tokenPtr, text.Offset() );

        if ( !wasValidUrl )	// Search for www.
            wasValidUrl = ParseUrlL( KWwwUrlAddress, tokenPtr, text.Offset() );

        if ( !wasValidUrl )	// Search for wap.
            wasValidUrl = ParseUrlL( KWapUrlAddress, tokenPtr, text.Offset() );

        if ( !wasValidUrl )	// Search for IP-address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
            if ( tokenPtr.Match( KIPAddress ) != KErrNotFound )
                TInt periods = 0;
                wasValidUrl = ETrue;
                TBool endWithPunctuation = EFalse;
                TBool betweenBrackets = EFalse;

                // First see if token ends with ",",".","!","?",";" or ":"
                TChar charac = tokenPtr[tokenPtr.Length() - 1];
                TChar charac0 = tokenPtr[0];
                if ( charac == ',' || charac == '.' ||
                     charac == '!' || charac == '?' ||
                     charac == ';' || charac == ':' )
                    endWithPunctuation = ETrue;
                // Or if it starts and ends with brackets or quotation marks
                else if ( ( charac0 == '(' && charac == ')' )
                       || ( charac0 == '"' && charac == '"' )
                       || ( charac0 == '[' && charac == ']' )
                       || ( charac0 == '<' && charac == '>' ) )
                    betweenBrackets = ETrue;

                TInt i = 0;
                TInt tokensEnd = tokenPtr.Length();
                if ( endWithPunctuation )
                else if ( betweenBrackets )
                    i = 1;

                // Take a closer look to see if a valid IP-address
                TBuf<3> ipPart;
                TInt numbers = 0;
                for ( ; i < tokensEnd; i++ )
                    if ( !( ((TChar)tokenPtr[i]).IsDigit() || tokenPtr[i] == '.' ) )
                        wasValidUrl = EFalse;

                    if ( tokenPtr[i] == '.' )

                    if ( numbers > KNumbersInIpAddress || periods > KDotsInIpAddress )
                        wasValidUrl = EFalse;

                    if ( ((TChar)tokenPtr[i]).IsDigit() )
                        ipPart.Append( tokenPtr[i] );
                        TBool checkInt = EFalse;
                        if ( i + 1 < tokensEnd )
                            if ( tokenPtr[i+1] == '.' )
                                checkInt = ETrue;

                        if ( i == tokensEnd - 1 || checkInt )
                            TLex val = ipPart;
                            TInt numberInt;
                            TInt error = val.Val( numberInt );
                            if ( error != KErrNone || numberInt > 255 )
                                wasValidUrl = EFalse;

                            numbers = 0;
                            ipPart.Delete( 0, ipPart.Length() );

                if ( wasValidUrl && periods == KDotsInIpAddress )
                    TInt startPos = text.Offset() - tokenPtr.Length();
                    TInt length = tokenPtr.Length();
                    // If there was a punctuation at the end or brackets, let's take it/them away
                    if ( endWithPunctuation || betweenBrackets)
                        if ( betweenBrackets )

                    __ASSERT_DEBUG( startPos + length <= aText.Length(), Panic(ETulPanicDescriptorLength) );
                    AddItemL( startPos, length, EFindItemSearchURLBin );

    return (iFoundItems->Count() > 0);
TInt CCmdIf::ProcessL(const TDesC &aCommand)
// Complete the test machine - will then get the next cmd

//	this converts the first parameter (if found) into something useful!
TPtrC param;
TRAPD(error, param.Set(ParamsL(aCommand)));
if (error != KErrNone)
	return Error(error, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &Keyphrase());

TLex parse(param);
if (!parse.Eos() && !parse.Peek().IsSpace())
	return Error(error, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &Keyphrase());

if (parse.Eos())
	//	no parameters so invalid command
	return Error(error, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &Keyphrase());

//	convert into our LValue
TPtrC lvalue;
TRAP(error, lvalue.Set(TfrLex::GetL(parse)));
if (error != KErrNone)
	return Error(error, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &Keyphrase());

if (lvalue.Length() > 32)
	return Error(error, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &Keyphrase());

//	now check that the second 'param' is one of our comparison tokens...
TPtrC opr;
TRAP(error, opr.Set(TfrLex::GetL(parse)));
if (error != KErrNone) 
	return Error(KErrArgument, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &opr);

//	check is valid length
if (opr.Length() > 16) 
	return Error(KErrArgument, THA_KErrParameterLong, &opr);

//	check operator is one of our known list
//	Param shall be HTTP or WSP
TBool eValue;
if (opr.CompareF(KTxtEquals) == 0)
	eValue = TCO_Equals;

else if (opr.CompareF(KTxtNotEqual) == 0)
	eValue = TCO_NotEqual;

else if (opr.CompareF(KTxtGreaterThan) == 0)
	eValue = TCO_GreaterThan;

else if (opr.CompareF(KTxtLessThan) == 0)
	eValue = TCO_LessThan;

else if (opr.CompareF(KTxtGreaterThanEq) == 0)
	eValue = TCO_GreaterThanEq;

else if (opr.CompareF(KTxtLessThanEq) == 0)
	eValue = TCO_LessThanEq;

else	//	not recognized the comp.operator so error
	return Error(KErrArgument, THA_KErrInvalidOptr, &opr);

//	now look at the final parameter and convert into our LValue
//	assuming that there is anything more.
TPtrC rvalue = TfrLex::Trim(parse.Remainder());
if (rvalue.Length() == 0) 
	return Error(KErrArgument, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &aCommand);

if (rvalue.Length() > 16)
	return Error(error, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &Keyphrase());

// ParseOnly => not executed.
if (Family()->Switch(CCmdFamily::EParseOnly))
	return error;

//	determine if we're comparing numeric or data (or both!)
TBool iNumeric = ETrue;
TInt ilval;
TInt irval;
if (InetProtTextUtils::ConvertDescriptorToInt(lvalue,ilval) < 0)
	iNumeric = EFalse;

//	check we're not comparing apples with oranges...
iNumeric = ((InetProtTextUtils::ConvertDescriptorToInt(rvalue,irval) < 0) && iNumeric) ? EFalse : ETrue;

//	now determine the comparison result (also 
//	-1 => error or failure (i.e. < 0) 0 = false, 1 = true
TInt iResult = -2;
switch (eValue)
	case TCO_Equals : 
		iResult = (iNumeric) ? ((TInt) (ilval == irval)) : ((lvalue.Match(rvalue) == 0) ? 1 : 0); break;
	case TCO_NotEqual : 
		iResult = (iNumeric) ? ((TInt) (ilval != irval)) : ((lvalue.Match(rvalue) != 0) ? 1 : 0); break;
	case TCO_GreaterThan : 
		iResult = (iNumeric) ? ((TInt) (ilval > irval)) : ((lvalue.Match(rvalue) == 1) ? 1 : 0); break;
	case TCO_LessThan : 
		iResult = (iNumeric) ? ((TInt) (ilval < irval)) : ((lvalue.Match(rvalue) == -1) ? 1 : 0); break;
	case TCO_GreaterThanEq : 
		iResult = (iNumeric) ? ((TInt) (ilval >= irval)) : ((lvalue.Match(rvalue) >= 0) ? 1 : 0); break;
	case TCO_LessThanEq : 
		iResult = (iNumeric) ? ((TInt) (ilval <= irval)) : ((lvalue.Match(rvalue) < 1) ? 1 : 0); break;

//	the result now determines if we continue processing (and ignore any following ELSE)
//	before we meet the ENDIF or we skip and perform the ELSE clause...
//	NOTE: now we can nest IF's etc, we MUST count those that are met when we
//				'ignore' lines as these MAY be incorrectly nested...
TBool iSuccess = (TBool) iResult;
if (iSuccess)
	Machine()->IfL(CIFControl::EIFTrue, iSuccess, CIFControl::EInIF);
	//	failed test so skip the true block
	Machine()->IfL(CIFControl::EELSETrue, iSuccess, CIFControl::EInIF);

//	whilst we would be better off returning the actual result, it bears little consequence
//	- in fact if we get here we're ok anyway...
return KErrNone;