TSharedRef<SWidget> SContentReference::MakeAssetPickerMenu()
	FContentBrowserModule& ContentBrowserModule = FModuleManager::Get().LoadModuleChecked<FContentBrowserModule>(TEXT("ContentBrowser"));

	FAssetPickerConfig AssetPickerConfig;

	UClass* FilterClass = AllowedClass.Get();
	if (FilterClass != NULL)
		AssetPickerConfig.Filter.bRecursiveClasses = true;

	AssetPickerConfig.OnAssetSelected = FOnAssetSelected::CreateSP(this, &SContentReference::OnAssetSelectedFromPicker);
	AssetPickerConfig.OnShouldFilterAsset = OnShouldFilterAsset;
	AssetPickerConfig.bAllowNullSelection = true;
	AssetPickerConfig.ThumbnailLabel = EThumbnailLabel::ClassName;
	AssetPickerConfig.InitialAssetViewType = InitialAssetViewType;

	return SNew(SBox)
* Generates a list of assets from the ENGINE and the GAME by a specific type.
* This is to be used by the GetTest() function.
void FEditorAutomationTestUtilities::CollectTestsByClass(UClass * Class, TArray<FString>& OutBeautifiedNames, TArray <FString>& OutTestCommands)
	FAssetRegistryModule& AssetRegistryModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>(TEXT("AssetRegistry"));
	TArray<FAssetData> ObjectList;
	AssetRegistryModule.Get().GetAssetsByClass(Class->GetFName(), ObjectList);

	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> AllClassesIt; AllClassesIt; ++AllClassesIt)
		UClass* ClassList = *AllClassesIt;
		FName ClassName = ClassList->GetFName();

	for (auto ObjIter = ObjectList.CreateConstIterator(); ObjIter; ++ObjIter)
		const FAssetData& Asset = *ObjIter;
		FString Filename = Asset.ObjectPath.ToString();
		//convert to full paths
		Filename = FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename(Filename);
		if (FAutomationTestFramework::GetInstance().ShouldTestContent(Filename))
			FString BeautifiedFilename = Asset.AssetName.ToString();
TSharedRef<SWidget> SGraphPinObject::GenerateAssetPicker()
	// This class and its children are the classes that we can show objects for
	UClass* AllowedClass = Cast<UClass>(GraphPinObj->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject.Get());

	if (AllowedClass == NULL)
		AllowedClass = UObject::StaticClass();

	FContentBrowserModule& ContentBrowserModule = FModuleManager::Get().LoadModuleChecked<FContentBrowserModule>(TEXT("ContentBrowser"));

	FAssetPickerConfig AssetPickerConfig;
	AssetPickerConfig.bAllowNullSelection = true;
	AssetPickerConfig.Filter.bRecursiveClasses = true;
	AssetPickerConfig.OnAssetSelected = FOnAssetSelected::CreateSP(this, &SGraphPinObject::OnAssetSelectedFromPicker);
	AssetPickerConfig.ThumbnailScale = 0;
	AssetPickerConfig.InitialAssetViewType = EAssetViewType::List;

			.BorderImage( FEditorStyle::GetBrush("Menu.Background") )
Exemple #4
static int
luaURPropertyActor(lua_State *L)
	char* actor               = (char*) lua_topointer(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
	UObjectProperty* property = (UObjectProperty*) lua_topointer(L, lua_upvalueindex(2));
	char* ptr = actor + property->Offset;
	UObject** uobj = (UObject**) ptr;
	if (lua_gettop(L) == 1) {
		struct UnLuaActor* ula  = (struct UnLuaActor*)  luaL_testudata(L, -1, "UnrealActor");
		struct UnrealClass *ulc = (struct UnrealClass*) luaL_testudata(L, -1, "UnrealClass");
		if ((ula == NULL) && (ulc == NULL)) {
			*uobj = NULL;
		} else {
			if (property->PropertyClass == UClass::StaticClass()) {
				if (ulc == NULL) {
					lua_pushliteral(L, "Invalid type");
				*uobj = ulc->uclass;
			} else {
				if ((ula != NULL) && (ula->actor->IsA(property->PropertyClass))) {
					*uobj = ula->actor;
				} else {
					lua_pushliteral(L, "Invalid type");
	} else {
		if (*uobj == NULL) {
			return 1;
		if ((*uobj)->IsA(AActor::StaticClass())) {
			lua_pushlightuserdata(L, *uobj);
			return 1;
		} else if ((*uobj)->IsA(UClass::StaticClass())) {
			UClass* uclass = Cast<UClass>(*uobj);
			struct UnrealClass* uc = (struct UnrealClass*)
				lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(struct UnrealClass));
			luaL_setmetatable(L, "UnrealClass");
			uc->uclass = uclass;
			uc->classname = fname2dupstr(uclass->GetFName());
			return 1;
		} else {
			lua_pushliteral(L, "Only getting actor classes or metaclasses is supported");
	return 0;
Exemple #5
TSharedRef<SWidget> SGraphPinObject::GenerateAssetPicker()
	// This class and its children are the classes that we can show objects for
	UClass* AllowedClass = Cast<UClass>(GraphPinObj->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject.Get());

	if (AllowedClass == NULL)
		AllowedClass = UObject::StaticClass();

	FContentBrowserModule& ContentBrowserModule = FModuleManager::Get().LoadModuleChecked<FContentBrowserModule>(TEXT("ContentBrowser"));

	FAssetPickerConfig AssetPickerConfig;
	AssetPickerConfig.bAllowNullSelection = true;
	AssetPickerConfig.Filter.bRecursiveClasses = true;
	AssetPickerConfig.OnAssetSelected = FOnAssetSelected::CreateSP(this, &SGraphPinObject::OnAssetSelectedFromPicker);
	AssetPickerConfig.InitialAssetViewType = EAssetViewType::List;
	AssetPickerConfig.bAllowDragging = false;

	// Check with the node to see if there is any "AllowClasses" metadata for the pin
	FString ClassFilterString = GraphPinObj->GetOwningNode()->GetPinMetaData(GraphPinObj->PinName, FName(TEXT("AllowedClasses")));
	if( !ClassFilterString.IsEmpty() )
		// Clear out the allowed class names and have the pin's metadata override.

		// Parse and add the classes from the metadata
		TArray<FString> CustomClassFilterNames;
		ClassFilterString.ParseIntoArray(CustomClassFilterNames, TEXT(","), true);
		for(auto It = CustomClassFilterNames.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)

			.BorderImage( FEditorStyle::GetBrush("Menu.Background") )
int32 UKismetUpdateCommandlet::InitializeResaveParameters(const TArray<FString>& Tokens, const TArray<FString>& Switches, TArray<FString>& MapPathNames)
	// Do the inherited setup
	int32 Result = Super::InitializeResaveParameters(Tokens, Switches, MapPathNames);

	// Limit resaving to packages that contain a blueprint
	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> ClassIt; ClassIt; ++ClassIt)
		UClass* TestClass = *ClassIt;
		if (TestClass->IsChildOf(UBlueprint::StaticClass()))

	// Filter out a lot of un-needed debugging information
	Verbosity = INFORMATIVE;

	//@TODO: Should not be required!

	return Result;
void UChildActorComponent::DestroyChildActor()
	// If we own an Actor, kill it now unless we don't have authority on it, for that we rely on the server
	// If the level that the child actor is being removed then don't destory the child actor so re-adding it doesn't
	// need to create a new actor
	if (ChildActor && ChildActor->HasAuthority() && !GetOwner()->GetLevel()->bIsBeingRemoved)
		if (!GExitPurge)
			// if still alive, destroy, otherwise just clear the pointer
			if (!ChildActor->IsPendingKillOrUnreachable())
				if (CachedInstanceData)
					delete CachedInstanceData;
					CachedInstanceData = nullptr;
				// If we're already tearing down we won't be needing this
				if (!HasAnyFlags(RF_BeginDestroyed) && !IsUnreachable())
					CachedInstanceData = new FChildActorComponentInstanceData(this);

				UWorld* World = ChildActor->GetWorld();
				// World may be nullptr during shutdown
				if (World != nullptr)
					UClass* ChildClass = ChildActor->GetClass();

					// We would like to make certain that our name is not going to accidentally get taken from us while we're destroyed
					// so we increment ClassUnique beyond our index to be certain of it.  This is ... a bit hacky.
					int32& ClassUnique = ChildActor->GetOutermost()->ClassUniqueNameIndexMap.FindOrAdd(ChildClass->GetFName());
					ClassUnique = FMath::Max(ClassUnique, ChildActor->GetFName().GetNumber());

					// If we are getting here due to garbage collection we can't rename, so we'll have to abandon this child actor name and pick up a new one
					if (!IsGarbageCollecting())
						const FString ObjectBaseName = FString::Printf(TEXT("DESTROYED_%s_CHILDACTOR"), *ChildClass->GetName());
						const ERenameFlags RenameFlags = ((GetWorld()->IsGameWorld() || IsLoading()) ? REN_DoNotDirty | REN_ForceNoResetLoaders : REN_DoNotDirty);
						ChildActor->Rename(*MakeUniqueObjectName(ChildActor->GetOuter(), ChildClass, *ObjectBaseName).ToString(), nullptr, RenameFlags);
						ChildActorName = NAME_None;
						if (CachedInstanceData)
							CachedInstanceData->ChildActorName = NAME_None;

		ChildActor = nullptr;
int32 UGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet::Main(const FString& Params)
	// Parse command line.
	TArray<FString> Tokens;
	TArray<FString> Switches;
	TMap<FString, FString> ParamVals;
	UCommandlet::ParseCommandLine(*Params, Tokens, Switches, ParamVals);

	//Set config file
	const FString* ParamVal = ParamVals.Find(FString(TEXT("Config")));
	FString GatherTextConfigPath;

	if ( ParamVal )
		GatherTextConfigPath = *ParamVal;
		UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Error, TEXT("No config specified."));
		return -1;

	//Set config section
	ParamVal = ParamVals.Find(FString(TEXT("Section")));
	FString SectionName;

	if ( ParamVal )
		SectionName = *ParamVal;
		UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Error, TEXT("No config section specified."));
		return -1;

	//Modules to Preload
	TArray<FString> ModulesToPreload;
	GetStringArrayFromConfig(*SectionName, TEXT("ModulesToPreload"), ModulesToPreload, GatherTextConfigPath);

	for (const FString& ModuleName : ModulesToPreload)

	// IncludePathFilters
	TArray<FString> IncludePathFilters;
	GetPathArrayFromConfig(*SectionName, TEXT("IncludePathFilters"), IncludePathFilters, GatherTextConfigPath);

	// IncludePaths (DEPRECATED)
		TArray<FString> IncludePaths;
		GetPathArrayFromConfig(*SectionName, TEXT("IncludePaths"), IncludePaths, GatherTextConfigPath);
		if (IncludePaths.Num())
			UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("IncludePaths detected in section %s. IncludePaths is deprecated, please use IncludePathFilters."), *SectionName);

	if (IncludePathFilters.Num() == 0)
		UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Error, TEXT("No include path filters in section %s."), *SectionName);
		return -1;

	// ExcludePathFilters
	TArray<FString> ExcludePathFilters;
	GetPathArrayFromConfig(*SectionName, TEXT("ExcludePathFilters"), ExcludePathFilters, GatherTextConfigPath);

	// ExcludePaths (DEPRECATED)
		TArray<FString> ExcludePaths;
		GetPathArrayFromConfig(*SectionName, TEXT("ExcludePaths"), ExcludePaths, GatherTextConfigPath);
		if (ExcludePaths.Num())
			UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("ExcludePaths detected in section %s. ExcludePaths is deprecated, please use ExcludePathFilters."), *SectionName);

	// PackageNameFilters
	TArray<FString> PackageFileNameFilters;
	GetStringArrayFromConfig(*SectionName, TEXT("PackageFileNameFilters"), PackageFileNameFilters, GatherTextConfigPath);

	// PackageExtensions (DEPRECATED)
		TArray<FString> PackageExtensions;
		GetStringArrayFromConfig(*SectionName, TEXT("PackageExtensions"), PackageExtensions, GatherTextConfigPath);
		if (PackageExtensions.Num())
			UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("PackageExtensions detected in section %s. PackageExtensions is deprecated, please use PackageFileNameFilters."), *SectionName);

	if (PackageFileNameFilters.Num() == 0)
		UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Error, TEXT("No package file name filters in section %s."), *SectionName);
		return -1;

	//asset class exclude
	TArray<FString> ExcludeClasses;
	GetStringArrayFromConfig(*SectionName, TEXT("ExcludeClasses"), ExcludeClasses, GatherTextConfigPath);

	FAssetRegistryModule& AssetRegistryModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>(TEXT("AssetRegistry"));
	AssetRegistryModule.Get().SearchAllAssets( true );
	FARFilter Filter;

	for(const auto& ExcludeClass : ExcludeClasses)
		UClass* FilterClass = FindObject<UClass>(ANY_PACKAGE, *ExcludeClass);
			Filter.ClassNames.Add( FilterClass->GetFName() );
			UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Invalid exclude class %s"), *ExcludeClass);

	TArray<FAssetData> AssetDataArray;
	AssetRegistryModule.Get().GetAssets(Filter, AssetDataArray);

	FString UAssetPackageExtension = FPackageName::GetAssetPackageExtension();
	TSet< FString > LongPackageNamesToExclude;
	for (int Index = 0; Index < AssetDataArray.Num(); Index++)
		LongPackageNamesToExclude.Add( FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename( AssetDataArray[Index].PackageName.ToString(), UAssetPackageExtension ) );

	//Get whether we should fix broken properties that we find.
	if (!GetBoolFromConfig(*SectionName, TEXT("bFixBroken"), bFixBroken, GatherTextConfigPath))
		bFixBroken = false;

	// Get whether we should gather editor-only data. Typically only useful for the localization of UE4 itself.
	if (!GetBoolFromConfig(*SectionName, TEXT("ShouldGatherFromEditorOnlyData"), ShouldGatherFromEditorOnlyData, GatherTextConfigPath))
		ShouldGatherFromEditorOnlyData = false;

	// Add any manifest dependencies if they were provided
	TArray<FString> ManifestDependenciesList;
	GetPathArrayFromConfig(*SectionName, TEXT("ManifestDependencies"), ManifestDependenciesList, GatherTextConfigPath);

	if( !ManifestInfo->AddManifestDependencies( ManifestDependenciesList ) )
		UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Error, TEXT("The GatherTextFromAssets commandlet couldn't find all the specified manifest dependencies."));
		return -1;

	//The main array of files to work from.
	TArray< FString > PackageFileNamesToProcess;

	TArray<FString> PackageFilesNotInIncludePath;
	TArray<FString> PackageFilesInExcludePath;
	TArray<FString> PackageFilesExcludedByClass;

	//Fill the list of packages to work from.
	uint8 PackageFilter = NORMALIZE_DefaultFlags;
	TArray<FString> Unused;	
	for ( int32 PackageFilenameWildcardIdx = 0; PackageFilenameWildcardIdx < PackageFileNameFilters.Num(); PackageFilenameWildcardIdx++ )
		const bool IsAssetPackage = PackageFileNameFilters[PackageFilenameWildcardIdx] == ( FString( TEXT("*") )+ FPackageName::GetAssetPackageExtension() );

		TArray<FString> PackageFiles;
		if ( !NormalizePackageNames( Unused, PackageFiles, PackageFileNameFilters[PackageFilenameWildcardIdx], PackageFilter) )
			UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("No packages found with extension %i: '%s'"), PackageFilenameWildcardIdx, *PackageFileNameFilters[PackageFilenameWildcardIdx]);
			UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Found %i packages with extension %i: '%s'"), PackageFiles.Num(), PackageFilenameWildcardIdx, *PackageFileNameFilters[PackageFilenameWildcardIdx]);

		//Run through all the files found and add any that pass the include, exclude and filter constraints to OrderedPackageFilesToLoad
		for (FString& PackageFile : PackageFiles)
			PackageFile = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(PackageFile);

			bool bExclude = false;
			//Ensure it matches the include paths if there are some.
			for (FString& IncludePath : IncludePathFilters)
				bExclude = true;
				if( PackageFile.MatchesWildcard(IncludePath) )
					bExclude = false;

			if ( bExclude )

			//Ensure it does not match the exclude paths if there are some.
			for (const FString& ExcludePath : ExcludePathFilters)
				if (PackageFile.MatchesWildcard(ExcludePath))
					bExclude = true;

			//Check that this is not on the list of packages that we don't care about e.g. textures.
			if ( !bExclude && IsAssetPackage && LongPackageNamesToExclude.Contains( PackageFile ) )
				bExclude = true;

			//If we haven't failed one of the above checks, add it to the array of packages to process.

	if ( PackageFileNamesToProcess.Num() == 0 )
		UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("No files found or none passed the include/exclude criteria."));

	bool bSkipGatherCache = FParse::Param(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("SkipGatherCache"));
	if (!bSkipGatherCache)
		GetBoolFromConfig(*SectionName, TEXT("SkipGatherCache"), bSkipGatherCache, GatherTextConfigPath);
	UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Log, TEXT("SkipGatherCache: %s"), bSkipGatherCache ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false"));

	TArray< FString > PackageFileNamesToLoad;
	for (FString& PackageFile : PackageFileNamesToProcess)
		TScopedPointer< FArchive > FileReader( IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader( *PackageFile ) );
		if( FileReader )
			// Read package file summary from the file
			FPackageFileSummary PackageFileSummary;
			(*FileReader) << PackageFileSummary;

			bool MustLoadForGather = false;

			// Have we been asked to skip the cache of text that exists in the header of newer packages?
			if (bSkipGatherCache && PackageFileSummary.GetFileVersionUE4() >= VER_UE4_SERIALIZE_TEXT_IN_PACKAGES)
				// Fallback on the old package flag check.
				if (PackageFileSummary.PackageFlags & PKG_RequiresLocalizationGather)
					MustLoadForGather = true;

			const FCustomVersion* const EditorVersion = PackageFileSummary.GetCustomVersionContainer().GetVersion(FEditorObjectVersion::GUID);

			// Packages not resaved since localization gathering flagging was added to packages must be loaded.
				MustLoadForGather = true;
			// Package not resaved since gatherable text data was added to package headers must be loaded, since their package header won't contain pregathered text data.
			else if (PackageFileSummary.GetFileVersionUE4() < VER_UE4_SERIALIZE_TEXT_IN_PACKAGES)
				// Fallback on the old package flag check.
				if (PackageFileSummary.PackageFlags & PKG_RequiresLocalizationGather)
					MustLoadForGather = true;
			else if (PackageFileSummary.GetFileVersionUE4() < VER_UE4_DIALOGUE_WAVE_NAMESPACE_AND_CONTEXT_CHANGES)
				IAssetRegistry& AssetRegistry = AssetRegistryModule.Get();
				TArray<FAssetData> AssetDataInPackage;
				AssetRegistry.GetAssetsByPackageName(*FPackageName::FilenameToLongPackageName(PackageFile), AssetDataInPackage);
				for (const FAssetData& AssetData : AssetDataInPackage)
					if (AssetData.AssetClass == UDialogueWave::StaticClass()->GetFName())
						MustLoadForGather = true;
			// Add package to list of packages to load fully and process.
			if (MustLoadForGather)
			// Process immediately packages that don't require loading to process.
			else if (PackageFileSummary.GatherableTextDataOffset > 0)

				TArray<FGatherableTextData> GatherableTextDataArray;

				for (int32 GatherableTextDataIndex = 0; GatherableTextDataIndex < PackageFileSummary.GatherableTextDataCount; ++GatherableTextDataIndex)
					(*FileReader) << GatherableTextDataArray[GatherableTextDataIndex];

				ProcessGatherableTextDataArray(PackageFile, GatherableTextDataArray);


	//Now go through the remaining packages in the main array and process them in batches.
	int32 PackagesPerBatchCount = 100;
	TArray< UPackage* > LoadedPackages;
	TArray< FString > LoadedPackageFileNames;
	TArray< FString > FailedPackageFileNames;
	TArray< UPackage* > LoadedPackagesToProcess;

	const int32 PackageCount = PackageFileNamesToLoad.Num();
	const int32 BatchCount = PackageCount / PackagesPerBatchCount + (PackageCount % PackagesPerBatchCount > 0 ? 1 : 0); // Add an extra batch for any remainder if necessary
	if(PackageCount > 0)
		UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Log, TEXT("Loading %i packages in %i batches of %i."), PackageCount, BatchCount, PackagesPerBatchCount);

	FLoadPackageLogOutputRedirector LogOutputRedirector;

	//Load the packages in batches
	int32 PackageIndex = 0;
	for( int32 BatchIndex = 0; BatchIndex < BatchCount; ++BatchIndex )
		int32 PackagesInThisBatch = 0;
		int32 FailuresInThisBatch = 0;
		for( ; PackageIndex < PackageCount && PackagesInThisBatch < PackagesPerBatchCount; ++PackageIndex )
			FString PackageFileName = PackageFileNamesToLoad[PackageIndex];

			UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Verbose, TEXT("Loading package: '%s'."), *PackageFileName);

			UPackage *Package = nullptr;
				FString LongPackageName;
				if (!FPackageName::TryConvertFilenameToLongPackageName(PackageFileName, LongPackageName))
					LongPackageName = FPaths::GetCleanFilename(PackageFileName);

				FLoadPackageLogOutputRedirector::FScopedCapture ScopedCapture(&LogOutputRedirector, LongPackageName);
				Package = LoadPackage( NULL, *PackageFileName, LOAD_NoWarn | LOAD_Quiet );

			if( Package )

				// Because packages may not have been resaved after this flagging was implemented, we may have added packages to load that weren't flagged - potential false positives.
				// The loading process should have reflagged said packages so that only true positives will have this flag.
				if( Package->RequiresLocalizationGather() )
					LoadedPackagesToProcess.Add( Package );
				FailedPackageFileNames.Add( PackageFileName );


		UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Log, TEXT("Loaded %i packages in batch %i of %i. %i failed."), PackagesInThisBatch, BatchIndex + 1, BatchCount, FailuresInThisBatch);


		if( bFixBroken )
			for( int32 LoadedPackageIndex=0; LoadedPackageIndex < LoadedPackages.Num() ; ++LoadedPackageIndex )
				UPackage *Package = LoadedPackages[LoadedPackageIndex];
				const FString PackageName = LoadedPackageFileNames[LoadedPackageIndex];

				//Todo - link with source control.
				if( Package )
					if( Package->IsDirty() )
						if( SavePackageHelper( Package, *PackageName ) )
							UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Log, TEXT("Saved Package %s."),*PackageName);
							//TODO - Work out how to integrate with source control. The code from the source gatherer doesn't work.
							UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Log, TEXT("Could not save package %s. Probably due to source control. "),*PackageName);
					UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Failed to find one of the loaded packages."));


	return 0;
static void EditorCommandLineUtilsImpl::RunAssetDiffCommand(TSharedPtr<SWindow> MainEditorWindow, bool bIsRunningProjBrowser, FString CommandArgs)
	// if the editor is running the project browser, then the user has to first 
	// select a project (and then the editor will re-launch with this command).
	if (bIsRunningProjBrowser) 
		// @TODO: can we run without loading a project?

	// static so it exists past this function, but doesn't get instantiated  
	// until this function is called
	static FFauxStandaloneToolManager FauxStandaloneToolManager(MainEditorWindow);

	TMap<FString, FString> Params;
	TArray<FString> Tokens;
	TArray<FString> Switches;
	UCommandlet::ParseCommandLine(*CommandArgs, Tokens, Switches, Params);

	if (Switches.Contains("h") ||
		Switches.Contains("?") ||
		RaiseEditorMessageBox(LOCTEXT("DiffCommandHelp", "Diff/Merge Command-Line Help"), DiffCommandHelpTxt, /*bExitOnClose =*/true);

	if (Switches.Contains("echo"))
		RaiseEditorMessageBox(LOCTEXT("DiffCommandHelp", "Passed Command Arguments"), 
			FText::FromString(CommandArgs), /*bExitOnClose =*/true);

	const int32 FilesNeededForDiff  = 2;
	const int32 FilesNeededForMerge = 4;
	const int32 MaxFilesNeeded = FilesNeededForMerge;

	FMergeAsset MergeAssets[MaxFilesNeeded] = {
	FMergeAsset& LeftAsset   = MergeAssets[0];
	FMergeAsset& ThierAsset  = LeftAsset;
	FMergeAsset& RightAsset  = MergeAssets[1];
	FMergeAsset& OurAsset    = RightAsset;
	FMergeAsset& BaseAsset   = MergeAssets[2];
	FMergeAsset& MergeResult = MergeAssets[3];

	// Parse file paths from command-line

	FCommandLineErrorReporter ErrorReporter(DiffCommandSwitch, CommandArgs);

	int32 ParsedFileCount = 0;
	for (int32 FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < Tokens.Num() && ParsedFileCount < MaxFilesNeeded; ++FileIndex)
		FString& FilePath = Tokens[FileIndex];

		FMergeAsset& MergeAsset = MergeAssets[ParsedFileCount];
		if (MergeAsset.SetSourceFile(FilePath, ErrorReporter))

	// Verify file count

	const bool bWantsMerge = (ParsedFileCount > FilesNeededForDiff);
	if (ParsedFileCount < FilesNeededForDiff)
		ErrorReporter.ReportFatalError(LOCTEXT("TooFewParamsTitle", "Too Few Parameters"),
			LOCTEXT("TooFewParamsError", "At least two files are needed (for a diff)."));
	else if (bWantsMerge && (ParsedFileCount < FilesNeededForMerge))
		ErrorReporter.ReportFatalError(LOCTEXT("TooFewParamsTitle", "Too Few Parameters"),
			LOCTEXT("TooFewMergeParamsError", "To merge, at least two files are needed."));
	else if (Tokens.Num() > FilesNeededForMerge)
		ErrorReporter.ReportFatalError(LOCTEXT("TooManyParamsTitle", "Too Many Parameters"),
			FText::Format( LOCTEXT("TooManyParamsError", "There were too many command arguments supplied. The maximum files needed are {0} (for merging)"), FText::AsNumber(FilesNeededForMerge) ));

	// Load diff/merge asset files

	bool bLoadSuccess = true;
	if (bWantsMerge)
		bLoadSuccess &= ThierAsset.Load(ErrorReporter);
		bLoadSuccess &= OurAsset.Load(ErrorReporter);
		bLoadSuccess &= BaseAsset.Load(ErrorReporter);
		bLoadSuccess &= LeftAsset.Load(ErrorReporter);
		bLoadSuccess &= RightAsset.Load(ErrorReporter);

	// Verify asset types

	IAssetTools& AssetTools = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FAssetToolsModule>("AssetTools").Get();
	if (bLoadSuccess)
		if (LeftAsset.GetClass() != RightAsset.GetClass())
			ErrorReporter.ReportFatalError(LOCTEXT("TypeMismatchTitle", "Asset Type Mismatch"),
				LOCTEXT("TypeMismatchError", "Cannot compare files of different asset types."));
		else if (bWantsMerge)
			UClass* AssetClass = OurAsset.GetClass();
			TWeakPtr<IAssetTypeActions> AssetActions = AssetTools.GetAssetTypeActionsForClass(AssetClass);

			if (AssetClass != BaseAsset.GetClass())
				ErrorReporter.ReportFatalError(LOCTEXT("TypeMismatchTitle", "Asset Type Mismatch"),
					LOCTEXT("MergeTypeMismatchError", "Cannot merge files of different asset types."));
			else if(!AssetActions.IsValid() || !AssetActions.Pin()->CanMerge())
				ErrorReporter.ReportFatalError(LOCTEXT("CannotMergeTitle", "Cannot Merge"),
					FText::Format(LOCTEXT("CannotMergeError", "{0} asset files can not be merged."), FText::FromName(AssetClass->GetFName())));

	// Preform diff/merge

	if (bLoadSuccess && !ErrorReporter.HasBlockingError())
		if (bWantsMerge)
			// unlike with diff'ing, for merging we rely on asset editors for
			// merging, and those windows get childed to the main window (so it
			// needs to be visible)
			// @TODO: get it so asset editor windows can be shown standalone

			RunAssetMerge(BaseAsset, ThierAsset, OurAsset, MergeResult);
			AssetTools.DiffAssets(LeftAsset.GetAssetObj(), RightAsset.GetAssetObj(), LeftAsset.GetRevisionInfo(), RightAsset.GetRevisionInfo());
int32 UGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet::Main(const FString& Params)
	// Parse command line.
	TArray<FString> Tokens;
	TArray<FString> Switches;
	TMap<FString, FString> ParamVals;
	UCommandlet::ParseCommandLine(*Params, Tokens, Switches, ParamVals);

	//Set config file
	const FString* ParamVal = ParamVals.Find(FString(TEXT("Config")));
	FString GatherTextConfigPath;

	if ( ParamVal )
		GatherTextConfigPath = *ParamVal;
		UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Error, TEXT("No config specified."));
		return -1;

	//Set config section
	ParamVal = ParamVals.Find(FString(TEXT("Section")));
	FString SectionName;

	if ( ParamVal )
		SectionName = *ParamVal;
		UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Error, TEXT("No config section specified."));
		return -1;

	//Include paths
	TArray<FString> IncludePaths;
	GetConfigArray(*SectionName, TEXT("IncludePaths"), IncludePaths, GatherTextConfigPath);

	if (IncludePaths.Num() == 0)
		UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Error, TEXT("No include paths in section %s"), *SectionName);
		return -1;

	//Exclude paths
	TArray<FString> ExcludePaths;
	GetConfigArray(*SectionName, TEXT("ExcludePaths"), ExcludePaths, GatherTextConfigPath);

	//package extensions
	TArray<FString> PackageExts;
	GetConfigArray(*SectionName, TEXT("PackageExtensions"), PackageExts, GatherTextConfigPath);

	if (PackageExts.Num() == 0)
		UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("No package extensions specified in section %s, using defaults"), *SectionName);

		PackageExts.Add(FString("*") + FPackageName::GetAssetPackageExtension());
		PackageExts.Add(FString("*") + FPackageName::GetMapPackageExtension());

	//asset class exclude
	TArray<FString> ExcludeClasses;
	GetConfigArray(*SectionName, TEXT("ExcludeClasses"), ExcludeClasses, GatherTextConfigPath);

	FAssetRegistryModule& AssetRegistryModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>(TEXT("AssetRegistry"));
	AssetRegistryModule.Get().SearchAllAssets( true );
	FARFilter Filter;

	for(int32 i = 0; i < ExcludeClasses.Num(); i++)
		UClass* FilterClass = FindObject<UClass>(ANY_PACKAGE, *ExcludeClasses[i]);
			Filter.ClassNames.Add( FilterClass->GetFName() );
			UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Invalid exclude class %s"), *ExcludeClasses[i]);

	TArray<FAssetData> AssetData;
	AssetRegistryModule.Get().GetAssets(Filter, AssetData);

	FString UAssetPackageExtension = FPackageName::GetAssetPackageExtension();
	TSet< FString > LongPackageNamesToExclude;
	for (int Index = 0; Index < AssetData.Num(); Index++)
		LongPackageNamesToExclude.Add( FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename( AssetData[Index].PackageName.ToString(), UAssetPackageExtension ) );

	//Get whether we should fix broken properties that we find.
	GetConfigBool(*SectionName, TEXT("bFixBroken"), bFixBroken, GatherTextConfigPath);

	// Add any manifest dependencies if they were provided
	TArray<FString> ManifestDependenciesList;
	GetConfigArray(*SectionName, TEXT("ManifestDependencies"), ManifestDependenciesList, GatherTextConfigPath);
	if( !ManifestInfo->AddManifestDependencies( ManifestDependenciesList ) )
		UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Error, TEXT("The GatherTextFromAssets commandlet couldn't find all the specified manifest dependencies."));
		return -1;

	//The main array of files to work from.
	TArray< FString > PackageFileNamesToLoad;
	TSet< FString > LongPackageNamesToProcess;

	TArray<FString> PackageFilesNotInIncludePath;
	TArray<FString> PackageFilesInExcludePath;
	TArray<FString> PackageFilesExcludedByClass;

	//Fill the list of packages to work from.
	uint8 PackageFilter = NORMALIZE_DefaultFlags;
	TArray<FString> Unused;	
	for ( int32 PackageFilenameWildcardIdx = 0; PackageFilenameWildcardIdx < PackageExts.Num(); PackageFilenameWildcardIdx++ )
		const bool IsAssetPackage = PackageExts[PackageFilenameWildcardIdx] == ( FString( TEXT("*") )+ FPackageName::GetAssetPackageExtension() );

		TArray<FString> PackageFiles;
		if ( !NormalizePackageNames( Unused, PackageFiles, PackageExts[PackageFilenameWildcardIdx], PackageFilter) )
			UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("No packages found with extension %i: '%s'"), PackageFilenameWildcardIdx, *PackageExts[PackageFilenameWildcardIdx]);
			UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Found %i packages with extension %i: '%s'"), PackageFiles.Num(), PackageFilenameWildcardIdx, *PackageExts[PackageFilenameWildcardIdx]);

		//Run through all the files found and add any that pass the include, exclude and filter constraints to OrderedPackageFilesToLoad
		for( int32 PackageFileIdx=0; PackageFileIdx<PackageFiles.Num(); ++PackageFileIdx )
			bool bExclude = false;
			//Ensure it matches the include paths if there are some.
			for( int32 IncludePathIdx=0; IncludePathIdx<IncludePaths.Num() ; ++IncludePathIdx )
				bExclude = true;
				if( PackageFiles[PackageFileIdx].MatchesWildcard(IncludePaths[IncludePathIdx]) )
					bExclude = false;

			if ( bExclude )

			//Ensure it does not match the exclude paths if there are some.
			for( int32 ExcludePathIdx=0; !bExclude && ExcludePathIdx<ExcludePaths.Num() ; ++ExcludePathIdx )
				if( PackageFiles[PackageFileIdx].MatchesWildcard(ExcludePaths[ExcludePathIdx]) )
					bExclude = true;

			//Check that this is not on the list of packages that we don't care about e.g. textures.
			if ( !bExclude && IsAssetPackage && LongPackageNamesToExclude.Contains( PackageFiles[PackageFileIdx] ) )
				bExclude = true;

			//If we haven't failed one of the above checks, add it to the array of packages to process.
				TScopedPointer< FArchive > FileReader( IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader( *PackageFiles[PackageFileIdx] ) );
				if( FileReader )
					// Read package file summary from the file
					FPackageFileSummary PackageSummary;
					(*FileReader) << PackageSummary;

					// Early out check if the package has been flagged as needing localization gathering
					if( PackageSummary.PackageFlags & PKG_RequiresLocalizationGather || PackageSummary.GetFileVersionUE4() < VER_UE4_PACKAGE_REQUIRES_LOCALIZATION_GATHER_FLAGGING )
						PackageFileNamesToLoad.Add( PackageFiles[PackageFileIdx] );

	if ( PackageFileNamesToLoad.Num() == 0 )
		UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("No files found. Or none passed the include/exclude criteria."));

	CollectGarbage( RF_Native );

	//Now go through the remaining packages in the main array and process them in batches.
	int32 PackagesPerBatchCount = 100;
	TArray< UPackage* > LoadedPackages;
	TArray< FString > LoadedPackageFileNames;
	TArray< FString > FailedPackageFileNames;
	TArray< UPackage* > PackagesToProcess;

	const int32 PackageCount = PackageFileNamesToLoad.Num();
	const int32 BatchCount = PackageCount / PackagesPerBatchCount + (PackageCount % PackagesPerBatchCount > 0 ? 1 : 0); // Add an extra batch for any remainder if necessary
	if(PackageCount > 0)
		UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Log, TEXT("Loading %i packages in %i batches of %i."), PackageCount, BatchCount, PackagesPerBatchCount);

	//Load the packages in batches
	int32 PackageIndex = 0;
	for( int32 BatchIndex = 0; BatchIndex < BatchCount; ++BatchIndex )
		int32 PackagesInThisBatch = 0;
		for( PackageIndex; PackageIndex < PackageCount && PackagesInThisBatch < PackagesPerBatchCount; ++PackageIndex )
			FString PackageFileName = PackageFileNamesToLoad[PackageIndex];

			UPackage *Package = LoadPackage( NULL, *PackageFileName, LOAD_None );
			if( Package )

				// Because packages may not have been resaved after this flagging was implemented, we may have added packages to load that weren't flagged - potential false positives.
				// The loading process should have reflagged said packages so that only true positives will have this flag.
				if( Package->RequiresLocalizationGather() )
					PackagesToProcess.Add( Package );
				FailedPackageFileNames.Add( PackageFileName );


		UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Log, TEXT("Loaded %i packages in batch %i of %i."), PackagesInThisBatch, BatchIndex + 1, BatchCount);


		if( bFixBroken )
			for( int32 LoadedPackageIndex=0; LoadedPackageIndex < LoadedPackages.Num() ; ++LoadedPackageIndex )
				UPackage *Package = LoadedPackages[LoadedPackageIndex];
				const FString PackageName = LoadedPackageFileNames[LoadedPackageIndex];

				//Todo - link with source control.
				if( Package )
					if( Package->IsDirty() )
						if( SavePackageHelper( Package, *PackageName ) )
							UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Log, TEXT("Saved Package %s."),*PackageName);
							//TODO - Work out how to integrate with source control. The code from the source gatherer doesn't work.
							UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Log, TEXT("Could not save package %s. Probably due to source control. "),*PackageName);
					UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Failed to find one of the loaded packages."));

		CollectGarbage( RF_Native );

	for(auto i = ConflictTracker.Namespaces.CreateConstIterator(); i; ++i)
		const FString& NamespaceName = i.Key();
		const FConflictTracker::FKeyTable& KeyTable = i.Value();
		for(auto j = KeyTable.CreateConstIterator(); j; ++j)
			const FString& KeyName = j.Key();
			const FConflictTracker::FEntryArray& EntryArray = j.Value();

			for(int k = 0; k < EntryArray.Num(); ++k)
				const FConflictTracker::FEntry& Entry = EntryArray[k];
				case EAssetTextGatherStatus::MissingKey:
						UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Detected missing key on asset \"%s\"."), *Entry.ObjectPath);
				case EAssetTextGatherStatus::MissingKey_Resolved:
						UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Fixed missing key on asset \"%s\"."), *Entry.ObjectPath);
				case EAssetTextGatherStatus::IdentityConflict:
						UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Detected duplicate identity with differing source on asset \"%s\"."), *Entry.ObjectPath);
				case EAssetTextGatherStatus::IdentityConflict_Resolved:
						UE_LOG(LogGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Fixed duplicate identity with differing source on asset \"%s\"."), *Entry.ObjectPath);

	return 0;
void SDetailsViewBase::QueryCustomDetailLayout(FDetailLayoutData& LayoutData)
	FPropertyEditorModule& ParentPlugin = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FPropertyEditorModule>("PropertyEditor");

	// Get the registered classes that customize details
	FCustomDetailLayoutNameMap& GlobalCustomLayoutNameMap = ParentPlugin.ClassNameToDetailLayoutNameMap;

	UStruct* BaseStruct = LayoutData.DetailLayout->GetRootNode()->GetBaseStructure();


	//Ask for generic details not specific to an object being viewed 
	if (GenericLayoutDelegate.IsBound())
		// Create a new instance of the custom detail layout for the current class
		TSharedRef<IDetailCustomization> CustomizationInstance = GenericLayoutDelegate.Execute();

		// Ask for details immediately

		// Save the instance from destruction until we refresh

	// Sort them by query order.  @todo not good enough
	struct FCompareFDetailLayoutCallback
		FORCEINLINE bool operator()(const FDetailLayoutCallback& A, const FDetailLayoutCallback& B) const
			return A.Order < B.Order;

	TMap< TWeakObjectPtr<UStruct>, FDetailLayoutCallback*> FinalCallbackMap;

	for (auto ClassIt = LayoutData.ClassesWithProperties.CreateConstIterator(); ClassIt; ++ClassIt)
		// Must be a class
		UClass* Class = Cast<UClass>(ClassIt->Get());
		if (!Class)

		// Check the instanced map first
		FDetailLayoutCallback* Callback = InstancedClassToDetailLayoutMap.Find(Class);

		if (!Callback)
			// callback wasn't found in the per instance map, try the global instances instead
			Callback = GlobalCustomLayoutNameMap.Find(Class->GetFName());

		if (Callback)
			FinalCallbackMap.Add(Class, Callback);


	TSet<UStruct*> QueriedClasses;

	if (FinalCallbackMap.Num() > 0)
		// Ask each class that we have properties for to customize its layout
		for (auto LayoutIt(FinalCallbackMap.CreateConstIterator()); LayoutIt; ++LayoutIt)
			const TWeakObjectPtr<UStruct> WeakClass = LayoutIt.Key();

			if (WeakClass.IsValid())
				UStruct* Class = WeakClass.Get();

				FClassInstanceToPropertyMap& InstancedPropertyMap = LayoutData.ClassToPropertyMap.FindChecked(Class->GetFName());
				for (FClassInstanceToPropertyMap::TIterator InstanceIt(InstancedPropertyMap); InstanceIt; ++InstanceIt)
					FName Key = InstanceIt.Key();
					LayoutData.DetailLayout->SetCurrentCustomizationClass(Class, Key);

					const FOnGetDetailCustomizationInstance& DetailDelegate = LayoutIt.Value()->DetailLayoutDelegate;

					if (DetailDelegate.IsBound())

						// Create a new instance of the custom detail layout for the current class
						TSharedRef<IDetailCustomization> CustomizationInstance = DetailDelegate.Execute();

						// Ask for details immediately

						// Save the instance from destruction until we refresh

	// Ensure that the base class and its parents are always queried
	TSet<UStruct*> ParentClassesToQuery;
	if (BaseStruct && !QueriedClasses.Contains(BaseStruct))

	// Find base classes of queried classes that were not queried and add them to the query list
	// this supports cases where a parent class has no properties but still wants to add customization
	for (auto QueriedClassIt = LayoutData.ClassesWithProperties.CreateConstIterator(); QueriedClassIt; ++QueriedClassIt)
		UStruct* ParentStruct = (*QueriedClassIt)->GetSuperStruct();

		while (ParentStruct && ParentStruct->IsA(UClass::StaticClass()) && !QueriedClasses.Contains(ParentStruct) && !LayoutData.ClassesWithProperties.Contains(ParentStruct))
			ParentStruct = ParentStruct->GetSuperStruct();

	// Query extra base classes
	for (auto ParentIt = ParentClassesToQuery.CreateConstIterator(); ParentIt; ++ParentIt)
		UClass* ParentClass = Cast<UClass>(*ParentIt);
		if (ParentClass)
			QueryLayoutForClass(LayoutData, ParentClass);
void UK2Node_Variable::ReconstructNode()
	// update the variable reference if the property was renamed
	UClass* const VarClass = GetVariableSourceClass();
	if (VarClass)
		bool bRemappedProperty = false;
		UClass* SearchClass = VarClass;
		while (SearchClass != NULL)
			const TMap<FName, FName>* const ClassTaggedPropertyRedirects = UStruct::TaggedPropertyRedirects.Find( SearchClass->GetFName() );
			if (ClassTaggedPropertyRedirects)
				const FName* const NewPropertyName = ClassTaggedPropertyRedirects->Find( VariableReference.GetMemberName() );
				if (NewPropertyName)
					if (VariableReference.IsSelfContext())
						VariableReference.SetSelfMember( *NewPropertyName );
						VariableReference.SetExternalMember( *NewPropertyName, VarClass );

					// found, can break
					bRemappedProperty = true;

			SearchClass = SearchClass->GetSuperClass();

		if (!bRemappedProperty)
			static FName OldVariableName(TEXT("UpdatedComponent"));
			static FName NewVariableName(TEXT("UpdatedPrimitive"));
			bRemappedProperty = RemapRestrictedLinkReference(OldVariableName, NewVariableName, UMovementComponent::StaticClass(), UPrimitiveComponent::StaticClass(), true);

	const FGuid VarGuid = VariableReference.GetMemberGuid();
	if (VarGuid.IsValid())
		const FName VarName = UBlueprint::GetFieldNameFromClassByGuid<UProperty>(VarClass, VarGuid);
		if (VarName != NAME_None && VarName != VariableReference.GetMemberName())
			if (VariableReference.IsSelfContext())
				VariableReference.SetSelfMember( VarName );
				VariableReference.SetExternalMember( VarName, VarClass );

		FComponentClassComboEntryPtr NewSeparator(new FComponentClassComboEntry());

	TArray<FComponentClassComboEntryPtr> SortedClassList;


	TArray<FName> InMemoryClasses;
	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> It; It; ++It)
		UClass* Class = *It;
		// If this is a subclass of Actor Component, not abstract, and tagged as spawnable from Kismet
		if (Class->IsChildOf(UActorComponent::StaticClass()))
			if (!Class->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract) && Class->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_BlueprintSpawnableComponent) && !FKismetEditorUtilities::IsClassABlueprintSkeleton(Class)) //@TODO: Fold this logic together with the one in UEdGraphSchema_K2::GetAddComponentClasses
				TArray<FString> ClassGroupNames;

				if (ClassGroupNames.Contains(CommonClassGroup))
					FString ClassGroup = CommonClassGroup;
					FComponentClassComboEntryPtr NewEntry(new FComponentClassComboEntry(ClassGroup, Class, ClassGroupNames.Num() <= 1, EComponentCreateAction::SpawnExistingClass));
				if (ClassGroupNames.Num() && !ClassGroupNames[0].Equals(CommonClassGroup))
					const bool bIncludeInFilter = true;
void UChildActorComponent::DestroyChildActor(const bool bRequiresRename)
	// If we own an Actor, kill it now
	if (ChildActor != nullptr && !GExitPurge)
		// if still alive, destroy, otherwise just clear the pointer
		if (!ChildActor->IsPendingKill())
			if (CachedInstanceData)
				delete CachedInstanceData;
			CachedInstanceData = new FChildActorComponentInstanceData(this);

			UWorld* World = ChildActor->GetWorld();
			// World may be nullptr during shutdown
			if (World != nullptr)
				UClass* ChildClass = ChildActor->GetClass();

				// We would like to make certain that our name is not going to accidentally get taken from us while we're destroyed
				// so we increment ClassUnique beyond our index to be certain of it.  This is ... a bit hacky.
				int32& ClassUnique = ChildActor->GetOutermost()->ClassUniqueNameIndexMap.FindOrAdd(ChildClass->GetFName());
				ClassUnique = FMath::Max(ClassUnique, ChildActor->GetFName().GetNumber());

				if (bRequiresRename)
					const FString ObjectBaseName = FString::Printf(TEXT("DESTROYED_%s_CHILDACTOR"), *ChildClass->GetName());
					const ERenameFlags RenameFlags = ((GetWorld()->IsGameWorld() || IsLoading()) ? REN_DoNotDirty | REN_ForceNoResetLoaders : REN_DoNotDirty);
					ChildActor->Rename(*MakeUniqueObjectName(ChildActor->GetOuter(), ChildClass, *ObjectBaseName).ToString(), nullptr, RenameFlags);

	ChildActor = nullptr;