FArchive& FArchiveDescribeReference::operator<<( class UObject*& Obj )
	if (Obj == Target)
		if (GSerializedProperty)
			Output.Logf(TEXT("        [%s]"), *GSerializedProperty->GetFullName());
			Output.Logf(TEXT("        [native]"));
		PTRINT BigOffset = ((uint8*)&Obj) - (uint8*)Source;
		if (BigOffset > 0 && BigOffset < Source->GetClass()->GetPropertiesSize())
			int32 Offset = int32(BigOffset);
			UClass* UseClass = Source->GetClass();
			UClass* SuperClass = UseClass->GetSuperClass();
			while (1)
				if (!SuperClass || Offset >= SuperClass->GetPropertiesSize())
				UseClass = SuperClass;
				SuperClass = UseClass->GetSuperClass();
			Output.Logf(TEXT("            class %s offset %d, offset from UObject %d "), *UseClass->GetName(), SuperClass ? Offset - SuperClass->GetPropertiesSize() : Offset, Offset);
	return *this;
Exemple #2
UActorFactory* FPlacementMode::FindLastUsedFactoryForAssetType( UObject* Asset ) const
	if ( Asset == NULL )
		return NULL;

	UActorFactory* LastUsedFactory = NULL;

	UClass* CurrentClass = Cast<UClass>( Asset ); 
	if ( CurrentClass == NULL )
		CurrentClass = Asset->GetClass();

	while ( LastUsedFactory == NULL && CurrentClass != NULL && CurrentClass != UClass::StaticClass() )
		const TWeakObjectPtr< UActorFactory >* FoundFactory = AssetTypeToFactory.Find( *CurrentClass->GetPathName() );
		if ( FoundFactory != NULL && FoundFactory->IsValid() )
			LastUsedFactory = FoundFactory->Get();
			CurrentClass = CurrentClass->GetSuperClass();

	return LastUsedFactory;
FText FSimpleAssetEditor::GetToolkitName() const
	const TArray<UObject*>& EditingObjs = GetEditingObjects();

	check( EditingObjs.Num() > 0 );

	FFormatNamedArguments Args;
	Args.Add( TEXT("ToolkitName"), GetBaseToolkitName() );

	if( EditingObjs.Num() == 1 )
		const UObject* EditingObject = EditingObjs[ 0 ];

		const bool bDirtyState = EditingObject->GetOutermost()->IsDirty();

		Args.Add( TEXT("ObjectName"), FText::FromString( EditingObject->GetName() ) );
		Args.Add( TEXT("DirtyState"), bDirtyState ? FText::FromString( TEXT( "*" ) ) : FText::GetEmpty() );
		return FText::Format( LOCTEXT("ToolkitTitle", "{ObjectName}{DirtyState} - {ToolkitName}"), Args );
		bool bDirtyState = false;
		UClass* SharedBaseClass = nullptr;
		for( int32 x = 0; x < EditingObjs.Num(); ++x )
			UObject* Obj = EditingObjs[ x ];
			check( Obj );

			UClass* ObjClass = Cast<UClass>(Obj);
			if (ObjClass == nullptr)
				ObjClass = Obj->GetClass();
			check( ObjClass );

			// Initialize with the class of the first object we encounter.
			if( SharedBaseClass == nullptr )
				SharedBaseClass = ObjClass;

			// If we've encountered an object that's not a subclass of the current best baseclass,
			// climb up a step in the class hierarchy.
			while( !ObjClass->IsChildOf( SharedBaseClass ) )
				SharedBaseClass = SharedBaseClass->GetSuperClass();

			// If any of the objects are dirty, flag the label
			bDirtyState |= Obj->GetOutermost()->IsDirty();


		Args.Add( TEXT("NumberOfObjects"), EditingObjs.Num() );
		Args.Add( TEXT("ClassName"), FText::FromString( SharedBaseClass->GetName() ) );
		Args.Add( TEXT("DirtyState"), bDirtyState ? FText::FromString( TEXT( "*" ) ) : FText::GetEmpty() );
		return FText::Format( LOCTEXT("ToolkitTitle_EditingMultiple", "{NumberOfObjects} {ClassName}{DirtyState} - {ToolkitName}"), Args );
Exemple #4
FPrimaryAssetId AAFCueActor::GetPrimaryAssetId() const
	FName dupa1 = FPackageName::GetShortFName(GetOutermost()->GetFName());
	const AAFCueActor* A = this;
	return FPrimaryAssetId(FPrimaryAssetType("ActorCue"), dupa1);
	//if (HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
		UClass* SearchNativeClass = GetClass();

		while (SearchNativeClass && !SearchNativeClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Native | CLASS_Intrinsic))
			SearchNativeClass = SearchNativeClass->GetSuperClass();

		if (SearchNativeClass && SearchNativeClass != GetClass())
			// If blueprint, return native class and asset name


		// Native CDO, return nothing
		return FPrimaryAssetId();

	// Data assets use Class and ShortName by default, there's no inheritance so class works fine
	//return FPrimaryAssetId(GetClass()->GetFName(), GetFName());
FName FClassIconFinder::FindIconNameForClass(UClass* InClass, const FName& InDefaultName )
	FName BrushName = InDefaultName;
	const FSlateBrush* Brush = NULL;

	if ( InClass != NULL )
		// walk up class hierarchy until we find an icon
		UClass* ActorClass = InClass;
		while( (Brush == NULL || Brush == FEditorStyle::GetDefaultBrush()) && ActorClass && (ActorClass != AActor::StaticClass()) )
			BrushName = *FString::Printf( TEXT( "ClassIcon.%s" ), *ActorClass->GetName() );
			Brush = FEditorStyle::GetBrush( BrushName );
			ActorClass = ActorClass->GetSuperClass();

	if( Brush == NULL || Brush == FEditorStyle::GetDefaultBrush() )
		// If we didn't supply an override name for the default icon use default class icon.
		if( InDefaultName == "" )
			BrushName = TEXT( "ClassIcon.Default" );
			BrushName = InDefaultName;

	return BrushName;
UField* FMemberReference::FindRemappedField(UClass* InitialScope, FName InitialName, bool bInitialScopeMustBeOwnerOfField)
	FFieldRemapInfo NewFieldInfo;

	bool bFoundReplacement = false;
	// Step up the class chain to check if us or any of our parents specify a redirect
	UClass* TestRemapClass = InitialScope;
	while( TestRemapClass != NULL )
		if( FindReplacementFieldName(TestRemapClass, InitialName, NewFieldInfo) )
			// Found it, stop our search
			bFoundReplacement = true;

		TestRemapClass = TestRemapClass->GetSuperClass();

	// In the case of a bifurcation of a variable (e.g. moved from a parent into certain children), verify that we don't also define the variable in the current scope first
	if( bFoundReplacement && (FindField<UField>(InitialScope, InitialName) != nullptr))
		bFoundReplacement = false;		

	if( bFoundReplacement )
		const FName NewFieldName = NewFieldInfo.FieldName;
		UClass* SearchClass = (NewFieldInfo.FieldClass != NAME_None) ? (UClass*)StaticFindObject(UClass::StaticClass(), ANY_PACKAGE, *NewFieldInfo.FieldClass.ToString()) : (UClass*)TestRemapClass;

		// Find the actual field specified by the redirector, so we can return it and update the node that uses it
		UField* NewField = FindField<UField>(SearchClass, NewFieldInfo.FieldName);
		if( NewField != NULL )
			if (bInitialScopeMustBeOwnerOfField && !InitialScope->IsChildOf(SearchClass))
				UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Log, TEXT("UK2Node:  Unable to update field. Remapped field '%s' in not owned by given scope. Scope: '%s', Owner: '%s'."), *InitialName.ToString(), *InitialScope->GetName(), *NewFieldInfo.FieldClass.ToString());
				UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Log, TEXT("UK2Node:  Fixed up old field '%s' to new name '%s' on class '%s'."), *InitialName.ToString(), *NewFieldInfo.FieldName.ToString(), *SearchClass->GetName());
				return NewField;
		else if (SearchClass != NULL)
			UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Log, TEXT("UK2Node:  Unable to find updated field name for '%s' on class '%s'."), *InitialName.ToString(), *SearchClass->GetName());
			UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Log, TEXT("UK2Node:  Unable to find updated field name for '%s' on unknown class '%s'."), *InitialName.ToString(), *NewFieldInfo.FieldClass.ToString());

	return NULL;
 * Gathers all blueprints for the actors in question, outputting them to the classes array
void GatherBlueprintsForActors( TArray< AActor* >& Actors, TArray< FMenuBlueprintClass >& Classes )
	struct Local
		static void AddBlueprint( TArray< FMenuBlueprintClass >& InClasses, const FString& ClassName, UBlueprint* Blueprint = NULL )
			check( !ClassName.IsEmpty() );

			// Check to see if we already have this class name in our list
			FMenuBlueprintClass* FoundClass = NULL;
			for( int32 CurClassIndex = 0; CurClassIndex < InClasses.Num(); ++CurClassIndex )
				FMenuBlueprintClass& CurClass = InClasses[ CurClassIndex ];
				if( CurClass.Name == ClassName )
					FoundClass = &CurClass;

			// Add a new class to our list if we need to
			if( FoundClass == NULL )
				FoundClass = new( InClasses ) FMenuBlueprintClass();
				FoundClass->Name = ClassName;
				FoundClass->Blueprint = Blueprint;
				check(FoundClass->Blueprint.Get() == Blueprint);

	for( TArray< AActor* >::TIterator It( Actors ); It; ++It )
		AActor* Actor = static_cast<AActor*>( *It );
		checkSlow( Actor->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()) );

		// Grab the class of this actor
		UClass* ActorClass = Actor->GetClass();
		check( ActorClass != NULL );

		// Walk the inheritance hierarchy for this class
		for( UClass* CurClass = ActorClass; CurClass != NULL; CurClass = CurClass->GetSuperClass() )
			if (UBlueprint* Blueprint = Cast<UBlueprint>(CurClass->ClassGeneratedBy))
				// Class was created by a blueprint, so don't offer C++ editing of functions declared in it
				// Instead offer to edit the events and graphs of the blueprint

				Local::AddBlueprint( Classes, CurClass->GetName(), Blueprint );
void FHotReloadClassReinstancer::SetupNewClassReinstancing(UClass* InNewClass, UClass* InOldClass)
	// Set base class members to valid values
	ClassToReinstance = InNewClass;
	DuplicatedClass = InOldClass;
	OriginalCDO = InOldClass->GetDefaultObject();
	bHasReinstanced = false;
	bSkipGarbageCollection = false;
	bNeedsReinstancing = true;
	NewClass = InNewClass;

	// Collect the original CDO property values
	SerializeCDOProperties(InOldClass->GetDefaultObject(), OriginalCDOProperties);
	// Collect the property values of the new CDO
	SerializeCDOProperties(InNewClass->GetDefaultObject(), ReconstructedCDOProperties);


	ObjectsThatShouldUseOldStuff.Add(InOldClass); //CDO of REINST_ class can be used as archetype

	TArray<UClass*> ChildrenOfClass;
	GetDerivedClasses(InOldClass, ChildrenOfClass);
	for (auto ClassIt = ChildrenOfClass.CreateConstIterator(); ClassIt; ++ClassIt)
		UClass* ChildClass = *ClassIt;
		UBlueprint* ChildBP = Cast<UBlueprint>(ChildClass->ClassGeneratedBy);
		if (ChildBP && !ChildBP->HasAnyFlags(RF_BeingRegenerated))
			// If this is a direct child, change the parent and relink so the property chain is valid for reinstancing
			if (!ChildBP->HasAnyFlags(RF_NeedLoad))
				if (ChildClass->GetSuperClass() == InOldClass)

				if (ChildBP->ParentClass == InOldClass)
					ChildBP->ParentClass = NewClass;
				// If this is a child that caused the load of their parent, relink to the REINST class so that we can still serialize in the CDO, but do not add to later processing

	// Finally, remove the old class from Root so that it can get GC'd and mark it as CLASS_NewerVersionExists
	InOldClass->ClassFlags |= CLASS_NewerVersionExists;
FString UInterfaceProperty::GetCPPTypeForwardDeclaration() const
	UClass* ExportClass = InterfaceClass;
	while (ExportClass && !ExportClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Native))
		ExportClass = ExportClass->GetSuperClass();

	return FString::Printf(TEXT("class I%s;"), *ExportClass->GetName());
FText FSimpleAssetEditor::GetToolkitToolTipText() const
	const TArray<UObject*>& EditingObjs = GetEditingObjects();

	check( EditingObjs.Num() > 0 );

	FFormatNamedArguments Args;
	Args.Add( TEXT("ToolkitName"), GetBaseToolkitName() );

	if( EditingObjs.Num() == 1 )
		const UObject* EditingObject = EditingObjs[ 0 ];
		return FAssetEditorToolkit::GetToolTipTextForObject(EditingObject);
		UClass* SharedBaseClass = NULL;
		for( int32 x = 0; x < EditingObjs.Num(); ++x )
			UObject* Obj = EditingObjs[ x ];
			check( Obj );

			UClass* ObjClass = Cast<UClass>(Obj);
			if (ObjClass == nullptr)
				ObjClass = Obj->GetClass();
			check( ObjClass );

			// Initialize with the class of the first object we encounter.
			if( SharedBaseClass == nullptr )
				SharedBaseClass = ObjClass;

			// If we've encountered an object that's not a subclass of the current best baseclass,
			// climb up a step in the class hierarchy.
			while( !ObjClass->IsChildOf( SharedBaseClass ) )
				SharedBaseClass = SharedBaseClass->GetSuperClass();


		Args.Add( TEXT("NumberOfObjects"), EditingObjs.Num() );
		Args.Add( TEXT("ClassName"), FText::FromString( SharedBaseClass->GetName() ) );
		return FText::Format( LOCTEXT("ToolkitTitle_EditingMultipleToolTip", "{NumberOfObjects} {ClassName} - {ToolkitName}"), Args );
 * Returns the text to use for exporting this property to header file.
 * @param	ExtendedTypeText	for property types which use templates, will be filled in with the type
 * @param	CPPExportFlags		flags for modifying the behavior of the export
FString UInterfaceProperty::GetCPPMacroType( FString& ExtendedTypeText ) const

	UClass* ExportClass = InterfaceClass;
	while ( ExportClass && !ExportClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Native) )
		ExportClass = ExportClass->GetSuperClass();

	ExtendedTypeText = FString::Printf(TEXT("I%s"), *ExportClass->GetName());
static UClass* BlueprintActionMenuUtilsImpl::FindCommonBaseClass(TArray<UObject*> const& ObjectSet)
	UClass* CommonClass = UObject::StaticClass();
	if (ObjectSet.Num() > 0)
		CommonClass = ObjectSet[0]->GetClass();
		for (UObject const* Object : ObjectSet)
			UClass* Class = Object->GetClass();
			while (!Class->IsChildOf(CommonClass))
				CommonClass = CommonClass->GetSuperClass();
	return CommonClass;
void FClassBrowseHelper::BuildClassGraph()
	UClass* RootNodeClass = UBTNode::StaticClass();

	TArray<TSharedPtr<FClassDataNode> > NodeList;

	// gather all native classes
	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> It; It; ++It)
		UClass* TestClass = *It;
		if (TestClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Native) && TestClass->IsChildOf(RootNodeClass))
			TSharedPtr<FClassDataNode> NewNode = MakeShareable(new FClassDataNode);
			NewNode->ParentClassName = TestClass->GetSuperClass()->GetName();
			FClassData NewData(TestClass);
			NewNode->Data = NewData;

			if (TestClass == RootNodeClass)
				RootNode = NewNode;


	// gather all blueprints
	FAssetRegistryModule& AssetRegistryModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>(TEXT("AssetRegistry"));
	TArray<FAssetData> BlueprintList;

	FARFilter Filter;
	AssetRegistryModule.Get().GetAssets(Filter, BlueprintList);

	for (int32 i = 0; i < BlueprintList.Num(); i++)
		TSharedPtr<FClassDataNode> NewNode = CreateClassDataNode(BlueprintList[i]);

	// build class tree
	AddClassGraphChildren(RootNode, NodeList);
const UClass* FCSharpWrapperGenerator::GetWrapperSuperClass(
	const UClass* Class, const TArray<const UClass*>& ExportedClasses
	// mirror the inheritance in the managed wrapper class while skipping base classes that haven't
	// been exported (this may change in the future)
	UClass* superClass = nullptr;
	// find the top-most exported ancestor in the inheritance hierarchy
	for (UClass* currentAncestor = Class->GetSuperClass(); currentAncestor;)
		if (ExportedClasses.Contains(currentAncestor))
			superClass = currentAncestor;
		currentAncestor = currentAncestor->GetSuperClass();
	return superClass;
/** Find set of components that support this asset */
FComponentClassList FComponentAssetBrokerage::GetComponentsForAsset(const UObject* InAsset)
	FComponentClassList OutClasses;

	if (InAsset != NULL)
		for (UClass* Class = InAsset->GetClass(); Class != UObject::StaticClass(); Class = Class->GetSuperClass())
			if (FComponentClassList* pTypesForClass = AssetToComponentClassMap.Find(Class))

	return OutClasses;
unreal::UIntPtr unreal::helpers::ClassMap_obj::wrap(unreal::UIntPtr inUObject) {
  if (inUObject == 0) return 0;  
  UObject *obj = (UObject *) inUObject;
  UClass *cls = obj->GetClass();
  auto& map = getClassMap();
  while (cls != nullptr) {
    if (cls->HasAllClassFlags(CLASS_Native)) {
      auto it = map.find(cls);
      if (it != map.end()) {
        return (it->second)(inUObject);
    cls = cls->GetSuperClass();
  UE_LOG(LogTemp,Fatal,TEXT("No haxe wrapper was found for the uobject from class %s nor from any of its superclasses"), *obj->GetClass()->GetName());
  // won't get here
  return 0;
UExporter* UExporter::FindExporter( UObject* Object, const TCHAR* FileType )

	TMap<UClass*,UClass*> Exporters;

	for (TSet< TWeakObjectPtr<UExporter> >::TIterator It(RegisteredExporters); It; ++It)
		UExporter* Default = It->Get();
			check( Default->FormatExtension.Num() == Default->FormatDescription.Num() );
			if (Default->SupportsObject(Object))
				for( int32 i=0; i<Default->FormatExtension.Num(); i++ )
					const bool bIsFileType = (FCString::Stricmp( *Default->FormatExtension[i], FileType  ) == 0);
					const bool bIsWildCardType = ( FCString::Stricmp( *Default->FormatExtension[i], TEXT("*") )== 0 );
					if(	bIsFileType==true || bIsWildCardType==true )
						Exporters.Add( Default->SupportedClass, Default->GetClass() );


	UClass** E;
	auto TransientPackage = GetTransientPackage();
	for (UClass* TempClass = Object->GetClass(); TempClass != NULL; TempClass = TempClass->GetSuperClass())
		const bool bFoundExporter = ((E = Exporters.Find( TempClass )) != NULL);

		if( bFoundExporter )
			return NewObject<UExporter>(TransientPackage, *E);
	return NULL;
TSubclassOf<UActorComponent> FComponentAssetBrokerage::GetPrimaryComponentForAsset(UClass* InAssetClass)

	if (InAssetClass != NULL)
		for (UClass* Class = InAssetClass; Class != UObject::StaticClass(); Class = Class->GetSuperClass())
			if (FComponentClassList* pTypesForClass = AssetToComponentClassMap.Find(Class))
				if (pTypesForClass->Num() > 0)
					return (*pTypesForClass)[0];

	return NULL;
 * Constructor
 * @param	inOutputAr		archive to use for logging results
 * @param	LimitOuter		only consider objects that have this object as its Outer
 * @param	inTarget		object to show referencers to
 * @param	inExclude		list of objects that should be ignored if encountered while serializing Target
FArchiveShowReferences::FArchiveShowReferences( FOutputDevice& inOutputAr, UObject* inOuter, UObject* inSource, TArray<UObject*>& inExclude )
: SourceObject(inSource)
, SourceOuter(inOuter)
, OutputAr(inOutputAr)
, Exclude(inExclude)
, DidRef(false)
	ArIsObjectReferenceCollector = true;

	// there are several types of objects we don't want listed, for different reasons.
	// Prevent them from being logged by adding them to our Found list before we start
	// serialization, so that they won't be listed

	// quick sanity check

	// every object we serialize obviously references our package

	// every object we serialize obviously references its linker

	// every object we serialize obviously references its class and its class's parent classes
	for ( UClass* ObjectClass = SourceObject->GetClass(); ObjectClass; ObjectClass = ObjectClass->GetSuperClass() )
		Found.AddUnique( ObjectClass );

	// similarly, if the object is a class, they all obviously reference their parent classes
	if ( UClass* SourceObjectClass = dynamic_cast<UClass*>(SourceObject) )
		for ( UClass* ParentClass = SourceObjectClass->GetSuperClass(); ParentClass; ParentClass = ParentClass->GetSuperClass() )
			Found.AddUnique( ParentClass );

	// OK, now we're all set to go - let's see what Target is referencing.
	SourceObject->Serialize( *this );
 * Returns the text to use for exporting this property to header file.
 * @param	ExtendedTypeText	for property types which use templates, will be filled in with the type
 * @param	CPPExportFlags		flags for modifying the behavior of the export
FString UInterfaceProperty::GetCPPType( FString* ExtendedTypeText/*=NULL*/, uint32 CPPExportFlags/*=0*/ ) const

	if ( ExtendedTypeText != NULL )
		UClass* ExportClass = InterfaceClass;
		if (0 == (CPPF_BlueprintCppBackend & CPPExportFlags))
			while (ExportClass && !ExportClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Native))
				ExportClass = ExportClass->GetSuperClass();
		check(ExportClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Interface) || 0 != (CPPF_BlueprintCppBackend & CPPExportFlags));

		*ExtendedTypeText = FString::Printf(TEXT("<I%s>"), *ExportClass->GetName());

	return TEXT("TScriptInterface");
UClass* FGatherConvertedClassDependencies::GetFirstNativeOrConvertedClass(UClass* InClass, bool bExcludeBPDataOnly) const
	for (UClass* ItClass = InClass; ItClass; ItClass = ItClass->GetSuperClass())
		UBlueprintGeneratedClass* BPGC = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(ItClass);
		if (ItClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Native) || WillClassBeConverted(BPGC))
			if (bExcludeBPDataOnly)
				UBlueprint* BP = BPGC ? Cast<UBlueprint>(BPGC->ClassGeneratedBy) : nullptr;
				if (BP && FBlueprintEditorUtils::IsDataOnlyBlueprint(BP))
			return ItClass;
	return nullptr;
 * Finds the most-derived class which is a parent of both TestClass and this object's class.
 * @param	TestClass	the class to find the common base for
const UClass* UObjectBaseUtility::FindNearestCommonBaseClass( const UClass* TestClass ) const
	const UClass* Result = NULL;

	if ( TestClass != NULL )
		const UClass* CurrentClass = GetClass();

		// early out if it's the same class or one is the parent of the other
		// (the check for TestClass->IsChildOf(CurrentClass) returns true if TestClass == CurrentClass
		if ( TestClass->IsChildOf(CurrentClass) )
			Result = CurrentClass;
		else if ( CurrentClass->IsChildOf(TestClass) )
			Result = TestClass;
			// find the nearest parent of TestClass which is also a parent of CurrentClass
			for ( UClass* Cls = TestClass->GetSuperClass(); Cls; Cls = Cls->GetSuperClass() )
				if ( CurrentClass->IsChildOf(Cls) )
					Result = Cls;

	// at this point, Result should only be NULL if TestClass is NULL
	checkfSlow(Result != NULL || TestClass == NULL, TEXT("No common base class found for object '%s' with TestClass '%s'"), *GetFullName(), *TestClass->GetFullName());
	return Result;
void UBlueprint::Serialize(FArchive& Ar)

	if(Ar.IsLoading() && Ar.UE4Ver() < VER_UE4_BLUEPRINT_VARS_NOT_READ_ONLY)
		// Allow all blueprint defined vars to be read/write.  undoes previous convention of making exposed variables read-only
		for (int32 i = 0; i < NewVariables.Num(); ++i)
			FBPVariableDescription& Variable = NewVariables[i];
			Variable.PropertyFlags &= ~CPF_BlueprintReadOnly;

	if(Ar.IsLoading() && Ar.UE4Ver() < VER_UE4_ADD_KISMETVISIBLE)
		for (int32 i = 0; i < NewVariables.Num(); ++i)
			FBPVariableDescription& Variable = NewVariables[i];
			Variable.PropertyFlags |= CPF_BlueprintVisible;

		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < NewVariables.Num(); ++Index)
			NewVariables[Index].VarGuid = FGuid::NewGuid();

	// Preload our parent blueprints
	if (Ar.IsLoading())
		for (UClass* ClassIt = ParentClass; (ClassIt != NULL) && !(ClassIt->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Native)); ClassIt = ClassIt->GetSuperClass())
			if (ClassIt->ClassGeneratedBy->HasAnyFlags(RF_NeedLoad))

	// If we don't have a skeleton class via compile-on-load, generate one now
	if( Ar.IsLoading() && (SkeletonGeneratedClass == NULL) )
		bool bWasRegen = bIsRegeneratingOnLoad;
		bIsRegeneratingOnLoad = true;


		bIsRegeneratingOnLoad = bWasRegen;

		// Actor variables can't have default values (because Blueprint templates are library elements that can 
		// bridge multiple levels and different levels might not have the actor that the default is referencing).
		for (int32 i = 0; i < NewVariables.Num(); ++i)
			FBPVariableDescription& Variable = NewVariables[i];

			const FEdGraphPinType& VarType = Variable.VarType;
			if (!VarType.PinSubCategoryObject.IsValid()) // ignore variables that don't have associated objects

			const UClass* ClassObject = Cast<UClass>(VarType.PinSubCategoryObject.Get());
			// if the object type is an actor...
			if ((ClassObject == NULL) && ClassObject->IsChildOf(AActor::StaticClass()))
				// hide the default value field
				Variable.PropertyFlags |= CPF_DisableEditOnTemplate;
	FFindHeadersToInclude(FGatherConvertedClassDependencies& InDependencies)
		: FGatherConvertedClassDependenciesHelperBase(InDependencies)

		// special case - literal enum
		UBlueprintGeneratedClass* BPGC = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(Dependencies.GetActualStruct());
		UBlueprint* BP = BPGC ? Cast<UBlueprint>(BPGC->ClassGeneratedBy) : nullptr;
		if (BP)
			TArray<UEdGraph*> Graphs;
			for (UEdGraph* Graph : Graphs)
				if (Graph)
					TArray<UK2Node_EnumLiteral*> LiteralEnumNodes;
					for (UK2Node_EnumLiteral* LiteralEnumNode : LiteralEnumNodes)
						UEnum* Enum = LiteralEnumNode ? LiteralEnumNode->Enum : nullptr;

		// Include classes of native subobjects
		if (BPGC)
			UClass* NativeSuperClass = BPGC->GetSuperClass();
			for (; NativeSuperClass && !NativeSuperClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Native); NativeSuperClass = NativeSuperClass->GetSuperClass())
			UObject* NativeCDO = NativeSuperClass ? NativeSuperClass->GetDefaultObject(false) : nullptr;
			if (NativeCDO)
				TArray<UObject*> DefaultSubobjects;
				for (UObject* DefaultSubobject : DefaultSubobjects)
					IncludeTheHeaderInBody(DefaultSubobject ? DefaultSubobject->GetClass() : nullptr);
void UK2Node_Variable::ReconstructNode()
	// update the variable reference if the property was renamed
	UClass* const VarClass = GetVariableSourceClass();
	if (VarClass)
		bool bRemappedProperty = false;
		UClass* SearchClass = VarClass;
		while (SearchClass != NULL)
			const TMap<FName, FName>* const ClassTaggedPropertyRedirects = UStruct::TaggedPropertyRedirects.Find( SearchClass->GetFName() );
			if (ClassTaggedPropertyRedirects)
				const FName* const NewPropertyName = ClassTaggedPropertyRedirects->Find( VariableReference.GetMemberName() );
				if (NewPropertyName)
					if (VariableReference.IsSelfContext())
						VariableReference.SetSelfMember( *NewPropertyName );
						VariableReference.SetExternalMember( *NewPropertyName, VarClass );

					// found, can break
					bRemappedProperty = true;

			SearchClass = SearchClass->GetSuperClass();

		if (!bRemappedProperty)
			static FName OldVariableName(TEXT("UpdatedComponent"));
			static FName NewVariableName(TEXT("UpdatedPrimitive"));
			bRemappedProperty = RemapRestrictedLinkReference(OldVariableName, NewVariableName, UMovementComponent::StaticClass(), UPrimitiveComponent::StaticClass(), true);

	const FGuid VarGuid = VariableReference.GetMemberGuid();
	if (VarGuid.IsValid())
		const FName VarName = UBlueprint::GetFieldNameFromClassByGuid<UProperty>(VarClass, VarGuid);
		if (VarName != NAME_None && VarName != VariableReference.GetMemberName())
			if (VariableReference.IsSelfContext())
				VariableReference.SetSelfMember( VarName );
				VariableReference.SetExternalMember( VarName, VarClass );

FBlueprintCompileReinstancer::FBlueprintCompileReinstancer(UClass* InClassToReinstance, bool bIsBytecodeOnly, bool bSkipGC)
	: ClassToReinstance(InClassToReinstance)
	, DuplicatedClass(NULL)
	, OriginalCDO(NULL)
	, bHasReinstanced(false)
	, bSkipGarbageCollection(bSkipGC)
	, ClassToReinstanceDefaultValuesCRC(0)
	if( InClassToReinstance != NULL )
		bIsReinstancingSkeleton = FKismetEditorUtilities::IsClassABlueprintSkeleton(ClassToReinstance);


		// Remember the initial CDO for the class being resinstanced
		OriginalCDO = ClassToReinstance->GetDefaultObject();

		// Duplicate the class we're reinstancing into the transient package.  We'll re-class all objects we find to point to this new class
		GIsDuplicatingClassForReinstancing = true;
		ClassToReinstance->ClassFlags |= CLASS_NewerVersionExists;
		const FName RenistanceName = MakeUniqueObjectName(GetTransientPackage(), ClassToReinstance->GetClass(), *FString::Printf(TEXT("REINST_%s"), *ClassToReinstance->GetName()));
		DuplicatedClass = (UClass*)StaticDuplicateObject(ClassToReinstance, GetTransientPackage(), *RenistanceName.ToString(), ~RF_Transactional); 

		ClassToReinstance->ClassFlags &= ~CLASS_NewerVersionExists;
		GIsDuplicatingClassForReinstancing = false;

		auto BPGDuplicatedClass = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(DuplicatedClass);
		auto DuplicatedClassUberGraphFunction = BPGDuplicatedClass ? BPGDuplicatedClass->UberGraphFunction : nullptr;
		if (DuplicatedClassUberGraphFunction)

		// Bind and link the duplicate class, so that it has the proper duplicate property offsets

		// Copy over the ComponentNametoDefaultObjectMap, which tells CopyPropertiesForUnrelatedObjects which components are instanced and which aren't

		GIsDuplicatingClassForReinstancing = true;
		UObject* OldCDO = ClassToReinstance->GetDefaultObject();
		DuplicatedClass->ClassDefaultObject = (UObject*)StaticDuplicateObject(OldCDO, GetTransientPackage(), *DuplicatedClass->GetDefaultObjectName().ToString());
		GIsDuplicatingClassForReinstancing = false;


		ObjectsThatShouldUseOldStuff.Add(DuplicatedClass); //CDO of REINST_ class can be used as archetype

		if( !bIsBytecodeOnly )
			TArray<UObject*> ObjectsToChange;
			const bool bIncludeDerivedClasses = false;
			GetObjectsOfClass(ClassToReinstance, ObjectsToChange, bIncludeDerivedClasses);
			for (auto ObjIt = ObjectsToChange.CreateConstIterator(); ObjIt; ++ObjIt)

			TArray<UClass*> ChildrenOfClass;
			GetDerivedClasses(ClassToReinstance, ChildrenOfClass);
			for ( auto ClassIt = ChildrenOfClass.CreateConstIterator(); ClassIt; ++ClassIt )
				UClass* ChildClass = *ClassIt;
				UBlueprint* ChildBP = Cast<UBlueprint>(ChildClass->ClassGeneratedBy);
				if (ChildBP)
					const bool bClassIsDirectlyGeneratedByTheBlueprint = (ChildBP->GeneratedClass == ChildClass)
						|| (ChildBP->SkeletonGeneratedClass == ChildClass);

					if (ChildBP->HasAnyFlags(RF_BeingRegenerated) || !bClassIsDirectlyGeneratedByTheBlueprint)
						if (ChildClass->GetSuperClass() == ClassToReinstance)

						//TODO: some stronger condition would be nice
						if (!bClassIsDirectlyGeneratedByTheBlueprint)
					// If this is a direct child, change the parent and relink so the property chain is valid for reinstancing
					else if( !ChildBP->HasAnyFlags(RF_NeedLoad) )
						if( ChildClass->GetSuperClass() == ClassToReinstance )

						// If this is a child that caused the load of their parent, relink to the REINST class so that we can still serialize in the CDO, but do not add to later processing

		// Pull the blueprint that generated this reinstance target, and gather the blueprints that are dependent on it
		UBlueprint* GeneratingBP = Cast<UBlueprint>(ClassToReinstance->ClassGeneratedBy);
		check(GeneratingBP || GIsAutomationTesting);
			ClassToReinstanceDefaultValuesCRC = GeneratingBP->CrcPreviousCompiledCDO;
			FBlueprintEditorUtils::GetDependentBlueprints(GeneratingBP, Dependencies);
TSharedRef< SWidget > SDetailNameArea::BuildObjectNameArea( const TArray< TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> >& SelectedObjects )
	// Get the common base class of the selected objects
	UClass* BaseClass = NULL;
	for( int32 ObjectIndex = 0; ObjectIndex < SelectedObjects.Num(); ++ObjectIndex )
		TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> ObjectWeakPtr = SelectedObjects[ObjectIndex];
		if( ObjectWeakPtr.IsValid() )
			UClass* ObjClass = ObjectWeakPtr->GetClass();

			if (!BaseClass)
				BaseClass = ObjClass;

			while (!ObjClass->IsChildOf(BaseClass))
				BaseClass = BaseClass->GetSuperClass();

	TSharedRef< SHorizontalBox > ObjectNameArea = SNew( SHorizontalBox );

	if (BaseClass)
		// Get selection icon based on actor(s) classes and add before the selection label
		const FSlateBrush* ActorIcon = FClassIconFinder::FindIconForClass(BaseClass);


	// Add the selected object(s) type name, along with buttons for either opening C++ code or editing blueprints
	const int32 NumSelectedSurfaces = AssetSelectionUtils::GetNumSelectedSurfaces( GWorld );
	if( SelectedObjects.Num() > 0 )
		if ( bShowActorLabel )
			FEditorWidgetsModule& EdWidgetsModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FEditorWidgetsModule>(TEXT("EditorWidgets"));
			TSharedRef<IObjectNameEditableTextBox> ObjectNameBox = EdWidgetsModule.CreateObjectNameEditableTextBox(SelectedObjects);

				.Padding(0, 0, 3, 0)

		const TWeakObjectPtr< UObject > ObjectWeakPtr = SelectedObjects.Num() == 1 ? SelectedObjects[0] : NULL;
		BuildObjectNameAreaSelectionLabel( ObjectNameArea, ObjectWeakPtr, SelectedObjects.Num() );

		if( bShowLockButton )
					SNew( SButton )
					.ButtonStyle( FEditorStyle::Get(), "NoBorder" )
					.OnClicked(	OnLockButtonClicked )
					.ToolTipText( LOCTEXT("LockSelectionButton_ToolTip", "Locks the current selection into the Details panel") )
						SNew( SImage )
						.Image( this, &SDetailNameArea::OnGetLockButtonImageResource )
		if ( SelectionTip.Get() && NumSelectedSurfaces == 0 )
			.FillWidth( 1.0f )
			.HAlign( HAlign_Center )
			.Padding( 2.0f, 24.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f )
				SNew( STextBlock )
				.Text( LOCTEXT("NoObjectsSelected", "Select an object to view details.") )
			// Fill the empty space
	return ObjectNameArea;
Exemple #28
 * Finds the metadata for the property specified
 * @param	Prop	the property to search for
 * @return	pointer to the metadata for the property specified, or NULL
 *			if the property doesn't exist in the list (for example, if it
 *			is declared in a package that is already compiled and has had its
 *			source stripped)
FTokenData* FClassMetaData::FindTokenData( UProperty* Prop )

	FTokenData* Result = nullptr;
	UObject* Outer = Prop->GetOuter();
	UClass* OuterClass = nullptr;
	if (Outer->IsA<UStruct>())
		Result = GlobalPropertyData.Find(Prop);

		if (Result == nullptr)
			OuterClass = Cast<UClass>(Outer);

			if (Result == nullptr && OuterClass != nullptr && OuterClass->GetSuperClass() != OuterClass)
				OuterClass = OuterClass->GetSuperClass();
		UFunction* OuterFunction = Cast<UFunction>(Outer);
		if ( OuterFunction != NULL )
			// function parameter, return, or local property
			FFunctionData* FuncData = nullptr;
			if (FFunctionData::TryFindForFunction(OuterFunction, FuncData))
				FPropertyData& FunctionParameters = FuncData->GetParameterData();
				Result = FunctionParameters.Find(Prop);
				if ( Result == NULL )
					Result = FuncData->GetReturnTokenData();
				OuterClass = OuterFunction->GetOwnerClass();
			// struct property
			UScriptStruct* OuterStruct = Cast<UScriptStruct>(Outer);
			check(OuterStruct != NULL);

			TScopedPointer<FStructData>* pStructInfo = StructData.Find(OuterStruct);
			if ( pStructInfo != NULL )
				FStructData* StructInfo = pStructInfo->GetOwnedPointer();

				FPropertyData& StructProperties = StructInfo->GetStructPropertyData();
				Result = StructProperties.Find(Prop);
				OuterClass = OuterStruct->GetOwnerClass();

	if (Result == nullptr && OuterClass != nullptr)
		FClassMetaData* SuperClassData = GScriptHelper.FindClassData(OuterClass);
		if (SuperClassData && SuperClassData != this)
			Result = SuperClassData->FindTokenData(Prop);

	return Result;
Exemple #29
 * Parse and import text as property values for the object specified.  This function should never be called directly - use ImportObjectProperties instead.
 * @param	ObjectStruct				the struct for the data we're importing
 * @param	DestData					the location to import the property values to
 * @param	SourceText					pointer to a buffer containing the values that should be parsed and imported
 * @param	SubobjectRoot					when dealing with nested subobjects, corresponds to the top-most outer that
 *										is not a subobject/template
 * @param	SubobjectOuter				the outer to use for creating subobjects/components. NULL when importing structdefaultproperties
 * @param	Warn						output device to use for log messages
 * @param	Depth						current nesting level
 * @param	InstanceGraph				contains the mappings of instanced objects and components to their templates
 * @return	NULL if the default values couldn't be imported
static const TCHAR* ImportProperties(
	uint8*						DestData,
	const TCHAR*				SourceText,
	UStruct*					ObjectStruct,
	UObject*					SubobjectRoot,
	UObject*					SubobjectOuter,
	FFeedbackContext*			Warn,
	int32						Depth,
	FObjectInstancingGraph&		InstanceGraph,
	const TMap<FName, AActor*>* ActorRemapper

	if ( SourceText == NULL )
		return NULL;

	// Cannot create subobjects when importing struct defaults, or if SubobjectOuter (used as the Outer for any subobject declarations encountered) is NULL
	bool bSubObjectsAllowed = !ObjectStruct->IsA(UScriptStruct::StaticClass()) && SubobjectOuter != NULL;

	// true when DestData corresponds to a subobject in a class default object
	bool bSubObject = false;

	UClass* ComponentOwnerClass = NULL;

	if ( bSubObjectsAllowed )
		bSubObject = SubobjectRoot != NULL && SubobjectRoot->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject);
		if ( SubobjectRoot == NULL )
			SubobjectRoot = SubobjectOuter;

		ComponentOwnerClass = SubobjectOuter != NULL
			? SubobjectOuter->IsA(UClass::StaticClass())
				? CastChecked<UClass>(SubobjectOuter)
				: SubobjectOuter->GetClass()
			: NULL;

	// The PortFlags to use for all ImportText calls
	uint32 PortFlags = PPF_Delimited | PPF_CheckReferences;
	if (GIsImportingT3D)
		PortFlags |= PPF_AttemptNonQualifiedSearch;

	FString StrLine;

	TArray<FDefinedProperty> DefinedProperties;

	// Parse all objects stored in the actor.
	// Build list of all text properties.
	bool ImportedBrush = 0;
	int32 LinesConsumed = 0;
	while (FParse::LineExtended(&SourceText, StrLine, LinesConsumed, true))
		// remove extra whitespace and optional semicolon from the end of the line
			int32 Length = StrLine.Len();
			while ( Length > 0 &&
					(StrLine[Length - 1] == TCHAR(';') || StrLine[Length - 1] == TCHAR(' ') || StrLine[Length - 1] == 9) )
			if (Length != StrLine.Len())
				StrLine = StrLine.Left(Length);

		if ( ContextSupplier != NULL )
			ContextSupplier->CurrentLine += LinesConsumed;
		if (StrLine.Len() == 0)

		const TCHAR* Str = *StrLine;

		int32 NewLineNumber;
		if( FParse::Value( Str, TEXT("linenumber="), NewLineNumber ) )
			if ( ContextSupplier != NULL )
				ContextSupplier->CurrentLine = NewLineNumber;
		else if( GetBEGIN(&Str,TEXT("Brush")) && ObjectStruct->IsChildOf(ABrush::StaticClass()) )
			// If SubobjectOuter is NULL, we are importing defaults for a UScriptStruct's defaultproperties block
			if ( !bSubObjectsAllowed )
				Warn->Logf(ELogVerbosity::Error, TEXT("BEGIN BRUSH: Subobjects are not allowed in this context"));
				return NULL;

			// Parse brush on this line.
			TCHAR BrushName[NAME_SIZE];
			if( FParse::Value( Str, TEXT("Name="), BrushName, NAME_SIZE ) )
				// If an initialized brush with this name already exists in the level, rename the existing one.
				// It is deemed to be initialized if it has a non-zero poly count.
				// If it is uninitialized, the existing object will have been created by a forward reference in the import text,
				// and it will now be redefined.  This relies on the behavior that NewObject<> will return an existing pointer
				// if an object with the same name and outer is passed.
				UModel* ExistingBrush = FindObject<UModel>( SubobjectRoot, BrushName );
				if (ExistingBrush && ExistingBrush->Polys && ExistingBrush->Polys->Element.Num() > 0)

				// Create model.
				UModelFactory* ModelFactory = NewObject<UModelFactory>();
				ModelFactory->FactoryCreateText( UModel::StaticClass(), SubobjectRoot, FName(BrushName, FNAME_Add, true), RF_NoFlags, NULL, TEXT("t3d"), SourceText, SourceText+FCString::Strlen(SourceText), Warn );
				ImportedBrush = 1;
		else if (GetBEGIN(&Str, TEXT("Foliage")))
			UFoliageType* SourceFoliageType;
			FName ComponentName;
			if (SubobjectRoot &&
				ParseObject<UFoliageType>(Str, TEXT("FoliageType="), SourceFoliageType, ANY_PACKAGE) &&
				FParse::Value(Str, TEXT("Component="), ComponentName) )
				UPrimitiveComponent* ActorComponent = FindObjectFast<UPrimitiveComponent>(SubobjectRoot, ComponentName);

				if (ActorComponent && ActorComponent->GetComponentLevel())
					AInstancedFoliageActor* IFA = AInstancedFoliageActor::GetInstancedFoliageActorForLevel(ActorComponent->GetComponentLevel(), true);

					FFoliageMeshInfo* MeshInfo = nullptr;
					UFoliageType* FoliageType = IFA->AddFoliageType(SourceFoliageType, &MeshInfo);

					const TCHAR* StrPtr;
					FString TextLine;
					while (MeshInfo && FParse::Line(&SourceText, TextLine))
						StrPtr = *TextLine;
						if (GetEND(&StrPtr, TEXT("Foliage")))

						// Parse the instance properties
						FFoliageInstance Instance;
						FString Temp;
						if (FParse::Value(StrPtr, TEXT("Location="), Temp, false))
							GetFVECTOR(*Temp, Instance.Location);
						if (FParse::Value(StrPtr, TEXT("Rotation="), Temp, false))
							GetFROTATOR(*Temp, Instance.Rotation, 1);
						if (FParse::Value(StrPtr, TEXT("PreAlignRotation="), Temp, false))
							GetFROTATOR(*Temp, Instance.PreAlignRotation, 1);
						if (FParse::Value(StrPtr, TEXT("DrawScale3D="), Temp, false))
							GetFVECTOR(*Temp, Instance.DrawScale3D);
						FParse::Value(StrPtr, TEXT("Flags="), Instance.Flags);

						// Add the instance
						MeshInfo->AddInstance(IFA, FoliageType, Instance, ActorComponent);
		else if( GetBEGIN(&Str,TEXT("Object")))
			// If SubobjectOuter is NULL, we are importing defaults for a UScriptStruct's defaultproperties block
			if ( !bSubObjectsAllowed )
				Warn->Logf(ELogVerbosity::Error, TEXT("BEGIN OBJECT: Subobjects are not allowed in this context"));
				return NULL;

			// Parse subobject default properties.
			// Note: default properties subobjects have compiled class as their Outer (used for localization).
			UClass*	TemplateClass = NULL;
			bool bInvalidClass = false;
			ParseObject<UClass>(Str, TEXT("Class="), TemplateClass, ANY_PACKAGE, &bInvalidClass);
			if (bInvalidClass)
				Warn->Logf(ELogVerbosity::Error,TEXT("BEGIN OBJECT: Invalid class specified: %s"), *StrLine);
				return NULL;

			// parse the name of the template
			FName	TemplateName = NAME_None;
			if(TemplateName == NAME_None)
				Warn->Logf(ELogVerbosity::Error,TEXT("BEGIN OBJECT: Must specify valid name for subobject/component: %s"), *StrLine);
				return NULL;

			// points to the parent class's template subobject/component, if we are overriding a subobject/component declared in our parent class
			UObject* BaseTemplate = NULL;
			bool bRedefiningSubobject = false;
			if( TemplateClass )
				// next, verify that a template actually exists in the parent class
				UClass* ParentClass = ComponentOwnerClass->GetSuperClass();

				UObject* ParentCDO = ParentClass->GetDefaultObject();

				BaseTemplate = StaticFindObjectFast(UObject::StaticClass(), SubobjectOuter, TemplateName);
				bRedefiningSubobject = (BaseTemplate != NULL);

				if (BaseTemplate == NULL)
					BaseTemplate = StaticFindObjectFast(UObject::StaticClass(), ParentCDO, TemplateName);
				if ( BaseTemplate == NULL )
					// wasn't found
					Warn->Logf(ELogVerbosity::Error, TEXT("BEGIN OBJECT: No base template named %s found in parent class %s: %s"), *TemplateName.ToString(), *ParentClass->GetName(), *StrLine);
					return NULL;

				TemplateClass = BaseTemplate->GetClass();

			// because the outer won't be a default object

			checkSlow(TemplateClass != NULL);
			if (bRedefiningSubobject)
				// since we're redefining an object in the same text block, only need to import properties again
				SourceText = ImportObjectProperties( (uint8*)BaseTemplate, SourceText, TemplateClass, SubobjectRoot, BaseTemplate,
													Warn, Depth + 1, ContextSupplier ? ContextSupplier->CurrentLine : 0, &InstanceGraph, ActorRemapper );
				UObject* Archetype = NULL;
				UObject* ComponentTemplate = NULL;

				// Since we are changing the class we can't use the Archetype,
				// however that is fine since we will have been editing the CDO anyways
				if (!FBlueprintEditorUtils::IsAnonymousBlueprintClass(SubobjectOuter->GetClass()))
					// if an archetype was specified in the Begin Object block, use that as the template for the ConstructObject call.
					FString ArchetypeName;
					if (FParse::Value(Str, TEXT("Archetype="), ArchetypeName))
						// if given a name, break it up along the ' so separate the class from the name
						FString ObjectClass;
						FString ObjectPath;
						if ( FPackageName::ParseExportTextPath(ArchetypeName, &ObjectClass, &ObjectPath) )
							// find the class
							UClass* ArchetypeClass = (UClass*)StaticFindObject(UClass::StaticClass(), ANY_PACKAGE, *ObjectClass);
							if (ArchetypeClass)
								// if we had the class, find the archetype
								Archetype = StaticFindObject(ArchetypeClass, ANY_PACKAGE, *ObjectPath);

				if (SubobjectOuter->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
					if (!Archetype) // if an archetype was specified explicitly, we will stick with that
						Archetype = ComponentOwnerClass->GetDefaultSubobjectByName(TemplateName);
							if ( BaseTemplate == NULL )
								// BaseTemplate should only be NULL if the Begin Object line specified a class
								Warn->Logf(ELogVerbosity::Error, TEXT("BEGIN OBJECT: The component name %s is already used (if you want to override the component, don't specify a class): %s"), *TemplateName.ToString(), *StrLine);
								return NULL;

							// the component currently in the component template map and the base template should be the same
							checkf(Archetype==BaseTemplate,TEXT("OverrideComponent: '%s'   BaseTemplate: '%s'"), *Archetype->GetFullName(), *BaseTemplate->GetFullName());
				else // handle the non-template case (subobjects and non-template components)
					// don't allow Actor-derived subobjects
					if ( TemplateClass->IsChildOf(AActor::StaticClass()) )
						Warn->Logf(ELogVerbosity::Error,TEXT("Cannot create subobjects from Actor-derived classes: %s"), *StrLine);
						return NULL;

					ComponentTemplate = FindObject<UObject>(SubobjectOuter, *TemplateName.ToString());
					if (ComponentTemplate != NULL)
						// if we're overriding a subobject declared in a parent class, we should already have an object with that name that
						// was instanced when ComponentOwnerClass's CDO was initialized; if so, it's archetype should be the BaseTemplate.  If it
						// isn't, then there are two unrelated subobject definitions using the same name.
						if ( ComponentTemplate->GetArchetype() != BaseTemplate )
						else if ( BaseTemplate == NULL )
							// BaseTemplate should only be NULL if the Begin Object line specified a class
							Warn->Logf(ELogVerbosity::Error, TEXT("BEGIN OBJECT: A subobject named %s is already declared in a parent class.  If you intended to override that subobject, don't specify a class in the derived subobject definition: %s"), *TemplateName.ToString(), *StrLine);
							return NULL;


				// Propagate object flags to the sub object.
				EObjectFlags NewFlags = SubobjectOuter->GetMaskedFlags( RF_PropagateToSubObjects );

				if (!Archetype) // no override and we didn't find one from the class table, so go with the base
					Archetype = BaseTemplate;

				UObject* OldComponent = NULL;
				if (ComponentTemplate)
					bool bIsOkToReuse = ComponentTemplate->GetClass() == TemplateClass
						&& ComponentTemplate->GetOuter() == SubobjectOuter
						&& ComponentTemplate->GetFName() == TemplateName 
						&& (ComponentTemplate->GetArchetype() == Archetype || !Archetype);

					if (!bIsOkToReuse)
						UE_LOG(LogEditorObject, Log, TEXT("Could not reuse component instance %s, name clash?"), *ComponentTemplate->GetFullName());
						ComponentTemplate->Rename(); // just abandon the existing component, we are going to create
						OldComponent = ComponentTemplate;
						ComponentTemplate = NULL;

				if (!ComponentTemplate)
					ComponentTemplate = NewObject<UObject>(
					// We do not want to set RF_Transactional for construction script created components, so we have to monkey with things here
					if (NewFlags & RF_Transactional)
						UActorComponent* Component = Cast<UActorComponent>(ComponentTemplate);
						if (Component && Component->IsCreatedByConstructionScript())
							NewFlags &= ~RF_Transactional;

					// Make sure desired flags are set - existing object could be pending kill

				// replace all properties in this subobject outer' class that point to the original subobject with the new subobject
				TMap<UObject*, UObject*> ReplacementMap;
				if (Archetype)
					checkSlow(ComponentTemplate->GetArchetype() == Archetype);
					ReplacementMap.Add(Archetype, ComponentTemplate);
				if (OldComponent)
					ReplacementMap.Add(OldComponent, ComponentTemplate);
				FArchiveReplaceObjectRef<UObject> ReplaceAr(SubobjectOuter, ReplacementMap, false, false, true);

				// import the properties for the subobject
				SourceText = ImportObjectProperties(
					ContextSupplier ? ContextSupplier->CurrentLine : 0,
		else if( FParse::Command(&Str,TEXT("CustomProperties")))

			SubobjectOuter->ImportCustomProperties(Str, Warn);
		else if( GetEND(&Str,TEXT("Actor")) || GetEND(&Str,TEXT("DefaultProperties")) || GetEND(&Str,TEXT("structdefaultproperties")) || (GetEND(&Str,TEXT("Object")) && Depth) )
			// End of properties.
		else if( GetREMOVE(&Str,TEXT("Component")) )
			checkf(false, TEXT("Remove component is illegal in pasted text"));
			// Property.
			UProperty::ImportSingleProperty(Str, DestData, ObjectStruct, SubobjectOuter, PortFlags, Warn, DefinedProperties);

	if (ActorRemapper)
		for (const auto& DefinedProperty : DefinedProperties)
			RemapProperty(DefinedProperty.Property, DefinedProperty.Index, *ActorRemapper, DestData);

	// Prepare brush.
	if( ImportedBrush && ObjectStruct->IsChildOf<ABrush>() && !ObjectStruct->IsChildOf<AVolume>() )
		ABrush* Actor = (ABrush*)DestData;
		if( Actor->GetBrushComponent()->Mobility == EComponentMobility::Static )
			// Prepare static brush.
			// Prepare moving brush.
			FBSPOps::csgPrepMovingBrush( Actor );

	return SourceText;
/** Returns the most base gameplay ability blueprint for a given blueprint (if it is inherited from another ability blueprint, returning null if only native / non-ability BP classes are it's parent) */
UGAEffectBlueprint* UGAEffectBlueprint::FindRootGameplayAbilityBlueprint(UGAEffectBlueprint* DerivedBlueprint)
	UGAEffectBlueprint* ParentBP = NULL;

	// Determine if there is a gameplay ability blueprint in the ancestry of this class
	for (UClass* ParentClass = DerivedBlueprint->ParentClass; ParentClass != UObject::StaticClass(); ParentClass = ParentClass->GetSuperClass())
		if (UGAEffectBlueprint* TestBP = Cast<UGAEffectBlueprint>(ParentClass->ClassGeneratedBy))
			ParentBP = TestBP;

	return ParentBP;