Exemple #1
Vect Triangle::surfaceNormal(Vect dir, Vect pt) {
    (void) pt;

    Vect v = getB() - getA();
    Vect w = getC() - getA();
    Vect N = v.crossProduct(w);

    if (N.dotProduct(dir) > 0)
        N = N.linearMult(-1);
    return N;
Exemple #2
SColor RayTracer::calculateShadowScalar(Light &lt, Intersection &in) {
    // cout << in.toString() << endl;
    Vect p = lt.getPos();
    Vect ori = in.calculateIntersectionPoint();// + in.calculateSurfaceNormal().linearMult(0.0001f);
    Vect dir;
    if (lt.getType() == DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT) {
        dir = lt.getDir().invert();
    } else {
        dir = p - ori;
    ori = ori + dir.linearMult(0.001f);
    Ray shdw(ori, dir);

    Intersection ins = scene->calculateRayIntersection(shdw);
    Material *mat = ins.getMaterial();
    if (!ins.hasIntersected()) {
        // The point is in direct light
        return SColor(1, 1, 1);
    } else if (mat->getTransparency() <= 0.00000001) {
        // The material is fully opaque
        Vect pos = ins.calculateIntersectionPoint();
        if (lt.getType() == DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT ||
            ori.euclideanDistance(pos) < ori.euclideanDistance(lt.getPos())) {
            // The ray intersects with an object before the light source
            return SColor(0, 0, 0);
        } else {
            // The ray intersects with an object behind the lightsource
            // or a direction light, thus fully in light
            return SColor(1, 1, 1);
    } else { // The shape is transparent
        // Normalize the color for this material, and recursively trace for other
        // transparent objects
        SColor Cd = mat->getDiffColor();
        float m = max(Cd.R(), max(Cd.G(), Cd.B()));
        Cd.R(Cd.R()/m); Cd.G(Cd.G()/m); Cd.B(Cd.B()/m);
        SColor Si = Cd.linearMult(mat->getTransparency());
        return Si.linearMult(calculateShadowScalar(lt, ins));
Exemple #3
void calcVetor () {
    // Initialize x, y and z elements
    Vect vecA;
    Vect vecB(1, 10, 100);

    // Set elements
    vecA.set(1, 2, 3);

    // Get elements
    double x = vecA.getx();
    double y = vecA.gety();
    double z = vecA.getz();

    Vect vecC;

    // Addition and subtraction of vectors
    vecC  = vecA + vecB;
    vecC += vecA;
    vecC  = vecA - vecB;
    vecC -= vecA;

    int val = 10;

    // Multiplication and division of a vector and a scholar
    vecC  = vecA * val;
    vecC *= val;
    vecC  = vecA / val;
    vecC /= val;

    // Cross product
    vecC = vecA * vecB;

    // Inner product
    double inner = vecA % vecB;

    // Norm
    double norm = vecA.norm();

    // Normalization
    vecC = vecA.normalize();
Exemple #4
Color traceRay(Ray* ray, Scene* scene, int objectCount, int lightCount, int maxBounces, double ambientLighting) {
	Color shaderResult (0,0,0);
	Ray* shadowRay = new Ray();
	Ray* reflectionRay = new Ray();
	RayIntersection primaryObjectHit = testRayIntersection(ray, scene, objectCount, 0, MINIMAL_DISTANCE);

	if(primaryObjectHit.objectId >= 0) {
		Object* sceneObject = scene->getObjectList().at(primaryObjectHit.objectId);
		// calulate brightness and specularity
		Color specular (0,0,0);
		Color diffuse (0,0,0);
		Color reflection (0,0,0);
		Vect intersectionPoint = primaryObjectHit.location;
		Color ambient = sceneObject->getColorAt(intersectionPoint).scale(ambientLighting);

		Vect normalAtIntersection = sceneObject->getNormalAt(intersectionPoint);
		Vect reflectionDirection = ray->getReflectingDirection(normalAtIntersection);

		double lightImportance = 1;
		if(lightCount > 1) {
			lightImportance = 1.0 / lightCount;

		for(int lightIndex = 0; lightIndex < lightCount; lightIndex++) {
			Light *lightSource = scene->getLightList().at(lightIndex);
			Vect pointToLightVect = lightSource->getPosition().subtract(intersectionPoint);
			Vect lightDirection = pointToLightVect.normalize();

			// Test if light is visible or hidden to render shadows
			double diffuseFactor = normalAtIntersection.dot(lightDirection);
			double specularFactor = reflectionDirection.dot(lightDirection);
			bool shadowed = false;

			if(diffuseFactor > 0) // object is facing the light source - add diffuse
				// check if it is shadowed;
				double lightDistance = pointToLightVect.magnitude();
				shadowed = (testRayIntersection(shadowRay, scene, objectCount, lightDistance, MINIMAL_DISTANCE).objectId > -1);

			if(!shadowed && diffuseFactor > 0) {
				diffuse = diffuse.add(sceneObject->getColorAt(intersectionPoint).scale(diffuseFactor));

			if(!shadowed && specularFactor > 0 && sceneObject->getMaterial().getRoughness() > 0) {
				specular = specular.add(lightSource->getColor().scale(pow(specularFactor, 10) * sceneObject->getMaterial().getRoughness()));

		if(maxBounces > 0 && sceneObject->getMaterial().getReflectivity() > 0) {
			reflection = traceRay(reflectionRay, scene, objectCount, lightCount, --maxBounces, ambientLighting).scale(sceneObject->getMaterial().getReflectivity() * 0.25);

		shaderResult = ambient.add(diffuse).add(specular).add(reflection).normalize();
	} else {
		shaderResult = scene->getBackgroundColor();

	delete shadowRay;
	delete reflectionRay;

	return shaderResult;
Exemple #5
Vect Sphere::surfaceNormal(Vect o, Vect pt) {
    (void) o;
    Vect normal = pt - origin;
    return normal;
Exemple #6
Plane::Plane(Vect n, Vect p, Material m) {
	normal = n.normalize();
	position = p;
	material = m;
Exemple #7
void Plane::setNormal(Vect _normal) { 
	this->normal = _normal.normalize();