Exemple #1
VectorInt  ClassSummaryList::LLoydsBinSizes ()  const
  VectorInt  binSizes;

  ClassSummaryList::const_iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = begin ();  idx != end ();  idx++)
    const ClassSummaryPtr  cs = *idx;
    for  (kkuint32 lloydsEntryIdx = 0;  lloydsEntryIdx < cs->NumOfLLoydsEntries ();  lloydsEntryIdx++)
      LLoydsEntryPtr  lloydsEntry = cs->LLoydsEntryByIndex (lloydsEntryIdx);
      if  (lloydsEntry)
        kkuint32 zed = 0;
        kkint32 binSize = lloydsEntry->LLoydsBinSize ();
        // if 'binSize' not in 'binSizes'  then add
        for  (zed = 0;  zed < kkuint32 (binSizes.size ());  zed++)
          if  (binSizes[zed] == binSize)
        if  (zed >= binSizes.size ())
          binSizes.push_back (binSize);

  sort (binSizes.begin (), binSizes.end ());

  return  binSizes;
}  /* LLoydsBinSizes */
Exemple #2
RasterPtr  SegmentorOTSU::SegmentImage (RasterPtr  srcImage,
                                        kkint32    numClasses,
                                        double&    sep
  function [IDX,sep] = otsu (srcImage, numClasses)

  %OTSU Global image thresholding/segmentation using Otsu's method.
  %   IDX = OTSU(srcImage,N) segments the image srcImage into N classes by means of Otsu's
  %   N-thresholding method. OTSU returns an array IDX containing the cluster
  %   indexes (from 1 to N) of each point. Zero values are assigned to
  %   non-finite (NaN or Inf) pixels.
  %   IDX = OTSU(srcImage) uses two classes (N=2, default value).
  %   [IDX,sep] = OTSU(...) also returns the value (sep) of the separability
  %   criterion within the range [0 1]. Zero is obtained only with data
  %   having less than N values, whereas one (optimal value) is obtained only
  %   with N-valued arrays.
  %   Notes:
  %   -----
  %   It should be noticed that the thresholds generally become less credible
  %   as the number of classes (N) to be separated increases (see Otsu's
  %   paper for more details).
  %   If srcImage is an RGB image, a Karhunen-Loeve transform is first performed on
  %   the three R,G,B channels. The segmentation is then carried out on the
  %   image component that contains most of the energy. 
  %   Example:
  %   -------
  %   load clown
  %   subplot(221)
  %   X = ind2rgb(X,map);
  %   imshow(X)
  %   title('Original','FontWeight','bold')
  %   for numClasses = 2:4
  %     IDX = otsu(X,numClasses);
  %     subplot(2,2,numClasses)
  %     imagesc(IDX), axis image off
  %     title(['numClasses = ' int2str(numClasses)],'FontWeight','bold')
  %   end
  %   colormap(gray)
  %   Reference:
  %   ---------
  %   Otsu N, <a href="matlab:web('http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1109/TSMC.1979.4310076')">A Threshold Selection Method from Gray-Level Histograms</a>,
  %   IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. 9:62-66;1979 
  %   See also GRAYTHRESH, IM2BW
  %   -- Damien Garcia -- 2007/08, revised 2010/03
  %   Visit my <a
  %   href="matlab:web('http://www.biomecardio.com/matlab/otsu.html')">website</a> for more details about OTSU
  kkint32  pixelIdx = 0;
  kkint32  x        = 0;
  bool  isColorImage = srcImage->Color ();

  //  Checking numClasses (number of classes)
  if  (numClasses == 1)
    //IDX = NaN(size(srcImage));
    //sep = 0;
    return  NULL;

  else if  ((numClasses < 1)  ||  (numClasses > 255))
    log.Level (-1) << "SegmentorOTSU::SegmentImage  ***ERROR***   'numClasses must be a between 1 and 255 !'" << endl;
    sep = 0;
    return NULL;

  if  (isColorImage)
    srcImage = srcImage->CreateGrayScaleKLT ();
    srcImage = new Raster (*srcImage);

  kkint32  totPixels = srcImage->TotPixels ();
  kkint32  pixelsCounted = 0;
  VectorInt  unI;
  VectorInt  unICounts;
  VectorInt32  counts (256, 0);
    // %% Convert to 256 levels
    // srcImage = srcImage-min(srcImage(:));
    // srcImage = round(srcImage/max(srcImage(:))*255);
    //  Re-scale Source Image to utilize range of 0 through 255.

    //%% Probability dCistribution
    //unI = sort(unique(srcImage));
    //nbins = min(length(unI),256);

    uchar*  greenArea = srcImage->GreenArea ();

    uchar  pixelMin = 255;
    uchar  pixelMax = 1;

    for  (pixelIdx = 1;  pixelIdx < totPixels;  ++pixelIdx)
      if  (greenArea[pixelIdx] < 1)


      if  (greenArea[pixelIdx] < pixelMin)
        pixelMin = greenArea[pixelIdx];

      if  (greenArea[pixelIdx] > pixelMax)
        pixelMax = greenArea[pixelIdx];

    VectorInt  counts (256, 0);

    for  (pixelIdx = 0;  pixelIdx < totPixels;  ++pixelIdx)
      double  pixelFraction = (double)((double)(greenArea[pixelIdx]) - pixelMin) / (double)srcRange;
      kkuint32  newPixelVal = (uchar)(pixelFraction * 256.0 + 0.5);
      if  (newPixelVal > 255)
        newPixelVal = 255;

      greenArea[pixelIdx] = (uchar)newPixelVal;

    for  (x = 1;  x < (kkint32)counts.size ();  ++x)
      if  (counts[x] > 0)
        unI.push_back (x);
        unICounts.push_back (counts[x]);

  kkint32  nbins = (kkint32)unI.size ();

  if  (nbins <= numClasses)
    // IDX = ones (size(srcImage));
    //for i = 1:numClasses, IDX(srcImage==unI(i)) = i; end
    //sep = 1;
    RasterPtr  result = new Raster (srcImage->Height (), srcImage->Width (), false);
    for  (x = 0;  x < nbins;  ++x)
      LabelRaster (result, unI[x], x, srcImage);
    sep = 1;
    delete  srcImage;   
    srcImage = NULL;
    return  result;

  //elseif  (nbins < 256)
  //  [histo,pixval] = hist(srcImage(:),unI);
  //  [histo,pixval] = hist(srcImage(:),256);
  VectorInt  histo  = unICounts;
  VectorInt  pixval = unI;

  //P = histo/sum(histo);
  VectorDouble  P (histo.size (), 0.0);
  for  (x = 0;  x < (kkint32)histo.size ();  ++x)
    P[x] = (double)(histo[x]) / (double)pixelsCounted;

  //clear unI
  unI.clear ();

  //%% Zeroth- and first-order cumulative moments
  //w = cumsum(P);
  VectorDouble  w (P.size (), 0.0);
  w[0] = P[0];
  for  (x = 1;  x < (kkint32)P.size (); ++x)
    w[x] = w[x - 1] + P[x];

  //mu = cumsum((1:nbins).*P);
  VectorDouble  mu (P.size (), 0.0);
  mu[0] = 1.0 * P[0];
  for  (x = 1;  x < (kkint32)P.size ();  ++x)
    mu[x] = mu[x - 1] + ((x + 1) * P[x]);
  double  muEnd = mu[mu.size () - 1];
  //%% Maximal sigmaB^2 and Segmented image
  if  (numClasses == 2)
    //sigma2B =...
    //    (mu(end) * w(2:end-1) - mu(2:end-1)) .^2  ./  w(2:end-1)./(1-w(2:end-1));
    //    ------------------- P1 -----------------      ----------- P2 -----------
    //[maxsig,k] = max(sigma2B);

    VectorDouble  wSubSet  = SubSet (w,  1, (kkint32)w.size  () - 2);
    VectorDouble  muSubSet = SubSet (mu, 1, (kkint32)mu.size () - 2);
    VectorDouble P1 = Power (Subt (muEnd * wSubSet, muSubSet), 2.0);
    VectorDouble P2 = DotDiv (wSubSet, Subt (1.0, wSubSet));
    VectorDouble sigma2B = DotDiv (P1, P2);
    double  maxSig = sigma2B[0];
    kkint32 maxSigIdx = 0;
    for  (x = 1;  x < (kkint32)sigma2B.size ();  ++x)
      if  (sigma2B[x] > maxSig)
        maxSig = sigma2B[x];
        maxSigIdx = x;
    //[maxsig,k] = max(sigma2B);
    kkint32  k = maxSigIdx;
    //% segmented image
    //IDX = ones(size(srcImage));
    //IDX(srcImage>pixval(k+1)) = 2;
    threshold1 = pixval[k + 1];
    RasterPtr  result = new Raster (srcImage->Height (), srcImage->Width (), false);
    uchar*  resultArea = result->GreenArea ();
    uchar*  srcArea    = srcImage->GreenArea ();

    while  (true)
      kkuint32  numClass2Pixs = 0;
      for  (x = 0;  x < totPixels;  ++x)
        if  (srcArea[x] > threshold1)
          resultArea[x] = 2;
          resultArea[x] = 1;

      if  ((threshold1 < 1)  ||  (numClass2Pixs >100))
    //% separability criterion
    //sep = maxsig/sum(((1:nbins)-mu(end)).^2.*P);
    double  sum = 0.0;
    kkint32  y = 0;
    muEnd = mu[mu.size () - 1];
    for  (x = 0, y = 1;  x < nbins;  ++x, ++y)
      sum = pow (((double)y - muEnd), 2.0) * P[x];

    sep = maxSig / sum;
    delete  srcImage;
    srcImage = NULL;
    return  result;
  if  (numClasses == 3)
    //w0 = w;
    //w2 = fliplr(cumsum(fliplr(P)));
    VectorDouble  w0 = w;
    VectorDouble  w2 = FlipLeftRight (CumSum (FlipLeftRight (P)));

    //[w0,w2] = ndgrid(w0,w2);
    Matrix w0M ((kkint32)w0.size (), (kkint32)w0.size ());
    Matrix w2M ((kkint32)w2.size (), (kkint32)w2.size ());
    NdGrid (w0, w2, w0M, w2M);

    //mu0 = mu./w;
    VectorDouble  mu0 = DotDiv (mu, w);

    //mu2 = fliplr(cumsum(fliplr((1:nbins).*P)) ./ cumsum(fliplr(P)));
    //            1      2      34       4   32        3      4 321
    //             ---------- P1 -------------     ------ P2 --------
    VectorDouble  P1 = CumSum (FlipLeftRight (DotMult (BDV (1.0, 1.0, (double)nbins), P)));
    VectorDouble  P2 = CumSum (FlipLeftRight (P));
    VectorDouble  mu2 = FlipLeftRight (DotDiv (P1, P2));

    // TODO  
    //[mu0,mu2] = ndgrid(mu0,mu2);
    Matrix  mu0M ((kkint32)mu0.size (), (kkint32)mu0.size ());
    Matrix  mu2M ((kkint32)mu2.size (), (kkint32)mu2.size ());
    NdGrid (mu0, mu2, mu0M, mu2M);
    //w1 = 1-w0-w2;
    Matrix  w1M = 1.0 - w0M - w2M;

    //w1(w1<=0) = NaN;
    MakeNanWhenLesOrEqualZero (w1M);

    //sigma2B =...
    //    w0.*(mu0-mu(end)).^2 + w2.*(mu2-mu(end)).^2 +...
    //    (w0.*(mu0-mu(end)) + w2.*(mu2-mu(end))).^2./w1;
    Matrix  P1M = (DotMult (w0M, Power ((mu0M - muEnd), 2.0)))  +  (DotMult (w2M, Power ((mu2M - muEnd), 2.0)));
    Matrix  P2M = DotDiv (Power ((DotMult (w0M, (mu0M - muEnd)) + DotMult (w2M, (mu2M - muEnd))), 2.0), w1M);
    Matrix  sigma2B = P1M + P2M;

    //sigma2B(isnan(sigma2B)) = 0; % zeroing if k1 >= k2
    ZeroOutNaN (sigma2B);

    //[maxsig,k] = max(sigma2B(:));         % Turns sigma2B into 1D Array then locates largest value and index.
    // [k1,k2] = ind2sub([nbins nbins],k);  % Sets k1 and k2 to the indexes for k mapped into a 2D square matrix that is (nbins x nbins)
    kkint32  k1, k2;
    double  maxsig = 0.0;
    sigma2B.FindMaxValue (maxsig, k1, k2);
    //% segmented image
    RasterPtr  result = new Raster (srcImage->Height (), srcImage->Width (), false);
      //IDX = ones(size(srcImage))*3;
      //IDX(srcImage<=pixval(k1)) = 1;
      //IDX(srcImage>pixval(k1) & srcImage<=pixval(k2)) = 2;
      uchar*  srcData = srcImage->GreenArea ();
      uchar*  data = result->GreenArea ();
      threshold1 = pixval[k1];
      threshold2 = pixval[k2];
      for  (x = 0;  x < totPixels;  ++x)
        if  (srcData[x] <= threshold1)
          data[x] = 1;
        else if  (srcData[x] <= threshold2)
          data[x] = 2;
          data[x] = 3;
    //% separability criterion
    //sep = maxsig / sum (((1:nbins)-mu(end)).^2.*P);

    //VectorDouble  xxx = BDV (1.0, 1.0, (double)nbins);
    //VectorDouble  yyy = Subt (xxx, muEnd);
    //VectorDouble  zzz = Power (yyy, 2.0);
    sep = maxsig / Sum (DotMult (Power (Subt (BDV (1.0, 1.0, (double)nbins), muEnd), 2.0), P));
    delete  srcImage;
    srcImage = NULL;
    return  result;
    //k0 = linspace(0,1,numClasses+1);   %  k0 = row vector of linear spaced points between 0 and 1  with (numClasses + 1) points
    VectorDouble  k0 = LinSpace (0, 1, numClasses + 1);

    //k0 = k0(2:numClasses);

    [k,y] = fminsearch(@sig_func,k0,optimset('TolX',1));
    k = round(k*(nbins-1)+1);
    % segmented image
    IDX = ones(size(srcImage))*numClasses;
    IDX(srcImage<=pixval(k(1))) = 1;
    for i = 1:numClasses-2
        IDX(srcImage>pixval(k(i)) & srcImage<=pixval(k(i+1))) = i+1;
    % separability criterion
    sep = 1-y;

  delete  srcImage;
  srcImage = NULL;
  return NULL;
}  /* SegmentImage */
Exemple #3
 *@brief  Segments image into 'numClasses' taking into account only pixels 
 *        indicated by 'mask' image.
 *@param[in]  srcImage  Image to segment.  If it is a color image will be 
 *                      converted to GrayScale using 'CreateGrayScaleKLTOnMaskedArea'
 *@param[in]  mask  Indicates which pixels to consider when thresholding image.  Pixels 
 *                  that are not part of mask will be assigned label '0'.
 *@param[in]  numClasses Number of classes to segment image into.  Current only '2' and '3' are supported.
 *@param[out]  sep  
 *@return  Labeled GrayScale image where pixels will be label into their respective class; between '1' and 'numClasses'.
RasterPtr  SegmentorOTSU::SegmentMaskedImage (RasterPtr  srcImage,
                                              RasterPtr  mask,
                                              kkint32    numClasses,
                                              double&    sep
  kkint32  pixelIdx = 0;
  kkint32  x        = 0;
  bool  isColorImage = srcImage->Color ();

  uchar*  maskArea = NULL;
  uchar   maskTh   = 0;
  if  (mask)
    maskArea = mask->GreenArea ();
    maskTh   = mask->BackgroundPixelTH ();

  if  (numClasses == 1)
    return  NULL;

  else if  ((numClasses < 1)  ||  (numClasses > 255))
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl
      << "SegmentorOTSU::SegmentMaskedImage  ***ERROR***   'numClasses must be a between 1 and 255 !'" << endl
      << endl;
    sep = 0;
    return NULL;

  if  (isColorImage)
    if  (mask)
      srcImage = srcImage->CreateGrayScaleKLTOnMaskedArea (*mask);
      srcImage = srcImage->CreateGrayScaleKLT ();
    srcImage = new Raster (*srcImage);

  kkint32  totPixels = srcImage->TotPixels ();
  kkint32  totMaskPixels = totPixels;
  if  (mask)
    totMaskPixels = mask->TotalBackgroundPixels ();

  VectorInt  unI;
  VectorInt  unICounts;
    uchar*  greenArea = srcImage->GreenArea ();

    uchar  pixelMin = greenArea[0];
    uchar  pixelMax = greenArea[0];

    for  (pixelIdx = 1;  pixelIdx < totPixels;  ++pixelIdx)
      if  ((!mask)  ||  (maskArea[pixelIdx] > maskTh))
        if  (greenArea[pixelIdx] < pixelMin)
          pixelMin = greenArea[pixelIdx];

        if  (greenArea[pixelIdx] > pixelMax)
          pixelMax = greenArea[pixelIdx];

    //kkint32  srcRange = pixelMax - pixelMin + 1;
    VectorInt  counts (256, 0);

    for  (pixelIdx = 0;  pixelIdx < totPixels;  ++pixelIdx)
      if  ((!mask)  ||  (maskArea[pixelIdx] > maskTh))

    for  (x = 0;  x < (kkint32)counts.size ();  ++x)
      if  (counts[x] > 0)
        unI.push_back (x);
        unICounts.push_back (counts[x]);

  kkint32  nbins = (kkint32)unI.size ();

  if  (nbins <= numClasses)
    RasterPtr  result = new Raster (srcImage->Height (), srcImage->Width (), false);
    for  (x = 0;  x < nbins;  ++x)
      LabelRaster (result, mask, unI[x], x, srcImage);
    sep = 1;
    delete  srcImage;   
    srcImage = NULL;
    return  result;

  VectorInt  histo  = unICounts;
  VectorInt  pixval = unI;

  VectorDouble  P (histo.size (), 0.0);
  for  (x = 0;  x < (kkint32)histo.size ();  ++x)
    P[x] = (double)(histo[x]) / (double)totMaskPixels;

  unI.clear ();

  //%% Zeroth- and first-order cumulative moments
  //w = cumsum(P);
  VectorDouble  w (P.size (), 0.0);
  w[0] = P[0];
  for  (x = 1;  x < (kkint32)P.size (); ++x)
    w[x] = w[x - 1] + P[x];

  //mu = cumsum((1:nbins).*P);
  VectorDouble  mu (P.size (), 0.0);
  mu[0] = 1.0 * P[0];
  for  (x = 1;  x < (kkint32)P.size ();  ++x)
    mu[x] = mu[x - 1] + ((x + 1) * P[x]);
  double  muEnd = mu[mu.size () - 1];
  //%% Maximal sigmaB^2 and Segmented image
  if  (numClasses == 2)
    //sigma2B =...
    //    (mu(end) * w(2:end-1) - mu(2:end-1)) .^2  ./  w(2:end-1)./(1-w(2:end-1));
    //    ------------------- P1 -----------------      ----------- P2 -----------
    //[maxsig,k] = max(sigma2B);

    VectorDouble  wSubSet  = SubSet (w,  1, (kkint32)w.size  () - 2);
    VectorDouble  muSubSet = SubSet (mu, 1, (kkint32)mu.size () - 2);
    VectorDouble P1 = Power (Subt (muEnd * wSubSet, muSubSet), 2.0);
    VectorDouble P2 = DotDiv (wSubSet, Subt (1.0, wSubSet));
    VectorDouble sigma2B = DotDiv (P1, P2);
    double  maxSig = sigma2B[0];
    kkint32 maxSigIdx = 0;
    for  (x = 1;  x < (kkint32)sigma2B.size ();  ++x)
      if  (sigma2B[x] > maxSig)
        maxSig = sigma2B[x];
        maxSigIdx = x;
    //[maxsig,k] = max(sigma2B);
    kkint32  k = maxSigIdx;
    //% segmented image
    //IDX = ones(size(srcImage));
    //IDX(srcImage>pixval(k+1)) = 2;
    kkint32  threshold = pixval[k + 1];
    RasterPtr  result = new Raster (srcImage->Height (), srcImage->Width (), false);
    uchar*  resultArea = result->GreenArea ();
    uchar*  srcArea    = srcImage->GreenArea ();
    for  (x = 0;  x < totPixels;  ++x)
      if  ((!maskArea)  ||  (maskArea[x] > maskTh))
        if  (srcArea[x] > threshold)
          resultArea[x] = 2;
          resultArea[x] = 1;
        resultArea[x] = 0;
    //% separability criterion
    //sep = maxsig/sum(((1:nbins)-mu(end)).^2.*P);
    double  sum = 0.0;
    kkint32  y = 0;
    muEnd = mu[mu.size () - 1];
    for  (x = 0, y = 1;  x < nbins;  ++x, ++y)
      sum = pow (((double)y - muEnd), 2.0) * P[x];

    sep = maxSig / sum;
    delete  srcImage;
    srcImage = NULL;
    return  result;
  if  (numClasses == 3)
    VectorDouble  w0 = w;
    VectorDouble  w2 = FlipLeftRight (CumSum (FlipLeftRight (P)));

    Matrix w0M ((kkint32)w0.size (), (kkint32)w0.size ());
    Matrix w2M ((kkint32)w2.size (), (kkint32)w2.size ());
    NdGrid (w0, w2, w0M, w2M);
    VectorDouble  mu0 = DotDiv (mu, w);

    //mu2 = fliplr(cumsum(fliplr((1:nbins).*P)) ./ cumsum(fliplr(P)));
    //            1      2      34       4   32        3      4 321
    //             ---------- P1 -------------     ------ P2 --------
    VectorDouble  P1 = CumSum (FlipLeftRight (DotMult (BDV (1.0, 1.0, (double)nbins), P)));
    VectorDouble  P2 = CumSum (FlipLeftRight (P));
    VectorDouble  mu2 = FlipLeftRight (DotDiv (P1, P2));

    //[mu0,mu2] = ndgrid(mu0,mu2);
    Matrix  mu0M ((kkint32)mu0.size (), (kkint32)mu0.size ());
    Matrix  mu2M ((kkint32)mu2.size (), (kkint32)mu2.size ());
    NdGrid (mu0, mu2, mu0M, mu2M);
    //w1 = 1-w0-w2;
    Matrix  w1M = 1.0 - w0M - w2M;

    //w1(w1<=0) = NaN;
    MakeNanWhenLesOrEqualZero (w1M);

    //sigma2B =...
    //    w0.*(mu0-mu(end)).^2 + w2.*(mu2-mu(end)).^2 +...
    //    (w0.*(mu0-mu(end)) + w2.*(mu2-mu(end))).^2./w1;
    Matrix  P1M = (DotMult (w0M, Power ((mu0M - muEnd), 2.0)))  + (DotMult (w2M, Power ((mu2M - muEnd), 2.0)));
    Matrix  P2M = DotDiv (Power ((DotMult (w0M, (mu0M - muEnd)) +  DotMult (w2M, (mu2M - muEnd))), 2.0), w1M);
    Matrix  sigma2B = P1M + P2M;

    //sigma2B(isnan(sigma2B)) = 0; % zeroing if k1 >= k2
    ZeroOutNaN (sigma2B);

    //[maxsig,k] = max(sigma2B(:));         % Turns sigma2B into 1D Array then locates largest value and index.
    // [k1,k2] = ind2sub([nbins nbins],k);  % Sets k1 and k2 to the indexes for k mapped into a 2D square matrix that is (nbins x nbins)
    kkint32  k1, k2;
    double  maxsig = 0.0;
    sigma2B.FindMaxValue (maxsig, k1, k2);
    //% segmented image
    RasterPtr  result = new Raster (srcImage->Height (), srcImage->Width (), false);
      //IDX = ones(size(srcImage))*3;
      //IDX(srcImage<=pixval(k1)) = 1;
      //IDX(srcImage>pixval(k1) & srcImage<=pixval(k2)) = 2;
      uchar*  srcData = srcImage->GreenArea ();
      uchar*  data = result->GreenArea ();
      double  th1 = pixval[k1];
      double  th2 = pixval[k2];
      for  (x = 0;  x < totPixels;  ++x)
        if  ((!maskArea)  ||  (maskArea[x] > maskTh))
          if  (srcData[x] <= th1)
            data[x] = 1;
          else if  (srcData[x] <= th2)
            data[x] = 2;
            data[x] = 3;
          data[x] = 0;
    sep = maxsig / Sum (DotMult (Power (Subt (BDV (1.0, 1.0, (double)nbins), muEnd), 2.0), P));
    delete  srcImage;
    srcImage = NULL;
    return  result;
  delete  srcImage;
  srcImage = NULL;
  return NULL;
}  /* SegmentMaskedImage */