std::pair<Point_3, Dart_handle> operator  () (Vertex & v) const
    Dart_handle d = v.dart ();

    int degree = 0;
    bool open = false;

    LCC::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<1,0>::iterator it (mlcc, d),
    for (; it != itend; ++it)
      if (mlcc.is_free(it, 2)) open = true;

    if (open)
      return make_pair(v.point(), d);

    LCC::FT alpha = (4.0f - 2.0f *
                     (LCC::FT) cos (2.0f * PI / (LCC::FT) degree)) / 9.0f;
    LCC::Vector vec =
      ( LCC::Traits::Construct_vector() (CGAL::ORIGIN, v.point()), (1.0f - alpha));

    for (it.rewind (); it != itend; ++it)
      CGAL_assertion (!mlcc.is_free(it,2));
      vec = vec + (mlcc.point(mlcc.beta(it,2)) - CGAL::ORIGIN)
        * alpha / degree;

    std::pair<Point_3, Dart_handle> res=std::make_pair
      (LCC::Traits::Construct_translated_point() (CGAL::ORIGIN, vec), d);

    return res;
  Vertex operator  () (Vertex & v) const
    Dart_handle d = v.dart ();

    // Old points aren't concerned.
    if (mlcc.is_marked(d, old))
    return v;

    std::vector<LCC::Point> facetsPoints;

    // We search barycenter point of incidents facets.
    for (LCC::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<1,0>::iterator it =
         it != mlcc.one_dart_per_incident_cell<1,0>(d).end(); ++it)
      // If the vertex is on a border.
      if (mlcc.is_free(it,2))
        return v;
      // If we found barycenter of a facet.
      if (!mlcc.is_marked(mlcc.opposite(it), old))

    // If we found more than two points we are on a vertice barycenter of a facet.
    // They aren't concerned.
    if (facetsPoints.size() > 2 || facetsPoints.size() < 2)
      return v;

    // Average.
    LCC::Vector averageFacetsV = LCC::Traits::Construct_vector() 
			          ( CGAL::ORIGIN, LCC::Point(0,0,0) );                                                   

    for (unsigned int i=0; i < facetsPoints.size(); i++)
      averageFacetsV = LCC::Traits::Construct_sum_of_vectors()
       		       LCC::Traits::Construct_vector() (CGAL::ORIGIN, facetsPoints[i]));

    averageFacetsV = LCC::Traits::Construct_scaled_vector()
                     ( averageFacetsV, (1.0f/facetsPoints.size()) );

    // Barycenter point.
    LCC::Vector barycenterV = LCC::Traits::Construct_sum_of_vectors()
      		              ( LCC::Traits::Construct_vector() (CGAL::ORIGIN, v.point()), averageFacetsV );

    barycenterV = LCC::Traits::Construct_scaled_vector()
                  ( barycenterV, (1.0f/2.0f) );

    Vertex res = LCC::Traits::Construct_translated_point() (CGAL::ORIGIN, barycenterV);
    res.set_dart (d);

    return res;
  Vertex operator  () (Vertex & v) const
    Dart_handle d = v.dart ();

    // Just old points are concerned.
    if (!mlcc.is_marked(d, old))
      return v;

    unsigned int degree = 0;
    std::vector<LCC::Point> edgesPoints;
    std::vector<LCC::Point> facetsPoints;

    // We search barycenter point of incidents facets, and incidents edges points.
    for (LCC::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<1,0>::iterator it =
        it != mlcc.one_dart_per_incident_cell<1,0>(d).end(); ++it)
      // If the vertex is on a border
      if (mlcc.is_free(it,2))
        return v;
      // If incident isn't an old point, it's an edge point.
      if (!mlcc.is_marked(mlcc.opposite(it), old))
        edgesPoints.push_back (mlcc.point(mlcc.opposite(it)));
      // We go find the "facet point" of incidents facet (barycenter of a facet).
      facetsPoints.push_back (mlcc.point(mlcc.beta(mlcc.opposite(it), 0)));

    CGAL_assertion (facetsPoints.size() != 0 && edgesPoints.size() != 0);

    if (facetsPoints.size() < 3 || edgesPoints.size() < 3 )
      return v;

    // Average of incidents "edge points".
    LCC::Vector averageEdgesV = LCC::Traits::Construct_vector() 
			        (CGAL::ORIGIN, LCC::Point(0,0,0));                                                   

    for (unsigned int i=0; i < edgesPoints.size(); i++)
      averageEdgesV = LCC::Traits::Construct_sum_of_vectors()
                      ( averageEdgesV, 
       		      LCC::Traits::Construct_vector() (CGAL::ORIGIN, edgesPoints[i]));

    averageEdgesV = LCC::Traits::Construct_scaled_vector()
                    ( averageEdgesV, 1.0f/ (LCC::FT) edgesPoints.size() );

    // Average of incidents "facet points".
    LCC::Vector averageFacetsV = LCC::Traits::Construct_vector() 
			         (CGAL::ORIGIN, LCC::Point(0,0,0));                                                   

    for (unsigned int i=0; i < facetsPoints.size(); i++)
      averageFacetsV = LCC::Traits::Construct_sum_of_vectors()
      		       ( averageFacetsV, 
       		       LCC::Traits::Construct_vector() (CGAL::ORIGIN, facetsPoints[i]));

    averageFacetsV = LCC::Traits::Construct_scaled_vector()
                     ( averageFacetsV, (1.0f/ (LCC::FT) facetsPoints.size()) );

    // COEFFICIENTS of PQQ - Catmull–Clark subdivision : 
    // point = ( averageFacets + 2*averageEdges + point*(degree-3) )/degree

    averageFacetsV = LCC::Traits::Construct_scaled_vector()
      		     ( averageFacetsV, 1.0f/ (LCC::FT) degree);

    averageEdgesV = LCC::Traits::Construct_scaled_vector()
      		    ( averageEdgesV, 2.0f/ (LCC::FT) degree);

    LCC::Vector pointV = LCC::Traits::Construct_scaled_vector()
      		         ( LCC::Traits::Construct_vector() (CGAL::ORIGIN, v.point() ), 
                         (LCC::FT) (degree-3)/ (LCC::FT) degree );

    // New position of the old point.
    LCC::Vector	newPosition = LCC::Traits::Construct_sum_of_vectors()
      		              ( averageFacetsV, averageEdgesV);
    newPosition = LCC::Traits::Construct_sum_of_vectors()
      		  ( newPosition, pointV);

    Vertex res = LCC::Traits::Construct_translated_point() (CGAL::ORIGIN, newPosition);
    res.set_dart (d);

    return res;