Exemple #1
void OgreImage::blit(const WFImage& imageToBlit, unsigned int destinationChannel, int widthOffset, int heightOffset)
	if (imageToBlit.getChannels() > 1) {

	unsigned int width = imageToBlit.getResolution();
	size_t i, j;

	size_t wfSegmentWidth = width * getChannels();
	size_t ogreImageWidth = getResolution() * getChannels();

	const unsigned char* sourcePtr = imageToBlit.getData();

	unsigned char* destStart = getData() + destinationChannel;

	unsigned char* destEnd = getData() + getSize();
	const unsigned int channels = getChannels();

	//Consider the bitmap with a coord system where (0,0) is in the upper left and dataEnd is in the lower right.
	//Since Ogre uses a different coord system than WF we need to first place the write pointer at the lower right of
	//where we want to blit. We will the work our ways upwards to the left (while advancing normally on the WF bitmap).
	//The math is thus:
	//start with the beginning of the bitmap:
	// destStart
	//then adjust it vertically using the offset
	// destStart + (channels * getResolution() * (heightOffset
	//however, we also need to adjust it more so that it's actually on on the lower line of where we want to blit
	// destStart + (channels * getResolution() * (heightOffset + (width - 1)))
	//now add with width offset
	// destStart + (channels * getResolution() * (heightOffset + (width - 1))) + (widthOffset * channels)
	//and then finally make sure that we're positioned at the lower right
	// destStart + (channels * getResolution() * (heightOffset + (width - 1))) + (widthOffset * channels) + wfSegmentWidth
	unsigned char* writePtr = destStart + (channels * getResolution() * (heightOffset + (width - 1))) + (widthOffset * channels) + wfSegmentWidth;

	for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
		writePtr -= wfSegmentWidth;
		for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
			assert(writePtr >= destStart && writePtr < destEnd);
			*(writePtr) = *(sourcePtr + j);
			//advance the number of channels
			writePtr += channels;
		writePtr -= ogreImageWidth;
		sourcePtr += imageToBlit.getResolution();
Exemple #2
void OgreImage::blit(const WFImage& imageToBlit, unsigned int destinationChannel, int widthOffset, int heightOffset)
	if (imageToBlit.getChannels() > 1) {

	//	if (imageToBlit.getResolution() == getResolution() && widthOffset == 0 && heightOffset == 0) {
	//		const unsigned char* sourcePtr = imageToBlit.getData();
	//		unsigned char* destPtr = getData() + destinationChannel;
	//		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < imageToBlit.getSize(); ++i) {
	//			*destPtr = *sourcePtr;
	//			destPtr += mChannels;
	//			sourcePtr++;
	//		}
	//	} else {
	//	unsigned int width = imageToBlit.getSize();
	unsigned int width = 64;
	size_t i, j;

	size_t wfSegmentWidth = width * getChannels();
	size_t ogreImageWidth = getResolution() * getChannels();

	const unsigned char* sourcePtr = imageToBlit.getData();
	unsigned char* destPtr = getData() + destinationChannel;

	unsigned char* dataEnd = getData() + getSize();

	unsigned char* end = destPtr + (getChannels() * getResolution() * ((width - 1) + heightOffset)) + (((width - 1) + widthOffset) * getChannels());

	unsigned char* tempPtr = end;
	for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
		tempPtr -= wfSegmentWidth;
		for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
			if (tempPtr >= getData() && tempPtr < dataEnd) {
				*(tempPtr) = *(sourcePtr + j);
			//advance the number of channels
			tempPtr += getChannels();
		tempPtr -= ogreImageWidth;
		sourcePtr += imageToBlit.getResolution();
	//	}