Exemple #1
void cbBarHintsPlugin::OnMotion( cbMotionEvent&   event )
    if ( mBtnPressed )
        wxPoint inFrame = event.mPos;
        mpPane->PaneToFrame( &inFrame.x, &inFrame.y );

        mpPane = event.mpPane;

        int i;
        for ( i = 0; i != BOXES_IN_HINT; ++i )
            mBoxes[i]->OnMotion( inFrame );
Exemple #2
// handlers for plugin events
void cbRowDragPlugin::OnMouseMove( cbMotionEvent& event )
    // short-cuts
    wxPoint pos = event.mPos;
    mpPane      = event.mpPane;

    mpPane->PaneToFrame( &pos.x, &pos.y );

    if ( !mDragStarted )
        if ( mDecisionMode && mpRowInFocus )
            int ofs;

            if ( mpPane->IsHorizontal() )

                ofs = pos.y - mDragOrigin.y;
                ofs = pos.x - mDragOrigin.x;

            // check if the item was dragged sufficeintly
            // far, enough to consider that user really intends 
            // to drag it

            if ( ofs >= MINIMAL_ROW_DRAG_OFS ||
                 ofs <= -MINIMAL_ROW_DRAG_OFS )
                // DBG::
                //.wxPoint pos = event.mPos;
                //wxPoint drg = mDragOrigin;
                //int dif = event.mPos.x - mDragOrigin.x;

                mDragStarted  = true;
                mDecisionMode = false;
                mDragOrigin   = pos;


            // this plugin "eats" all mouse input while item is dragged,

        cbRowInfo* pRow = GetFirstRow();

        bool focusFound = false;

        while( pRow )
            if ( HitTestRowDragHint( pRow, pos ) )
                CheckPrevItemInFocus( pRow, -1 );
                SetMouseCapture( true );

                focusFound = true;

                mpRowInFocus          = pRow;
                mCollapsedIconInFocus = -1;

            pRow = pRow->mpNext;

        if ( !focusFound )
            int hrCnt = GetHRowsCountForPane( event.mpPane );

            for( int i = 0; i != hrCnt; ++i )
                if ( HitTestCollapsedRowIcon( i, pos ) )
                    CheckPrevItemInFocus( NULL, i );
                    SetMouseCapture( true );

                    focusFound = true;

                    mCollapsedIconInFocus = i;
                    mpRowInFocus          = NULL;

        if ( !focusFound && ItemIsInFocus() )
            // kill focus from item previously been in focus

            mpRowInFocus          = NULL;
            mCollapsedIconInFocus = -1;
            SetMouseCapture( false );

        if ( !ItemIsInFocus() ) 

                // delegate it to other plugins
        // otherwise mouse pointer moves, when dragging is started

        if ( mpPane->IsHorizontal() )
            // row is dragged up or down;
            ShowDraggedRow( pos.y - mDragOrigin.y );
            // row is dragged left or right
            ShowDraggedRow( pos.x - mDragOrigin.x );

        // this plugin "eats" all mouse input while item is dragged,
Exemple #3
void cbBarDragPlugin::OnMouseMove( cbMotionEvent& event )
    // calculate postion in frame's coordiantes

    if ( !mBarDragStarted )
        event.Skip(); // pass event to the next plugin

    wxPoint mousePos = event.mPos;

    event.mpPane->PaneToFrame( &mousePos.x, &mousePos.y );

    bool   prevIsInClient = ( mpCurPane == 0 );

    AdjustHintRect( mousePos );

    // if the hint-rect is not "tempted" to any pane yet

    if ( mpCurPane == NULL )
        cbDockPane* pPane = HitTestPanes( mHintRect );

        // enable sticking again, if we've left the pane completely
        if ( !pPane )
            mCanStick = true;

        if ( mCanStick && pPane &&
             GetDistanceToPane( pPane, mousePos ) < GetBarHeightInPane( pPane ) )
            StickToPane( pPane, mousePos );
            if ( pPane && HitTestPanes( mousePos ) == pPane && 0 ) // FOR NOW:: disabled

        StickToPane( pPane, mousePos );
        // otherwise, when rect is now sticked to some of the panes
        // check if it should still remain in this pane

        mCanStick = true;

        bool mouseInOther = IsInOtherPane( mousePos );

        if ( mouseInOther )
            cbDockPane* pPane = HitTestPanes( mousePos );

            StickToPane( pPane, mousePos );
            if ( IsInClientArea( mousePos ) )
                cbDockPane* pPane = HitTestPanes( mHintRect );

                if ( pPane &&
                     pPane != mpCurPane &&
                     GetDistanceToPane( pPane, mousePos ) < GetBarHeightInPane( pPane ) )
                    StickToPane( pPane, mousePos );
                    if ( !pPane )
                        UnstickFromPane( mpCurPane, mousePos );

                        // FOR NOW:: disabled, would cause some mess
                        // mCanStick = false; // prevents from sticking to this
                        // pane again, flag is reset when hint-rect
                        // leaves the pane completely
                        if ( GetDistanceToPane( pPane, mousePos ) > GetBarHeightInPane( pPane ) )
                            if ( !HitsPane( mpCurPane, mHintRect ) )
                                UnstickFromPane( mpCurPane, mousePos );

                                // FOR NOW:: disabled, would cause some mess
                                // mCanStick = false; // prevents from sticking to this
                                // pane again, flag is reset when hint-rect
                                // leaves the pane completely


    ShowHint( prevIsInClient );

    wxCursor* pPrevCurs = mpCurCursor;

    if ( mpCurPane )
        mpCurCursor = mpLayout->mpNormalCursor;
        // if floating is off, and we are in the client
        // area, the cursor will be invalid, otherwise
        // it will be the normal cursor

        if (mpLayout->mFloatingOn)
            mpCurCursor = mpLayout->mpNormalCursor;
            mpCurCursor = mpLayout->mpNECursor;

    if ( pPrevCurs != mpCurCursor )
        mpLayout->GetParentFrame().SetCursor( *mpCurCursor );