bool unigripper_motoman_plant_t::IK_steering( const config_t& start_config, const config_t& goal_config, sim::plan_t& result_plan, bool set_grasping )
                //Begin by determining a distance between the start and goal configurations
                double distance = start_config.get_position().distance( goal_config.get_position() );
                //Set the number of interpolation steps
                double steps = std::ceil(distance / MAX_IK_STEP);
                //Clear out the plan we were given, we will be filling it in ourselves
                //Keep around an intermediate plan for systematically building up the solution
                plan_t intermediate_plan = result_plan;

                //Store the arm's current state as the previous state
                //So first, let's do the IK for the start configuration
                if( !IK_solver( start_config, prev_st, set_grasping, prev_st, true ) )
                    PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("IK failed in Steering for the start config.", PRX_TEXT_RED);
                    return false;

                //Storage for the interpolated configuration
                config_t interpolated_config;

                //Then, for each step
                for( double i=1; i<=steps; ++i )
                    //Compute the next interpolated configuration
                    double t = PRX_MINIMUM( (i/steps), 1.0 );
                    interpolated_config.interpolate( start_config, goal_config, t );

                    //Compute Minimum IK for interpolated configuration (Pose, seed state, soln)
                    if( IK_solver( interpolated_config, inter_st, set_grasping, prev_st, true ) )
                        //Create a plan by steering between states and add it to the resulting plan
                        steering_function(prev_st, inter_st, intermediate_plan);
                        result_plan += intermediate_plan;
                        //And make sure we store this state as our prior state
                        state_space->copy_point(prev_st, inter_st);
                    //If the MinIK fails, then the steering is a failure, abort
                        //Clear out whatever plan we had started making
                        PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("IK failed in Steering", PRX_TEXT_BROWN);
                        return false;

                //Report our Success
                return true;
Exemple #2
 void config_t::global_to_relative( const config_t& root_config )
     //Have an identity temporary orientaiton
     util::quaternion_t tmp_orient;;
     //Then, set our position to be the relative position
     this->set_position( this->get_position() - root_config.get_position() );
     tmp_orient /= root_config.get_orientation();
     tmp_orient *= this->get_orientation();
            bool unigripper_motoman_plant_t::IK_solver(const config_t& effector_config, space_point_t* computed_state, bool set_grasping, const space_point_t* seed_state, bool do_min)
                double qx,qy,qz,qw;
                double x,y,z;
                KDL::Chain chain1;
                KDL::JntArray q(chain1.getNrOfJoints());
                KDL::JntArray q_out(chain1.getNrOfJoints());
                KDL::JntArray q_min(chain1.getNrOfJoints());
                KDL::JntArray q_max(chain1.getNrOfJoints());

                std::vector< double > state_var;
                if( seed_state != NULL )
                    state_space->copy_point_to_vector( seed_state, state_var );
                    state_space->copy_to_vector( state_var );
                q(0) = state_var[0];
                q(1) = state_var[1];
                q(2) = state_var[2];
                q(3) = state_var[3];
                q(4) = state_var[4];
                q(5) = state_var[5];
                q(6) = state_var[6];
                q(7) = state_var[7];
                q(8) = state_var[15];

                q_min(0) = state_space->get_bounds()[0]->get_lower_bound();
                q_min(1) = state_space->get_bounds()[1]->get_lower_bound();
                q_min(2) = state_space->get_bounds()[2]->get_lower_bound();
                q_min(3) = state_space->get_bounds()[3]->get_lower_bound();
                q_min(4) = state_space->get_bounds()[4]->get_lower_bound();
                q_min(5) = state_space->get_bounds()[5]->get_lower_bound();
                q_min(6) = state_space->get_bounds()[6]->get_lower_bound();
                q_min(7) = state_space->get_bounds()[7]->get_lower_bound();
                q_min(8) = state_space->get_bounds()[15]->get_lower_bound();

                q_max(0) = state_space->get_bounds()[0]->get_upper_bound();
                q_max(1) = state_space->get_bounds()[1]->get_upper_bound();
                q_max(2) = state_space->get_bounds()[2]->get_upper_bound();
                q_max(3) = state_space->get_bounds()[3]->get_upper_bound();
                q_max(4) = state_space->get_bounds()[4]->get_upper_bound();
                q_max(5) = state_space->get_bounds()[5]->get_upper_bound();
                q_max(6) = state_space->get_bounds()[6]->get_upper_bound();
                q_max(7) = state_space->get_bounds()[7]->get_upper_bound();
                q_max(8) = state_space->get_bounds()[15]->get_upper_bound();

                KDL::ChainFkSolverPos_recursive fk_solver(chain1);
                KDL::ChainIkSolverVel_pinv ik_solver_vel(chain1);
                KDL::ChainIkSolverPos_NR_JL ik_solver(chain1,q_min,q_max,fk_solver,ik_solver_vel,1000,1e-6);
                KDL::Frame F(KDL::Rotation::Quaternion(qx,qy,qz,qw),KDL::Vector(x,y,z));
                bool ik_res = (ik_solver.CartToJnt(q,F,q_out)>=0);

                    std::vector<double> state_vec;
                    state_vec = state_var;
                    state_vec[0] = q_out(0);
                    state_vec[1] = q_out(1);
                    state_vec[2] = q_out(2);
                    state_vec[3] = q_out(3);
                    state_vec[4] = q_out(4);
                    state_vec[5] = q_out(5);
                    state_vec[6] = q_out(6);
                    state_vec[7] = q_out(7);
                    state_vec[15] = q_out(8);
                    state_vec[16] = set_grasping ? (double)GRIPPER_CLOSED : GRIPPER_OPEN;
                    state_space->copy_vector_to_point( state_vec, computed_state );

                return ik_res;
Exemple #4
 void config_t::interpolate(const config_t& start, const config_t& target, double t)
     position.interpolate(start.get_position(), target.get_position(), t);
     orientation.interpolate(start.get_orientation(), target.get_orientation(), t);