Exemple #1
dstring TextConverter::toUTF8(const dstring &text,
	string &charset)
	string textCharset(StringManip::toLowerCase(charset));

	m_conversionErrors = 0;

	if ((text.empty() == true) ||
		(textCharset == "utf-8"))
		// No conversion necessary
		return text;

	if (textCharset.empty() == true)
		if (m_utf8Locale == true)
			// The current locale uses UTF-8
			return text;

		textCharset = m_localeCharset;

	return convert(text, textCharset, "UTF-8");
dstring TextConverter::toUTF8(const dstring &text, string &charset)
	string textCharset(StringManip::toLowerCase(charset));
	char outputBuffer[8192];
	char *pInput = const_cast<char *>(text.c_str());

	m_conversionErrors = 0;

	if ((text.empty() == true) ||
		(textCharset == "utf-8"))
		// No conversion necessary
		return text;

	if (textCharset.empty() == true)
		if (m_utf8Locale == true)
			// The current locale uses UTF-8
			return text;

		textCharset = m_localeCharset;

	dstring outputText;
	gsize inputSize = (gsize)text.length();
	bool invalidSequence = false;

		IConv converter("UTF-8", textCharset);
		while (inputSize > 0)
			char *pOutput = outputBuffer;
			gsize outputSize = 8192;

			size_t conversions = converter.iconv(&pInput, &inputSize, &pOutput, &outputSize);
			int errorCode = errno;
			if (conversions == static_cast<size_t>(-1))
				if (errorCode == EILSEQ)
					// Conversion was only partially successful
#ifdef DEBUG
					cout << "TextConverter::toUTF8: invalid sequence" << endl;
					if (m_conversionErrors >= m_maxErrors)
						// Give up
						return text;

					outputText.append(outputBuffer, 8192 - outputSize);
					if (invalidSequence == false)
						outputText += "?";
						invalidSequence = true;

					// Skip that
				else if (errorCode != E2BIG)
#ifdef DEBUG
					cout << "TextConverter::toUTF8: unknown error " << errorCode << endl;
					return text;
				invalidSequence = false;

			// Append what was successfully converted
			outputText.append(outputBuffer, 8192 - outputSize);

#ifdef DEBUG
		cout << "TextConverter::toUTF8: " << m_conversionErrors << " conversion errors" << endl;
	catch (Error &ce)
#ifdef DEBUG
		cout << "TextConverter::toUTF8: " << ce.what() << endl;

		string::size_type pos = textCharset.find('_');
		if (pos != string::npos)
			string fixedCharset(StringManip::replaceSubString(textCharset, "_", "-"));

#ifdef DEBUG
			cout << "TextConverter::toUTF8: trying with charset " << fixedCharset << endl;
			textCharset = fixedCharset;
			outputText = toUTF8(text, fixedCharset);
	catch (...)
#ifdef DEBUG
		cout << "TextConverter::toUTF8: unknown exception" << endl;

	charset = textCharset;
	return outputText;