Foam::scalar Foam::primitiveMeshTools::faceSkewness
    const primitiveMesh& mesh,
    const pointField& p,
    const vectorField& fCtrs,
    const vectorField& fAreas,

    const label faceI,
    const point& ownCc,
    const point& neiCc
    vector Cpf = fCtrs[faceI] - ownCc;
    vector d = neiCc - ownCc;

    // Skewness vector
    vector sv =
      - ((fAreas[faceI] & Cpf)/((fAreas[faceI] & d) + ROOTVSMALL))*d;
    vector svHat = sv/(mag(sv) + ROOTVSMALL);

    // Normalisation distance calculated as the approximate distance
    // from the face centre to the edge of the face in the direction
    // of the skewness
    scalar fd = 0.2*mag(d) + ROOTVSMALL;
    const face& f = mesh.faces()[faceI];
    forAll(f, pi)
        fd = max(fd, mag(svHat & (p[f[pi]] - fCtrs[faceI])));
Exemple #2
// Find label of face.
label findFace(const primitiveMesh& mesh, const face& f)
    const labelList& pFaces = mesh.pointFaces()[f[0]];

    forAll(pFaces, i)
        label faceI = pFaces[i];

        if (mesh.faces()[faceI] == f)
            return faceI;
// Step across point to other edge on face
Foam::label Foam::regionSide::otherEdge
    const primitiveMesh& mesh,
    const label faceI,
    const label edgeI,
    const label pointI
    const edge& e = mesh.edges()[edgeI];

    // Get other point on edge.
    label freePointI = e.otherVertex(pointI);

    const labelList& fEdges = mesh.faceEdges()[faceI];

    forAll(fEdges, fEdgeI)
        const label otherEdgeI = fEdges[fEdgeI];
        const edge& otherE = mesh.edges()[otherEdgeI];

                otherE.start() == pointI
             && otherE.end() != freePointI
         || (
                otherE.end() == pointI
             && otherE.start() != freePointI
            // otherE shares one (but not two) points with e.
            return otherEdgeI;

        "regionSide::otherEdge(const primitiveMesh&, const label, const label"
        ", const label)"
    )   << "Cannot find other edge on face " << faceI << " that uses point "
        << pointI << " but not point " << freePointI << endl
        << "Edges on face:" << fEdges
        << " verts:" << UIndirectList<edge>(mesh.edges(), fEdges)()
        << " Vertices on face:"
        << mesh.faces()[faceI]
        << " Vertices on original edge:" << e << abort(FatalError);

    return -1;
Foam::cellShape Foam::degenerateMatcher::match
    const primitiveMesh& mesh,
    const label cellI
    return match