Exemple #1
 * \brief Get the part of the sprite that is fully opaque.
 * \param r A fully opaque part of the sprite.
void bear::visual::sprite::set_opaque_rectangle( const rectangle_type& r )
  CLAW_PRECOND( r.width() >= 0 );
  CLAW_PRECOND( r.height() >= 0 );

  m_opaque_rectangle = r;
} // sprite::set_opaque_rectangle()
Exemple #2
 * \brief Render the opaque box of an element.
 * \param e The element whose opaque box is rendered.
void bear::visual::screen::render_opaque_box( const scene_element& e ) const
  const rectangle_type box = e.get_opaque_box();

  std::vector<position_type> border(4);
  border[0] = box.top_left();
  border[1] = box.top_right();
  border[2] = box.bottom_right();
  border[3] = box.bottom_left();

  m_impl->draw_polygon( color("#80C0C0C0"), border );
  m_impl->draw_line( color("#F0F0F0"), border, 2, true );
} // screen::render_opaque_box()
Exemple #3
 * \brief Tell if a rectangle intersects a rectangle from a list.
 * \param r The rectangle to check.
 * \param boxes The boxes to compare to.
bool bear::visual::screen::intersects_any
( const rectangle_type& r, const rectangle_list& boxes ) const
  bool result=false;
  rectangle_list::const_iterator it;

  for (it=boxes.begin(); !result && (it!=boxes.end()); ++it)
    if ( r.intersects(*it) )
        const rectangle_type inter = r.intersection(*it);
        result = (inter.width() > 0) && (inter.height() > 0);

  return result;
} // screen::intersects_any()
Exemple #4
 * \brief Split a scene element to only keep its visible parts and update the
 *        screen cover.
 * \param e The element that will be rendered.
 * \param output The parts of \a e to render.
 * \param boxes The cover of the screen.
void bear::visual::screen::split
( const scene_element& e, scene_element_list& output,
  rectangle_list& boxes ) const
  e.burst(boxes, output);

  const rectangle_type r( e.get_opaque_box() );
  const double opaque_box_min_size(0);

  if ( (r.width() > opaque_box_min_size) && (r.height() > opaque_box_min_size) )
      rectangle_list input_boxes;
      rectangle_list::const_iterator it;

      std::swap( input_boxes, boxes );

      for ( it=input_boxes.begin(); it!=input_boxes.end(); ++it )
        subtract( *it, r, boxes );
} // screen::split()
Exemple #5
 * \brief Subtract a rectangle \a b from a rectangle \a a.
 * \param a The target.
 * \param b The rectangle to remove in \a a.
 * \param boxes The subparts of \a a after the subtraction.
void bear::visual::screen::subtract
( const rectangle_type& a, const rectangle_type& b,
  rectangle_list& result ) const
  if ( !a.intersects(b) )
      const rectangle_type inter = a.intersection(b);

      if ( (inter.width() <= 8) || (inter.height() <= 8) )
          if ( a.left() != inter.left() )
              ( rectangle_type( a.left(), a.bottom(), inter.left(), a.top() ) );

          if ( a.top() != inter.top() )
              ( rectangle_type
                ( inter.left(), inter.top(), inter.right(), a.top() ) );

          if ( a.right() != inter.right() )
              ( rectangle_type
                ( inter.right(), a.bottom(), a.right(), a.top() ) );

          if ( a.bottom() != inter.bottom() )
              ( rectangle_type
                ( inter.left(), a.bottom(), inter.right(), inter.bottom() ) );
} // screen::subtract()
Exemple #6
 * \brief Align a rectangle on the left of an other.
 * \param this_box The box to which we will align the other.
 * \param that_old_pos The position from where comes the other box.
 * \param that_new_box (in/out) The box we will align.
void bear::universe::align_left::align
( const rectangle_type& this_box, const position_type& that_old_pos,
  rectangle_type& that_new_box ) const
} // align_left::align()
Exemple #7
 * \brief Align one box at the bottom of an other one.
 * \param this_box The box to which we will align the other.
 * \param that_old_pos The position from where comes the other box.
 * \param that_new_box (in/out) The box we will align.
void bear::universe::align_bottom::align
( const rectangle_type& this_box, const position_type& that_old_pos,
  rectangle_type& that_new_box ) const
  that_new_box.top( this_box.bottom() );
} // align_bottom::align()