void threshold_image(
    Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf>& img,
    color low,
    color high,
    color replace_false,
    color replace_true,
    COLOR_SPACE space)
    Gdk::Colorspace cspace = img->get_colorspace();
    guint8 * pixels = img->get_pixels();
    int bits_per_sample = img->get_bits_per_sample();
    int n_channels = img->get_n_channels();
    bool has_alpha = img->get_has_alpha();
    int width = img->get_width();
    int height = img->get_height();
    int rowstride = img->get_rowstride();
    assert(bits_per_sample == 8);
    assert(cspace == Gdk::COLORSPACE_RGB);
    //the above should be true for any image...
    //right now 24/32 bit RGB/RGBA is the only supported color space
    //todo: make this more pretty! wrapper?
    guint8 * row = pixels;
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
        guint8 * p = row;
        for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
            if (is_in_range(p, low, high, space)) {
                set_color(p, replace_true);
            else {
                set_color(p, replace_false);
            p += n_channels; //should be n_channels * bits_per_sample/8
        row += rowstride;