Exemple #1
void Testsuite::clearScreen(const Common::Rect &rect) {
	Graphics::Surface *screen = g_system->lockScreen();

	screen->fillRect(rect, kColorBlack);

Exemple #2
Graphics::Surface *Renderer::getScreenshot() {
	Graphics::Surface *s = new Graphics::Surface();
	s->create(kOriginalWidth, kOriginalHeight, Graphics::PixelFormat(4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 0, 8, 16, 24));

	glReadPixels(0, 0, kOriginalWidth, kOriginalHeight, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, s->pixels);

	return s;
Exemple #3
void AGOSEngine::vc61() {
	uint16 a = vcReadNextWord();
	byte *src, *dst, *dstPtr;
	uint h, tmp;

	Graphics::Surface *screen = _system->lockScreen();
	dstPtr = (byte *)screen->getPixels();

	if (a == 6) {
		src = _curVgaFile2 + 800;
		dst = dstPtr;

		for (int i = 0; i < _screenHeight; i++) {
			memcpy(dst, src, _screenWidth);
			src += 320;
			dst += screen->pitch;

		tmp = 4 - 1;
	} else {
		tmp = a - 1;

	src = _curVgaFile2 + 3840 * 16 + 3360;
	while (tmp--)
		src += 1536 * 16 + 1712;

	src += 800;

	if (a != 5) {
		dst = dstPtr + 23 * screen->pitch + 88;
		for (h = 0; h < 177; h++) {
			memcpy(dst, src, 144);
			src += 144;
			dst += screen->pitch;

		if (a != 6) {

		src = _curVgaFile2 + 9984 * 16 + 15344;

	dst = dstPtr + 157 * screen->pitch + 56;
	for (h = 0; h < 17; h++) {
		memcpy(dst, src, 208);
		src += 208;
		dst += screen->pitch;


	if (a == 6)
Exemple #4
    virtual ~OSystem_RETRO()

        delete _mixer;
Exemple #5
void EventsClass::setCursor(GfxSurface &cursor) {
	Graphics::Surface s = cursor.lockSurface();

	const byte *cursorData = (const byte *)s.getPixels();
	CursorMan.replaceCursor(cursorData, cursor.getBounds().width(), cursor.getBounds().height(),
		cursor._centroid.x, cursor._centroid.y, cursor._transColor);

	_lastCursor = CURSOR_NONE;
Exemple #6
void RenderManager::renderImageToBackground(const Common::String &fileName, int16 destX, int16 destY, int16  keyX, int16 keyY) {
	Graphics::Surface surface;
	readImageToSurface(fileName, surface);

	uint16 keycolor = *(uint16 *)surface.getBasePtr(keyX, keyY);

	blitSurfaceToBkg(surface, destX, destY, keycolor);
Exemple #7
int16 ScriptFunctions::sfLoadMouseCursor(int16 argc, int16 *argv) {
	PictureResource *flex = _vm->_res->getPicture(argv[2]);
	if (flex) {
		Graphics::Surface *surf = flex->getPicture();
		CursorMan.replaceCursor(surf->getPixels(), surf->getWidth(), surf->getHeight(), argv[1], argv[0], 0);
	return 0;
Exemple #8
void SoundLevel::draw(const Common::Rect &r) {
	Common::Rect levelRect(_bounds.right + (8 * (_soundLevel - 12)), _bounds.top, _bounds.right, _bounds.bottom);
	levelRect = r.findIntersectingRect(levelRect);

	if (!levelRect.isEmpty()) {
		Graphics::Surface *screen = ((PegasusEngine *)g_engine)->_gfx->getWorkArea();
		screen->fillRect(levelRect, g_system->getScreenFormat().RGBToColor(0, 0, 0));
Exemple #9
bool Console::cmdDumpImage(int argc, const char **argv) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		debugPrintf("Use %s <TGA/TGZ name> to dump a Z-Vision TGA/TGZ image into a regular BMP image\n", argv[0]);
		return true;

	Common::String fileName = argv[1];
	if (!fileName.hasSuffix(".tga")) {
		debugPrintf("%s is not an image file", argv[1]);

	Common::File f;
	if (!_engine->getSearchManager()->openFile(f, argv[1])) {
		warning("File not found: %s", argv[1]);
		return true;

	Graphics::Surface surface;
	_engine->getRenderManager()->readImageToSurface(argv[1], surface, false);

	// Open file
	Common::DumpFile out;

	fileName.setChar('b', fileName.size() - 3);
	fileName.setChar('m', fileName.size() - 2);
	fileName.setChar('p', fileName.size() - 1);


	// Write BMP header
	out.writeUint32LE(surface.h * surface.pitch + 54);

	// Write pixel data to BMP
	out.write(surface.getPixels(), surface.pitch * surface.h);



	return true;
void RivenGraphics::drawInventoryImage(uint16 id, const Common::Rect *rect) {
	MohawkSurface *mhkSurface = _bitmapDecoder->decodeImage(_vm->getExtrasResource(ID_TBMP, id));
	Graphics::Surface *surface = mhkSurface->getSurface();

	_vm->_system->copyRectToScreen(surface->getPixels(), surface->pitch, rect->left, rect->top, surface->w, surface->h);

	delete mhkSurface;
Exemple #11
void MinigameBbAnt::scale2x(int x, int y) {
	Graphics::Surface *surface = _vm->_screen->_surface; 
	int srcX = x + 14, srcY = y + 14;
	int srcW = kScaleDim, srcH = kScaleDim;
	if (srcX < 0) {
		srcW += srcX;
		srcX = 0;

	if (srcY < 0) {
		srcH += srcY;
		srcY = 0;
	if (srcX + srcW >= 320)
		srcW = 320 - srcX - 1;
	if (srcY + srcH >= 240)
		srcH = 240 - srcY - 1;
	for (int yc = 0; yc < srcH; ++yc) {
		byte *src = (byte*)surface->getBasePtr(srcX, srcY + yc);
		memcpy(&_scaleBuf[yc * kScaleDim], src, srcW);
	int dstX = x, dstY = y;
	int dstW = 2 * kScaleDim, dstH = 2 * kScaleDim;
	if (dstX < 0) {
		dstW += dstX;
		dstX = 0;

	if (dstY < 0) {
		dstH += dstY;
		dstY = 0;
	if (dstX + dstW >= 320)
		dstW = 320 - dstX - 1;
	if (dstY + dstH >= 240)
		dstH = 240 - dstY - 1;
	int w = MIN(srcW * 2, dstW), h = MIN(srcH * 2, dstH);
	for (int yc = 0; yc < h; ++yc) {
		byte *src = _scaleBuf + kScaleDim * (yc / 2);
		byte *dst = (byte*)surface->getBasePtr(dstX, dstY + yc);
		for (int xc = 0; xc < w; ++xc)
			dst[xc] = src[xc / 2];

Exemple #12
bool AVISurface::renderFrame() {
	// Check there's a frame ready for display
	if (!_decoder->needsUpdate())
		return false;

	// Make a copy of each decoder's video frame
	for (int idx = 0; idx < _streamCount; ++idx) {
		const Graphics::Surface *frame;

		if (idx == 0) {
			frame = _decoder->decodeNextFrame();
			if (!_movieFrameSurface[0])
				_movieFrameSurface[0] = new Graphics::ManagedSurface(_decoder->getWidth(), _decoder->getHeight(),

			copyMovieFrame(*frame, *_movieFrameSurface[0]);
		} else {
			frame = _decoder->decodeNextTransparency();
			if (!_movieFrameSurface[1])
				_movieFrameSurface[1] = new Graphics::ManagedSurface(_decoder->getWidth(), _decoder->getHeight(),


	if (!_framePixels) {
		if (_videoSurface->lock()) {
			// Blit the frame directly to the video surface
			assert(_streamCount == 1);
			_videoSurface->blitFrom(Point(0, 0), &_movieFrameSurface[0]->rawSurface());

	} else {
		const Graphics::Surface &frameSurface = _movieFrameSurface[0]->rawSurface();

		if (frameSurface.format.bytesPerPixel == 1) {
			// For paletted 8-bit surfaces, we need to convert it to 16-bit,
			// since the blitting method we're using doesn't support palettes
			Graphics::Surface *s = frameSurface.convertTo(g_system->getScreenFormat(),

			delete s;
		} else {


	return false;
Exemple #13
void Surface::transBlitFromUnscaled(const Graphics::Surface &src, const Common::Point &pt,
		bool flipped, int overrideColor) {
	Common::Rect drawRect(0, 0, src.w, src.h);
	Common::Rect destRect(pt.x, pt.y, pt.x + src.w, pt.y + src.h);

	// Clip the display area to on-screen
	if (!clip(drawRect, destRect))
		// It's completely off-screen

	if (flipped)
		drawRect = Common::Rect(src.w - drawRect.right, src.h - drawRect.bottom,
			src.w - drawRect.left, src.h - drawRect.top);

	Common::Point destPt(destRect.left, destRect.top);
	addDirtyRect(Common::Rect(destPt.x, destPt.y, destPt.x + drawRect.width(),
		destPt.y + drawRect.height()));

	switch (src.format.bytesPerPixel) {
	case 1:
		// 8-bit palettized: Draw loop
		assert(_surface.format.bytesPerPixel == 1); // Security check
		for (int yp = 0; yp < drawRect.height(); ++yp) {
			const byte *srcP = (const byte *)src.getBasePtr(
				flipped ? drawRect.right - 1 : drawRect.left, drawRect.top + yp);
			byte *destP = (byte *)getBasePtr(destPt.x, destPt.y + yp);

			for (int xp = 0; xp < drawRect.width(); ++xp, ++destP) {
				if (*srcP != TRANSPARENCY)
					*destP = overrideColor ? overrideColor : *srcP;

				srcP = flipped ? srcP - 1 : srcP + 1;
	case 2:
		// 3DO 15-bit RGB565: Draw loop
		assert(_surface.format.bytesPerPixel == 2); // Security check
		for (int yp = 0; yp < drawRect.height(); ++yp) {
			const uint16 *srcP = (const uint16 *)src.getBasePtr(
				flipped ? drawRect.right - 1 : drawRect.left, drawRect.top + yp);
			uint16 *destP = (uint16 *)getBasePtr(destPt.x, destPt.y + yp);

			for (int xp = 0; xp < drawRect.width(); ++xp, ++destP) {
				if (*srcP) // RGB 0, 0, 0 -> transparent on 3DO
					*destP = *srcP; // overrideColor ? overrideColor : *srcP;

				srcP = flipped ? srcP - 1 : srcP + 1;
		error("Surface: unsupported bytesperpixel");
Exemple #14
Graphics::Surface *OSystem_Android::lockScreen() {


	Graphics::Surface *surface = _game_texture->surface();

	return surface;
void OpenGLGraphicsManager::displayMessageOnOSD(const char *msg) {
#ifdef USE_OSD
	// HACK: Actually no client code should use graphics functions from
	// another thread. But the MT-32 emulator still does, thus we need to
	// make sure this doesn't happen while a updateScreen call is done.
	Common::StackLock lock(_osdMutex);

	// Slip up the lines.
	Common::Array<Common::String> osdLines;
	Common::StringTokenizer tokenizer(msg, "\n");
	while (!tokenizer.empty()) {

	// Do the actual drawing like the SDL backend.
	const Graphics::Font *font = getFontOSD();
	Graphics::Surface *dst = _osd->getSurface();

	// Determine a rect which would contain the message string (clipped to the
	// screen dimensions).
	const int vOffset = 6;
	const int lineSpacing = 1;
	const int lineHeight = font->getFontHeight() + 2 * lineSpacing;
	int width = 0;
	int height = lineHeight * osdLines.size() + 2 * vOffset;
	for (uint i = 0; i < osdLines.size(); i++) {
		width = MAX(width, font->getStringWidth(osdLines[i]) + 14);

	// Clip the rect
	width  = MIN<int>(width,  dst->w);
	height = MIN<int>(height, dst->h);

	int dstX = (dst->w - width) / 2;
	int dstY = (dst->h - height) / 2;

	// Draw a dark gray rect.
	const uint32 color = dst->format.RGBToColor(40, 40, 40);
	dst->fillRect(Common::Rect(dstX, dstY, dstX + width, dstY + height), color);

	// Render the message, centered, and in white
	const uint32 white = dst->format.RGBToColor(255, 255, 255);
	for (uint i = 0; i < osdLines.size(); ++i) {
		font->drawString(dst, osdLines[i],
		                 dstX, dstY + i * lineHeight + vOffset + lineSpacing, width,
		                 white, Graphics::kTextAlignCenter);

	// Init the OSD display parameters.
	_osdAlpha = kOSDInitialAlpha;
	_osdFadeStartTime = g_system->getMillis() + kOSDFadeOutDelay;
Exemple #16
Graphics::Surface *OpenGLSDriver::getViewportScreenshot() const {
	Graphics::Surface *s = new Graphics::Surface();
	s->create(_viewport.width(), _viewport.height(), getRGBAPixelFormat());

	glReadPixels(_viewport.left, g_system->getHeight() - _viewport.bottom, _viewport.width(), _viewport.height(),
	             GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, s->getPixels());


	return s;
Exemple #17
void RivenGraphics::drawImageRect(uint16 id, Common::Rect srcRect, Common::Rect dstRect) {
	// Draw tBMP id from srcRect to dstRect
	Graphics::Surface *surface = findImage(id)->getSurface();

	assert(srcRect.width() == dstRect.width() && srcRect.height() == dstRect.height());

	for (uint16 i = 0; i < srcRect.height(); i++)
		memcpy(_mainScreen->getBasePtr(dstRect.left, i + dstRect.top), surface->getBasePtr(srcRect.left, i + srcRect.top), srcRect.width() * surface->format.bytesPerPixel);

	_dirtyScreen = true;
Exemple #18
Graphics::Surface *StyledTTFont::renderSolidText(const Common::String &str, uint32 color) {
	Graphics::Surface *tmp = new Graphics::Surface;
	if (_font) {
		int16 w = _font->getStringWidth(str);
		if (w && w < 1024) {
			tmp->create(w, _font->getFontHeight(), _engine->_resourcePixelFormat);
			drawString(tmp, str, 0, 0, w, color);
	return tmp;
Exemple #19
void RivenGraphics::drawRect(Common::Rect rect, bool active) {
	// Useful with debugging. Shows where hotspots are on the screen and whether or not they're active.
	Graphics::Surface *screen = _vm->_system->lockScreen();

	if (active)
		screen->frameRect(rect, _pixelFormat.RGBToColor(0, 255, 0));
		screen->frameRect(rect, _pixelFormat.RGBToColor(255, 0, 0));

Exemple #20
void Animation::drawFrameWithMaskAndScale(Graphics::Surface &surface, int32 frame, int16 xx, int16 yy, int32 zz, Picture *mask, int32 scale) {
	debugC(5, kDebugAnim, "drawFrameWithMaskAndScale(surface, %d, %d, %d, %d, mask, %d)", frame, xx, yy, zz, scale);
	int16 dataFrame = frame;

	if (_frames[frame]._ref != -1)
		dataFrame = _frames[frame]._ref;

	int16 rectX = _frames[frame]._x2 - _frames[frame]._x1;
	int16 rectY = _frames[frame]._y2 - _frames[frame]._y1;

	int16 finalWidth = rectX * scale / 1024;
	int16 finalHeight = rectY * scale / 1024;

	// compute final x1, y1, x2, y2
	int16 xx1 = xx + _x1 + _frames[frame]._x1 * scale / 1024;
	int16 yy1 = yy + _y1 + _frames[frame]._y1 * scale / 1024;
	int16 xx2 = xx1 + finalWidth;
	int16 yy2 = yy1 + finalHeight;
	int16 w = _frames[frame]._x2 - _frames[frame]._x1;

	_vm->addDirtyRect(xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2);

	int32 destPitch = surface.getPitch();
	int32 destPitchMask = mask->getWidth();
	uint8 *c = _frames[dataFrame]._data;
	uint8 *curRow = (uint8 *)surface.getPixels();
	uint8 *curRowMask = mask->getDataPtr();

	bool shadowFlag = false;
	if (strstr(_name, "SHADOW"))
		shadowFlag = true;

	for (int16 y = yy1; y < yy2; y++) {
		for (int16 x = xx1; x < xx2; x++) {
			if (x < 0 || x >= 1280 || y < 0 || y >= 400)

			uint8 *cur = curRow + x + y * destPitch;
			uint8 *curMask = curRowMask + x + y * destPitchMask;

			// find the good c
			int16 xs = (x - xx1) * 1024 / scale;
			int16 ys = (y - yy1) * 1024 / scale;
			uint8 *cc = &c[ys * w + xs];
			if (*cc && ((*curMask) >= zz)) {
				if (shadowFlag)
					*cur = _vm->getShadowLUT()[*cur];
					*cur = *cc;
Exemple #21
int MenuSystem::run() {


	_background = new Graphics::Surface();
	_background->create(640, 400, Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8());

	// Save original background
	Graphics::Surface backgroundOrig;
	backgroundOrig.create(640, 400, Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8());
	memcpy(backgroundOrig.getBasePtr(0,0), _vm->_screen->_frontScreen, 640 * 400);

	_currMenuID = kMenuIdNone;
	_newMenuID = kMenuIdMain;
	_currItemID = kItemIdNone;
	_editingDescription = false;
	_cfgText = true;
	_cfgVoices = true;
	_cfgMasterVolume = 10;
	_cfgVoicesVolume = 10;
	_cfgMusicVolume = 10;
	_cfgSoundFXVolume = 10;
	_cfgBackgroundVolume = 10;
	_running = true;    	
	_top = 30 - _vm->_guiHeight / 2;
	_needRedraw = false;

	// TODO: buildColorTransTable2
	_vm->_palette->buildColorTransTable(0, 16, 7);

	// Draw the menu background and frame
	_vm->_screen->blastSprite(0x140 + _vm->_cameraX, 0x175 + _vm->_cameraY, 0, 1, 0x4000);
	shadeRect(60, 39, 520, 246, 30, 94);

	memcpy(_background->pixels, _vm->_screen->_frontScreen, 640 * 400);

	while (_running) {
	// Restore original background
	memcpy(_vm->_screen->_frontScreen, backgroundOrig.getBasePtr(0,0), 640 * 400);
	_vm->_system->copyRectToScreen((const byte *)_vm->_screen->_frontScreen, 640, 0, 0, 640, 400);

	// Cleanup
	delete _background;

	return 0;	
Exemple #22
void EventRecorder::takeScreenshot() {
	if ((_fakeTimer - _lastScreenshotTime) > _screenshotPeriod) {
		Graphics::Surface screen;
		uint8 md5[16];
		if (grabScreenAndComputeMD5(screen, md5)) {
			_lastScreenshotTime = _fakeTimer;
			_playbackFile->saveScreenShot(screen, md5);
Exemple #23
 * Translates a raw image resource into a graphics surface. The caller is then responsible
 * for managing and destroying the surface when done with it
 * @imgData Raw image resource
 * @size Size of the resource
GfxSurface surfaceFromRes(const byte *imgData) {
	Rect r(0, 0, READ_LE_UINT16(imgData), READ_LE_UINT16(imgData + 2));
	GfxSurface s;
	s.create(r.width(), r.height());
	s._centroid.x = READ_LE_UINT16(imgData + 4);
	s._centroid.y = READ_LE_UINT16(imgData + 6);
	s._transColor = *(imgData + 8);

	bool rleEncoded = (imgData[9] & 2) != 0;

	const byte *srcP = imgData + 10;
	Graphics::Surface destSurface = s.lockSurface();
	byte *destP = (byte *)destSurface.getBasePtr(0, 0);

	if (!rleEncoded) {
		Common::copy(srcP, srcP + (r.width() * r.height()), destP);
	} else {
		Common::set_to(destP, destP + (r.width() * r.height()), s._transColor);

		for (int yp = 0; yp < r.height(); ++yp) {
			int width = r.width();
			destP = (byte *)destSurface.getBasePtr(0, yp);

			while (width > 0) {
				uint8 controlVal = *srcP++;
				if ((controlVal & 0x80) == 0) {
					// Copy specified number of bytes

					Common::copy(srcP, srcP + controlVal, destP);
					width -= controlVal;
					srcP += controlVal;
					destP += controlVal;
				} else if ((controlVal & 0x40) == 0) {
					// Skip a specified number of output pixels
					destP += controlVal & 0x3f;
					width -= controlVal & 0x3f;
				} else {
					// Copy a specified pixel a given number of times
					controlVal &= 0x3f;
					int pixel = *srcP++;

					Common::set_to(destP, destP + controlVal, pixel);
					destP += controlVal;
					width -= controlVal;
			assert(width == 0);

	return s;
Exemple #24
void AGOSEngine::fillBackGroundFromFront() {
	Graphics::Surface *screen = _system->lockScreen();
	byte *src = (byte *)screen->getPixels();
	byte *dst = getBackGround();

	for (int i = 0; i < _screenHeight; i++) {
		memcpy(dst, src, _screenWidth);
		src += screen->getPitch();
		dst += _backGroundBuf->getPitch();
Exemple #25
void RenderManager::copyToScreen(const Graphics::Surface &surface, Common::Rect &rect, int16 srcLeft, int16 srcTop) {
	// Convert the surface to RGB565, if needed
	Graphics::Surface *outSurface = surface.convertTo(_engine->_screenPixelFormat);
	_system->copyRectToScreen(outSurface->getBasePtr(srcLeft, srcTop),
	delete outSurface;
Exemple #26
void RivenGraphics::copyImageToScreen(uint16 image, uint32 left, uint32 top, uint32 right, uint32 bottom) {
	Graphics::Surface *surface = findImage(image)->getSurface();

	// Clip the width to fit on the screen. Fixes some images.
	if (left + surface->w > 608)
		surface->w = 608 - left;

	for (uint16 i = 0; i < surface->h; i++)
		memcpy(_mainScreen->getBasePtr(left, i + top), surface->getBasePtr(0, i), surface->w * surface->format.bytesPerPixel);

	_dirtyScreen = true;
Exemple #27
void RivenGraphics::clearInventoryArea() {
	// Clear the inventory area
	static const Common::Rect inventoryRect = Common::Rect(0, 392, 608, 436);

	// Lock the screen
	Graphics::Surface *screen = _vm->_system->lockScreen();

	// Fill the inventory area with black
	screen->fillRect(inventoryRect, _pixelFormat.RGBToColor(0, 0, 0));

Exemple #28
void RenderManager::blitSurfaceToBkgScaled(const Graphics::Surface &src, const Common::Rect &_dstRect, int32 colorkey) {
	if (src.w == _dstRect.width() && src.h == _dstRect.height()) {
		blitSurfaceToBkg(src, _dstRect.left, _dstRect.top, colorkey);
	} else {
		Graphics::Surface *tmp = new Graphics::Surface;
		tmp->create(_dstRect.width(), _dstRect.height(), src.format);
		scaleBuffer(src.getPixels(), tmp->getPixels(), src.w, src.h, src.format.bytesPerPixel, _dstRect.width(), _dstRect.height());
		blitSurfaceToBkg(*tmp, _dstRect.left, _dstRect.top, colorkey);
		delete tmp;
Exemple #29
Graphics::Surface *OpenGLRenderer::getScreenshot() {
	Common::Rect screen = viewport();

	Graphics::Surface *s = new Graphics::Surface();
	s->create(screen.width(), screen.height(), Graphics::PixelFormat(4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 0, 8, 16, 24));

	glReadPixels(screen.left, screen.top, screen.width(), screen.height(), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, s->getPixels());


	return s;
Exemple #30
bool RivenGraphics::runScheduledWaterEffects() {
	// Don't run the effect if it's disabled
	if (_vm->_vars["waterenabled"] == 0)
		return false;

	Graphics::Surface *screen = NULL;

	for (uint16 i = 0; i < _waterEffects.size(); i++) {
		if (_vm->_system->getMillis() > _waterEffects[i].lastFrameTime + 1000 / _waterEffects[i].speed) {
			// Lock the screen!
			if (!screen)
				screen = _vm->_system->lockScreen();

			// Make sure the script is at the starting point
			Common::SeekableReadStream *script = _waterEffects[i].frameScripts[_waterEffects[i].curFrame];
			if (script->pos() != 0)

			// Run script
			uint16 curRow = 0;
			for (uint16 op = script->readUint16BE(); op != 4; op = script->readUint16BE()) {
				if (op == 1) {        // Increment Row
				} else if (op == 3) { // Copy Pixels
					uint16 dstLeft = script->readUint16BE();
					uint16 srcLeft = script->readUint16BE();
					uint16 srcTop = script->readUint16BE();
					uint16 rowWidth = script->readUint16BE();
					memcpy ((byte *)screen->getBasePtr(dstLeft, curRow + _waterEffects[i].rect.top), (byte *)_mainScreen->getBasePtr(srcLeft, srcTop), rowWidth * _pixelFormat.bytesPerPixel);
				} else if (op != 4) { // End of Script
					error ("Unknown SFXE opcode %d", op);

			// Increment frame
			if (_waterEffects[i].curFrame == _waterEffects[i].frameCount)
				_waterEffects[i].curFrame = 0;

			// Set the new time
			_waterEffects[i].lastFrameTime = _vm->_system->getMillis();

	// Unlock the screen if it has been locked and return true to update the screen
	if (screen) {
		return true;

	return false;