Exemple #1
// Implement the 't' operation. This function prints out just
// the file names of each of the members. However, if verbose mode is requested
// ('v' modifier) then the file type, permission mode, user, group, size, and
// modification time are also printed.
static void doDisplayTable(StringRef Name, object::Archive::child_iterator I) {
  if (Verbose) {
    sys::fs::perms Mode = I->getAccessMode();
    printMode((Mode >> 6) & 007);
    printMode((Mode >> 3) & 007);
    printMode(Mode & 007);
    outs() << ' ' << I->getUID();
    outs() << '/' << I->getGID();
    outs() << ' ' << format("%6llu", I->getSize());
    outs() << ' ' << I->getLastModified().str();
    outs() << ' ';
  outs() << Name << "\n";