Exemple #1
Descriptor DominantColor::extract_(MyImage *image,
				   bool makeVisRep,
				   Magick::Image *repr){
  cv::Mat &img = *image->getOpenCVMat();
  Frame* frame = new Frame(img);
  XM::DominantColorDescriptor *dcd = 
    Mpeg7Feature::getDominantColorD( frame , false ); // don't normalize
  size_t nColors = dcd->GetDominantColorsNumber();
  XM::DOMCOL *colors = dcd->GetDominantColors();
  cout << "we've got: " << nColors << " dominant colors" << endl;
  Descriptor desc;
  for(size_t i = 0; i < nColors; ++i){
    cout << "color " << i << "  percentage: " << colors[i].m_Percentage;
    for(size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j){
      cout << " " <<  j << " " << colors[i].m_ColorValue[j];
      desc.push_back((float) colors[i].m_ColorValue[j]);
    } // for j
    cout << endl;
  } // for i
  desc.resize(24, 0.0);
  return desc;
Exemple #2
// Dominant Color
//void FexWrite::computeWriteDCD( Frame* frame,
//                                bool normalize, bool variance, bool spatial,
//                                int bin1, int bin2, int bin3 )
unsigned int FexWrite::computeWriteDCD( Frame* frame, int num, unsigned int *arr, 
                                bool normalize, bool variance, bool spatial,
                                int bin1, int bin2, int bin3 )
		return 0;

    // compute the descriptor
	XM::DominantColorDescriptor* dcd = Feature::getDominantColorD( frame, normalize, variance, spatial, bin1, bin2, bin3 );

	// write to screen

	// number of dominant colors
	int ndc = dcd->GetDominantColorsNumber();
	//std::cout << "num of dominant colors " << ndc << " " << std::endl;	//my add

	// spatial coherency
        std::cout << dcd->GetSpatialCoherency();

	// dominant colors: percentage(1) centroid value (3) color variance (3)
	XM::DOMCOL* domcol = dcd->GetDominantColors();
	for( int i = 0; i < ndc; i++ )
		std::cout << " " << domcol[i].m_Percentage
                  << " " << domcol[i].m_ColorValue[0]
                  << " " << domcol[i].m_ColorValue[1]
                  << " " << domcol[i].m_ColorValue[2]
				  << std::endl;
        std::cout << " " << domcol[i].m_ColorVariance[0]
                  << " " << domcol[i].m_ColorVariance[1]
                  << " " << domcol[i].m_ColorVariance[2];
	std::cout << std::endl;
	using namespace std;
	char tmpStr[30];
	sprintf(tmpStr, "feature\\%d_1.txt", num);
	ofstream f(tmpStr);
	int numArr[8];
	for( int i = 0; i < ndc; i++ )
		f	<< " " << domcol[i].m_Percentage
			<< " " << domcol[i].m_ColorValue[0]
			<< " " << domcol[i].m_ColorValue[1]
			<< " " << domcol[i].m_ColorValue[2];
			//<< std::endl;
			numArr[i] = domcol[i].m_Percentage;
			unsigned int a1 = (unsigned int)(domcol[i].m_ColorValue[0]) << 10;
			unsigned int a2 = (unsigned int)(domcol[i].m_ColorValue[1]) << 5;
			unsigned int a3 = (unsigned int)(domcol[i].m_ColorValue[2]);
			arr[i] = a1 | a2 | a3;

        f	<< " " << domcol[i].m_ColorVariance[0]
            << " " << domcol[i].m_ColorVariance[1]
            << " " << domcol[i].m_ColorVariance[2];
	//f << std::endl;

	insertion_sort(numArr, arr, 0, ndc - 1);

    // release the descriptor
	delete dcd;

	//return 0;
	return ndc;