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    (C)2013 Semtech

SX1272/76 radio drivers plus Ping-Pong firmware and LoRa MAC node firmware implementation.

  1. Introduction

The aim of this project is to show an example of the LoRaMac endpoint firmware implementation.

REMARK 1: This is a Class A endpoint.

REMARK 2: Implements version R3.0 of LoRaMac specification.

LoRaMac R3.0 has been made incompatible with previous versions of the specification.

By default the LORAMAC_R3 compiler option is enabled. Disabling this option will enable LoRaMac specification R2.2.1

  1. System schematic and definitions

The available supported hardware platforms schematics and LoRaMac specification can be found in the Doc directory.

  1. Acknowledgements

The mbed ( project was used at the beginning as source of inspiration.

This program uses the AES algorithm implementation ( by Brian Gladman.

This program uses the CMAC algorithm implementation ( by Lander Casado, Philippas Tsigas.

  1. Dependencies

This program depends on specific hardware platforms. Currently the supported platforms are:

- Bleeper-72
    MCU     : STM32L151RD - 384K FLASH, 48K RAM, Timers, SPI, I2C,
                            USB 2.0 full-speed device/host/OTG controller,
                            DAC, ADC, DMA
    RADIO   : SX1272
    ANTENNA : Connector for external antenna
    BUTTONS : 1 Reset, 16 position encoder
    LEDS    : 3
    SENSORS : Temperature
    GPS     : Possible through pin header GPS module connection
    SDCARD  : Yes
    EXTENSION HEADER : Yes, 12 pins
    REMARK  : None.

- Bleeper-76
    MCU     : STM32L151RD - 384K FLASH, 48K RAM, Timers, SPI, I2C,
                            USB 2.0 full-speed device/host/OTG controller,
                            DAC, ADC, DMA
    RADIO   : SX1276
    ANTENNA : Connector for external antennas (LF+HF)
    BUTTONS : 1 Reset, 16 position encoder
    LEDS    : 3
    SENSORS : Temperature
    GPS     : Possible through pin header GPS module connection
    SDCARD  : No
    EXTENSION HEADER : Yes, 12 pins
    REMARK  : None.

- LoRaMote
    MCU     : STM32L151CB - 128K FLASH, 10K RAM, Timers, SPI, I2C,
                            USB 2.0 full-speed device/host/OTG controller,
                            DAC, ADC, DMA
    RADIO   : SX1272
    ANTENNA : Printed circuit antenna
    BUTTONS : No
    LEDS    : 3
    SENSORS : Proximity, Magnetic, 3 axis Accelerometer, Pressure,
    GPS     : Yes, UP501 module
    SDCARD  : No
    EXTENSION HEADER : Yes, 20 pins
    REMARK  : The MCU and Radio are on an IMST iM880A module

- SensorNode
    MCU     : STM32L151C8 - 64K FLASH, 10K RAM, Timers, SPI, I2C,
                            USB 2.0 full-speed device/host/OTG controller,
                            DAC, ADC, DMA
    RADIO   : SX1276
    ANTENNA : Printed circuit antenna
    BUTTONS : Power ON/OFF, General purpose button
    LEDS    : 3
    SENSORS : Proximity, Magnetic, 3 axis Accelerometer, Pressure,
    GPS     : Yes, SIM39EA module
    SDCARD  : No
    REMARK  : The MCU and Radio are on an NYMTEK Cherry-LCC module

- SK-iM880A ( IMST starter kit )
    MCU     : STM32L151CB - 128K FLASH, 10K RAM, Timers, SPI, I2C,
                            USB 2.0 full-speed device/host/OTG controller,
                            DAC, ADC, DMA
    RADIO   : SX1272
    ANTENNA : Connector for external antenna
    BUTTONS : 1 Reset, 3 buttons + 2 DIP-Switch
    LEDS    : 3
    SENSORS : Potentiometer
    GPS     : Possible through pin header GPS module connection
    SDCARD  : No
    EXTENSION HEADER : Yes, all IMST iM880A module pins
    REMARK  : None
  1. Usage

Projects for Ride7 and Keil Integrated Development Environments are available.

One project is available per application and for each hardware platform in each development environment. Different targets/configurations have been created in the different projects in order to select different options such as the usage or not of a bootloader and the radio frequency band to be used.

  1. Changelog

2014-07-18, v3.0

  • General

    1. Added to Radio API the possibility to select the modem.
    2. Corrected RSSI reading formulas as well as changed the RSSI and SNR values from double to int8_t type.
    3. Changed radio callbacks events to timeout when it is a timeout event and error when it is a CRC error.
    4. Radio API updated.
    5. Updated ping-pong applications.
    6. Updated tx-cw applications.
    7. Updated LoRaMac applications in order to handle LoRaMac returned functions calls status.
    8. Updated LoRaMac applications to toggle LED2 each time there is an application payload down link.
    9. Updated tstIndoor application to handle correctly more than 6 channels.
    10. Changed the MPL3115 altitude variable from unsigned to signed value.
    11. Replaced the usage of pow(2, n) by defining POW2 functions. Saves ~2 KBytes of code.
    12. Corrected an issue potentially arriving when LOW_POWER_MODE_ENABLE wasn't defined. A timer interrupt could be generated while the TimerList could already be emptied.
  • LoRaMac

    1. Implemented LoRaMac specification R3.0 changes.

    2. MAC commands implemented

      • LinkCheckReq YES
      • LinkCheckAns YES
      • LinkADRReq YES
      • LinkADRAns YES
      • DutyCycleReq YES
      • DutyCycleAns YES
      • Rx2SetupReq YES
      • Rx2SetupAns YES
      • DevStatusReq YES
      • DevStatusAns YES
      • JoinReq YES
      • JoinAccept YES
      • NewChannelReq YES
      • NewChannelAns YES
    3. Features implemented

      • Possibility to shut-down the device YES

        Possible by issuing DutyCycleReq MAC command.

      • Duty cycle management enforcement NO

      • Acknowledgements retries YES

      • Unconfirmed messages retries YES

2014-07-10, v2.3.RC2

  • General
    1. Corrected all radios antenna switch low power mode handling.
    2. SX1276: Corrected antenna switch control.

2014-06-06, v2.3.RC1

  • General

    1. Added the support for SX1276 radio.

    2. Radio continuous reception mode correction.

    3. Radio driver RxDone callback function API has changed ( size parameter is no more a pointer). Previous function prototype:

       void    ( *RxDone )( uint8_t *payload, uint16_t *size, double rssi, double snr, uint8_t rawSnr );

      New function prototype:

       void    ( *RxDone )( uint8_t *payload, uint16_t size, double rssi, double snr, uint8_t rawSnr );
    4. Added Bleeper-76 and SensorNode platforms support.

    5. Added to the radio drivers a function that generates a random value from RSSI readings.

    6. Added a project to transmit a continuous wave and a project to measure the the radio sensitivity.

    7. Added a bootloader project for the LoRaMote and SensorNode platforms.

    8. The LoRaMac application for Bleeper platforms now sends the Selector and LED status plus the sensors values.

      • The application payload for the Bleeper platforms is as follows:

        LoRaMac port 1:

           { 0xX0/0xX1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }
            ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----
                 |           |           |           |        |
           MSB nibble = SELECTOR               (barometric)
           LSB bit    = LED
    9. Redefined rand() and srand() standard C functions. These functions are redefined in order to get the same behaviour across different compiler tool chains implementations.

    10. GPS driver improvements. Made independent of the board platform.

    11. Simplified the RTC management.

    12. Added a function to the timer driver that checks if a timer is already in the list or not.

    13. Added the UART Overrun bit exception handling to the UART driver.

    14. Removed dependency of spi-board files to the "__builtin_ffs" function. This function is only available on GNU compiler tool suite. Removed --gnu compiler option from Keil projects. Added own __ffs function implementation to utilities.h file.

    15. Removed obsolete class1 devices support.

    16. Known bugs correction.

  • LoRaMac

    1. MAC commands implemented

      • LinkCheckReq YES
      • LinkCheckAns YES
      • LinkADRReq YES
      • LinkADRAns YES
      • DutyCycleReq YES (LoRaMac specification R2.2.1)
      • DutyCycleAns YES (LoRaMac specification R2.2.1)
      • Rx2SetupReq YES (LoRaMac specification R2.2.1)
      • Rx2SetupAns YES (LoRaMac specification R2.2.1)
      • DevStatusReq YES
      • DevStatusAns YES
      • JoinReq YES
      • JoinAccept YES (LoRaMac specification R2.2.1)
      • NewChannelReq YES (LoRaMac specification R2.2.1)
      • NewChannelAns YES (LoRaMac specification R2.2.1)
    2. Features implemented

      • Possibility to shut-down the device YES

        Possible by issuing DutyCycleReq MAC command.

      • Duty cycle management enforcement NO

      • Acknowledgements retries WORK IN PROGRESS

        Not fully debugged. Disabled by default.

      • Unconfirmed messages retries WORK IN PROGRESS (LoRaMac specification R2.2.1)

    3. Implemented LoRaMac specification R2.2.1 changes.

    4. Due to new specification the LoRaMacInitNwkIds LoRaMac API function had to be modified.

      Previous function prototype:

       void LoRaMacInitNwkIds( uint32_t devAddr, uint8_t *nwkSKey, uint8_t *appSKey );

      New function prototype:

       void LoRaMacInitNwkIds( uint32_t netID, uint32_t devAddr, uint8_t *nwkSKey, uint8_t *appSKey );
    5. Changed the LoRaMac channels management.

    6. LoRaMac channels definition has been moved to LoRaMac-board.h file located in each specific board directory.

2014-04-07, v2.2

  • General
    1. Added IMST SK-iM880A starter kit board support to the project.

      • The application payload for the SK-iM880A platform is as follows:

      LoRaMac port 3:

        { 0x00/0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }
         ----------  ----- ----------
              |        |       |
             LED     POTI     VDD
    2. Ping-Pong applications have been split per supported board.

    3. Corrected the SX1272 output power management. Added a variable to store the current Radio channel. Added missing FSK bit definition.

    4. Made fifo functions coding style coherent with the project.

    5. UART driver is now independent of the used MCU

2014-03-28, v2.1

  • General

    1. The timers and RTC management has been rewritten.
    2. Improved the UART and UP501 GPS drivers.
    3. Corrected GPIO pin names management.
    4. Corrected the antenna switch management in the SX1272 driver.
    5. Added to the radio driver the possibility to choose the preamble length and rxSingle symbol timeout in reception.
    6. Added Hex coder selector driver for the Bleeper board.
    7. Changed copyright Unicode character to (C) in all source files.
  • LoRaMac

    1. MAC commands implemented
      • LinkCheckReq YES
      • LinkCheckAns YES
      • LinkADRReq YES
      • LinkADRAns YES
      • DevStatusReq YES
      • DevStatusAns YES
      • JoinReq YES
      • JoinAccept YES
    2. Added acknowledgements retries management. Split the LoRaMacSendOnChannel function in LoRaMacPrepareFrame and LoRaMacSendFrameOnChannel. LoRaMacSendOnChannel now calls the 2 newly defined functions.
    **WARNING**: By default the acknowledgement retries specific code isn't
    enabled. The current server version doesn't support
    1. Corrected issues on JoinRequest and JoinAccept MAC commands. Added LORAMAC_EVENT_INFO_STATUS_MAC_ERROR event info status.

2014-02-21, v2.0

  • General
    1. The LoRaMac applications now sends the LED status plus the sensors values. For the LoRaMote platform the application also sends the GPS coordinates.
      • The application payload for the Bleeper platform is as follows:

        LoRaMac port 1:

           { 0x00/0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }
            ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----
                 |           |           |           |        |
      • The application payload for the LoRaMote platform is as follows:

        LoRaMac port 2:

           { 0x00/0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }
            ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----  ----------------  ----------------  ----------
                 |           |           |           |        |           |                 |              |
                                               (barometric)                                              (gps)
    2. Adapted applications to the new MAC layer API.
    3. Added sensors drivers implementation.
    4. Corrected new or known issues.
  • LoRaMac
    1. MAC commands implemented
      • LinkCheckReq YES
      • LinkCheckAns YES
      • LinkADRReq YES
      • LinkADRAns YES
      • DevStatusReq YES
      • DevStatusAns YES
      • JoinReq YES (Not tested)
      • JoinAccept YES (Not tested)
    2. New MAC layer application API implementation.
  • Timers and RTC.
    1. Still some issues. They will be corrected on next revisions of the firmware.

2014-01-24, v1.1

  • LoRaMac
    1. MAC commands implemented

      • LinkCheckReq NO
      • LinkCheckAns NO
      • LinkADRReq YES
      • LinkADRAns YES
      • DevStatusReq YES
      • DevStatusAns YES
    2. Implemented an application LED control If the server sends on port 1 an application payload of one byte with the following contents:

       0: LED off
       1: LED on

      The node transmits periodically on port 1 the LED status on 1st byte and the message "Hello World!!!!" the array looks like:

       { 0, 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!', '!', '!', '!' }
  • Timers and RTC.
    1. Corrected issues existing in the previous version
    2. Known bugs are:
      • There is an issue when launching an asynchronous Timer. Will be solved in a future version

2014-01-20, v1.1.RC1

  • Added Doc directory. The directory contains:

    1. LoRa MAC specification
    2. Bleeper board schematic
  • LoRaMac has been updated according to Release1 of the specification. Main changes are:

    1. MAC API changed.
    2. Frame format.
    3. ClassA first ADR implementation.
    4. MAC commands implemented
      • LinkCheckReq NO
      • LinkCheckAns NO
      • LinkADRReq YES
      • LinkADRAns NO
      • DevStatusReq NO
      • DevStatusAns NO
  • Timers and RTC rewriting. Known bugs are:

    1. The Radio wakeup time is taken in account for all timings.
    2. When opening the second reception window the microcontroller sometimes doesn't enter in low power mode.

2013-11-28, v1.0

  • Initial version of the LoRa MAC node firmware implementation.


Reference implementation and documentation of a LoRa network node.







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