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                    D-Collide - Collision Detection Library

1. Introduction
2. Bug Reporting
3. Getting Started
   3.1 Linux
   3.2 Windows
   3.3 Mac OS X
4. CMake Settings
5. Compile Targets
6. License Agreement

1.  Introduction
D-Collide is a collision detection library with support for both, rigid and
deformable objects. It is written in C++ and platform independent (currently
supporting Linux, Windows and Mac OS X).

Feedback and questions are welcome on the users maillinglist at

2. Bug Reporting
Bug reports are welcome, please send us your bug reports to

3. Getting Started
This section describes how to setup D-Collide for different platforms.
In addition this section describes the installation of the "testapp" which comes
with D-Collide and provides several scenes to test the behaviour and performance
of different collision detection algorithms.

D-Collide uses CMake (see as build system, so for building
D-Collide, you need CMake. CMake is NOT required once D-Collide has been
The testapp uses OGRE and CEGUI, which need to be installed if you want to build
the testapp.

Note that D-Collide can be used completely without the testapp. The testapp
provides optional test scenes only.

3.1 Linux
Required Prerequisites:
 * CMake      (
 * PThreads   (comes with your Linux distribution)
 * pkg-config (comes with your Linux distribution)
 * g++ 4.x    (comes with your Linux distribution)

Optional Prerequisites (required for building the testapp):
 * OGRE   >= 1.4.0 (e.g. on Kubuntu 7.10: apt-get install libogre-dev)
 * CEGUI  >= 0.5.0 (e.g. on Kubuntu 7.10: apt-get install libcegui-mk2-dev)
 * OIS    >= 0.6.0 (e.g. on Kubuntu 7.10: apt-get install libois-dev)
 * lib3ds          (e.g. on Kubuntu 7.10: apt-get install lib3ds-dev)

Optional Prerequisites (required for generating the API documentation):
 * doxygen

Compilation/Installation Steps:
 a) Download D-Collide from
 b) Extract the downloaded archive
    b1) For a .tar.gz archive type:
         $ tar xzvf d-collide.tar.gz
    b2) For a .tar.bz2 archives type:
         $ tar xjvf d-collide.tar.bz2
 c) Enter the directory 'd-collide' and start configuration
     $ cd d-collide
     $ cmake .
 d) Build D-Collide
     $ make
 e) Install D-Collide
     $ make install

3.2 Windows
Getting the D-Collide testapp running under Microsoft Windows isn't such a big
thing as we provide a Windows Installer. Please download it from the project
website at and start it. Simply follow the
instructions and select to install the testapp. When the installer finishes
you're ready to run the testapp out of Start.

If you desire to contribute in developing or just want to compile your own,
possibly modified, version of D-Collide you can still use the Windows Installer
to setup your system. But Additionally you need to install at least a supported
Compiler. Currently we support the following compilers:
 * Microsoft Visual C++   >=  8.0 SP1
 * Intel C++ Compiler     >= 10.0
After you've installed your compiler, please run the D-Collide setup and select
to install 'Developing Files' in the further processing. When the setup routine
finishes your system is ready to compile D-Collide and all of its subcomponents.

What you need to do, to compile D-Collide:
 a) Open a Command Line
 b) Change to the installation directory
 c) Configure your environment
    c1) If you use the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler, please call the
        'vsvars32.bat' of your Visual C++ Installation
          $ "%VCInstallDir%\bin\vsvars32.bat"
    c2) If you use the Intel C++ Compiler, please call the 'iclvars.bat'
        of your Compiler Installation
          $ "%ICPP_COMPILER10%\IA32\Bin\iclvars.bat"
 c) Create a build directory and configure D-Collide
     $ mkdir build
     $ cd build
     $ cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..
 d) Build D-Collide
     $ nmake

When you followed the above steps you've just compiled your first own version of
D-Collide. And now have fun ;-)

3.3 Mac OS X
The following should work with Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5 (tested with 10.5.1).

To get the up and running most easily, make sure you have Apple's
free Xcode Developer Tools installed. Then download (see the link below) a
suitable binary Ogre SDK (tested with 1.4.5) and move it to "/Developer/Ogre"
(you might have to rename it).

Then copy or symlink (recommended) each framework from
"/Developer/Ogre/Dependencies" to "/Library/Frameworks" to ensure that each
framework will be found. Later, during compilation, you might see a message
saying "OgreCEGUIRenderer.h: No such file or directory" - in this case copy
"/Developer/Ogre/Samples/include/OgreCEGUIRenderer.h" to any valid include
path, if it's not there yet - "/usr/local/include" is recommended here.

At this point you should have a working Ogre SDK.

Now you need to install CMake, doxygen and CppUnit. You could get all of those
easily through Fink (or possibly DarwinPorts) or - as described below -
install manually. As for CMake, just get the sources and compile and install
it by issuing "./configure && make && sudo make install".

Doxygen comes as an app-bundle. Drag it over to "/Applications" and make sure
the binaries are in your $PATH, either by symlinking each one from
"/Applications/" to eg. "/usr/local/bin" (if
that's in your path) or by adding the mentioned directory to your shell's

CppUnit should be built and installed from sources the same way as CMake.
Thats it - for the prerequisites!

Now fetch a the D-Collide sources and unpack it by typing:
    $ tar xfzv d-collide.tar.gz

Change into D-Collide's root directory and create a new home for the binaries:
    $ mkdir build && cd build

Have CMake configure D-Collide for your platform:
    $ cmake ..

If this all went well, build:
    $ make -j3

(omit the "-j3" if you have an old single core, like a CoreSolo - increase the
number for 4- or 8-core Xeons appropriately).

Finally you should be able to double click and run the found in
the "testapp"-directory.

Xcode: (or check your Mac OS X DVD)

4. CMake Settings
INSTALL_DIR             [any valid directory]

5. Compile Targets
A list of all compile/make targets of D-Collide can be found in the list below.
To every target a brief description is given.

 * d-collide-static
   Builds D-Collide as static library.
 * d-collide-shared
   Builds D-Collide as shared library.
 * modelloader
   Static library which is used by the demo application to load several
   types/formats of 3d models.
 * testapp
   The demo application for D-Collide.
 * tests
   Builds the CppUnit tests for D-Collide.
 * all
   Builds all targets which are mentioned before.
 * test
   Builds d-collide-static, tests and runs the CppUnit tests afterwards.
 * clean
   Removes all files from a previous build. This doesn't delete anything
   belonging to the config. if you wish to make a new clean configure you
   must at least delete the CMakeCache.txt and rerun cmake. Refer to
   section 3 of this README for more details on CMake and the configure
 * install
   Installs the built files, the default Installation directory is:
   (on Linux)
   C:\Programme\D-Collide (on Windows)
   (on Mac OS X)
   Please see section 4 for more details how to configure another installation

4. License Agreement
D-Collide is  licensed under the 3-clause BSD license,  it is distributed in the
hope that it will be useful,  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
file for more details.


Mirror of D-Collide collision detection library



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