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This module implements Diligent Engine's core functionality: Direct3D11, Direct3D12, OpenGL, and OpenGLES rendering backends as well as basic platform-specific utilities. It is self-contained and can be built by its own. The module's cmake script defines a number of variables that are required to generate build files for other modules, so it must always be handled first.

To build the module, see build instrcutions in the master repository.

Build Status

Platform Status
Win32/Universal Windows Build Status
Linux/MacOS/iOS Build Status

Repository structure

The repository contains the following projects:

Project Description
Primitives Definitions of basic types (Int32, Int16, Uint32, etc.) and interfaces (IObject, IReferenceCounters, etc.)
Common Common functionality such as file wrapper, logging, debug utilities, etc.
Graphics/GraphicsAccessories Basic graphics accessories used by all implementations
Graphics/GraphicsEngine Platform-independent base functionality
Graphics/GraphicsEngineD3DBase Base functionality for D3D11/D3D12 implementations
Graphics/GraphicsEngineD3D11 Implementation of Direct3D11 rendering backend
Graphics/GraphicsEngineD3D12 Implementation of Direct3D12 rendering backend
Graphics/GraphicsEngineOpenGL Implementation of OpenGL/GLES rendering backend
Graphics/GraphicsTools Graphics utilities build on top of core interfaces (definitions of commonly used states, texture uploaders, etc.)
Graphics/HLSL2GLSLConverterLib HLSL to GLSL source code converter library
Platforms/Basic Interface for platform-specific routines and implementation of some common functionality
Platforms/Android Implementation of platform-specific routines on Android
Platforms/Apple Implementation of platform-specific routines on Apple platforms (MacOS, iOS)
Platforms/UWP Implementation of platform-specific routines on Universal Windows platform
Platforms/Win32 Implementation of platform-specific routines on Win32 platform
Platforms/Linux Implementation of platform-specific routines on Linux platform
External/glew Cross-platform library for loading OpenGL extensions

API Basics

Initializing the Engine

Before you can use any functionality provided by the engine, you need to create a render device, an immediate context and a swap chain.


On Win32 platform, you can create OpenGL, Direct3D11 or Direct3D12 device as shown below:

void InitializeDiligentEngine(HWND NativeWindowHandle)
    SwapChainDesc SCDesc;
    SCDesc.SamplesCount = 1;
    Uint32 NumDeferredCtx = 0;
    switch (m_DeviceType)
        case DeviceType::D3D11:
            EngineD3D11Attribs DeviceAttribs;
            GetEngineFactoryD3D11Type GetEngineFactoryD3D11 = nullptr;
            // Load the dll and import GetEngineFactoryD3D11() function
            auto *pFactoryD3D11 = GetEngineFactoryD3D11();
            pFactoryD3D11->CreateDeviceAndContextsD3D11(DeviceAttribs, &m_pDevice, &m_pImmediateContext, NumDeferredCtx);
            pFactoryD3D11->CreateSwapChainD3D11(m_pDevice, m_pImmediateContext, SCDesc, NativeWindowHandle, &m_pSwapChain);

        case DeviceType::D3D12:
            GetEngineFactoryD3D12Type GetEngineFactoryD3D12 = nullptr;
            // Load the dll and import GetEngineFactoryD3D12() function
            EngineD3D12Attribs EngD3D12Attribs;
            auto *pFactoryD3D12 = GetEngineFactoryD3D12();
            pFactoryD3D12->CreateDeviceAndContextsD3D12(EngD3D12Attribs, &m_pDevice, &m_pImmediateContext, NumDeferredCtx);
            pFactoryD3D12->CreateSwapChainD3D12(m_pDevice, m_pImmediateContext, SCDesc, NativeWindowHandle, &m_pSwapChain);

    case DeviceType::OpenGL:

        // Declare function pointer
        GetEngineFactoryOpenGLType GetEngineFactoryOpenGL = nullptr;
        // Load the dll and import GetEngineFactoryOpenGL() function
        auto *pFactoryOpenGL = GetEngineFactoryOpenGL();
        EngineGLAttribs CreationAttribs;
        CreationAttribs.pNativeWndHandle = NativeWindowHandle;
            CreationAttribs, &m_pDevice, &m_pImmediateContext, SCDesc, &m_pSwapChain);

        std::cerr << "Unknown device type";

On Windows, the engine can be statically linked to the application or built as a separate DLL. In the former case, factory functions GetEngineFactoryOpenGL(), GetEngineFactoryD3D11(), and GetEngineFactoryD3D12() can be called directly. In the latter case, you need to load the DLL into the process's address space using LoadGraphicsEngineOpenGL(), LoadGraphicsEngineD3D11() or LoadGraphicsEngineD3D12() function. Each function loads appropriate dynamic library and imports the functions required to initialize the engine. You need to include the following headers:

#include "RenderDeviceFactoryD3D11.h"
#include "RenderDeviceFactoryD3D12.h"
#include "RenderDeviceFactoryOpenGL.h"

You also need to add the following directories to the include search paths:

  • diligentcore/Graphics/GraphicsEngineD3D11/interface
  • diligentcore/Graphics/GraphicsEngineD3D12/interface
  • diligentcore/Graphics/GraphicsEngineOpenGL/interface

Also, enable Diligent namespace:

using namespace Diligent;

IEngineFactoryD3D11::CreateDeviceAndContextsD3D11() and IEngineFactoryD3D12::CreateDeviceAndContextsD3D12() functions can also create a specified number of deferred contexts, which can be used for multi-threaded command recording. Deferred contexts can only be created during the initialization of the engine. The function populates an array of pointers to the contexts, where the immediate context goes at position 0, followed by all deferred contexts.

For more details, take a look at Tutorial00_HelloWin32.cpp file.

Universal Windows Platform

On Universal Windows Platform, you can create Direct3D11 or Direct3D12 device. Only static linking is currently supported, but dynamic linking can also be implemented. Initialization is performed the same way as on Win32 Platform. The difference is that you first create the render device and device contexts by calling IEngineFactoryD3D11::CreateDeviceAndContextsD3D11() or IEngineFactoryD3D12::CreateDeviceAndContextsD3D12(). The swap chain is created later by a call to IEngineFactoryD3D11::CreateSwapChainD3D11() or IEngineFactoryD3D12::CreateSwapChainD3D12(). Please look at SampleAppUWP.cpp file for more details.


On Linux platform, the only API currently supported is OpenGL. Initialization of GL context on Linux is tightly coupled with window creation. As a result, Diligent Engine does not initialize the context, but attaches to the one initialized by the app. An example of the engine initialization on Linux can be found in Tutorial00_HelloLinux.cpp.


Similar to Linux, the only API currently supported by Diligent Engine on MacOS is OpenGL. Initialization of GL context on MacOS is performed by the application, and the engine attaches to the context initialized by the app; see GLView.m for details.


On Android, you can only create OpenGLES device. The following code snippet shows an example:

auto *pFactoryOpenGL = GetEngineFactoryOpenGL();
EngineGLAttribs CreationAttribs;
CreationAttribs.pNativeWndHandle = NativeWindowHandle;
    CreationAttribs, &m_pDevice, &m_pContext, SCDesc, &m_pSwapChain);
IRenderDeviceGLES *pRenderDeviceOpenGLES;
pRenderDevice->QueryInterface( IID_RenderDeviceGLES, reinterpret_cast<IObject**>(&pRenderDeviceOpenGLES) );

If engine is built as dynamic library, the library needs to be loaded by the native activity. The following code shows one possible way:

    } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
        Log.e("native-activity", "Failed to load GraphicsEngineOpenGL library.\n" + e);


iOS implementation only supports OpenGLES backend. Initialization of GL context on iOS is performed by the application, and the engine attaches to the context initialized by the app; see EAGLView.m for details.

Attaching to Already Initialized Graphics API

An alternative way to initialize the engine is to attach to existing D3D11/D3D12 device or OpenGL/GLES context. Refer to Native API interoperability for more details.

Destroying the Engine

The engine performs automatic reference counting and shuts down when the last reference to an engine object is released.

Creating Resources

Device resources are created by the render device. The two main resource types are buffers, which represent linear memory, and textures, which use memory layouts optimized for fast filtering. To create a buffer, you need to populate BufferDesc structure and call IRenderDevice::CreateBuffer(). The following code creates a uniform (constant) buffer:

BufferDesc BuffDesc;
BufferDesc.Name = "Uniform buffer";
BuffDesc.Usage = USAGE_DYNAMIC;
BuffDesc.uiSizeInBytes = sizeof(ShaderConstants);
BuffDesc.CPUAccessFlags = CPU_ACCESS_WRITE;
m_pDevice->CreateBuffer( BuffDesc, BufferData(), &m_pConstantBuffer );

Similar, to create a texture, populate TextureDesc structure and call IRenderDevice::CreateTexture() as in the following example:

TextureDesc TexDesc;
TexDesc.Name = "My texture 2D";
TexDesc.Type = TEXTURE_TYPE_2D;
TexDesc.Width = 1024;
TexDesc.Height = 1024;
TexDesc.Usage = USAGE_DEFAULT;
TexDesc.Name = "Sample 2D Texture";
m_pRenderDevice->CreateTexture( TexDesc, TextureData(), &m_pTestTex );

There is only one function CreateTexture() that is capable of creating all types of textures. Type, format, array size and all other parameters are specified by the members of the TextureDesc structure.

For every bind flag specified during the texture creation time, the texture object creates a default view. Default shader resource view addresses the entire texture, default render target and depth stencil views reference all array slices in the most detailed mip level, and unordered access view references the entire texture. To get a default view from the texture, use ITexture::GetDefaultView() function. Note that this function does not increase reference counter on the returned interface. You can create additional texture views using ITexture::CreateView(). Use IBuffer::CreateView() to create additional views of a buffer.

Initializing Pipeline State

Diligent Engine follows Direct3D12 style to configure the graphics/compute pipeline. One big Pipelines State Object (PSO) encompasses all required states (all shader stages, input layout description, depth stencil, rasterizer and blend state descriptions etc.)

Creating Shaders

To create a shader, populate ShaderCreationAttribs structure. There are two ways to create a shader. The first way is to provide a pointer to the shader source code through ShaderCreationAttribs::Source member. The second way is to provide a file name. Graphics Engine is entirely decoupled from the platform. Since the host file system is platform-dependent, the structure exposes ShaderCreationAttribs::pShaderSourceStreamFactory member that is intended to provide the engine access to the file system. If you provided the source file name, you must also provide non-null pointer to the shader source stream factory. If the shader source contains any #include directives, the source stream factory will also be used to load these files. The engine provides default implementation for every supported platform that should be sufficient in most cases. You can however define your own implementation.

An important member is ShaderCreationAttribs::SourceLanguage. The following are valid values for this member:

  • SHADER_SOURCE_LANGUAGE_DEFAULT - The shader source format matches the underlying graphics API: HLSL for D3D11 or D3D12 mode, and GLSL for OpenGL and OpenGLES modes.
  • SHADER_SOURCE_LANGUAGE_HLSL - The shader source is in HLSL. For OpenGL and OpenGLES modes, the source code will be converted to GLSL. See shader converter for details.
  • SHADER_SOURCE_LANGUAGE_GLSL - The shader source is in GLSL. There is currently no GLSL to HLSL converter.

To allow grouping of resources based on the frequency of expected change, Diligent Engine introduces classification of shader variables:

  • Static variables (SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE_STATIC) are variables that are expected to be set only once. They may not be changed once a resource is bound to the variable. Such variables are intended to hold global constants such as camera attributes or global light attributes constant buffers.
  • Mutable variables (SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE_MUTABLE) define resources that are expected to change on a per-material frequency. Examples may include diffuse textures, normal maps etc.
  • Dynamic variables (SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE_DYNAMIC) are expected to change frequently and randomly.

This post gives more details about the resource binding model in Diligent Engine. To define variable types, prepare an array of ShaderVariableDesc structures and initialize ShaderCreationAttribs::Desc::VariableDesc and ShaderCreationAttribs::Desc::NumVariables. Also ShaderCreationAttribs::Desc::DefaultVariableType can be used to set the type that will be used if variable name is not provided.

When creating a shader, textures can be assigned static samplers. If static sampler is assigned, it will always be used instead of the one initialized in the texture shader resource view. To initialize static samplers, prepare an array of StaticSamplerDesc structures and intialize ShaderCreationAttribs::Desc::StaticSamplers and ShaderCreationAttribs::Desc::NumStaticSamplers. Notice that static samplers can be assigned to texture variable of any type, not necessarily static. It is highly recommended to use static samplers whenever possible.

Other members of the ShaderCreationAttribs structure define shader include search directories, shader macro definitions, shader entry point and other parameters. The following is an example of shader initialization:

ShaderCreationAttribs Attrs;
Attrs.Desc.Name = "MyPixelShader";
Attrs.FilePath = "MyShaderFile.fx";
Attrs.SearchDirectories = "shaders;shaders\\inc;";
Attrs.EntryPoint = "MyPixelShader";
Attrs.Desc.ShaderType = SHADER_TYPE_PIXEL;
BasicShaderSourceStreamFactory BasicSSSFactory(Attrs.SearchDirectories);
Attrs.pShaderSourceStreamFactory = &BasicSSSFactory;

ShaderVariableDesc ShaderVars[] =
    {"g_StaticTexture", SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE_STATIC},
    {"g_MutableTexture", SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE_MUTABLE},
    {"g_DynamicTexture", SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE_DYNAMIC}
Attrs.Desc.VariableDesc = ShaderVars;
Attrs.Desc.NumVariables = _countof(ShaderVars);
Attrs.Desc.DefaultVariableType = SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE_STATIC;

StaticSamplerDesc StaticSampler;
StaticSampler.Desc.MinFilter = FILTER_TYPE_LINEAR;
StaticSampler.Desc.MagFilter = FILTER_TYPE_LINEAR;
StaticSampler.Desc.MipFilter = FILTER_TYPE_LINEAR;
StaticSampler.TextureName = "g_MutableTexture";
Attrs.Desc.NumStaticSamplers = 1;
Attrs.Desc.StaticSamplers = &StaticSampler;

ShaderMacroHelper Macros;
Macros.AddShaderMacro("USE_SHADOWS", 1);
Macros.AddShaderMacro("NUM_SHADOW_SAMPLES", 4);
Attrs.Macros = Macros;

RefCntAutoPtr<IShader> pShader;
m_pDevice->CreateShader( Attrs, &pShader );

Creating Pipeline State Object

To create a pipeline state object, define instance of PipelineStateDesc structure:

PipelineStateDesc PSODesc;

Describe the pipeline specifics such as if the pipeline is a compute pipeline, number and format of render targets as well as depth-stencil format:

// This is a graphics pipeline
PSODesc.IsComputePipeline = false;
PSODesc.GraphicsPipeline.NumRenderTargets = 1;
PSODesc.GraphicsPipeline.RTVFormats[0] = TEX_FORMAT_RGBA8_UNORM_SRGB;
PSODesc.GraphicsPipeline.DSVFormat = TEX_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT;

Initialize depth-stencil state description structure DepthStencilStateDesc. Note that the constructor initializes the members with default values and you can only set the ones that are different from default.

// Init depth-stencil state
DepthStencilStateDesc &DepthStencilDesc = PSODesc.GraphicsPipeline.DepthStencilDesc;
DepthStencilDesc.DepthEnable = true;
DepthStencilDesc.DepthWriteEnable = true;

Initialize blend state description structure BlendStateDesc:

// Init blend state
BlendStateDesc &BSDesc = PSODesc.GraphicsPipeline.BlendDesc;
BSDesc.IndependentBlendEnable = False;
auto &RT0 = BSDesc.RenderTargets[0];
RT0.BlendEnable = True;
RT0.RenderTargetWriteMask = COLOR_MASK_ALL;

Initialize rasterizer state description structure RasterizerStateDesc:

// Init rasterizer state
RasterizerStateDesc &RasterizerDesc = PSODesc.GraphicsPipeline.RasterizerDesc;
RasterizerDesc.FillMode = FILL_MODE_SOLID;
RasterizerDesc.CullMode = CULL_MODE_NONE;
RasterizerDesc.FrontCounterClockwise = True;
RasterizerDesc.ScissorEnable = True;
//RSDesc.MultisampleEnable = false; // do not allow msaa (fonts would be degraded)
RasterizerDesc.AntialiasedLineEnable = False;

Initialize input layout description structure InputLayoutDesc:

// Define input layout
InputLayoutDesc &Layout = PSODesc.GraphicsPipeline.InputLayout;
LayoutElement TextLayoutElems[] =
    LayoutElement( 0, 0, 3, VT_FLOAT32, False ),
    LayoutElement( 1, 0, 4, VT_UINT8, True ),
    LayoutElement( 2, 0, 2, VT_FLOAT32, False ),
Layout.LayoutElements = TextLayoutElems;
Layout.NumElements = _countof( TextLayoutElems );

Finally, define primitive topology type, set shaders and call IRenderDevice::CreatePipelineState() to create the PSO:

// Define shader and primitive topology
PSODesc.GraphicsPipeline.PrimitiveTopologyType = PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TYPE_TRIANGLE;
PSODesc.GraphicsPipeline.pVS = m_pTextVS;
PSODesc.GraphicsPipeline.pPS = m_pTextPS;

PSODesc.Name = "My pipeline state";
m_pDev->CreatePipelineState(PSODesc, &m_pPSO);

Binding Shader Resources

Shader resource binding in Diligent Engine is based on grouping variables in 3 different groups (static, mutable and dynamic). Static variables are variables that are expected to be set only once. They may not be changed once a resource is bound to the variable. Such variables are intended to hold global constants such as camera attributes or global light attributes constant buffers. They are bound directly to the shader object:

PixelShader->GetShaderVariable( "g_tex2DShadowMap" )->Set( pShadowMapSRV );

Mutable and dynamic variables are bound via a new object called Shader Resource Binding (SRB), which is created by the pipeline state (IPipelineState::CreateShaderResourceBinding()):


Dynamic and mutable resources are then bound through SRB object:

m_pSRB->GetVariable(SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX, "tex2DDiffuse")->Set(pDiffuseTexSRV);
m_pSRB->GetVariable(SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX, "cbRandomAttribs")->Set(pRandomAttrsCB);

The difference between mutable and dynamic resources is that mutable ones can only be set once for every instance of a shader resource binding. Dynamic resources can be set multiple times. It is important to properly set the variable type as this may affect performance. Static variables are generally most efficient, followed by mutable. Dynamic variables are most expensive from performance point of view.

An alternative way to bind shader resources is to create IResourceMapping interface that maps resource literal names to the actual resources:

ResourceMappingEntry Entries[] = {
    { "g_Texture", pTexture->GetDefaultView(TEXTURE_VIEW_SHADER_RESOURCE)},
ResourceMappingDesc ResMappingDesc;
ResMappingDesc.pEntries= Entries;
RefCntAutoPtr<IResourceMapping> pResMapping;
pRenderDevice->CreateResourceMapping( ResMappingDesc, &pResMapping );

The resource mapping can then be used to bind all resources in a shader (IShader::BindResources()):

pPixelShader->BindResources(pResMapping, BIND_SHADER_RESOURCES_ALL_RESOLVED);

in a shader resource binding (IShaderResourceBinding::BindResources()):


or in a pipeline state (IPipelineState::BindShaderResources()):


The last parameter to all BindResources() functions defines how resources should be resolved:

  • BIND_SHADER_RESOURCES_RESET_BINDINGS - Reset all bindings. If this flag is specified, all bindings will be reset to null before new bindings are set. By default all existing bindings are preserved.
  • BIND_SHADER_RESOURCES_UPDATE_UNRESOLVED - If this flag is specified, only unresolved bindings will be updated. All resolved bindings will keep their original values. If this flag is not specified, every shader variable will be updated if the mapping contains corresponding resource.
  • BIND_SHADER_RESOURCES_ALL_RESOLVED - If this flag is specified, all shader bindings are expected be resolved after the call. If this is not the case, debug error will be displayed.

BindResources() may be called several times with different resource mappings to bind resources. However, it is recommended to use one large resource mapping as the size of the mapping does not affect element search time.

The engine performs run-time checks to verify that correct resources are being bound. For example, if you try to bind a constant buffer to a shader resource view variable, an error will be output to the debug console.

Setting the Pipeline State and Invoking Draw Command

Before any draw command can be invoked, all required vertex and index buffers as well as the pipeline state should be bound to the device context:

// Clear render target
const float zero[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
m_pContext->ClearRenderTarget(nullptr, zero);

// Set vertex and index buffers
IBuffer *buffer[] = {m_pVertexBuffer};
Uint32 offsets[] = {0};
Uint32 strides[] = {sizeof(MyVertex)};
m_pContext->SetVertexBuffers(0, 1, buffer, strides, offsets, SET_VERTEX_BUFFERS_FLAG_RESET);
m_pContext->SetIndexBuffer(m_pIndexBuffer, 0);


Also, all shader resources must be committed to the device context. This is accomplished by the IDeviceContext::CommitShaderResources() method:


If the method is not called, the engine will detect that resources are not committed and output debug message. Note that CommitShaderResources() must be called after the right pipeline state has been bound to the context. Note that the last parameter tells the system to transition resources to the correct states. If this flag is not specified, the resources must be explicitly transitioned to the right states by a call to IDeviceContext::TransitionShaderResources():

m_pContext->TransitionShaderResources(m_pPSO, m_pSRB);

Note that the method requires pointer to the pipeline state that created the shader resource binding.

When all required states and resources are bound, IDeviceContext::Draw() can be used to execute draw command or IDeviceContext::DispatchCompute() can be used to execute compute command. Note that for a draw command, graphics pipeline must be bound, and for dispatch command, compute pipeline must be bound. Draw() takes DrawAttribs structure as an argument. The structure members define all attributes required to perform the command (primitive topology, number of vertices or indices, if draw call is indexed or not, if draw call is instanced or not, if draw call is indirect or not, etc.). For example:

DrawAttribs attrs;
attrs.IsIndexed = true;
attrs.IndexType = VT_UINT16;
attrs.NumIndices = 36;

DispatchCompute() takes DispatchComputeAttribs structure that defines compute grid dimensions:

DispatchComputeAttribs DispatchAttrs(64, 64, 8);

You can learn more about the engine API by looking at the engine samples' source code and the API Reference.

Low-level API interoperability

Diligent Engine extensively supports interoperability with underlying low-level APIs. The engine can be initialized by attaching to existing D3D11/D3D12 device or OpenGL/GLES context and provides access to the underlying native API objects. Refer to the following pages for more information:

Direct3D11 Interoperability

Direct3D12 Interoperability

OpenGL/GLES Interoperability


Diligent Engine on the Web

Diligent Engine on Twitter

Diligent Engine on Facebook

Diligent Engine Architecture

API Basics

API Reference

Version History

Current progress

  • Implemented hardware adapter & display mode enumeration in D3D11 and D3D12 modes
  • Implemented initialization in fullscreen mode as well as toggling between fullscreen and windowed modes in run time
  • Added sync interval parameter to ISwapChain::Present()
  • Fixed issues with relative paths in headers


New Features

  • Implemented PSO compatibility: if two pipeline states share the same shader resource layout, they can use SRB objects interchangeably.
  • Added IPipelineState::IsCompatibleWith(const IPipelineState *pPSO) method that returns true if two pipeline states are compatible.


  • Added MacOS and iOS support
  • Improved GLSL2HLSL converter to fix multiple issues on GLES


  • Removed legacy Visual Studio solution and project files
  • Added API reference


  • Refactored build system to use CMake
  • Added support for Linux platform


New Features


  • Interoperability with native API ** Accessing internal objects and handles ** Createing diligent engine buffers/textures from native resources ** Attaching to existing D3D11/D3D12 device or GL context ** Resource state and command queue synchronization for D3D12
  • Integraion with Unity
  • Geometry shader support
  • Tessellation support
  • Performance optimizations

HLSL->GLSL converter

  • Support for structured buffers
  • HLSL->GLSL conversion is now a two-stage process: ** Creating conversion stream ** Creating GLSL source from the stream
  • Geometry shader support
  • Tessellation control and tessellation evaluation shader support
  • Support for non-void shader functions
  • Allowing structs as input parameters for shader functions

v2.0 (alpha)

Alpha release of Diligent Engine 2.0. The engine has been updated to take advantages of Direct3D12:

  • Pipeline State Object encompasses all coarse-grain state objects like Depth-Stencil State, Blend State, Rasterizer State, shader states etc.

  • New shader resource binding model implemented to leverage Direct3D12

  • OpenGL and Direct3D11 backends

  • Alpha release is only available on Windows platform

  • Direct3D11 backend is very thoroughly optimized and has very low overhead compared to native D3D11 implementation

  • Direct3D12 implementation is preliminary and not yet optimized


Initial release


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

Copyright 2015-2018 Egor Yusov


This repository implements core functionality of Diligent Engine







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