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Project for TUM course: Datenbanksysteme und moderne CPU-Architekturen The submission commits are tagged. (Github release) If the current submission tag does not exist, I may have forgot, check out the last commit.

Build Dependencies

Build project on UNIX

Go into project root folder (terminal). Execute the following commands. (For validating assignments, check out the validating subitem of executing)

mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make all

(Optional: Substitute Debug as CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE)

Build project on Windows

Download Cmake GUI. Point Source directory to project root folder (the one containing this Readme). Point Build directory to project_root/buildwin Configure -> Generate

(Optional) Vagrant

Project contains vagrant file for quick Ubuntu VM creation. Download and install Vagrant + VirtualBox. Execute in project root.

vagrant up

Creates and Provisions an Ubuntu LTE 14.04 VM. Install necessary buildtools, syncs project root folder to /vagrant SSH connection can be started from the console with

vagrant ssh

Tested on

  • Windows 7, with Visual Studio 2015 (v140) (Cmake version 3.5.1)
  • Ubuntu LTE 14.04 VM, with gcc 4.8.4 (Cmake version 3.5.2)

Executing on Unix

All commands are executed from target build folder.

Validating Assignments

Note: Assignment 5 can be validated by running tests or by using the normal execution of the moderndb project Since some assignment validations files use asserts, use Debug build. To validate assignments configure the cmake project with an additional flag like this:

mkdir -p build && cd build
make all
./assignment2 <pagesOnDisk> <pagesInRAM> <threads>
./assignment4 <optional: n>

Can also skip single assignments by not adding the -DASSIGNX_VALID=ON flag. Note: Corresponding Assignment 3 unit-test is actually stricter/more challenging than the modified provided validation file.

Normal Execution

This starts up the database with some dummy data and executes a dummy query and prints out the dummy query to the console. The main file can be used as a testbed to play around with some queries.



Runs all tests with googletest. Beware, as running tests will wipe the database (including metadata), provided tests were run from the same folder as the database files. (IMPORTANT: This way you can also check a correct Assignment 2, 3, 4 and 5 output. However, tests appear to be slower on unix than direct console calls of the validation file (may just be the VM though))


Test compilation can be disabled by passing "-DCOMPILE_TESTS=OFF" as an additional flag to cmake


Course at TUM for Building Modern Databases






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