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This project is splitted into two big part. One part permit to realize a tracking from a velodyne device and the other part permit to analyse the behavior of the tracked drivers.

In all parts, the used datasets are provided by KITTI ([synced+rectified data]).


The code was tested using :

  • ROS Indigo, Libosmium library (2.6.1), PLplot library (5.11.1), dlib library (18.18), KFilter library (1.3) and glm on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
  • ROS Kinetic, Libosmium library (2.7.2), PLplot library (5.11.1), dlib library (19.0), KFilter library (1.3) and glm on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

If some problems occur to download the needed libraries it is possible to find a copy of each here.

Libosmium library

Libosmium is a fast and flexible C++ library for working with OpenStreetMap data. Also, Osmium is a header-only library, so there is nothing to build for the library itself.

To use it, you must install his important and extra dependencies and put his include folder into /include/osm/libosmium folder.

PLplot library

PLplot is a cross-platform software package for creating scientific plots. Here, the PLplot core library is used to create standard x-y plots.

To install this library, download or clone the package presents into the downloads section and follow the installation readme.

During the installation process, if you meet a problem with qt, qt which does not use into this project, you can fix that by a simply way. Go to plplot package folder. Then open /cmake/modules/drivers-init.cmake and change "OFF" by "ON" at this line :

  "Disable all qt devices by default (ON) or enable qt devices individually by default (OFF)"

dlib library

Dlib is a C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms and tools for creating complex software in C++ to solve real world problems. Here, only Support Vector Machines (SVM) methods are used.

To use it, download the sources from dlib website. Then, go into package folder and build the library. To do that, unfollow the installation process given by dlib and type these lines in the terminal :

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install

KFilter library

The code uses the KFilter library for the kalman filter implementation.

The CMakeLists.txt file assumes that the KFilter is installed in the default directory (/usr/local/lib).

To install this library, download the sources and follow "install.txt". Then go to /usr/local/lib and type : ranlib libkalman.a


OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) is a header only C++ mathematics library. To obtain it, enter this line in a terminal :

sudo apt-get install libglm-dev


osm-history-splitter-master is an external code which is used here to cut osm map in the purpore of improve calculation. To use it, go into /include/osm/osm-history-splitter-master and build it :

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

How to run

The code assumes that the KITTI datasets are stored in the datasets folder maintaining the KITTI folder structure.

For example:




Please see "parameters.yaml".


The code is split into two steps with two launch files:


Both these launch files need the input arguments "date" and "id" to specify the path. For example to run the above dataset.

roslaunch velodyne_tracking kitti2don.launch date:=2011_09_26 id:=5
roslaunch velodyne_tracking velodyne_tracking.launch date:=2011_09_26 id:=5

Additionally the argument "rviz:=false" can be added if you don't want to visualize the process in RVIZ. Also, if rviz is enable it will be possible to see the points cloud and the Bbox into a grayscale camera which takes place on the top of the car. To disable these options you can use : "img:=false", "bb:=false" and "point:=false".


The extracted paths are then saved to a csv file with the name "date-id.csv". With the example above it would be:


This default position can be changed by modifying the parameter "save_path" in the file parameters.yaml.

Output : file Structure

For each dataset a csv file is saved containing all the extracted paths, it is formatted as follows:

# oxts origin
"Line containing the first oxts measurements for that dataset, copy of /oxts/data/0000000000.txt."

# Track: 1
timestamp1, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, qx, qy, qz, qw, sx, sy, sz
timestamp2, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, qx, qy, qz, qw, sx, sy, sz
timestampN, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, qx, qy, qz, qw, sx, sy, sz

# Track: 2
timestamp1, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, qx, qy, qz, qw, sx, sy, sz
timestamp2, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, qx, qy, qz, qw, sx, sy, sz
timestampN, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, qx, qy, qz, qw, sx, sy, sz

where each value is defined as:

timestamp      : Time the position occurred, "year-month-day"
x              : the x position with oxts position as origin.
y              : the y position with oxts position as origin.
z              : the z position with oxts position as origin.
vx             : the velocity in x direction.
vy             : the velocity in y direction.
vz             : the velocity in z direction.
qx, qy, qz, qw : quaternion with specifying the rotation of the oriented bounding box.
sx             : width of the x direction of the oriented bounding box before translation.
sy             : width of the y direction of the oriented bounding box before translation.
sz             : width of the z direction of the oriented bounding box before translation.

Here the bounding box is defined as the side lengths (sx/sy/sz) of the box aligned with the x/y/z axis.

The position (x/y/z) and the quaternion (qx/qy/qz/qw) can then be combined into a transformation matrix to get the correct position.

Driver Behavior


This part uses the csv files provided by the precedent part (tracking). Moreover, it assumes that the csv files take place into datasets/csv folder.

For additional parameters, please see "driverBehaviorParameters.yaml".


Here, the code is launched by "driverBehavior.launch". The launch file need the default input arguments "date" and "id" to specify the path of the desired dataset. For example :

roslaunch velodyne_tracking driverBehavior.launch date:=2011_09_26 id:=5

This default call launch an intensive process which is cutting of the big OSM map. In reality for the same dataset, you need to cut the map just one time. To disable this option when you use the same set several time, use "cut:=false" from the second call.

Then, it is possible to use three more parameters :

  • "obj" which specifies the id of the desired object that you want analyse.
  • "path" which specifies the idx of the desired path that you want analyse for the selected obj.
  • "veloP" which specifies the idx if the desired velocity profile that you want analyse for the selected obj and selected path.


In this part, there is not output file. But, during the process, there is possible to see some informations in the terminal and in the different plots. Also, at the end of process, the result of driver behavior analysed is write in the terminal.


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