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A Light-weight Read-Only Column Store

How to build:

1. Install Fedora 17 (The current version is build on Fedora 17)

2. Open SSH: 
	1. # systemctl start sshd.service   
	2. # systemctl enable sshd.service 
	3. # iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
	4. # iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 5901 -j ACCEPT
	5. # iptables-save

3. VNC Server:
	1. # yum install tigervnc-server
	2. cp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service  /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:1.service
	3. Change the parameter: ExecStart=/sbin/runuser -l vincezk -c "/usr/bin/vncserver :1 -geometry 1024x768 -depth 24"
	4. # sudo systemctl daemon-reload
	5. # sudo systemctl enable vncserver@:1.service
	6. # sudo systemctl start  vncserver@:1.service

4. gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power lid-close-ac-action 'nothing'
5. yum -y install binutils
6. yum install gcc
7. yum -y install wget
8. yum install gcc-c++ libstdc++-devel -y
9. yum -y install flex
10. yum -y install ctags
11. yum -y install ctags-etags
12. yum -y install anjuta

	1. # yum -y install automake
	2. # yum -y install intltool
	3. # yum -y install libtool
	4. # yum -y install glib
	5. # yum install glib2-devel

13. yum -y install bison
14. install Berkeley DB

	1. cd /db-4.2.52/build_unix
	2. modify dist/configure according to i50696-berkeleydb.diff (see Appendix)
	3. ../dist/configure --prefix=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.2   --enable-cxx
	4. make
	5. make install
	6. vi /etc/, add berkeley DB and LZO lib
	7. su root ldconfig
	8. Verify "g++ -o T test.cpp -L. -ldb -lpthread" 

15. install LZO

	1. cd /LRCS/lzo-1.08
	2. ./configure --prefix=/GDB/lzo-1.08 --enable-shared
	3. make
	4. make install
	5. vi /etc/, add  LZO lib
	6. su root ldconfig
	7. cp lzo-1.08/include/*.* /usr/include/

16. Build LRCS 

	1. cd /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.2
	2. ln -s /usr/lib/   (,
	3. cd /LRCS/src
	4. modify build/makefile.init: CC:=$(WTF) g++ -w -fpermissive
	5. modify codes to compatible new C++ compiler

		1. add "using namespace std;"
		2. add #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> .......
		3. Case { }
		4. Main.cpp: if (line.size()>1)
      line = StringUtil::ltrim(line, whitespace);

	6. modify src/ etags -l c++ - <SRCS     etags --languages-force=c++ -L - <SRCS
	7. make


* Find a way to type SQL in command:
      ./cstoreqptest 1 test.cnf global.cnf      follow the steps to type SQL
      ./cstoreqptest 0 qa.cnf global.cnf 

* Pass a SQL string to a method:
     Add a method in file /parser/lexer.l and /parser/lexer.cpp

Berkeley DB Installation Test:

    gcc test.c -ggdb -I/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.2/include/ -L/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.2/lib/ -ldb -lpthread -o test.out


LRCS/data: contains all data files (that were received when you did make data)
LRCS/Build: contains all build related files for project. Contains makefile.init which contains some of the important makefile flags used when compiling LRCS
LRCS/RuntimeData: all BerkeleyDB data files will be put in this directory
LRCS/src: root code source code directory. Also contains test.cnf and global.cnf which are described below.
LRCS/src/UnitTests: contains the unit tests that can be run via test.cnf
LRCS/src/AM: contains interface classes of LRCS with BerkeleyDB, currently also contains the catalog code
LRCS/src/TM: contains code for the tuple mover
LRCS/src/Util: contains some useful files for the project (e.g. an output logger, a stopwatch, and a HashMap)
LRCS/src/Operators: contains all operator code for LRCS
LRCS/src/Writers: contains all Block Writers for each compression type
LRCS/src/Wrappers: contains datasources, blocks, encoders, and decoders for each compression type
LRCS/src/common: contains some source code used by all parts of C-Store


Lightweight Readonly Column Store






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