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This is a demo with Iotivity 1.0.0 on several different platforms includes
1. An Iotivity demo server on Arduino Due with Grove starter kit
2. An Iotivity demo server on Raspberry Pi 2 with GrovePi python server
3. An Iotivity demo gateway (both client and server) which is able to run on ARM v7 platforms or on just on a PC

The Iotivity demo gateway can find the demo servers on the same local network and send/receive requests, 
and it's also an Iotivity server which is able to be found by other Iotivity client such as Android based Iotivity client

Please notice that the iotivity-1.0.1/extlibs/boost/ is too big to push to github, 
if you need to compile with it, please download from iotivity website manually.

The following are the build instructions and hardware configurations.

Arduino with Grove starter kit (
  Hardware configurations
    1. Arduino Due board

    2. Plug Grove on Arduino Due

    3. Connect Grove sensors to Grove board
         Grove Buzzer:             D2
         Grove Button:             D3
         Grove Serno:              D6
         Grove LED:                D7
         Grove Touch:              D8
         Grove Temperature sensor: A0
         Grove Sound sebsor:       A1
         Grove Light sensor:       A2
         Grove Angle sensor:       A3
         Grove RGB LCD:            SDA1, SCL1
              The second TWI interface on Arduino Due needs to add a 1.5k pullup resister to SDA1 and SCL1 to make it work,
              please see the second_I2C_LCD.jpg.
              For the first TWI, the pullup resister is build-in on the board, no need to add it.

    4. Plug Arduino ethernet shield on Grove

  Build instructions
    1. Setup environment
       source ./env-setup

    2. Build iotivity with arduino-1.5.7

    3. Build the demo server only
       ./ build demoserver

    4. Program the demoserver to Arduino Due board
       ./ program demoserver

    5. The demo server is located in iotivity-1.0.0/resource/csdk/stack/samples/arduino/SimpleClientServer/demoserver

Raspberry Pi 2 with GrovePi (
  Hardware configurations
    1. Raspberry Pi 2

    2. Plug GrovePi on Raspberry Pi 2

    3. Connect GrovePi sensors to GrovePi board
         GrovePi Button:                          D3
         GrovePi Red LED:                         D4
         GrovePi Green LED:                       D5
         GrovePi Blue LED:                        D6
         GrovePi Temperature and Humidity sensor: D7
         GrovePi Buzzer:                          D8
         GrovePi Light sensor:                    A0
         GrovePi Sound sensor:                    A1
         GrovePi LCD:                             I2C-2
         GrovePi Ultrasonic sensor:               D2

  Build instructions
    1. Build Iotivity on Raspberry Pi 2, please copy iotivity-demo to Raspberry Pi 2 and setup environment
       source ./env-setup

    2. Install packages for building iotivity
       sudo apt-get install scons git-core ssh g++ python-dev autotools-dev libicu-dev build-essential libbz2-dev
                            libboost-thread1.55-dev libboost-all-dev uuid-dev pkg-config libglib2.0-dev libssl-dev

    3. Install packages for accessing GrovePi
       sudo apt-get install python-smbus python-setuptools python-pip
       sudo pip install RPi.GPIO

    4. Build demoserver and democlient

    5. The demoserver is located in iotivity-1.0.0/out/linux/armeabi-v7a-hard/release/resource/examples/demoserver

    6. Start the python server to read/write sensors and devices
       sudo python2.7 python_server/

    6. Start demoserver

On an armv7 board (on Mediatek 7623 with Ubuntu Snappy Core)
    1. Copy the democlient built on Raspberry Pi 2 and Iotivity libraries to Mediatek 7623.

    2. Start the demo gateway

On regular PC
  Build instructions
    1. Build Iotivity democlient on PC

    2. The democlient will write sensor data to InfluxDB through curl, so install it first
       sudo apt-get install curl

    3. Run demo gateway
       iotivity-1.0.0/out/linux/${ARCH}/resource/examples/democlient ${InfluxDB_IP_address} ${Host_IP_address}

Build Android library
Currently the TARGET_ARCH supports armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86 and x86_64


iotivity demo on ubuntu core 15






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