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2 dimensional and 3 dimensional vectors|

The vector twos contain an X and a Y.

Normalize normalizes the x and the Y.

 Dot Product
The Dot Product will calculate the dot product of the given numbers.

The Magnitude function finds the magnitude of the given numbers.

 Operators +, -, *, =
The code including operators allows for basic math (addition, subtraction, multiplication, equals).
In my case the equals operator allows for some lineancy when it comes to decimal numbers. If the number
is within a certain range of the answer, it will be considered correct.

 Linear interpolation(lerp)
This function preforms the linear interpolation math.

Vector 3 contains an x, y, and a z.
The vector3 contains everything the Vector2 has, but includes a third coordinate (z) in the math.

Preforms the cross product between two vectors.

Matrix 3x3 and 4x4

 Orthographic Projesction
Only included in 4x4, OrthoProj preforms the orthographic projection math for the project.

Finds the scale for both 3x3 and 4x4 matrices.

 Create rotation
The rotation functions in the 3x3 and 4x4 preform rotation math for the matrices.

 Transform vector
Handles vector transformation in both 3x3 and 4x4 matrices.

 Matrix multiplication
Allows for multiplication between matrices.

Vector 4
Handles normilization for Vector 4s. 

Constructs a vector 4 out of a hexadecimal color value.

Common math Functionality

 Linear interpolation(lerp)
Handles Linear interpolation for scalar values

 Degrees and Radians conversions
Allows for conversion from Degrees to Radians, and from Radians to Degress.

 The power of Two
Tests if scalar values are a power of two, and if not, shifts to the nearest power of two.

 Bitwise operations
handles bitwise calculations.


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