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Convert from Qt4 signal/slot syntax to the new Qt5 style


Packages for openSUSE 13.2 and openSUSE Tumbleweed are available at, otherwise you will have to build from source.

Assuming you have the development files for clang and Qt5 installed the following commands should produce a valid installation:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install


convert2qt5signalslot -p <path-to-json-compile-db> <source-file>

The JSON compilation Database can be created using e.g. cmake -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMMANDS=1.

It will overwrite your source files so make a backup or have them in a VCS!

NOTE: It should actually allow passing more than one source file, but then for some reason the replacements are not actually performed, only the matches are list. I don't know whether this is an issue with my code, or whether it is a clang issue

To convert a whole source tree you can use the following command: find <dir> -iname '*.cpp' -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -P4 convert2qt5signalslot -p <path-to-json-compile-db>

The -n1 makes sure that only one file is converted by each convert2qt5signalslot process, since one compiler error will make conversions in all other files fail. The -P4 options ensures that 4 processes are run in parallel. Adapt this to the number of cores you have. Having the -print0 option with find and the -0 with xargs makes sure that paths with spaces and other special characters are handled properly.

Known problems

###stddef.h not found

This should be fixed in the current version since "<CLANG_LIBRARY_DIR>/clang/<CLANG_VERSION_STRING>/include" gets added to the include paths automatically.

It will break if you compile convert2qt5signalslot on one system and then run it on another where CLANG_LIBRARY_DIR does not match.

In order to fix this you should make sure that the compiler builtin headers are found in <path-to-tool-binary>/../lib/clang/<version>/include. If that is not the case you can do e.g. ln -s /usr/lib64/clang $PREFIX/lib/clang. Note that clang tools always search in lib even if the distribution uses lib64 (This has been fixed in SVN recently).


Convert from Qt4 signal/slot syntax to the new Qt5 style







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