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0 - Norm

0 - SHLVL=2 ???

? - if arguments to command contain ';', an error will occur

FIXED - ft_strequ might be able to be improved

FIXED - SEGFAULT - two or more consecutive ';' ("echo ;;")

FIXED - Error when (multi?) command ends with semi-colon

FIXED - 'inner' quotes don't work

FIXED? - Memory leaks. Check within functions pertaining to semicolon funcs and sort quote funcs

FIXED - quote chars placed directly after a closing quote will be printed [echo "Cheese"'' = prints: Cheese'']

FIXED - quotes not separated by a space are considered part of the string [echo Cheese'' = prints: Cheese''] [SEE: msh_sort_quote.c -> get_sorted() -> wstart + wend] [? set_start_end() ?]

FIXED - single quote before string will print string [echo "Cheese = prints: Cheese] [echo "Cheese '' = prints: Cheese '']

FIXED - single quote after string will print string and quote [echo Cheese" = prints: Cheese"]

0 - a string after a quoted string will be separated by a spce [echo "Cheese"Crackers = prints: Cheese Crackers] [It should print: CheeseCrackers]

0 - a string before a quoted string will result in the quotes remaining [echo Cheese"Crackers" = prints: Cheese"Crackers"] [It should print: CheeseCrackers]

0 - [echo "Cheese" and = SEGFAULT] (with or without a trailing space) (only if "Cheese" is quoted)

0 - cd'ing does not work for . and/or -

0 - NORME: msh_sort_quote.c -> set_start_end() has 5 parameters, only 4 allowed msh_sort_quote.c -> get_sorted() has 28 lines

FIXED - function line length, headers! - msh_sort_quote.c - msh_sort_quote() - Lines - Variables - wdcnt() - Lines - FIXED - msh_cmd_split.c - msh_cmd_split() - Variables - FIXED

FIXED - incomplete words will still run command with closest match - (exi - will run exit)

//////////// GIT BRANCHES //////////// 0 - quote2 merged into master 0 - master-bkp is a backup of master (after quote2 merge) (22-05-2017)

/////// MYTRACE ///////

0 - SEMI-COLON ENDING TRACE: (FOUND!) - file: minishell.c - function: msh_cmd_split() - file: msh_cmd_split.c - function: msh_cmd_split()

0 - COMPLICATIONS WHEN USING MULTI-COMMANDS !!!! - start at handle_multi_command -? - msh_cmd_split? - MANUAL_TRACE: (FOUND!) - (1) - file: msh_sort_quote.c - function: msh_sort_quote() - variable: input; - (2) - file: minishell.c - function: handle_multi_command() - variable: args;/cmds->content; - (3) - file: msh_cmd_split.c - function: msh_cmd_split() - (???) - (error in msh_cmd_split?)


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