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Profiler provides detailed information about how long each function takes to execute and how many times it is called. Additionally it can build a call graph based on the collected information.


Get latest binaries for Windows and Linux here.


Profiler settings can be changed via the following server.cfg options:

  • profile_gamemode <0|1>

    Toggle gamemode profiling. Default is 0.

  • profile_filterscripts <name1> <name2> ...

    A list of filter scripts to be profiled.

  • profile_format <format>

    Set statistics output format. This can be one of: html (default), xml, txt.

    NOTE for html: it is possible to sort stats by clicking on column names!!

  • call_graph <0|1>

    Toggle call graph generation. Default is 0.

  • call_graph_format <format>

    Set call graph format. Currently only dot is supported (can be viewed in GraphViz).