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libSPRITE is a set of libraries that have been used on several past projects including flight, technology demonstration, and simulation projects. libSPRITE provides a diverse set of functions to attempt to simplify coding and reduce code errors. For example, libSPRITE defines engineering units as types (i.e., Meters or Radians instead of double …



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To install, type make install as root.

This will copy headers files to /usr/local/include/SPRITE/ and static library to /usr/local/lib/SPRITE by default.

To uninstall, type make uninstall as root.

Lua Paths

libSPRITE assumes the Lua headers are install in /usr/local/include. Some distributions place it elsewhere. You can change where the Makefile looks for the Lua include files by specifying the LUA_INCLUDE variable in the arguments to make.

ex.: make LUA_INCLUDE=/usr/include/lua5.2

You can also change the number of Lua library to link to by setting the LUA_LIB variable.

#Testing 'make test' will build the unit tests for this package. You must have cppunit installed to compile and run the unit tests. After compiling, run './run_test' to execute the unit tests. You will have to run as root to execute all test cases.

NOTE: You must start from a clean systems ('make clean') before running 'make test'. Otherwise, some tests that depend on compile time assertions will fail.

#Makefile Overrides By default, libSPRITE sends output to stdout and stderr for info, warnings, and errors. To supress these messages, you can specifiy -DNO_PRINT_INFO -DNO_PRINT_WARNING -DNO_PRINT_ERROR. The best way to do that is by appending to these options to the USER_CFLAGS. For example:


There are also overides for CPPFLAGS (USER_CPPFLAGS) and LDFLAGS (USER_LDFLAGS).


libSPRITE is a set of libraries that have been used on several past projects including flight, technology demonstration, and simulation projects. libSPRITE provides a diverse set of functions to attempt to simplify coding and reduce code errors. For example, libSPRITE defines engineering units as types (i.e., Meters or Radians instead of double …






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  • C++ 90.1%
  • Lua 6.9%
  • C 1.7%
  • Other 1.3%