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This file is part of calo-preproc package
Author: André Rabello dos Anjos <>

$Id: README,v 1.7 2000/08/21 20:08:30 andre Exp $


The aim of this package is to provide the user with tools (ANSI-C functions)
for analysing dumps of calorimeter digis in ASCII format, as defined by ATLAS
Level 2 Trigger at CERN. This formatting is used to store, digitized data
(found on ROBs) and probable L2 features found after L2 processing that could
be used as a debugging parameters.

The ASCII format is defined in C by a library called 'spec'. This library
demands a description file, not too complex, that is located in the 'src'
subdir named 'data.spec'. Such a description is the standard description
available at CERN by J.Baines. You're *not* advised to change it unless you
know exactly what you're doing. It resumes all trigger variables one can find
necessary for Level 1/2 processing. You can browse Baine's page on datafiles
and formats from:

All programs using the spec library must be compiled against the file

Besides that, I've create the calorimeter library, which is composed of simple
functions that perform simple things like arranging the digis into trigger
towers and summing energies. Some processing methods like Uniformization and Et
evaluation are also included as functions with simple calls. For that library I
had to create some special types as well. They are mostly for internal library
use, with exceptions, and you shouldn't have to bore a lot with those.  If you
intend to use such functions you will have to compile your programs against
'libcalo.a' as well.

You can find the latest version of this library at my web site. For now, I only
have CVS access through the web for viewing, but a solution may be thought of
and package availability should be ok sometime in a near future. Till there you
can request me the latest version of the package at In
order to access the web repository, you can point your browser to:

To make it easy for you, I've built an application that fully utilizes all
aspects of those 2 libraries ('calo' and 'spec') and can preprocess ASCII Data
Files in order to dump preprocessed RoIs for later analysis. Normalization,
checking, arranging and output formatting are provided automatically by using
run time options.

Directory Tree

The directory tree is composed of (<root> is the directory where you installed
the distribution):

<root>/doc - figures that explain some characteristics of libcalo or the main

<root>/src - source files for the main application

<root>/include - the headers for the sources on <root>/src

<root>/dist/calo - the files for the calorimeter library. This tree is divided

<root>/dist/calo/src - source files for the calorimeter library
<root>/dist/calo/include - header files for the calorimeter library
<root>/dist/calo/mk - configuration options for the calorimeter library

<root>/dist/spec - the files for the specification library. This tree is 
	           divided into:
<root>/dist/spec/include - headers for the spec library
<root>/dist/spec/src - source code for the spec library

<root>/utils - a set of utilities, sed files and others for your work.

Building and installing

Very easy:

1) Unpack the distribution

gzip -c calo-preproc-X.X.tar.gz | tar xvf -


tar xvfz CaloASCII-tester.tar.gz (if your tar executable suports this
				  simplified operation)

2) Edit the central Makefile. Change the WORKDIR variable to point to your
current distribution directory.

cd calo-preproc; vi Makefile

3) Build

make all

This should be enough to compile the spec and calo libraries and build a small
application that can do some nice tricks with the ascii files, as I explained
before. Such application is called 'preproc'. You can do

./preproc -h

In order to get some processing options.

You can build another application as well, called 'testfile'. This application
can test an specific RoI for errors at the digis fields. This job may be
important if you're not sure of the reliability of you file. Just do:

make testfile

You can do

./testfile -h to see what you can do with it.

The installation procedures seem simple, but there is a caveat: The calo
library depends on the building of the data specification objects, which in
turn depends on the building of the spec library. This way, in order to build
the calo library, one needs to build the spec library previously, then the
header and source files of the specification files. This is handled by the root
Makefile, but *NOT* by the dist/calo/makefile. It can be tricky if you want to
build the calo library separetely. In order to do that, go to the distribution
root and do:

make depend
make calo

Ok, I think that's it for installation.

Data Files repository

Currently the files are being extracted from hbooks (CW Ntuples) containing all
the simulation data. There are repositories at CERN, but I've mirrored them to
my lab ( For now, there's no automatic way to get those, like
through the web. Anyhow you can e-mail me if you need those.

You can get a listing of what I have from:

As a matter of fact you can get the files through this web interface. But if
you're closer to me (in Brazil or else), perhaps it's quicker mailling me.

That's it for now. Have fun, if you can.



Preprocessing tools for Calorimetry Analysis at ATLAS






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