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Brett Gurman and Margaret Feltz

Class TAs

All of um is correctly implemented. Our unit tests do not work because we
failed to create an interface that correctly printed instructions.

Implementation is slightly different from design, no instrseq interface, 
instruction packing handled in main.


The key to our architecture is the abstractions responsible for the registers
and the address space, how we represented out segments, and the method through
 which we implemented remapping old IDs. At the top level is the UM_machine
 struct, which contains the address space, the registers, the program counter
 and the number of instructions in the program segment. The address space
 contains the mapped segments, which are a sequence of segments, the list of
 reusable IDs, which is a sequence of UM_segment_IDs, and the ID counter. The
 registers and the segments are uarrays. 

Instructions are read in at the beginning into a segment which is mapped as
segment 0. Once all instructions are read, the program begins running in 
individual cycles. During each cycle, the next instruction is processed and

In order to reuse IDs, we stored all IDs that are unmapped from a previously 
mapped state in a sequence, and kept track of the first never used ID. Any time
a segment was mapped, the reusable IDs sequence was checked; if it was 
non-empty, the first id was used. If it was empty, the new ID was mapped as the
first never mapped ID, and the counter was incremented.

Midmark, which runs 80 million instructions, takes approximately 23 seconds.
80,000,000/23 == ~3,478,260 We run just under 3.5 million instructions per

6 hours

6 hours

30 hours


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